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  • Drama

Recenze (10 283)


Futurama - Milion a jedno chapadlo 3/4 (2008) (epizoda) 

"Captain's log, star date, the year of the tiger. The battle has been bravely fought, and the suffering of our troops beyond measure. But the alien is invulnerable, and our defeat inevitable. That much is obvious, even from my remote command post here at the Times Square Applebee's. Waiter! Take this fried mozzarella back to the kitchen and fry it some more."


Star Trek: Enterprise - Předzvěst (2004) (epizoda) 

"A canary. On Earth, miners used to take canaries into the tunnels with them. If the canary didn't die, the miners knew the air would be safe to breathe, and they could proceed."