

Evil Town

  • USA God Damn Dr. Shagetz (více)


Film sa skladá z troch dejových línií. Prvá sleduje dvoch psychopatov unášajúcich dievčatá, druhá sa venuje pacientovi na úteku z miestnej nemocnice a tretia, hlavná, sleduje experimenty jedného doktora v miestnej nemocnici, snažiaceho sa vytvoriť armádu nemŕtvych. To všetko v mestečku menom Smalltown s populáciou 666 obyvateľov... (beso74)




raimi (hodnocení, recenze)

 Tohle naprosto přesně vystihuje povahu tohohle šílenýho filmu: 

Once  in a while, a film comes along that  not only seems to have been made on another planet but actually defies the laws of time and space. Among the behemoths in this arena like The Visitor, Dangerous Men, and Troll 2 are any number of other bizarre, brain-scorching gems, and Evil Town absolutely deserves to be included in their company. Begun in 1977, the first gestation of this film was evidently completed under the title God Bless Grandma and Grandpa but never received an official release; it was then reworked into something known as Dr. Shagetz, God Damn Dr. Shagetz, and/or God Bless Dr. Shagetz, which was then left on the cinematic scrap heap to rot away despite the involvement of directors like Curtis Hanson and producer Peter S. Traynor (Death Game). Never one to let a project run smoothly, producer Mardi Rustam, who had already fired Tobe Hooper (temporarily) from Eaten Alive and added his own scenes, had managed to somehow get a significant theatrical release for his bizarre sci-fi / slasher / sex hybrid, Evils of the Night, which he prepared in two distinctly different versions. Apparently he saw a similar opportunity with the remnants of Shagetz and, taking inspiration from several scenes in Evils, added enough new subplots and nudity to create a finished product in 1985. However, the public wasn't treated to the fruits of his labors until 1987 when Trans World issued it on VHS, complete with misleading packaging promoting it as a zombie film. The actual  experience of watching is something much, much stranger than any synopsis could ever indicate.



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