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Psí veličenstvo (2019) odpad!

Tvurcum by měli uřezat hlavy za kurvení dětského vkusu.


Ride Like a Girl (2019) 

To je přesně film pro mě. Kravičky a koníčci. Už zas? Se sprchuje snad v každým filmu. Tvl, jak jí přetejká cejcha z kalhot. Aby toho koně nezlomila. Prej je ready. Tak já nvm. Možná ten kun - by to vyhrál, kdyby ho nechala běžet samotnýho. Jako by na tom záleželo, kdo na něm sedí. WTF (35:20)! Kdyby neměla tak pěknou tvářičku, tak se na takovou sračku nikdo ani nepodívá. Film o dostizích. Hezky! Tedka ještě o venčení čoklu. Dejme jim prostor! Vstává ve tři ráno, hezky! Vyčerpaná z toho, jak hopsala na koni a kydala hnuj. Příšernej střih. Kolik váží takovej žokej? Proč maj všichni tak zdegenerovaný ksichty? Něco mezi Kirsten Dunst a Emmou Watson. Co to dělá s tou izolačkou? Chce zhubnout. Dyt to říkám, že je tlustá jako prase. To jsou normální liliputi. U nás na tom jezdí stokilový prasnice, to už hraničí s týráním.


Richard Jewell (2019) 

A little power can turn person into a monster. I write down most things (like me). The world owes us both. This is what we got. Go do your job. Does his backpack look(s) funny to you (jééé, já si všimnul chiby)? Jack Mack is your favorite band? Nicméně pořád nvm, kam ten film směřuje. Začátek byl super. I just feel like I was made for something better than this. Yeah, you think I wasnt? Ten jeho čokl je odpornej. Je to ztracená existence. Už mi to došlo - první věts. Dostanou hroznou čočku. Doesn get me hard. To je Olivia? You ever see the bomb guy go pale, run. Jaktože nikdo včetně Richarda nepřemejšlí nad tím, že je muže sledovat, a až uvidí, jak lidi panikaří, tak to odpálí? Bum. Tak on je to nakonec thriller! A ted druhou bombu. Move them back. There could be a second device! A todle ho napadne. The false hero. Lifestyle decision. I wont put a pen to the page. Dont get too excited. Most of the ordnance going up into the sky. Just like you always look at the guy who found the body. Bad past. Fots the profile of the hero-bomber. That fat fuck who lives with his mother. This is happening. Lets get the fuck outta here. Se divím, že jí to řekl předtím, než mu dala - se divím, že mu dá potom, co jí to řekl. Nadržená běhna. You know I write like a brick. To sou idioti. Physically sign the paper. Nevadí, že když se budou zaobírat jím, tak je svede na falešnou stopu? Where I come from, when the government says someones guilty its how you know they are innocent. I was raised to respect authority. If theres a third party, theres no privilege. Third party then they can compel anything we say. I know a lot of ppl who ought to have psychological counseling. Were you arrested for impersonating an officer? Yeah, once. It was complicated. Jesus Christ (nd). Was there anything else that you forgot? This kids getting railroaded. Oh, good Lord. Were you expecting a zombie invasion? Prostě máme rádi zbraně. Everything you do that promotes that image is gonna hang us. Poor choice of words. Those jackals out there want your ass on a chopping block. Firms mean partners and partners think they can tell you who to be. I m gonna sue you for intentional violation of his constitutional rights. Žádnej právník by tě neobhajoval - taková mrtka, mají tě na kameře jak tam lítáš - ale jak. Jediná možnost jít do blázince. Zatím si spolu jen hezy povídáme, vy zatracený prasata. Nut case. A hero becomes villain. Handgranade. Its a paperweight. This place is bugged. Ještě to! They asked me if I'd ever has any experience with pipe bombs and I had to tell them the truth. Kdo by to nezkoušel. You ready to start fighting back? I report the facts. You ignorant, arrogant, ambitious bitch. What about the truth? My guiding priciple is to report the facts. You have ruined this mans life. You are a miserable excuse for a journalist. Je to Oliva, je jí podobná, vystupování, hlas, hrála už s Rockwellem. He didnt do it. Tak každej to ví a FBI ne. Profiles are always just ajumping-off point. Her sons accusers are two of the most powerful forces in the world today. The US Government and the media. I wanna make sure they know I m not gay. I think we got bigger fish to fry. Its a felony. You say anything in there that isnt true, they can put you in jail without ever proving you are a bomber. Tak to neplatí všude. Vy český svině vytečete. They are just three pricks who work for the USG (they are not USG). Nobody in that room is better man than you. The Antichrist Cookbook. I also get a nice vantage point to take a look at all the pretty girls. Nepřijdou si hloupý, jít po někom, kdy by to evidentně neudělal? Can I ask all you fellas a question? Jesus. What? Do you have any kind of case against me? Nomen omen. I mean evidence. Like, any traces of anything on my mamas Tupperware? I used to think that federal law enforcement was just about the highest calling a person could aspire to. I did my job that night and some ppl are alive bcs of that. Do you think that the next time some security guard sees a suspicious package, that he or shes gonna call it in? Genderoví sráčové. I doubt it. Cause they are gonna look at that and they are gonna think, I dont wanna be another Richard Jewell. So I m just gonna run. Hows that make anybody any safer? I just know that every second you spend on me is time that you are not spending on the real gu who did it. You are entitled to your opinion. Jo, bylo to podle skutečnosti (1996).


