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Recenze (1 028)


Nikita - One Way (2010) (epizoda) 

Tashkent, Uzzbekistan. Pope Daniel, 15 Mar 1975. Even the slightest taste and it will bring me back to junkie town. 134KHz 3835/2241 Michael, I m not going to hurt you. Codependent relationship. Sim card is cloned. Is she beautiful like you? Tall, smoky voice. Very sexy. You wont be disappointed. Pair up, ppl. Surveillance works better with a partner. I m the btter shot. I knew you would gone rogue, I didnt know you would gone delusional. Todle je dobrý, jak každej kouká někam jinam. Jsou 600m daleko. Má pěkně nasazenou helmu. To je vtip. Nvm, jesli to nedělaj schválně. That is why you are destined to fail. Fight in Gods cause against those who fight you. I fight in Gods cause, you do not. But do not commit aggression. You forget that part of the Koran? If you are gonna twist its meaning, at least quote the whole passage. Zabíjejte je kdekoli je dostihnete! Collateral damage, thats all they were. Vo co, že jí ujede? Když to napadlo mě, tak ji muselo taky. Hlavně, že mu to sama navrhla. Revenge is not the answer. Excuse me, is this Nikita talking? Thats different! Every man has a choice. His life and his character are determined by the choices he makes. Young, smart, ambitious, which is why I would like you to come work for me. Get vengeance, get justice. For yourself and your country. Tendle seriál není vubec špatnej. Což jsem nemohl vědět, protože jsem ho nesledoval. Proto mě udivuje, že má tak nízký hodnocení i málo seedu. Už kvuli tý Meggie bych se na to díval. A dokonce se něco dozvíš!


Nikita - Phoenix (2010) (epizoda) 

You miss me too, huh? Těmdle kurvám bych řezal palice, nebo aspon zabil toho psa. Rovnoprávnýho člena rodiny. Už jsem myslel, že tu zdegenerovanou pýču zachrání - jako v jinejch seriálech. Připomíná mi trochu sousedku. You eliminated a security threat to our country. Každej tomu říká jinak. Spíš pro humanitu. Měl zabít i toho čokla, aby se sám bez paničky netrápil. Stejně je to všechny čeká. Ve jménu Alláha. Ne, ta druhá štětka si ho vzala domu. Pochybuju, že Aziati se taky peleší se zvířatama. Možná pujde na guláš. Aspon vidíme, jakou špínu zaměstnává vláda - po celým světě. Bachelors degree in Baltic-Slavic languagues (11/17). Did she speak Polish to you? Russian? Czech? Céé je správně! I thought so. To nevymyslíš! Zajímavý, že si nikdy na přepadovku nevezme kuklu. Play nice or I m not gonna take your number when you give it to me. Anna was spying on Senator Kerrigan. Her parents were her handlers and you work for Gogol. Killer with conscience.


Nikita - The Recruit (2010) (epizoda) 

Give us courage and the quiet mind. Spare to us our friends. Soften to us our enemies. Poetry is better for the sound. And you may learn something. Spare my friends? Kill my enemies? Pretty clear on that. If you know who your friends and your enemies are, yes. Making friends isnt hard. Povídej mi o tom. Losing them will be. To bych nějaký musel mít! I pride myself on keeping Division totally paperless. Nikki was one in a million. Force of nature. Like a one-woman Michael Bay movie, only with good acting. Need to fix the sights on it. I m a child of Mother Earth and I will fight to protect my mother. This is a war to save our planet. In a war ppl get hurt, ppl die. They die for what they believe in. My name is Greta Tunberg (Tammy Smith) and I believe. To sou hrozný packalové. They use you to frame innocent ppl. V dnešním světě není nikdo nevinnej. Čím víc jich zabijou, tím líp. Dělaj společnosti službu. This place can drive you nuts sometimes. Before Division, I had no future. Now I know computers, languages, tradecraft. When I make field agent, I m gonna get to see the world. Fast cars, fancy hotels, Europe, Japan, whatever. Its all stuff that I never dreamt I would get to do. They are training us to be James Bond. First, we start by plaing you somewhere remote. Strip your life down to bare essentials. Food, shelter, water, resupply. Minimal contact with anyone the first six months. What am I supposed to do now? Wait. Take what you see and hear and turn it into something you can use. You never know. All this time I m trying to win your trust while you are planning on running. You were right about getting close. But if you felt nothing, you would be one of them. I must say we underestimated your potential in certain areas. The way you killed those guards, no hesitation at all. Cleaner program.


