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Recenze (618)


Kód Enigmy (2014) 

The Imitation Game deals with historical moment, which has undoubtly big importance in the sence of World War II. So far the person of Alan Turin was unnoticed by producers, who can cover huge budgets, but The Weinstein Company made change. The story of Turing has been narrated with several meanings such as his success in breakage of the code Enigma, showing timeline of his life, relationship with Joan Clarke or the issue with sexual orientation. Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley are not so convincing as a couple and the whole concept falls on the account of too much focus on acting skills, because they are not so good and after some time of watching little bit boring. There are no disputes about the interesting topic, but it was transfered into movie without enjoyable outlook and it could be called a missed opportunity. Unfortunately The Imitation Game goes way behind of the expectations.


Sedm dní v pekle (2015) (TV film) 

7 Days of hell is trying to create its own unique face, but this bizzare style of humor does not appear as branch, which could possibly stand on its own foots. Some of the references are rather stupid then funny, but the jokes are driven straight ahead. Of course there are moments, which are hillarious and laughable, so all of those ridiculous gags about traditional events, rules, traditions or habits has their quality. Anyway, hopefully this type of comedy won’t be any cult or precedent for other similair pseudocument. On the other hand, making fun of everybody else including myself always have potential.


Jurský svět (2015) 

Right from the beginning it is show, which is distributed to the audience in a quite dynamic style. Scenes are edited with great sence for pushing the plot in correct directions and therefore the scenes has interesting continuity. Creators are working with the atmosphere of fear with profesionality, so you can presume, what can happen, but the moment of gradation has been build in great style. References on previous editions could be found, but this movie is working on its own reputation, because there are much better possibilities in the sence of technologies, so the image is much more sophisticated. Spectacular cinematography, clever screenplay, sympatic main roles, camera and digital effects are outstanding, so there are only few things, which can not satisfied the excitement.


Vincentův svět (2015) 

For viewers, who have not seen a single episode of the TV series, it must be strange to watch. There are things, which can be seen as real entertainment, but it is all done with no other option then to witness the glorious lifes of celebrities from Hollywood. This so to say probe into the life of inhabitants of movie industry has been directed as grotesque, where everybody has its role. Some of the scenes are nothing but rubbish, because characters are not enjoyable and they are not fun to watch, especially Johnny Drama. Main plot is also quite meaningless and there is not story, which somehow stands above the rest of the mini stories. Entourage is without knowledge of TV version quite empty show.


Everest (2015) 

Based on true story, but sourced from many point of views and directed by icelandic Baltasar Kormákur. In 3D format has Everest monumental appearing, because digital effects are key asset to make movie like this. Even though there is obvious level of unreal sceneries, the focus on main characters and their journey is not lost. Catastrophic end of the expedition was showed with an original outlook, which resonates in strong suggestive feeling, while wathing. So the final resume is positive, because it has balanced structure with usage of fragments from document/blockbuster/typical hollywood movie/adventure movie. Those, who would never thing to go on Everest, can at least gain atmospere through the movie screen. Contrasts between calm and comfort life and life in the "death" zone has been pointed out very well. Thanks to all of that the Everest is right choice for living the experience of climbing from the safe seat.//Kino Kopřivnice//25.9.2015//140,-


Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency Of Barack H. Obama (2009) 

Document is addressing the facts very precisly , but you have to look to the comments from the hosts from some distance. The content is right from the beginning focused on the elements, which caused the current status of american society (one could say that this would have to be much more longer document). The key player in all of this seems to be economy and how its linked to the politicians, the biggest employers and other great players on the field of revenues. This section could be described with slightly different patience. The project talks about main problems of system, who is responsible, who holds the blame, but there are no direct evidences, only statements from authors, writers and people with great knowledge. The creators are very critical, so those who are in favour of critics will be at their side immediately. There is no space for making the choice and if you are viewing this document from certain distance, there will be dissapointment, you won’t get the chance to think about other explenations. The claims are not supported by solid arguments and the speeches are simple without any further support material. The general outcome is not driven into the deep and that is what appears to be the biggest disadvantage. Unfortunately in this type of document there needs to be stroger focus on details and the way of presentation of ideas should be much more smoother.


Cesta vzhůru (2015) 

Hromada zvučných sponzorů dohnala českého nejúspěšnějšího horolezce Radka Jaroše k natočení dokumentu, jehož náplní je přiblížit strastiplné zdolávání životního snu – Himalájské koruny. Cesta vzhůru obsahuje hodnotné záběry z výplazu na K2, které jsou na celém tom 100 minutovém díle to nejlepší, co je k vidění a proto **. Kámen úrazu celého dokumentu je nevyváženost, protože hodnocení a vůbec atraktivitu shazují dolů pasáže, ve kterých se nesmyslně filozofuje, debatuje o ničem a konverzace tak nějak vyšumějí do ztracena, aniž by obecenstvo dostalo šanci pochopit, o co vlastně jde. Lidé z okolí Radka Jaroše hovoří do kamery ustrojeným, nezajímavým způsobem, který se vůbec nehodí na velké plátno. Když do toho všeho přidáte neadekvátní střih, kdy jednotlivé časové linie absolutně nedávají logiku, tak z toho vychází asi 20 minut čistého času, které stojí za návštěvu kinosálu. Pro český národ obrovský úspěch naneštěstí dostal prvotřídní vizuální dokumentaci, ale to nemění nic na tom, co přes všechny pozitivní i negativní fakta tento člověk dokázal. Promarněná šance, která bije do očí jen díky marketingové kampani a nastavenému PR.//18.9.2015//Kino Kopřivnice//100,-


Kingsman: Tajná služba (2014) 

When you consider movies, which goes currently to the cinemas, then Kingsman: The Secret Service has great amount of potential, even though you don’t have to be the biggest fan of espionage alias „James Bond“ movies. It has big deal of fresh ideas and also great amount of exaggeration, so there is enough of funny moments and surprising moments. Content is very rich, so you can choose what to like from various elements. Whole timeline is being pushed forward with decent pace. Kingsman: The Secret Service relaxing and sarcastic with modern outlook.


Fakjů pane učiteli (2013) 

Trefná, hláškami naplněná a v dobrém tempu provedená komedie s místy drsnou až přehnanou rádoby realitou. Postupem času dochází k pozitivní proměně hlavního hrdiny a děj tak graduje v něco, co divák rád uvidí – happy ending. Kdo by to byl řekl, že i v Německu vznikne taková multi-kulturní podívaná, která si nebere servítky se stereotypy a předsudky o vlastní společnosti. Na druhou stranu některé pasáže jsou kýčovité až na půdu a určité gagy strašně hloupé, takže výsledná jednoduchost nemá ambice pro lepší hodnocení. Přes to všechno Fakjů pane učiteli funguje jako komedie vhodná k odpočinku skvěle a přestřelený scénář místy hodně pobaví.


Interview (2014) 

Connection of Seth Rogen as director, screen writer, produces, actor together with James Franco as producer and actor is simply not working, becuase there is nothing exceptional, what could possibly entertain. Screen lines are often too stupid, so the good ones can’t make it up for those, which are totally out of content. The idea of presenting the political regime and the way of life in the North Korea trough the interview with Kim Jong-un, has a lot of blank places and loopholes. Nevertheless there is no wonder that this movie worked as perfect trigger for disccusions about barriers in movie industry and there shouldn’t be any, so whole concept has its point. The Interview is not that funny as it surely could be, but if some of the references would be driven deeper, then the outcome could be much better. At this state this movie was created as illusion of illusion and that is not enough.