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Recenze (1 028)


Nový Karate Kid (1994) 

Tak jsme se přeci jenom dočkali. Niméně na Hilary se dá aspon dívat.  In the past we have had external enemies. Now the enemy is in our country. Nemáš ponětí. I never think about the future. What are you doing next month? Dont know. What are you doing next week? Dont care. What are you doing in the next five seconds? I m gonna make you promise me that you wont tell anybody about the hawk. Very sorry, Miyagi apologise. A boy is easier. Just forget about it, okay? To pujde dost těžko. Ambitions without the knowledge is like boat in dry land. Teach me? Look at you you cant even speak English! Něco mi říká, že to bude mnohem lepší než předešlý dva díly dohromady, bez ohledu na hodnocení. Jump into tiger position. I just reacted. Answer only important when ask right question. Miyagi take four homework paper payment one karate lesson. No way, no teach. First we wax the car. This hand wax on, this hand wax off. This new kind karate. Very much fun. Sun is warm, grass is green. Everything work out. Sayonara. Why break boards? What boards do to you? That kind stuff no teach you how to conquer anger. I was trying to feed Angel. Rather you act like angel. Miyagi ready to listen long story. Look at my dog. You turned him into a damn chicken. Já bych mu narval šroubovák do hlavy. A pak tobě. Sometime animal have more sense than human. Fighting not good. Somebody always get(s) hurt. Anything try first time impossible. When you have full respect for self, respect for others, that answer come. Negative action cause suffering and pain. So therefore is nothing ever killed. Už zas (11/17)? Must open senses wider. Tvl, to je komedie. Just monks having good time. Never trust spiritual leader who cannot dance. Why need belt? So everyone knows I m good. Okay, I confess. I killed a spider in my bedroom, but it was an accident. Toho švába bach sežral, když vidím ty porce. Its the first cake I m ever gonna eat with chopsticks. Blow candle, make wish. If master small thing, anything become possible. Let wind touch bird. All things possible. 12/9 (čísla za oknem) True strength come from inside. Time to put your lights out (pujdeš spát dřív, sráči). You kicked some butt. Somebody always gets hurt.


Bumblebee (2018) 

No rebellion is truly dead until the leader is vanquished. A smile is a powerful thing. It releases endorphins. It says to the world I m fun and approachable. Ppl who smile more often actually have more friends. Tak to o mě neplatí. I m taking the fcking dog to the vet. What happened to Conan being Otis dog? We currently have 100 guns pointed right at your head (11/17). Is that why you are always messing with the dial? You are trying to teach yourself how to talk, arent you? You are an actual genius! To teda. We will be right back. Dont do anything crazy. Zach na tričku. The usual.


Láska a příšery (2020) 

Everything will try to kill you. Use the advantages that you have. You are fast and small, so dont fight. Just run and hide (nemusíš řikat dvakrát). First decision make. Shes a big animal lover. I m Joel. I should stop talking to the dog. Super encouraging speach. You are braining out. Thinking too much. I like you bcs you have a really cute dog. Lesson three. Dont take shortcuts. Target practice every day. Keep your socks dry. Thats a great one. Not both. You get a hot meal or a good nights sleep. I m super tired. Good instincts are earned by making mistakes. If you are lucky enough to survive a few mistakes, you are gonna be okay out here. Thats my dog. Hes delightful. There is no mission more admiranle than love. Every sailor worth his salt knows that. Feel like I got King kongs nuts on my shulders. Theres a but coming. I m not the same person that I used to be. Seven years, thats a long time. Last year I lost someone and he meant a lot to me. Zcela pochopitelně. I just feel like such a idiot. I didnt even ask you if I should come. I just got so excited and I left. A o tom to je. I know this isnt how you pictured this going. This is our shot for survival. There is no place for mankind on land. Man down. My crew and I have to improvize just to survive. What can I say? Shit gets crazy in the apocalyspse. You get the crab. You can always tell in the eyes. I will come find you. You better. Surface is a dangerous place. Go live your life. Dont settle. You dont have to. Not even at the end of the world. Monster apocalypse survival.


