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Recenze (1 028)


Black Widow (2021) 

Are you okay? Fantastic. Put your seat belt on. You are such a mom. Crysis. Tydle hroty chci taky. Fighting mirror. Collateral damage (kolektivní vina). What you experienced was psychological conditioning. I m talking about chemically altering brain functions. They are two completely different things. You are fully conscious, but you dont know which part is you. Maybe one in 20 survives the training, becomes a widow. The rest, he kills. We are just things. Weapons with no face that he can just throw away. Bcs there is always more. Did you ever wish for kids? I want a dog. This would be a cool way to die. Little Natasha, all indoctrinated into the Western agenda. Yelena, you went on to become the greatest child assassin the world has ever known. No one can match your efficiency, your ruthlessness. And you, Natasha, not just a spy, not just toppling regimes, destroying empires from within, but an Avenger. You both have killed so many ppl. Your ledgers must be dripping, just gushing red. I couldnt be more proud of you. You cant defeat a man who commands the very will of others. You never saw the culmination of what we started in America. You named a pig after me? You dont see the resemblance? We stole the key to unlocking free will. The world functions on a higher level when it is controlled (cože). Dreykov has chemically subjugated agents planted around the globe. Na to, že to je bolševická propaganda, si docela sere do vlastního hnízda - když otevřeně popisuje svoje metody. Problém je, že tomu nikdo nevěří, nevidí v tom ani paralelu se skutečným světem. You were selected by a program that assessed the genetic potential in infants (chosen ones). I was taken? I believe a bargain was struck, your family paid off. Red Room. Pain only make us stronger. Put that thing in her you do. You know, chemicals. Turn her into one of your pigs. I have rats in the basement. There is something you can break. The real war was fought here, in the shadows. You didnt fight in the shadows. You hid in the dark. If nobody noticed, then why even do it? I dont need to impress anyone. These world leaders, these great men, they answer to me and my widows. I recycle the trash. And i give them purpose. Its my network of widows that help me control the scales of power. One command, the oil and stock markets crumble. One command, and a quater of the planet will starve. My widows can start and end wars (řízený chaos). They can make and break kings. I can finally come out of the shadows using the only natural resource that the world has too much of. Girls. All from that little console? Make your own choices now. Vaše own choices nás/vás dovedly tam, kde jste ted. Vtipný je, že si pořád myslíte, že todle je ten perfektní systém. We are both upside down. Verbal má zajímavý postřehy, ale sám žije v jiné době. Todle není bolševická propaganda, ale nacistická. Supervojáku jsou plné americké základny po celém světě. Feminismus měl jen rozbít společnost a nasměrovat ji tímto směrem - aby nakonec samy padly za obět lepších zítřku.


Chaos (2021) 

Je to Daisy, není to Daisy? Jaká je pravděpodobnost, aby tady byly dvě podobný holky? Postavu má stejnou, akorát je na blond. Jo, to je její držka. A terrible way against the native species. They overran our colony and they killed all the women. To jí radši neřikej. Řekni pravdu, že vám lezli na nervy. Men must kill her. I have never seen girl before. Girls are scary. Cant trust girls (přečtu si originál). An angel descended from the heavens to bring forth judgment. The angel is here to punish us. Truth demands a martyr. Dont girls ever get tired? If one of us falls, we all fall. You cant control me. I m the circle and the circle is you. The rain fell and the fleeds came and the winds beat against the house. And great was his fall. Wish I could remember which color scales mean poisonous. You might not like my dog (legend). So your solution to everything is just to kill it (přesně). The mayors a woman (a negr). Hlavně, že mu řikal, at neřiká, odkud je. Jediná informace! You hide your noise like a woman (tak to nebylo od negra moc genderově vyvážený). Weaknes rots from within. Thank you for seremon. What are you doing? Taking a bath, why? In your clothes? Na chobotnici se svlíkne (to jsem nepobral) a do vany jde oblečenej. If I dont contact them soon, they might move on to the next system and I will be stranded. I hope they dont land, and shes stuck here. Kdyby řekl fuck me, tak bych tu její přehnanou reakci pochopil. Only Noise could be light inn the darkness. You are going to be tall, strong, and handsome. The ladies of New World wount know what hit them (a hlavně chitrej). Nebude se pelešit se psem jako každej kripl dneska. The men cant stand women knowing everything about them (proto s tím tak praštila), and them not knowing anythin about us (ženy jsou předvídatelný). They have given all us women a curfew (kde to bylo). The men are turning on us. Women dont have Noise bcs we have got no souls (přesně tak se chovají, bezpáteřní svině). Judgment is coming, clear as day (a přece to nikdo nevidí). If things go wrong, keep searching for hope (ta vám nepomuže). Thats her last entry. The men killed the women (ze cti). The law says any man we catch gets the rope. Funny. I didnt see young Todd out on the gallows as we rode in. Read my mind. Dovol, abych se zasmál. The hell happened? She kicked his ass. We tried, but it was chaos. Dobře si ji zapamatoval. Já bych si dokázal vybavit asi jen její zadek! To je zkurvenej čokl! Přesně to mě napadlo, že pujde zachránit čokla místo ní. Slepá větev evoluce. Be a man. Its just a dog. Nebreč, dojdeš si do množírny pro novýho čokla (nebo taky ne). I am baptized with fire. Atone. You are not a killer. Its just not in your blood. You taught those men to kill. Bcs you couldnt stand the thought of all those women (kurviček, co žijou v polygamii) seeing you for what you really are. A coward.