Nikita - Resistance (2010) (epizoda) 

Show him you are in control. Standard field dressing. The real damage wont begin to heal for at least a year. Three yrs out, you will still feel her. Owen! She need to know her enemies wont show her the same mercy. Shes reaching her treshold. Positioning Division as a common enemy. Shes clever, you have to give her that. Which is the point of the test. To push the recruits to their limits. You were sold to sex traffickers. Theres 5000 dollars in that envelope and a fake drivers license. That should get you started. To bude sněhu. Todle nedává absolutně žádnej smysl. Kdyby ji tam poslala, tak by ji asi upozornila předem, že ji budou vyslýchat. A když to slyšela v telefonu, tak to nejhorší, co mohla udělat, bylo jet za ní. Takhle blbej není nikdo. A zachránila je zase jen blbá náhoda! Taky by si zjistili, komu telefonovala. Takhle blbá zase není Divize. I was worried somebody else might have gotten to you. A dead body on the outside begs a lit of questions. But in here, none. Agent Khamera had a gun that was loaded with blanks (proč by měl taky ostrou, že jo). And he was given strict orders to let her escape. You are sick. Both of you. You have been at Division long enough to know there are many kinds of tests. Sometimes you have no idea you are being tested. The truth is what we choose to believe to. Mají stejnou barvu vlasu. Celý je to laděný v takovzm hnědým tonu. Včetně tý plochy na monitoru předtím. I have to do this on my own. Sorry.


Nikita - The Guardian (2010) (epizoda) 

Use 128-bit link keys to encrypt communication. Crack the key and any cellphone within range becomes an instant bug.


Nikita - Rough Trade (2010) (epizoda) 

You scream and I will snap your neck. Preparation is the key to success. Nuda.


Nikita - Kill Jill (2010) (epizoda) 

Vyhazování náboju do ruky - pravej ukazováček podél lučíku, levej palec opřenej o pojistku, dlouhej rack po celý délce, táhneš oběma směry, pomalu - než vypadne náboj. 2297165599I Jill Morelli 734 Hester Street NY10027 2008-03-01 - 2013-03-10 Mada fcka! Lets call the police. They control the fuckin police. Row G, seat 12. I used to have this friend, Zeke, and he used to bootleg DVDs until they started putting night-vision cameras inside the movie theaters. 0100024578 Ben Prentice 2010-08-09 Ann Arbor 1983-03-15 Its called ownage. All these systems are already hacked. I own them. Michael, you have no idea how much pain I can take. Division wont let us have anything with a hard drive. I cant remember the last time I heard music. Pepper sray. Can never be too careful.


Nikita - 2.0 (2010) (epizoda) 

Termographic scope. I keep the gun, you keep breathing, and never tell anyone I was here. Dont flatter yourself. I have got a much bigger target in mind. I even make it look like a video game so your tween minds can understand it! I just need a hit! You make us feel good, we will make you feel good. Who are you? Her fairy godmother. You handled submachine guns before? Not really. Must be the drugs. There is no easy way out (Rocky). I dont need a sauna! I need a hit! Its going to get worse before it gets better. Tungsten carbide. Hyper velocity, self-shatpening. Lokken 2-12 slap round. I could trace the tungsten to the production batch. Nikita wouldnt buy ammo from a manufacturer. She goes straight back to the market, face to face with the local dealer. Those guys have their own signature. Thats how they modify the rounds. Run them through ShadowNet.


Nikita - Pilot (2010) (epizoda) 

Stáhnul jsem si to ve Full HD a udělal jsem dobře. Kromě Meggie tam hraje ještě jedna prcinka, kterou jsem si už nepamatoval. If you wanna stay, you are gonna have to get wet. Hele, Percy nedělal šéfa jenom v CTU! Promise me its not dream that I m gonna wake up from tomorrow. I m the one whos going to show you how to embrace your beauty. And use it to your advantage. What does the butterfly on your back mean if not transformation (napovídají)? Sometimes vulnerability can be our greatest weapon. Uzavíratelný sáčky (ted jsem si je koupil, když jsem byl v praze). Your country is rich with oil but you dont own any of it. The companies that drill it do. They know the minute you atabilize your country, the second you end civil war, you will kick them out. Those companies contractes Division to kill you. Peace (11/17). Victory. Home is wherever you stop running.


V dosahu smrti (2015) 

You killed my brother. Yeah, and I m gonna kill you, you little bitch. Nejlepší film s Adkinsonem v hlavní roli!