Mistrovská úroveň (2020) 

Strong, confident version of you. You look so handsome with the mask on. Guan Yin means Goddess of Mercy. I think she digs irony. I m all about challenge. To push myself out of my comfort zone. Its the only ways to grow, really. Dont read and drive, moron. We do mostly retro 80s based side scrollers. We are purists. Dedicated to video games golden age. Analog or death. 8-bit is the shit. How old are you? Life creeps up. I m childless by choice. Getting killed with a sword hurts worse than a gunshot. Žijeme v teplý době. Shit is about to get steel. Fucking liberals. Before we lunched her little Hail Mary, did she bother to mention that the Spindle reaction, if maintained too long, could destroy the entire planet? The Spindle gives us the power of God to re-create our whole world, minus the tragedy. Shut up with this bullshit speech. We live and we learn from it. And there it is. The end of the world. Why not? Mines already over. Já nemám ani syna. I can feel it. Not just death, but being unravelled. Every part of me splits and splits again, along with everything else. Why do you like this game so much? Well, theres a lot of ppl that chase you and you get to kill them. Lepší než 007. Akční scény natočený líp než v posledním Bondovi. Strong, confident version of you.


Americký zabiják (2017) 

Buzerant přišel o starou, se kterou léta smilnil, a my se z něho jako posereme. Konečně našel smysl života. I want to bathe my hands in the blook of the infidels. Who was taken in the Year of Sorrow? Khadijah and Abu Talib. Who was with the Prophet for the Isra and Miraj? The Angel Gabriel. Tak hlavně, že umíš zpaměti Bibli. Will you come here? Allah wills that I join the struggle wherever I am called. Správně! Mužeš začít se svejma netolerantníma sousedama. Whomsoever Allah guides there is none to misguide. If I look in your eyes I dont trust you. V poslední době moje prsty/klávesnice ignorují psaní velkého "I". You got to understand that I m the only way to get you what you want. Řekla negroška v ružovým obleku. Ježíš - já jsem ta casta. Bcs I believe in you. And I m all what you got. V posledním posraným odstavci třikrát! I have surveilled dozens of these vigilantes. This one is different. This kind of psych profile scares the hell out of him. Vybít teroristickou bunku není problém, problém je vybít deset milionu prasat, který chrání zasranej systém. Zase k nim máš snadnej přístup. Odpadlejch nevěřících psu. Kriplu, co vyměnili Boha za zvíře. Vaše osudy jsou sečtený. You cant train that into someone. His psych profile is exactly what I have been looking for. Polygraph? Flying colors. My goal is to have them lie awake at night, knowing I m coming for them. Tak to máme podobný. Zachary 11/17 (2310) v autě za sedačkou. I was gonna suggest we maybe speed this whole thing up? Líbí se mi, akorát kope za špatnou stranu. Prase nevidí vlastní špínu. You flinch, you die. Orion is about the mission. It aint about you. You are a ghost, you dont exist. Theres nobody coming back for you. Never assume your target is the only target. The enemy dresses like a deer and he kills like a lion. Thats our mad dog out there. Thats our chance to kill two birds with one stone. You let emotion cloud your judgment. Never ever let it get personal. Quick, clean, no footprints. Nemusíš řikat dvakrát. Break his pattern. Už jsem myslel. It will be your first time. Not in my mind. Adkinson si konečně zahrál v kvalitním béčkovým filmě. Ale pořád nvm, proč jsem to stáhnul. No dohrál. Dokonce bych řekl, že je to áčko. Mission terminated. Todle je hotovej Ethan Hawk. Nebo James Bond. He disobeyed direct order. Talent and balls. Kill as many Jews as you want. Do you practice Salah, brother? You follow orders when they suit you. Zajímavej zvrat. Theres a fucking nuke in play (24h). Já věděl, že ji zachrání! You should have come for me. Fuck orders. Fuck the mission. Fuck you! I was your boy, I believe/d that. You made me believe that. Thats your second mistake. You dont say one more time. You just do it. Come on! I got nine more. I like this. You motherfucker! Docela vyvádí na to, že mu slezl jeden nehet. You acted like ma father. I trusted you and I trusted the US Navy. You create monsters. Those ppl who did this to me, you think they are barbarians? God bless fuckin America. Third mistake, never get to close. Never ever thought I would die in the field. I always figured it would be some cabin in the woods with my dogs. I aint gonna kill you. You are gonna live to see the crown of your creation. Thousands of Americans are gonna burn (You are all going to die down here). Proč nepřestřelil řetěz jako v každým filmu? I want to see my family. Jo takhle! S holkama má smulu.


