

Kevin Bridges - The Overdue Catch-Up

Velká Británie / Irsko, 2023, 103 min


Chris Howe


Kevin Bridges


Kevin Bridges

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Skot Kevin Bridges poprvé a musím uznat, že už párkrát jsem na něj narazil, ale jeho standup je hodně na tělo, hodně k věci a dost velká porce zábava, což zařídí už jeho přízvuk, který speciálně u jeho národa mi přijde neskutečně zábavný sám o sobě... ale v té přímosti jsou skvěle vypointovaný příběhy a situace ze života, vypointovaný pozorovací schopnosti. Ta reflexe na covid-times hned na začátku:(...) "But it got the whole world closed. That was impressive. We'll never see that again. Even McDonald's closed. Wow! Even churches, even places of worship forced to close. That was massive. What a time in human history. We witnessed a time where organized religion listened to science. Wow! That's a big one. For years, they've dismissed everything the scientists had to say. "The Big Bang? Nah. Evolution? Nah. A dry continuous cough and changes to your sense of taste and smell? ... Fucking shut the cathedral! These geeks have a got a point this time! Somebody sanitize the synagogue!" Two christmases got canceled. I don't think religion can ever recover." (...) "Im in the living room. I'm having to socialize with the people who I have mocked over the years for your entertainment. I'm sitting... "So, Kevin, do you watch Formula One, Kev? You and F1 fan, Kev? Big, er, big Grand Prix on Sunday, Kev." "Fuck me, man. Do you have any absinthe, Gav?" (...) "Don't listen to these protein extremists. Yeah, bread has been... Bread got cancelled. Bread has been treated like a sex offender since the Atkins diet. Every single diet involves cutting out bread. Everywhere you look, "Don't eat bread. Bread is making you tired." Really? You ever seen a duck yawning?" Samozřejmě, Kev přináší spoustu drobných malých vtipků mezi tím vším balastem. "And she said, first of all Kevin, it's called Anyu-sol. Not Anusol. Anyus... I said Are we talking Spanish here? I don't see a squiggle above the N. You cannae... You cannae just conceal the word anus inside another word and expect people to manipulate the pronounciation. Do you look at the planets? Oh, look at Uran-yus? No. Don't try and defend big pharma." ()