Jolt (2021) 

Everyone wants to be normal. But no one wants to be ordinary. Most of the time Lindy seems quite normal. But buried deep in her DNA she has a gift. Some call it a condition, or even worse, a disorder, thats just waiting to be activated. When ppl do bad things, Lindy cannot control herself. Maybe if she had that normal loving family, she could have been extraordinary. But, just like Lindy, mommy and daddy had their own demons. Whatever it was, Lindy never got the love she needed. Instead, she got angrier and angrier, and her disorder got worse and worse. And than her parents got her diagnosis. The doctors called it Intermittent Explosive Disorder. She could not live safely in the world and no one could be safe around her. Dostanete, co zasloužíte. A žádná jiná svině na tom nemuže nic změnit. So to live at all, she would have to live alone, isolated from others till the cure could be found. Lindy had a hair trigger. Once provoked, she would snap. Until she could gain control, she was no use to anyone. You would think they would learn not to piss her off. Není to její dcera? Ani tam ji nechtěj. To mi něco připomíná - nedával by moc pozor na svoje kamarády. Ideální týlovej voják. Ale zase neslyší. I think you forgot something. Your manners. Jé, to bych chtěl mít taky. Doufám, že má náhradní, kdyby jedno ztratila. You dont have to disaster date story? I dont date to much. I hate ppl. Ppl who talk with their mouth full and ppl who chew too loudly (Books of Blood). I cant stand ppl who walk too slow. Or tell you to have a nice day. Like, fuck off, I might not want a nice day. Mi něco povídej o synchronicitě. Došly baterky? No a kdo vám tedka přinese to kuře? I have an unnaturally high level of cortisol, so my emotions are running high all the time. Would you like me to drill a hole in your head to release the demons? Answer to all of your problems is close human connection (radši ne). Penis is not gonna fix me. No já myslím, že bysme to měli aspon vyzkoušet. See you next week. Yeah, I cant wait. Ted jsem skončil hodinu terapie (téma rozsudek). Life is about connection. Jste propojený na mým seznamu. Unlimited minutes and data. Be your own boss and own your space. I used to work in security. So you know your way around a pair of handcuffs? Less BDSM, more bouncer in a crappy bar. Vyhazovač má střetum předcházet, ne je vyvolávat.  Its not about size. Then what is it? Other things, like speed and endurance, fearlessness. I have to warn you, I m really crap at dating. How bad could you be? I m not scared of you. Not really used to being called cute (přezdívka). Well you are when you let your guard down. I hate washing up. I have got impulse control problem. Yoga, meditation, extreme sports. Picked up lots of useless skills. I dont see anything wrong with you (X-Men). It was warm and romantic and filthy. I think its temporary euphoria. Potřebuje najít smysl života - zlikvidovat tu verbež kolem sebe. I m not your friend. I m your psychiatrist. Homicide. Tak to nasere. Let me embrace you and comfort your grieving vagina. If you go down that path, you are never ever going to get better. Tak to si nemyslím. Co o tom takovej zmrd vlastně muže vědět? How much I owe you? Trust me, you cant afford me. I like a man who challenges me. Just like a woman, straight for the nuts. Allergic to latex. You are no fun. Pretty much untouchable. Oh, I m gonna touch him. Hard. And a lot. And not in a way hes gonna enjoy. Mr. Delacroix. You are fired. The tone. I had like four Red Bulls on the way here. I treat you different bcs you are different. Ugly and boring. What a winning combination. Do you know what exsanguination means? The drainage of ones blood. What are you covered in? Is it that time of the month? Well, it turns out all you needed was to be fucked. What happened to living by the rules? Some rules are better than others. What, does this mean I m not going to jail (Books of Blood)? You are going to jail, sweetie. I start over I guess. No more blind dates. Lots of creeps out there. You have done well under our care. You have spent yrs being forced to repress your anger. Now you have seen how powerful you can be when you embrace your rage. Through our work you will learn to harness your rage and target the right ppl. Humans are the most powerful undetectable weapons.