Není čas zemřít (2021) 

To je ta psycholožka? Eva Greenová byla stejně nejlepší Bond Girl! What are they burning? Getting rid of old things, in come the new (Phoenix). Todle nebude žádná zkurvená poklidná revoluce, ale krvavej rituál. As long as we are looking over our shulder, the past is not dead. Psycholožka! Forgive me. Jo jasně, to mu dala, když šla vybrat peníze. Doře to začíná! Madeleine (Krvavá Madla)! Ten dědek něco vydrží. Něco mi říká, že todle bude stát za to! Každou akční scénu si pouštím několikrát za sebou. Takže ani nelituju, že nejsem v kině. Má to tu typickou kameru. Hudba je taky cool. You right, letting go is hard (krvavej rituál). Bude to pekelná jízda. Zajímavý, že těch náznaku si nikdo zas nevšiml. Prej jsou rádi, že Craig ukončil serii. Ted ukončíme vaše životní Snad jí věříš! Ona by to neudělal. I didnt do anything! So this is it? How will I know that you are okay? You wont. You will never see me again. Já myslel, že todle ??? má už za sebou. Nehodí se to k němu. Jako by prožil první zklamání. Bond má na každým prstě jednu holku a střídá je jako ponožky. Beretta a Walther. Moje dvě srdcovky. Walther se občas kousne, ale na jorkšíry to stačí - aby jim praskla pumpa. Jo počkej, jsem si chtěl přiobjednat šrapnely! Facility lockdown in progress! Problems? Constantly. To si dělaj prdel. Tudle opici si přivedl domu? I forget things when I get nervous. Its your room? Its a wine cellar. This is gonna go brilliantly. I know. I have done three weeks training. Vamos. Jak mohl nahrát virus z fleshky? Let us shepher humanity with our new power. We emerge from the shadows as gods on Mount Olympus. Heres to the end of our pariah. Dont be alarmed, its harmless to us. Just to him. It is working. Only Spectre are dying. To je komedie. Todle je pěkná sračka. Je vidět, že to točil někdo jinej. I changed the DNA like we decided. Now the plan is complete and I m confused. Who is we? M helped me to build it. But he has no vision for how to use it. I m such a big fan of his. I have been on worse than this. Nevydržel pod vodou ani minutu. Do toho se musel jednou nadejchnout. Has this desk got bigger, or have you got smaller? Its definitelly the same desk. Its an database. Its DNA. Multiple individuals. Can I just have  one nice evening before the world explode? I like surprises. You are very attractive for a psychotherapist. Must be dangerous for your clients. Psychologové si nesmějí začínat se svými klienty, prej. They are usually more of a danger to themselves. Foxgloves. Saving someones life connects you to them forever, the same as taking it (jasně, no rozhodně hodně prasat si vykopalo svuj hrob). They belong to you (mám je spočítaný). I m not very good at talking about myself, so I brought a memory box. Sometimes objects can be more evocative than memories. Your murdered my mother. And your father killed my entire family. Kolektivní vina. Kdy už si to ty český prasata uvědomí? Zatím umí jen kvičet. Its harmless to you. To už jsme jednou slyšeli! Why would I do this for you? Bcs I m a man willing to kill the person you love most. Nebo čokla. Český svini stačí zabít čokla, vyjde to nastejno. I have already lost everyone I have ever loved. Česká svině by si došla do množírny pro dalšího. Ta zkurvená svině s třema čoklama na náplavce. We used to be able to get into a room with the enemy, we could look him in the eye. Now the enemy is just floating in the ether. We dont even know what they are after. (Skyfall). Just the usual. They are nanobots. Microscopic bio-robots that can enter your system by the slightest contact with your skin. Programmed with DNA to target specific individuals. Passing through ppl harmlessly before reaching its intended target. But Obruchev modified the nanobots. You infect enough ppl and the ppl become the weapon. Jsem zbran. Weapon of mass destruction. You are shaking. WTF. Koliks dostal? What is it? Jak ji muže podezřívat? Její reakce je pochopitelná, potom, co ji nechal. Není to jen režie, Craig hraje jako ponocnej. Your enemy is my enemy. You were always very very sensitive. Nanobots arent just for Christmas. Once Heracles is in your system, its there forever. Do you know the worst thing about you? My timing. I have something to show you. Another child? Their family had an island. They called it Poison Garden. Lyutsifer Safin. S kým toho spratka má? Jak tam trapně stál s dítetem v náručí, zatímco ona střílela z pistole. Jj, vyměnili jsme si role. Need a ride (nd)? EMP hodinky. Smart blood will track you and your vitals. Se posral. Nedostali to už jako bonus, když narukovali? How damaged you must be to threaten a little girl. You are any less damaged. You love a killer. You bore his child despite his rejection. You will do anything to survive. You understand me the same way I understand you. They are not just attacking individuals. They are going to kill millions. Docela nuda. I want to see my baby. If you behave, you will see her. You know what this flower does? It makes you blind. Losing one eye is a tragedy. Losing two… Matthew 5/25-26. Shes light as a feather. Licence to kill. We tell each other lies about the fight for free will and independence, but we dont really want that. We want to be told how to live and then die when we are not looking. Ppl want oblivion and a few of us are born to build it for them. So here I m their invisible god sneaking under their skin. You know that history isnt kind to those who play God. Se both eradicate ppl to make the world a better place. I want the world to evolve, yet you want it to stay the same.lets face it. I have made you redundant. What mother wouldnt sacrifice herself for her own child? Is that what happened to you/rs? I m sorry. Tvl, to je trapný, přestože to jen hraje. Todle v žádným případ ěnení James Bond, na kterého jsme zvyklí. Kde toho Walthera měl? The party is larger than reservation. I dont need laboratory to exterminate your entire race. You know what time it is? Time to die. No, ono by to neuškodilo. To nebylo jen tak, že ji pustil. Do we have any naval vessels in the immediate vicinity? HMS Dragon. Two heroes in tragedy of their own making. Anyone we touch, we are their curse. Its permament. Its eternal. Thats why we have to destroy it. MEDLIN (normálně). At si najde jinou holku, ne, a založí rodinu. The function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them. I shall use my time. Začátek super, zbytek pěkná sračka. Nejhorší díl série.


