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  • Akční
  • Drama
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  • Horor
  • Sci-Fi

Recenze (1 028)


Bokeh (2017) 

Čistá akční jízda.


Invictus: Neporažený (2009) 

Tak jesli mě něco nebaví, tak to je sledovat film o americkym fotbalu nebo rugby. Vlastně žádný sportovně založený filmy u mě nemají šanci. Čím to je?


Dej si pozor! (2016) 

You crack me up - Not again with the duct tape - 1001 uses for the duct tape - Bxs shes my baby sitter - Uses - ASHLEY SHUSHING - Just let him play the big boy. H elikes that - Stop bossing me around - Nobody smokes in the house - I dunno fuck with that shit - In Scouts, were clove hitches clockwise or counter-clock-wise? - Why are you laughing? - His head exploded - Why did you make me do it? - You shot me - Exactly - Ty filmy musí točit samí psychopati protože jim rozumí - Konečně psychopati vyhrávaj! - Aha, on o tom nevěděl nic. Pak nemusí ani vypovídat. Genius - Want you put her in the mood? Watch horror movie - When we are scared our brains pump out dopamine the same chemical we release when we are aroused - So fear really makes girls wet? - Bone your babysitter - Secret special friend - Low blow - That was a low blow - Im not drunk and Im not kiddo - Im gonna go out there - Scare them away - Myslim, že už je mokrá dost - WHAT DELUSIONAL INFANT THINKS THAT STAGING-IN IS GONNA GET YOU TO SECOND BASE? - YOU ARE MENTAL - YOU ARE SELFISH BRAT WITH NO CONSIDERATION AND YOU NEED THERAPY. LOTS OF IT - WATCH THE CARPET. MY DADDY AND MOMMY WILL KILL ME - Because shes my baby sitter. You dont touch her - Truth or dare? That was so not cool - You got a lot to learn about woman - Caught me off guard - Im not involving anyone else in your bullshit - It wasnt an accident - Is it level with his head? - Carolers are gone and the Lingards next door? - Pořád kope - You want fuckin Shakespeare? - Please forgive me for everything I have done . I love you so mcuh (ale píše hezky) - LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO


Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) 

První polovina je výborná. Druhá taky. - This conversation never having taken place - Whaat happens after the end of the world? - What little remain is made stronger - Simply, world DESTRUCTION isnt unpleasant but necessary part of EVOLUTION - Rebuild from ashes - Monuments to unimaginaable dedicated to the concept of peace - Nuclear war might have a place in the natural order - But only if it could be controlled - Only if it attached every living song equally - Cobalt - Failure to a terrorist just a rehearsal for success - Nothing left to chance - Disavowed - I got all I need, thank you - On the break of war - Why am I Pluto? Its even not a planet now - Pinpoint Hendrics location - Meet me at the rally point - Next time, I gonna to seduce the rich guy - Todle je velký. Nukleární válka - Není vubec překlad - Disable the relay - We were unprepared, in the dark, disavowed - It wasnt your job to protect her, it was mine


Ženská za volantem (2008) 

Tak na tomdle filmu je dobrá akorát Michelle Monaghan, ale sama to neutáhne. Navíc jsem jí to roli tyračky nevěčil, ač se snažila. Myslím, že nezkazí žádnou srantu, ale do týdle čtvrtý cenový mi nezapadá. To už spíš ta Sandra Bullock. Film jsem viděl za 5 minut. Jinak by to byla velká ztráta času. Pochybuju, že tam byl nějakej hlubokej filosofickej podtext. Ale vy burani z venkova na to určitě jděte.


Memento (2000) 

We all need mirrors to remind ourselves who we are - Aha, on ho chtěl nechat zabít, tak mu řekl… - Im not a killer. Im just someone who wanted to make things right - A sense of PURPOSE to your life - To by vysvětlovalo, proč od začátku máme svůj osud vybraný. Respektive náš puvod - You dont want the truth. You make up your own truth - Tenhle film je tak špatnej, že si ho ani nebudu pamatovat (proto si to zapisuju) - realize your wi-fe didnt live alone (no jistě) (fakt smula) - No reason, no conspiracy. Just bad fucking luck. Couple of junkies too strung out to - That guy who cracked your scull and fucked your wi-fe - When its done, I will know. It will be different - I guess I can only make you remember the things you wanna be true - Who cares if theres a few little details you d rather not remember? - You lie to yourself to be happy. We all do it - 200 grands STASHED in the car - Memory guy - I have no short-term memory (zvláštní případ) - Bcs of my condition - Dying - Thats sweet - My wife - Whats the last thing that you do remember? - Opravdu jsem sem až nevydržel - To je nuda - Maybe your cunt of fuckin wife sucked one too many diseased cocks and turned you into a fucking retard! - Venereal disease - Dont call her that - You just kind of learn to know where things go and hoe the systém works - Particular pockets for particular things - Trust your own handwriting


