

Recenze (1)


všechny recenze uživatele (k tomuto seriálu)

Tashkent, Uzzbekistan. Pope Daniel, 15 Mar 1975. Even the slightest taste and it will bring me back to junkie town. 134KHz 3835/2241 Michael, I m not going to hurt you. Codependent relationship. Sim card is cloned. Is she beautiful like you? Tall, smoky voice. Very sexy. You wont be disappointed. Pair up, ppl. Surveillance works better with a partner. I m the btter shot. I knew you would gone rogue, I didnt know you would gone delusional. Todle je dobrý, jak každej kouká někam jinam. Jsou 600m daleko. Má pěkně nasazenou helmu. To je vtip. Nvm, jesli to nedělaj schválně. That is why you are destined to fail. Fight in Gods cause against those who fight you. I fight in Gods cause, you do not. But do not commit aggression. You forget that part of the Koran? If you are gonna twist its meaning, at least quote the whole passage. Zabíjejte je kdekoli je dostihnete! Collateral damage, thats all they were. Vo co, že jí ujede? Když to napadlo mě, tak ji muselo taky. Hlavně, že mu to sama navrhla. Revenge is not the answer. Excuse me, is this Nikita talking? Thats different! Every man has a choice. His life and his character are determined by the choices he makes. Young, smart, ambitious, which is why I would like you to come work for me. Get vengeance, get justice. For yourself and your country. Tendle seriál není vubec špatnej. Což jsem nemohl vědět, protože jsem ho nesledoval. Proto mě udivuje, že má tak nízký hodnocení i málo seedu. Už kvuli tý Meggie bych se na to díval. A dokonce se něco dozvíš! ()



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