Kate (2021) 

Osaka. Listen to your elders. Hrála v prequelu Věc - Počátek. Theres a kid. No a co? Stejně z nich vyrostou stejný mrtky jako jste vy. Jo vona neměla sejmout tu pyču. Tak co furt řešila? Kdo by vlastně chtěl zabít dítě! We have one simple rule, no kids! A pak skončí samy bezdětné. Se psem z utulku. Zachranují planetu! The worst way to start a conversation is a "Hey." Its boring, its dull. Its for horses. Stephen. Tak to šlo rychle. Time to leave. Zkurvenej kovid. Zrovna jsem si řikal, že používaj zastaralý metody eliminace cíle. 11/17 (11:40). I m your handler now. That makes me your mother, your father, your best friend and your therapist. ARS (Acute Radiation Syndrome). To je lepší než hodinu. Kdyby měl profesionální zabiják / nájemnej vrah poslední den života, tak by to asi pořádně roztočil. Kanako. S krátkejma vlasama vypadá divně. Měla si to nechat po ramena. SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC PLAING Now you can join your father, you little half-race bitch. Náká nasraná. Asi má dost náboju. Boom Boom Lemon (synthetic shit). You are so cool but you are also a Terminator, bitch. Your concern is to stay whale until I leave. You may do to me what you must. Cellular tracking. I can see exactly where Renji is and where he will be. We dont go against family, against our own ppl! Wakatta! Ten Varrick to na ni hraje od začátku. Jinak by ho taky otrávili. A hraje to dobře - že si toho všimnou všichni kromě jí. Ale proč by se zbavoval svýho nejlepšího zabijáka? I dont know what she looks like. She was like you, I bet. Tall and pretty. No shit from no dudes. Just doing what she wants all the time. You are young. You have time to forget. Be someone less angry. Take control of your own life. Poisoned, the ghost of Oiwa, returns to avenge her death. You are an instrument. The Western disease spreading (discotheque) like cancer within of mine. Renji (těsně vedle, cože)? They could notallow you to live to tell the tale. Hi! Get lost. I thought I had the coolest bracelets. I realize now, you have the coolest bracelets. I have a gun, you know. Your parents raised you right. You expect loyalty, but we are getting what we deserve (American Assassin). But Varrick… a smug Westerner. Its their way to tke and take until theres nothing left. To gorge on cultures they dont understand and then evacuate their bowels on the rest od the world. Now you are dying for his sins. I know as an old man burdened by his mistakes that my biggest regret is abandoning the one innocent soul when she needed me the most. I have to finish something. Death is the time (limit) for the beginnings. To se pleteš. Mrtví nechválí už Hospodina, nikdo z těch, kdo sestupují v říši ticha. A čekají na poslední soud. Spí ve smrti. We deserve the comeuppance and I am ready to atone. Že se nevykuchal. Najednou se trefila! Eště není konec. Are you gonna let that pain overwhelm you? Control you? Maybe you can embrace it. And let it empower you. Key word, "if." You know what? You blundered, I blundered. Maybe we do our best to put this behind us. In th ename of being human. I prefer self-interst. I trust it more. Trust was not a part of the deal. Neither is friendship. Welcome to the Yakuza. The shoot bought me another hour. It will be an hour in hell. Todle nakonec asi zaslouží čtyřky z těch všech silnejch žen na plátně. I am the future. Things are different now. Jasně! MUFFLED GUNSHOTS Indispensable parts of a system. That you created and controlled. A necessary system. One that cannot accommodate dissent (nekomformní). My life wasnt mine. Until now. Ten konec jsem viděl. Možná jsem se na něj podíval hned, jak jsem to stáhnul - ale to bych si pamatoval. Nabíjení 45 cal z UMP do komory a ted ten výstřel. Great shot. Jasně, do břicha - osobní. Ta limonáda ji ještě zachrání - stoprocentně. Tak ne. Mary Elizabeth Winstead (Kate - prej jak se jmenovala)


