

Nejsledovanější žánry / typy / původy

  • Krátkometrážní
  • Drama
  • Dokumentární
  • Animovaný
  • Experimentální

Deníček (38)

25 FPS

25 FPS Festival screens independent and non-commercial films which innovatively explore the possibilities of cinematic language, narration and the medium itself, cross film types and genres and broaden the notion of film as art. It promotes expressive original concepts, progresses in terms of theme, idea and aesthetics, as well as works that perpetuate the tradition of avant-garde and experimental film.

Michael Sandison and Marcus Eoin

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Televisor 2017

nositel kultury a ušlechtilé zábavy

Televisor 2017

Advanced Global Personality Test Results

Extraversion |||||||||||||||||| 72%
Stability |||||||||||||||||| 72%
Orderliness |||||||||| 38%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||| 66%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||| 66%
Interdependence |||||||||||||||||| 75%
Mystical |||||||||||||||||| 75%
Materialism |||||| 25%
Narcissism |||||||||||| 50%
Adventurousness |||||||||||| 41%
Work ethic |||| 16%
Conflict seeking |||||| 25%
Need to dominate |||||||||||||| 58%
Romantic |||||||||||||||| 61%
Avoidant |||||| 25%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Wealth |||||||||||||||| 66%
Dependency |||||||||||||||| 66%
Change averse |||||||||||| 50%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||| 58%
Individuality |||||||||||||||||| 77%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||||| 75%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||| 41%
Histrionic |||| 16%
Vanity |||||||||||||||| 66%
Artistic |||||||||||||||||| 75%
Hedonism |||||||||||| 44%
Physical fitness |||||||||||||||||||| 88%
Religious |||||||||||||||||| 75%
Paranoia |||||||||| 33%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||||| 72%
Indie |||||| 25%



Stability results were high which suggests you are very relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic..


Orderliness results were moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.


Extraversion results were high which suggests you are overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense too often of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.



social, outgoing, worry free, optimistic, upbeat, tough, likes large parties, makes friends easily, rarely irritated, open, enjoys leadership, trusting, dominant, thrill seeker, strong, does not like to be alone, assertive, mind over heart, confident, controlling, feels desirable, likes the spotlight, loves food, social chameleon, hard working, concerned about others

Zhliadnuté filmy, ktoré nie sú zaevidované na ČSFD

Dětský sad (1975), r. Míra Janek /****

River (2013), r. Miroslava Večeřová /*

Obývací pokoj (2008), r. Josef Bolf /**

Sretanje (1963), r. Vladimir Petek /****

Possessed (2010), r. Fred Worden /****

Hranice (2007), r. Kateřina Držková /***

Absent IX (2013), r. Anders Weberg /***

Myslitel (2014), r. Katarína Hládeková /*

Filmmakers (1969), r. Takahiko Iimura /***

Návod 2: Trilobit (2009), r. Matěj Smetana /*

Bubi (2011), r. Veronika Vlková a Jan Šrámek /**

Une génération (1982), r. Philippe Grandrieux /****

Snídaně (1984), r. Pavel Bárta, kam. Michal Hýbek /****

Osvícení (2012), r. Vladimír TurnerJan Šimánek a kol. /*

Svatojánská pouť v československé vesnici (1898), r. Jan Kříženecký /***

Mónica Savirón

Dziga Vertov
Zdiga Revtov
Gdiza Tevrov
Dgiza Tetrov
Idzga Ertvov
Izdga Tervov
Gidza Torvev
Zidga Rotvev
Digza Torvev
Zgida Vretov
Gizda Vervot
Zigda Retvov


Anton Michajlovič Lavinskij (1893-1968)



V tomto odstavci pre zaujímavosť uvádzam zoznam filmov, v ktorých sú moje hodnotenia nízke, v rozpätí odpad až ** a tým sa diametrálne líšia v porovnaní s mojimi obľúbenými užívateľmi, ktorí hodnotili vysoko, v priemere **** až *****


Asparagus (1979), r. Suzan Pitt /**

Angel (1957), r. Joseph Cornell /**

Paterson (2016), r. Jim Jarmusch /**

Ai no mukidashi (2008), r. Šion Sono /**

Validation (2007), r. Kurt Kuenne /odpad!

Underground (1995), r. Emir Kusturica /**

Pulp Fiction (1994), r. Quentin Tarantino /**

The Lobster (2015), r. Yorgos Lanthimos /**

A Field in England (2013), r. Ben Wheatley /**

The Butterfly Circus (2009), r. Joshua Weigel /*

Midnight in Paris (2011), r. Woody Allen /odpad!

The Hateful Eight (2015), r. Quentin Tarantino /**

Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008), r. Woody Allen /**

Nymph()maniac: Volume I. (2013), r. Lars von Trier /*

Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001), r. Hajao Mijazaki /**

Deux jours, une nuit (2014), r. Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Luc Dardenne /**

Trudno byt' bogom (2013), r. Alexej German /*** zámerne uvádzam aj tento film, pretože si zaslúži druhú šancu


Institute Benjamenta, or This Dream People Call Human Life (1995)

Who dares it • has no courage

To whom it is missing • feels well

Who owns it • is bitterly poor

Who is successful • is damaged

Who gives it • is as hard as stone

Who loves it • stays alone

Institute Benjamenta, or This Dream People Call Human Life (1995)

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