Rychle a zběsile: Hobbs a Shaw (2019) 

You look amazing in your matching outfits (to je olive drab?). Who the hell are you? Bad guy. CT-17 virus. Its a programmable bioweapon of biblical proportions. Affectionately code.named the Snowflake. I have seen worse. Game of Thrones. Janets house. What do CIA operatives and baseballshave in common? Ppl cheer when you hit them with a bat. Planets population is in their hands. Humanity must evolve before it destroys itself. Eteon will carve out all human weakness and replace it with mechanical perfection. The mind is the strongest muscle in the body. Maybe you should try exercising that a little bit more. Theres more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophies (Nietzsche). I m future of human kind (Deus Ex). Prej ten Shaw dobře řídí. Až pak mi došlo, že to je Rychle a zběsile. Nedávno jsem takhle píchnul v NFS. I eat bullets all day long. Get your greasy sausage fingers off of her. London terror attack. Who the hell are these guys? They are a secret tech cult with a mercenary army and plenty of darrk money. And delusion of saving the world by augmenting the human race. Apparently they control the media as well. Heard rumors about these ppl. Everybody thinks they are myth (pro jejich vlastní dobro). I have seen it firsthand how real they are (nějak tak). If you dont fit into their plans (pejskaři se rádi přizpusobí každému), you have already dug your own grave. All right, lets get to the nearest lockdown facility. I dont have time for your alpha male shit right now. You both are idiots. Extract the virus and reprogram it for phase one. We use that weapon to eliminate the weak and anyone who would get in our way. We aree building the perfect system. Hobbs and Shaw can be considerable assets for Eteon. Turn them. I dont follow. I want them turned. I want them working for the cause (čím méně kontroly, tím více jsou efektivní - ale těžko je obrátí, když je ani nedokáže zlikvidovat). They cant be turned. You show them the consequences of refusal. Or perhaps I will show them to you (ha ha). I’d remember who you are relying on for your survival. All for the cause. Its not programmed to any DNA sequences. Its fatal to everyone. In 42 hours, the capsules will dissolve, and she will be infected. Then the virus will go airborne. We are talking global contamination within a week. Why the hell would you create something like that? Bcs I thought I was one of them. They told me they want to save the world through science. I believed in their cause. I developed the Snowflake to be a carrier for vaccines, a panacea for the whole world. But they redeveloped it into a programmable apocalypse. To attack the weakest of us. Those not worthy of Eteons vision of the future. For a scientist, you seem incredibly stupid. Hide in plain sight. Dont worry that pea-sized brain. High security death virus complex. I have a secret weapon. Ppl actually like me. You wouldnt understand that bcs you dont have any friends. You are too obvious. You stick out like balls on a bulldog. Impregnate your sister? I m gonna let her climb this mountain over and over again. Slugging weight. Mess around in the octagon. Put it in the right spot, it will blow the place sky-high. The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering (Bruce Lee). The weak deal with money. We deal with evolutionary change. Change that sometimes require acts of violence (tak s tím nemám problém). Like killing innocent ppl with viruses (lol)? Only the weak ones (slabé a zlé). Takoví zmrdi, kteří de facto stáli u zrodu apokalypsy (odpadnutí), a dovolí se pokládat za nevinné. Tydle prasata, co nemají s člověkem už nic společného, a dají přednost raději zvířatum. We are dealing with the future of the planet. Things that money cannot buy. Like your soul back? Kdyby to nebylo namířený proti Bohu, tak bych s tím neměl problém. Death cult. Visionaries of a future. A bigger future. A brighter future. Data with environmental damage, capitalism, terrorism, humanity wipes itself out by 2096 (tak to máme ještě čas - přitom by stačila jedna malá třetí světová válka a věci by se vrátily do normálu). You dont save the world with genocide. This virus is a necessary shock to the system. You assume the worst in ppl (a tvuj problém je přesně opačnej). Ppl cannot be trusted to do the right thing (bez Boha, bez řádu opravdu ne - sami rozhodli o své zkáze). I m black superman. And the more machine I become, the more humane I am. We gave you some upgrades and we go on to saving the world. Join the eveolution of man (vakcína), or die with the weak. What are you, deaf, stupid, or both? You are just thinking about yourself. You are such a diva. Brace yourself. Abracadabra, bitches. Warriors help out warriors. Whereever I am is where the magic happens. Its not the size of the dog in the fight. Its the size of the fight in the dog. No, its always the size of the dog. Look at you, all skin and bones. We can handle troubles. This is where you earn your upgrades. No take a real man for pull one trigger. It doesnt take a man to pull a trigger, but for Eteon, it does take an activation chip. War is what I do. Lets go old-school. We need to make them play byour rules. No-mans-land. Our last stand. Strikes before dawn. Its when the enemys most tired, still under the cover of night. When the battle shifts into high gear, you got the sun at your back. We let them all in and we make sure they never leave. Kill box. Not like we got a ton of resources. Island will provide. Dont rush me. Thats how mistakes are made. You dont die until I tell you to die. The evolution of men is coming whether you like it or not. I almost feel sorry for you. Cause its not just metal they filled your head with. Did you see that? We work together, we can hurt him. Time to work as a team. Lets go to unplug that sumbitch. Here comes the kryptonite. Never had a doubt. One life doesnt mean anything. You maybe believe in machines, but we believe in ppl. Ale ne padlé lidstvo, které na sebe tudle pohromu přivedlo. Bez toho by nemohla začít apokalypsa. You may have all the technology in the world. We have heart. No machine will ever beat that. Shut Brixton down. Its a hell of business. You three outperformed your analytics. Its gonna be a hell of reunion. You are on our radar now. And you are on ours. How long have you been working here?