Kyslík (2021) 

Někomu asi chyběl rozpočet. Pro to nenatáhli na tři hodiny?


Modrá až na kost (2021) (seriál) 

1 Jaktože už cvičí? Neměla se nejdřív nasrat? Přesně takhle jsem si představoval začátek, cestou do školy. Přišlo mi to uplně blbý. Nějaký zadejchaný. You should expect that from gangsters daughter. Co budou říkat moje děti? Dont call back. You are dead to me now. Záleží jí na něm. Tak vona mu řekne, že jsou tam fízlové, a on tam jede. Kdyby šel aspon pěšky. Leda že by je oddělal. To je pyčus, s tím nožem by ho udělal dřív, než by zvednul revolver s takovýdle blízkosti. Pak jí tam zamknul, když o ní nejevili zájem. Přitom mu mohla zachránit život! Ale jo, dobrej nápad. Hey, dont kick her in the face! If you want to die, there are better ways to do it. The cops wont investigate and you wont do anything! Typický. If you are really determined to find and kill him, you need to be capable of killing others. Tak hlavně on byl jen článek v řetězci, obyčejnej pobuda. Maybe shes a snack. For us to feed on when we are bored. 25x mup.  Why are you here? To get stronger. Takhle moc nezesílíš, mytím nádobí. Look at the fire in her eyes. You wanna fight? Why are you here if you are not going to fuck us? Si konečně vzala rukavice? You cant win like that. Its not winning, but killing. Thats how you need to fight. No matter how much you train, they will be stronger. Attack their vitals. Ani jeden z nich nemá wrapsy. By si dlouho nezaboxovali. Ale je to dobře natočený. Dobrej hudební doprovod. You have got talent, but not enough power. Had požírající svuj ocas (tattoo). No konečně si sundala ty tepláky. Pěkný ramínko! We protect the organization! The organization protect us all. Se dostala do formy nějak rychle. Doufám, že ji nechá vyhrát. 2 I roofied her water. She looks jummy. I m going to kill you both. Sou horší věci než smrt tvýho tatínka. Jejich šéf nemá moc velkej respekt. I will only mangle one. Pravou ruku? I m soo sorry. I have made a mistake. And thats why I wont kill you. All I did was beat some bitch up a little! I myslef brought her here. You shouldnt have even touch her. To ho naučí! Buzerant. You didnt belong in a crime ring. Its too late to stop. You never learned how to say that you are in pain. Or you had no one to teach you. No matter what happens, the organization will protect you. Betray us, and we will kill you. Captain Cha Giho of Narcotics. Zase ten dědek ze Sladkýho domova. Chamomile tea. Its good for insomnia. Dík! Why does it taste like makeup? I always wondered if he hadnt killed my dad, would I have been able to live like that? I trust her power for desperation. Jiwoo will become our dagger. 3 I told you to bring Mango out. Not wipe everyone out. Why did the gods create drugs? They have opened Pandoras Box. Drugs, war, death, poverty, disease.why endure them when we can forget? If you put this in your mouth, your fears melt away and you become a superhero. Its a gift from the gods. What is the first quality to being a good cop? What is the first quality good cop have? Patience. If you can wait, you will catch them. Čas hraje proti vám. Remove your cellphones. Dont be nervous. You will get hurt. Tak to je rada nad zlato. S toudle situací ta pýča, a hlavně ten dealer, měli počítat. Měla mít pager nebo něco, aby mu dopředu dala echo. Pořád jí muže selhat pistole. Did you forget who we are bcs of the designers suits and executive titles? No jasně, no. Byl to von. Je to pro něj osobní. Akorát ještě nevíme proč. Mu tam zařvala vlastní mrtka, o kterou se nestaral, a ted z toho viní drogovej kartel. Ubožák. I will find out. I will look into it. Its been so long I think I should say hi. Are you glad to see me? You cant choose, can you? I couldnt chose either. Jéé, taková malá jizvička vyvádí, jako by mu usekl péro. 4 He will probably stay low. He cant do that. His ego was damaged/he had his pride hurt. What if they did it bcs they knew exactly how we think? He planted a spy among us, so I just threw a stone his way. Lets see how how far the ripples will travel. Je mazanej! Now that the gun has surfaced, hes playing dirt tricks. Dont buy it/dont fall for it. Why are you workning so hard on this, you have no friends? The fortune teller told me this would be a lucky year for me. 5 You still have that look in your eyes like you fear nothing. You thought you were someting special. I will play with you all night long. Your final words? I m going to kill you. A lot of scars. Bcs I was