Snowden (2016) 

Já to nechápu. Proč se ten chcípák snažil dostat ke speciálním jednotkám, když měl mozek? - What has been the most important day of your life? 9/11 (tak to moc chitrej nejseš) - They oppresso liber (motto) - INTERNET is a technology that has abilyty/power to get everyone in the world to understand each other (to řekl hezky) - You were a question from perfect results at the entrance exam to the army - Crushed comprehension test - Little mandarine, little japanesse (tak to je hustej, jinej světovej jazyk umí?) - And no high school diploma - Why did you stop high school? I needed to make money. My parants were on the verge of divorce (tak hloupější odpověd jsem nikdy neslyšel) - Its not enought - Jak není dost? Vždyt nemá ani střední! - Usually. But we live in unusual times - Journey girl 14 - In 20 yrs Iraq will be a hell that no one cares about - Terrorism is a short-term threat - The real threat comes from China Russia, Iran. And it comes in form of database injections and malicious software - Jaké jsou jejich zájmy - Its all about finding a point to press/ pressing point - Everything else is just pressing/pushing on - 37.00 - Tvl, to překládal nějakej hluchoněmej, ne! - I can fish with these hooks - Možná je to první scenář a pak to přepsali. Nic jinýho nedává smysl - A matter of principle - Epic Shelter - They were not as exited about that we wanted their help to spy on the Japanese population - We bugged the country anyway, of course - We not stop there. E continued with the physical infrastructure - We sneaked into small programs in their power grids, dams (přehrady), hospitals - Mexico, Germany, Brazil, Austria - China, I could understand. But Austria? - Czech Republic? Asi je tak bezvýznamná, že by tomu nikdo nevěřil - We also followed the majority of world leaders and major industry leaders (Babiš) - Amerika dneska hraje uplně jinou hru než na špehování - Nechá vás debílky si myslet, že otevřenej kryt od ntb je váš největší problem - A vy si právě máte myslet, že Amerika je problém. Že za všechno muže. Vždyck jste až ti poslední, co na něco přijdou, pěšci, se kterými se hýbe v několika ruzných směrech - Všechno se dozvíte až když to už nemá význam, je po operaci a hraje se jiná hra - Help to set aside some leaders in the Third World (aha) - This is not about terrorism - Terrorism is excuse - This is about economic and social control - And the only thingyou really protects, is your governments superiority - Thing is, you can follow not only your enemy targets, you can also follow their metadata - Which is basically all the phone numbers of the contact - Lets say your goal is a foam Iranian bankers from Beirut - Realize scale of the system - The NSA tracks really all mobile numbers phones worldwide - NSA tracking every selfphone in the world (si ze mě dělá prdel) - No matter who you are, you sit in a database every day of your life - A lidem je to pořád jedno, dobrovolně si kupují poslední odposlechy a instalují si je do svých ložnic - Myslim, že se snažil zbytečně. Těmdle prasatum je to stejně fuk. Denně se svými zhovadilými životy chlubí na internetu. Chtějí svět bez bariér, větší bezpečí, být sledováni. Co byste taky od toho dobytka chtěli? Když mu dáte lidský práva, lidi to z něj neudělá - Ready to be reviewed - I agree to the terms of service and privaty policy - All seeing eye - Tvl, todle je taky dlouhý, asito přeruším - They are for my sake/me - Camera phobia - You work 12 hours a day, you come home depressed. You play computer games and then you fall asleep (to znám) - To není deprese, krávo, ale vyčerpání. A ještě k tomu jednoduchý koridory. Na nic víc se mozek nezmuže. Jen ukrajuješ dobu - Im tired because I have a job that pays for our apartment in the worlds most expensive city - Would you give your eat-sleep-walking out alive? - You live in a wonderland where are no consequences - I am completely crushed. You are not laughing with me. You hane not touch me - I was very loney (se tady potrhám smíchy) - Tak udělal něco pro svět - A mans usefulness depends upon his living up to his ideals in so far as he can - It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to cucceed - Solution consultant. In principle, I sold over priced hardware - Dell, in collaboration with the CIA, NSA and DIA - Revolving door - Three high level/top officials of the NSA. Bill Binney, Ed Loomis and Kirk Wiebe - Thomas Drake tried to change the system from inside (gen Y) - Its not your fault - Is there something my fault? - No WW3 bcs for that we used our power, in general, for the worlds best, for prosperity, order - They do this through the public consumption - Bacha - Most Americans do not want freedom. They want SECURITY - If you want to play with the all new toys, you must pay the entry fee - Modern battlefield. Everywhere - First rule of war? Never reveal your position - Secrecy is the security and safety is victory - Hele, ten sráč má Optifade. To asi aby se do něj trefili - Ignore me on purpose - Epilepsy - It is vital/essencial to také the medicine (mě s tím tak serou) - Less stress. Warmer climate could help (tvl, vy jste rozmazlený, zabít) - Precedency/model - Real/genuine (zabít, zabít, zabít) - Hell of place. Are oyu NTOC (deffensive) or ROC (offensive)? You can hack the hackers - Coding language, spoke, sign (magor) - Awesome/cruelly (to si dělá prdel) - Great/lovely - We track, you are bombing - Enemy/badguys - Index/a table of contents updated in real time - We just need a web portal to catalog them - Engage/firing at the target - Couple/few months - Itsm make me groggy. I need to be quick in the head continuously - Work/job - Tvl, už se zase perou, já jí rozkopu držku - Turn back/around (to už serou) už to nedává smysl - What the fuck/hell is going on - Who won/Vem vann? Co to doprdele je - Head out/Need to go (si ze mě dělá prdel) - Gone/disappear - Fucking/damn - Governmen/state - Outstanding/exemplary work - Most/several agencies/organizations (zase) - Omitted the truth in the past lie test - Sometimes we do not tell the whole truth - Director of national intelligence/intelligence chief just lied to Congress - Sleaping/lie with photographer - So/and? - Calls/voice (jako by se to snažilo jen napodobit) - 1.40.15 - 1.40.34 - I will be holding a Rubiks cube. More to follow (text) - I will have a Rubiks cube in hand. More info follows (subtitles) - Idiot/fool - Fakt, jo? takhles to prones, jo? Seš frajer (svině, když mi upravuješ slova, tak bys mohla psát na začátku věty velký písmena!) - You ahwe to start with the white cross, than takes the corners - 1.49.03 - NSA collecting phone records of millions of Americans daily (text) - NSA collects call information for millions of Americans (subtitles) nedává smysl - Hale kripl s malým pejskem - If the were in my possition/ Om de var i min sit - What I fear most, compared to what happens with the US, is if nothing change/happens and it only gets worse year after year (kvalita hraček stoupá). And then some new leader will be elected/choosen taking the last step. And the ppl will not be able to do anything/something to oppose/stop it - And it gets turnkey tyrany - 1.57.17 - Snowden trying to get from Russia to Cuba and on to Ecuador (všechno dopředu připravený, jak by mohl uniknout CIA) - There is still something called execution (Trump) - Dostával hodně prostoru - Three-year residency permit by Russia (tak jedině tam) - People/citizens - Opportunity/be able to - Tvl, v Rusku je tolik negru (ted si ze mě dělá srandu i samotnej film) - If we want protect our national security, we should defend the principle - All of the world/around the world will come forward/stand up - Ordinary/regular cizizens - But/however - Fortune/greatful - Greates freedom I gain is not having to worry about what happens tomorrow, Im happy for what I have done today - Oliver Stone (tak to jo) - RedAK to tentokrát zabil uplně. Palec nahoru


