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Deníček (40)

Jedna školková láska + jedna dospělácká :D


There is only one true love - in many forms though (Var. #9)


Zrovna překládám…

Hector (2015)

Pro Mullana mám slabost, tak vzhůru do toho.

There is only one true love - in many forms though (Var. #8)

Frankie má holt hlásek jako konipásek

There is only one true love - in many forms though (Var. #7)

What a man!

There is only one true love - in many forms though (Var. #6)

Asi tak...

There is only one true love - in many forms though (Var. #5)

The only bird I like

There is only one true love - in many forms though (Var. #4)

„That's what I'm living for..“

There is only one true love - in many forms though (Var. #3)

In Mike we trust!

There is only one true love - in many forms though (Var. #2)

Amazing Dez

There is only one true love - in many forms though (Var. #1)

Canť wait for Oct 13th!!! :)

He's sexy as fuck and he knows it!


Leo je prostě husťák!

A medvědí cinkátko by se nemělo v hudbě tolik opomíjet!

Někdy by bylo lepší vyhodit jednoho z kola ven

Ale všechno ostatní je tak super, že se to rapující trdlo prostě musí přežít.

You made my day, guys... again...

Svět je zase o něco hnusnější a bezútěšnější místo


I was blind but now I've got my sight back

You suffer insidiously

I fucking hate you

What love can do when love's lost

Grow overweight
And smile as if
There's nothing left to say

You have to love these guys!

...especially one of them ;-)

Trocha pozitivní energie

od Jastovy podpůrné skupiny :-D

Jak už to tak bývá...

I've often wondered about the demons coming in the pale skirts of midnight
I never really paid much attention to them though
I knew they were coming...

...and they came!

Časové pásmo bylo změněno