coward. When I first joind narcotics, whenever someone had a knife, I used my hands. When you get stabbed, you need to fill the hole with meat. We got orders to carry firearms. To není fér! What would I get for exposing you? It will be just pain in the ass. It may be trap. You think too much. 6 Sir, will you be okay on your own? Tvl. Mohl ho aspon zavázat. Jako jde vážně toudle pustinou sám? How does it feel to be a killer? You will never ever be able to forget me. Až na to, že to funguje přesně obráceně. The decor is so you. Do you like the snow. Obávám se, že dneska začne sněžit. Dont you have any hobbies? Life is supposed to be fun? No choice in the battle, if I want to survive. Living is a war/life is battle. You cant lose nor give in. Thats why its a war. I havent been stabbed in a while. I had forgotten how much it hurts. Why did you hide it from me? Bcs you need conviction to be a killer. I want you to find the answer yourself. Investigation is like building a sandcastle. You work out to build it up, but the wave comes and knocks it down repeatedly/constantly. But if you keep at it, the low tide will come eventually. Thats when you catch the culprit. A to, jak se přihlásil k organizaci, ukážou? Se možná dozvíme v prequelu. Tady by klidně mohli uzavřít první serii. What sound did you expect? Podrazil je! Dostal, co zasloužil. 7 Zabodla ho nožem v pouzdře. He always kills traitors personally. He enjoyed to watch them take their final breath. You assholes really think you are human? Are you still human? Bestii mužeš zabít (soulless beast - včera). There are many kinds of ppl in this world. And every person things they are special. But if you take a closer look, there are only two categories. Predator or prey. Cha Giho was prey pretending to be a predator. So he wont live long. Which one are you? Leaving/going somewhere? It would be a waste to kill her. How didi you win her over to your side? I deceived/tricked her. I kdyby to hodila do vody, tak si o to někdo pořeže nohu. Stejně tak ty mrtvoly hned pod molem. To nemohli vzít lod a odvízt je spon na širé moře? She got me out to kill me. Neříkej. Ale pořád nechápu, proč se nechal zabásnout. Je to zamotaný. Whe will come on her own. Her only life goal is me (if you want to get island, burn your fuckin boats). You must have been so lonely and exhausting. I think I can understand you now. I will be back. Watch me and see what happens (righter of wrongs). You have toyed with me enough. Jako by záleželo, na který straně stojí. Zase zranila něčí city. You traitor bitch! Can we get her out? Theres no way. Get her out. 8 You wont end up in prison. I promise. Come back to me. I threw away my future and my name to catch the asshole who killed my dad. If I dont kill him my life has no meaning. This is all your life is worth? I started carrying a knife after my sister died. I was determined to kill the bastard if I found him. Every night I dreamt of killing that guy. And eventually my face changed. Like a murderer consumed with rage. Stop destroying yourself. Choi Mujin put a tattoo on my chest. I burned it off. You and I chose different paths. Ever since I saved form dying on the street, her life belongs to me. Dont be scared. We are cops, arent we? Právě proto! Entire world will be against you. To znám. I m ready. Wherever you go through, I will be with you. Jééé, to má snad říct Ježíš. Si zaprcal a ...dobře ho umlčel, zkorumpovanýho fízla. Z ní se stane normálně monstrum. Nejdřív tatínek, ted tendle buzerant. Dobře je tam dělá. John Wick hadr. Svým zpusobem mi to připomíná Miami Vice. To je slušný, na pět ran. Your father was weak. He had several chances to kill me, but he lacked the courage. He was born to be prey. So weak he made everyone around him miserabele. But you are different. You acted without fear. Why did you hesitate? Bcs I wanted to live like a human being. You asked if I want revenge no matter what. The price of revenge is becoming a monster. A monster like you are. Ten, kdo bojuje s monstry, by si měl dát pozor, aby se sám nestal monstrem (Friedrich Nietzsche). I will become a monster. And I will take pleasure in watching you breathe your very last breath. To vypadá, že další serie nebude, když se tam všichni vymlátí. Třeba bude mít víc pochopení on. It wont end until one of us dies. Víc krve snad nebylo ani v Alienech. O tom se mi bude zdát. You cannot become a monster. Stačí to tak neprožívat. No možná přidám hvězdičku navíc.