Blondýna na předpis (2014) 

Tvl, to je snad muj nejoblíbenější film s tím šaškem a snad uplně. Jaktože to není v červenejch? Co to je za dementa, co tomu dal ODPAD?? I think we need to remain supportive even if his interests are different than ours, Doug. You know taking so many supplements all at onece cancels out the impact. Its not my business to know how ppl got sick, just how to get them feeling better. Its gonna be getting dark now. You would change your tune after being balls-deep in a woman like Elizabeth. I m gonna come! Jaktože to zase nemám? Todle bude ten film, kterej si nebudu přepisovat, jen si ho v klidu vychutnám. Sometime you need to know when to just shut up and give it to a girl. Are you married? Why? Are you trying to pick me up? Wifeys away, so I m cooking tonight. This will be hard on Ethan, but in a long run its better to be raised by two happy parents apart than miserable ones together (to rozhodnutí už není na tobě). He forgot the first rule of the drug game. Dont get high on your own supply. You cant help everyone, but everyone can help someone.


X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) 

Tvl, je to možný? Oni udělali Wolverina jak se patří - Tvl, von mu zabil milenku - Tvl, jak to mužou udělat, rozbít takovej krásnej vztah. Vždyt ho akorát naserou - Why? You dot call. You dont write. How else am I supposed to get your attention? - Cynik - Not all who wanders are lost - You know what happens to men who go looking for blood? They find it - We all got choice. Well, mine got taken - Tactohypnosis - She can influence ppl as long as she touches them - Quite useful tool in a seduction - I told you came down this road, you wouldnt like what you found - Im just fool who got played - The worst part of it is, I should have known (přehrává) - Je fakt pěkná - How about this time you die for real? - Your little mind games dont work on me - Nobody kills you but me - Tvl, zlatý karate, čínský kun fu - We are done - We can never be done - We are brothers, and brothers look for each other - Mělo to svoje momenty, no - Lynn Collins (Silverfox)