See (2019) (seriál) odpad!

Following the ourbreak of a deadly virus in the 21st century, the Earths human population was reduced to less than two million. The humans who survived all emerged blind. Now, centuries later, the idea of vision exists only as a myth. To even speak about it is considered heresy.


See - Božský plamen (2019) (epizoda) 

Following the ourbreak of a deadly virus in the 21st century, the Earths human population was reduced to less than two million. The humans who survived all emerged blind. Now, centuries later, the idea of vision exists only as a myth. To even speak about it is considered heresy. Hereze snad znamená něco popírat. No, je to píčovina. Zvlášt to, jak tam vesele fungujou dál a ještě si vyvinulu další smysly - evoluce! By je sežrali zvířata. Boy in need of education. Time is short. Prepare. Kill dancer. 100 heartbeats away. I wish to pray… Father, hidden from us, whose power we feel but cannot touch. Give us this day your power given by God Flame and taken from inside the holy river water. Condemn those that trespass against us. Give to us flame and smoke. For thine is the darkness, the power and the glory. Forever and ever. Mrchu hraje dokonale. You are forgetting the evil of light once almost destroyed the world. Used it  to control and twist and alter Gods intentions. Firests burned, the air filled with poison. Celý mi to připomíná nvm proč Tyranny. Kdo by neměl. To je fakt. Waterfall 20 men high. Mají zajímavý míry. A place we can rebuild again in peace and safety (až budou říkat mír a bezpečí, stihne je náhlá smrt). Tam se to teda bude bránit. We must be vigilant (bdělý).


See - Čerstvá krev (2019) (epizoda) 

You could have ordered him to live. Přesně! TJ understands the nature of his failure better than you. Zbavila se jedinýho schopnýho muže! With the right machines and enough power we could make weapons much more powerful than what I just used, to kill a hundred in one hour. Or they had these bombs that could blow up whole cities. Our father left us with the knowledge and wisdom from all ages of humanity. Já mám internet. Boring is making bow and arrows. Boring is reding and not doing. The baby was not formed human. Bcs you witches cursed me! You should burn them! When so few are together for so long, the blood of the tribe thickens. We have known through the generations that without new blood, the mosters would come. Todle hodně vysvětluje. Simple genetics. DNA clusters. This baby is a warning to us. You should heed that warning. Its not over. Bcs I love you I ignore certain voices in my head. By accident of birth, you were given the ability to see. Do not think you are superior bcs others cannot. And keep your book words to yourself, bcs sometimes those words are wicked. Si taky myslel, že jsem výjimečnej. Vysvětlovalo to, proč se nepeleším se zvířaty. We are going to see the world. Festival! We turn the witches of light into heat. A bit of spirit. This one will get a good price. I knew I had the power to kill him and not be cauhgt. Its time for the truth for all of us. But sometimes power can consume goodness.