Není čas zemřít (2021) 

To je ta psycholožka? Eva Greenová byla stejně nejlepší Bond Girl! What are they burning? Getting rid of old things, in come the new (Phoenix). Todle nebude žádná zkurvená poklidná revoluce, ale krvavej rituál. As long as we are looking over our shulder, the past is not dead. Psycholožka! Forgive me. Jo jasně, to mu dala, když šla vybrat peníze. Doře to začíná! Madeleine (Krvavá Madla)! Ten dědek něco vydrží. Něco mi říká, že todle bude stát za to! Každou akční scénu si pouštím několikrát za sebou. Takže ani nelituju, že nejsem v kině. Má to tu typickou kameru. Hudba je taky cool. You right, letting go is hard (krvavej rituál). Bude to pekelná jízda. Zajímavý, že těch náznaku si nikdo zas nevšiml. Prej jsou rádi, že Craig ukončil serii. Ted ukončíme vaše životní Snad jí věříš! Ona by to neudělal. I didnt do anything! So this is it? How will I know that you are okay? You wont. You will never see me again. Já myslel, že todle ??? má už za sebou. Nehodí se to k němu. Jako by prožil první zklamání. Bond má na každým prstě jednu holku a střídá je jako ponožky. Beretta a Walther. Moje dvě srdcovky. Walther se občas kousne, ale na jorkšíry to stačí - aby jim praskla pumpa. Jo počkej, jsem si chtěl přiobjednat šrapnely! Facility lockdown in progress! Problems? Constantly. To si dělaj prdel. Tudle opici si přivedl domu? I forget things when I get nervous. Its your room? Its a wine cellar. This is gonna go brilliantly. I know. I have done three weeks training. Vamos. Jak mohl nahrát virus z fleshky? Let us shepher humanity with our new power. We emerge from the shadows as gods on Mount Olympus. Heres to the end of our pariah. Dont be alarmed, its harmless to us. Just to him. It is working. Only Spectre are dying. To je komedie. Todle je pěkná sračka. Je vidět, že to točil někdo jinej. I changed the DNA like we decided. Now the plan is complete and I m confused. Who is we? M helped me to build it. But he has no vision for how to use it. I m such a big fan of his. I have been on worse than this. Nevydržel pod vodou ani minutu. Do toho se musel jednou nadejchnout. Has this desk got bigger, or have you got smaller? Its definitelly the same desk. Its an database. Its DNA. Multiple individuals. Can I just have  one nice evening before the world explode? I like surprises. You are very attractive for a psychotherapist. Must be dangerous for your clients. Psychologové si nesmějí začínat se svými klienty, prej. They are usually more of a danger to themselves. Foxgloves. Saving someones life connects you to them forever, the same as taking it (jasně, no rozhodně hodně prasat si vykopalo svuj hrob). They belong to you (mám je spočítaný). I m not very good at talking about myself, so I brought a memory box. Sometimes objects can be more evocative than memories. Your murdered my mother. And your father killed my entire family. Kolektivní vina. Kdy už si to ty český prasata uvědomí? Zatím umí jen kvičet. Its harmless to you. To už jsme jednou slyšeli! Why would I do this for you? Bcs I m a man willing to kill the person you love most. Nebo čokla. Český svini stačí zabít čokla, vyjde to nastejno. I have already lost everyone I have ever loved. Česká svině by si došla do množírny pro dalšího. Ta zkurvená svině s třema čoklama na náplavce. We