Peklo - Epizoda 6 (2021) (epizoda) 

Go get her! Will that man in the lobby be okay? They cant do anything to him now, bcs of the reporters. Přesně.  They cant do anything to him now bcs of the reporters. Pandemonium. It will be END of the world!they will think God is a joke whose actions are not governd by principles. What happens to the world without principles (principy jsou nadřazené vášním? It gets destroyed/will come to an end. Maybe its time to adopt the concept od original sin. Then we can say that humans are born sinners. If we adopt concept of original sin, ppl will start to wonder how we are different from Protestants/Christianity. We will lose our influence in no time. LOL. Why dont we claim that the video has been manipulated and see how the public responds to it? We are just a group of dedicated ppl trying to come up with a better way of delivering Gods message to ppl. Dont patronize me (24). It shows that God sometimes makes mistakes. And Hes trying to do His best to correct them. God has chosen me to do His work. I will tell police that we have sinner on the run. Fízlové dnes brání spravedlnosti. Americkej fotbal. The message is too complicated for me to understand. You pathetic crooks. You are bunch of liars. You are under arrest for battery. Do you even know what it means if God acts without logic? It means the end of the world. It means more sinners will ruin the world. The victims of those sinners will hold you responsible for everything. You are the ones who are helping the sinners to commit a sin. There is one thing I know for sure and that is this world belongs to humans. We should settle our affairs by yourselves.