See - Dům osvícení (2019) (epizoda) 

And she accept reality of her situation and do sensible things. Abdicate the throne. Only the gods decide whos king or queen. And when they do, death must be a witness, or there is no succession, no majesty, no ligitimacy. Just a petty lie agreed upon by petty ppl. Its amazing how they all just align with whatever it is that you want at any given moment. Its fitting then that you will meet your end in a place like this, declaring Gods will to be on your side as misfortune strips you of everything and anything that you once laid claim to bit by bit. The offer to abdicate stands. Do it, or dont do it. Its entirely up to you. The blessing can be often feel like a curse. You have us alone whole our life. Co to meleš, měls toho nejlepšího otce a tvuj život teprve začal! Being chosen doesnt make me perfect. A sighted baby born to blind parents. Měl bys bejt vděčnej! I was born to be a bridge between this dark world and a better one to come. We have been given a divine mission. And we will be remembered for the rest of human history. I would rather be feared than burned as a witch. Make no mistake. In the natural order of things, the blind are the aberration, not us. God, nature, whatever you wish to call it, has elected to restore vision to humanity. And that responsibility has been given to us. Not gods, but the first of a new breed. A returning race of human that can help realize our true potential after living like frightened animals in the darkness for 500 yrs. I hope that you meet my real father one day. What you dont realize is that even though you can see, you have been living out there in the darkness your whole life. Bring the light back into the world. Thank you for your service. Once a dog bites, no matter how loyal you remember him once being, no matter your fondness for him, he must be put down. Dyt je to jen pes. His guilt over injuries I sustained was simply too great to go on. If you and I were to tell conflicting stories, it would only cloud that truth. Confusion would set in, chaos and then we probably both lose our heads. Or we walk out of here together and deliver the message, in which I will explain that in this time of crisis I will lead y soldiers with my sister at my side. We will no longer by hunted like dogs, but seen as gods. But it will take a sacrifice. Možná o tom měla rozhodnout sama. I m not your son, you crazy fuck! You dont deserve the blessing you have been given. Vypíchni mu voči! Dal mu bouchačku a nechce, aby to ostatní slyšeli. Není tak chytrej. Se zase zjevil jak přízrak! Jo to je ta armáda slepejch. Už vím, koho mi připomíná. Ragnara! Hiding in your filth like a fucking rat. Your vision and all your knowledge is a disease that wiped out your kind. Come out and fight me like a fucking man, you coward. What kind of man waits 17 yrs to meet his children only to betray them? I am fighting for the entire human race! Sacrifices must be made. They were made to fulfill a destiny you couldnt possibly understand. Nezáleží, kam se chceme dostat, ale jak se tam dostaneme, jinak všechno naše snažení ztrácí smysl. Its a weapon of the ancients. Much more efficient than your arrows and swords. I know what a gun is. Its a weapon of choice for men with no balls. Cowards death. Slow and wet. A world with no witchfinders would mean a world with no witches.


See - Hedvábí (2019) (epizoda) 

There will be another time. Time of our choosing. Too many of you to trust all of you. This cant be happening. I knew this would happen.  You never wanted to listen. You are so fucking certain you are in the right. Tak aspon vědí, že je to čurák. Buh je vyvede ven. There are much more worse ways to live your life, I assure you. You are making me so very angry right now. You are new. You will learn. My sister was ill-suited for rule. Wanting to kill us is different from wanting us dead. I was the eldest. But he wanted to give away my birthright to my younger sister, the one I cared for and protected any way I could. I learned one must take the lide one wants. So I took everything from them both. Mělas na to se o ni starat, ne an to vládnout, a příliš slabá, abys to pochopila. Why would anyone follow you? No one has any idea who you are. If they have any reason to think that I m coming apart, if they sense it, even for a moment, this is all over. You have done nothing but love them. You will regret every fucking malice bone in your fucking body. Delia. None who enter may ever leave. The urge to return is too strong. It cannot be willed away. The boy grew quiter as he got older, and angrier until one day he couldnt suffer it anymore. He started with the ones who had been most violent with him. Killed some in their sleep. Some he chased as they ran in panic and terror. Hráz se protrhla. When that was done, he moved on to the ones who simply spoke ill toward him. By the time the bloodshed was over, the only Opayol left were him and me. The child is my fault. Therefore your presence here is my fault as well. Swear you will find my boy and you will kill him. Jéé, to je swině! Pět let byla potrestána za svojí chybu, kterou si přiznala, ale trest ne. Navíc, co je s ním špatně? Právě se vysvětlilo, proč lidem tolik nevěří, a místo toho, aby je dál jednodušel zabíjel, tak jim jen trhá křídla - jesli to jde říct o slepejch kriplech. Je prostě jinej, a to se neodpouští. Pak ale nechápu, proč nemá pochopení ani ta mladá negroška, která ho nejdřív do kmene přivedla. Asi zranil i její city. Vymrdat s váma se všema! Měli jste vyvízt jen ženy, vy čuráci! Zabodni mu ten krompáč do hlavy! No, vidíš, to. Přetím složili celou skupinu, a ted si neporadí s jedním chlapem. To be important you need to be strong. I can make you strong. Promise you not to be mean to me.