used to be able to get into a room with the enemy, we could look him in the eye. Now the enemy is just floating in the ether. We dont even know what they are after. (Skyfall). Just the usual. They are nanobots. Microscopic bio-robots that can enter your system by the slightest contact with your skin. Programmed with DNA to target specific individuals. Passing through ppl harmlessly before reaching its intended target. But Obruchev modified the nanobots. You infect enough ppl and the ppl become the weapon. Jsem zbran. Weapon of mass destruction. You are shaking. WTF. Koliks dostal? What is it? Jak ji muže podezřívat? Její reakce je pochopitelná, potom, co ji nechal. Není to jen režie, Craig hraje jako ponocnej. Your enemy is my enemy. You were always very very sensitive. Nanobots arent just for Christmas. Once Heracles is in your system, its there forever. Do you know the worst thing about you? My timing. I have something to show you. Another child? Their family had an island. They called it Poison Garden. Lyutsifer Safin. S kým toho spratka má? Jak tam trapně stál s dítetem v náručí, zatímco ona střílela z pistole. Jj, vyměnili jsme si role. Need a ride (nd)? EMP hodinky. Smart blood will track you and your vitals. Se posral. Nedostali to už jako bonus, když narukovali? How damaged you must be to threaten a little girl. You are any less damaged. You love a killer. You bore his child despite his rejection. You will do anything to survive. You understand me the same way I understand you. They are not just attacking individuals. They are going to kill millions. Docela nuda. I want to see my baby. If you behave, you will see her. You know what this flower does? It makes you blind. Losing one eye is a tragedy. Losing two… Matthew 5/25-26. Shes light as a feather. Licence to kill. We tell each other lies about the fight for free will and independence, but we dont really want that. We want to be told how to live and then die when we are not looking. Ppl want oblivion and a few of us are born to build it for them. So here I m their invisible god sneaking under their skin. You know that history isnt kind to those who play God. Se both eradicate ppl to make the world a better place. I want the world to evolve, yet you want it to stay the same.lets face it. I have made you redundant. What mother wouldnt sacrifice herself for her own child? Is that what happened to you/rs? I m sorry. Tvl, to je trapný, přestože to jen hraje. Todle v žádným případ ěnení James Bond, na kterého jsme zvyklí. Kde toho Walthera měl? The party is larger than reservation. I dont need laboratory to exterminate your entire race. You know what time it is? Time to die. No, ono by to neuškodilo. To nebylo jen tak, že ji pustil. Do we have any naval vessels in the immediate vicinity? HMS Dragon. Two heroes in tragedy of their own making. Anyone we touch, we are their curse. Its permament. Its eternal. Thats why we have to destroy it. MEDLIN (normálně). At si najde jinou holku, ne, a založí rodinu. The function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them. I shall use my time. Začátek super, zbytek pěkná sračka. Nejhorší díl série.


Peklo (2021) (seriál) 

If its not fear, what could make a human repent? Do you really think justice can be served through a man-made law?