Peklo - Epizoda 5 (2021) (epizoda) 

How are the ratings? If all this is Gods work, and His will really is what the New Truth says it is, then we have no choice but to deny God bcs that means He doesnt care for us. This is just like an earthquake or any other natural disaster, it can happen to anyone of us. Its not about punishing or being punished. Your baby is inocent. Nobody can deny that fact. Třeba je to zpusob, kterým se Buh pomstil na dětech. Zlé pokolení muže trestat až do čtvrtého kolene. My name is Min Hyejin. Konečně kunda. Nehrála už ve Sladkým domově? They could make it looks like you and your wife murdered the baby. Or they might even try to hide the fact that your baby was never born. Theres no concept of original sin or redemption in their doctrine. Therefore, they will never admit that a newborn baby can be subjected to the demonstration. They can simply modify their doctrine to fit their needs. It may seem like they are disorganized, but they have clear standards on what they consider to be a sin. Only acts that can be prevented by human effort are considered sins. Theres no concept of original sin and redemption. Už je pozdě. They dont consider lust or greed to be sins either. If they cross that line, ppl would find them hard to understand and live by their doctrine. A perfect world where no one commits even the most trivial acts of evil. By making that unrealistic goal look achievable, they are manipulating ppl to keep close eye on each other (condemn others). The fear of demonstrations drive their whole system. Are you saying hes came with false doctrine after receiving the decree? Ignorance is isn too. Should I draw something on her face? Yes, please! Not all mothers are good ppl. Je to ona. Už předtím mi byla povědomá. Zamakala na sobě.


Peklo - Epizoda 4 (2021) (epizoda) 

Confess your sins. You are bound to hell! Dont worry too much. Chrysler. I m sure hes having an affair. Tak todle byla nuda. Naopak to ztratilo tempo. Zabili všechny hlavní postavy.


Peklo - Epizoda 3 (2021) (epizoda) 

Todle je absolutně super. Nemá to chybu. Nehraje tam žádná kunda, ale nikdo mi není vyloženě nesympatickej. A podle vás se to rozjede až ve druhý polovině! Takže čekám víc krve a mín dialogu. Přiznejte si to, nesnášíte Boha! This is Gods will to teach humanity the weight of sin. Everyone must return to their lives and try their best to perform good deeds. We humans are fully capable of discerning right from wrong. God has given us that ability. We just have a hard time resisting temptation when we have to choose between good and evil. Having the right to choose it may sound great, but its a punishment in disguise. Když už nic, tak aspon kvuli tomu malýmu náboženskýmu opáčku. Todle jsou základní věci, který už nikdo nezná. Prasata dnes nazývají zlem, když jim někdo kopne do zkurvenýho čokla, ke kterýmu si vytvořili vztah. Zkurvený pyče nás budou školit, jak se od nich mužeme sami učit. Kdybych měl tu moc, uřezal bych vám palice sám. I would like to welcome you all to the new world. Todle je nádhera! Umlátili jí matku před očima v rámci kolektivní viny. Ta kurva ji přece vychovala! Pyče zvedne telefon a myslí si, že vyřeší všechny svoje problémy - jako vždycky. Na zemi propukne peklo. Možná bude mít trochu jinou podobu, ale výrazy budete mít stejný. Na ty svoje kamerky si nahrajete vlastní smrt. I received a prophecy 20 yrs ago. You wouldnt know if you would not experienced it by yourself, butthe memory of it became more vivid as time went by. So I look for similar chases. Would ppl be able to accept it? I think they will start panic and riots will take all over the world. Je to naplánovaný, prasata. They need to believe that this phenomenon occurs to make the world a better place. To není povinností žádného křestana, máme jen šířit evangelium. Náš domov je v nebi. Todle je padlý svět pod správou Satana. They need to believe that it occurs so the true justice can be served for everyone. I was living in constant fear since the day I received the prophecy. Do you have any idea what it feels like to live in fear for 20 yrs? The fear is relentless. The fear of committing a sin, the fear of eternal pain. Those fears have haunted me for 20 yrs. But thanks to those fear, I was able to live more righteously myself. Its the fear alone whats set ppl free from sin. V posvátném strachu před Bohem. On se chtěl přece zabít, ne?