Peklo - Epizoda 1 (2021) (epizoda) 

Nevember 10 2022. Jak se nese, ten fízl. Myslí si, že zatkne demona z pekel a vyzpovídá ho. Religious group formed around 2012. New Truth. Angel-like figure appears and tells you when you will go to hell. Divine retribution. Executors of hell demonstrate the pain of hell and  disappear. They say its some kind of warning to the ppl. Whenever we bring in all those evil bastards who deserve death, the court lets them off based on something trivial. Mě odsoudili na základě triviality. Whether their victim is good or bad, whether they killed to save the world or for fun, our job is to catch them. Hodně štěstí. Buzeranti. Tak to se uběhaj. Na planetě je 7 mld zmrdu. They were all criminals. Manufacturing narcotics. Robbery and theft. Fraud. Rape, arson. Nezapomínej na pejskaře. To jsou největší zmrdi ze všech. Ne že by pejskařství byla příčina nějakého odpadnutí od Boha, je to ale jeho dusledek. A navíc ty prasata žijí v představě, že se ničeho zlýho nedopustili. Ti kriplové už ani neví, kde je nahoře a kde dole. Svoji pozornost upřeli ke zvířatum. Existenci Boha si už ani nepřipouští. Svým zpusobem je už potrestal. Why the ppl sin? Those who claim they value humanity above everything else, make excuses like this. Concept of sin exists bcs humans choose to sin. As a result of denying that fact, humans have forgotten about shame, remorse, guilt, remorse and redemption. God has found a way to directly present to you what hell is. Why would God do this? Hes telling us to be more righteous. Už chápu, proč tendle seriál spoustu dementu nebavil - obtěžují je ty náboženský kecy. Místo toho, aby si z něho vzali ponaučení, tak budou dál pokračovat ve svém zvráceném životním stylu. Its funny how you investigate Gods deeds. I understand, in your eyes its still murder. I had no intention to live. God must not believe in free will. Interesting point. If its not fear, what could make a human repent? Do you really think justice can be served through a man-made law? Problém je, že v našem světě Buh stále mlčí - aspon co se týče exekucí. Kde máš manžela, ty svině? Doufám, že ji sejmou před zrakama těch fakanu. You are bound to hell! Miluju tendle seriál. Are they going to go up to God and say: Hi, you are under arrest for murder! Not a single person in this world can ever avoid Gods judgment (666)! As the publics trust in the government declines, ppl are drawn to personal revenge. Once you let others control your thoughts… Who care about your opinion. I just wanted to sound smart. I should have known my place and kept my mouth shut. Tvl, ten scénář jsem snad psal já, ne? Thank us to beating him into the right path. Přesně! Do you think the world will be the same by the time we go to court? Cant you see that the world is changing? Do you really think you know more about sin than us? Have you ever read about Gods will stated in the New Truth doctrine? This is just the beginning. Those religious fanatics can do much worse for their cause. We really dont have any idea how we should deal with whats to come.


Peklo - Epizoda 2 (2021) (epizoda) 

Pyča jde typicky hledat pomoc u fízlu. Jako ji hledala při rozvodu. Everyone dies at some point. I m just glad I can die peaceful way without losing myself. In the ancient world ppl believed that solar eclipses were s sign of Gods wrath. They thought a heavenly dog took a bite of the sun. So they send hunters on a mission to catch that silly dog. It would be nice if I could meet the kids. But I dont see the father in any of the pictures. They dont have one. How can they not have a father? I m a single mom. The kids dont have the same father, so… you dont need to answer all his questions. Jak se jí druhá kurva hned zastala. Vytečete všechny. Česká svině už má na fotkách místo manžela psa. A místo dětiček. But I m curious, how would you ended up giving birth to not just one, but two kids without any father. Oba byli násilníci. Změnili se. Je na ty spratky sama a nezvládá je. I really need to know reason why she has to go to hell. All I want is to secure a better future for my children. Humans are doomed to destroy themselves when they cant find meaning. A new world is coming soon. I will see you all there. What we are going to do today is create a world where nobody ever sins. Vezmou jim svobodnou vuli - znamení šelmy, hive mind. Todle jistě nezamýšlel Buh. Eunyul, you are Hayuls mother from now on. To je legrace. Todle nemá logiku, co dělaj s tím udajným vrahem její matky. Od toho tam jsou přeci ti demoni a Boží hněv. Leda že by ji chtěl zasvětit do jejich kultu! Dávalo by to smysl, kdyby Buh do dění světa nezasahoval. God has finally decided to intervene. God is sending us a message. Please confess your sins. Everyones going crazy. Nekecej! You cannot investigate God. Release our members! Neměli by spíš povolat armádu?