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Žena na válečné stezce (2018) 

Moms can do anything. Find solutions. 34:30 (11/17). I urge everyone to rise up and use their ingenuity to cause damage to these enterprises (Extinction Rebellion). Thats the only thing those psychopaths, those global multinationals, can understand. Thats how they operate (připomíná mi Davida Icka), with threads and sabotage against nature and society (Aljaška v plamenech – tehdy jsem tomu ještě věřil). The sabotage against our nature causing atmospheric warming, is a crime against humanity and all life on Earth. The globalized industry is the force behind this suicidal charge that not even democracy can stop (proto zbouráme staré pořádky – a vytvoříme řád vlastní). But there are laws above human laws, ancestral laws which will not be stricken out tomorrow,. Its our indisputable right to protect the Jives of future generations (tadle je poslední). We are the most powerful generation ever and we are also the last generation that can stop the war against our (Mother) Earth. Our children and grandchildren will have no chance. For them it will be to late. Now is the time, the mission is ours. The Mountain Woman. Why do you used old typewriter? It can be traced (si řikal). There are weak point they will tear apart. The laws above/about laws. You are opening up a very dangerous angle (oni – tímto filmem nevyjímaje) they will totally deform it. Ppl will understand. I ahve planted the seeds, it cant be stopped (strom a řetěz). They dont want to stop it, but to control it. They will control the discussion. Who will tell us what the real issues are? They have started a mole investigation. Nicméně ted se zdá (debilka Gréta apod.) že trend medií je přesně opačný – vnutit nám tudle prolhanou klimatickou krizi. Ano, planeta jde do prdele, ale je to uměle vytvořený proces, stejně jako v případě migrace, terorizmu (false flags) a dnes plandemie koronaviru (to je hroceno oběma směry – také). Cílem je ve všech oblastech vyvolat střet, chaos. He who Jives by the sword, dies by the sword. But no one has been hurt, except our country and our planet (právě proto). The drop hollows the stone. Isnt that egoism, to think it will change the world? The mountains are falling on us, we dont have time to wait for drops. Now you are going to save a child and the entire world with it. Vážně si myslíte, že planeta se rozpadá kvuli činnosti člověka, nebo je třeba problém trošku jinde – v tom, že člověk opustil svojí cestu, což je v tomhle filmu krásně naznačeno, ale podává se to za klad (včetně těch blondatejch fízlu s kozama, co neví, kde je jejich místo)? Žena vážně není rovna muži. Your journey is now my journey. Alleged cousin. I greet your inner, not your outer, not your appearance, but your inner being, who is holy and good. Agitka uplně ve všem. Buh se rozhodl zničit zemi a vše na ní, protože došlo k odpadnutí. Fandil bych jí, kdybych nevěděl, že to je stará zmatená kurva. Ta adopce dítěte – nevlastního, to jen dokazuje. Kdyby věcy šly dál, planeta by se o sebe dokázala postarat. Jde o nás, co na ní žijeme. Nám dochází čas, ale nemužete tomu nijak zabránit. Thai chi. Jaktože věděli, kdo to jem neměli podobu, neměli DNA. A hlavně si ho nemohli dovolit jen tak odebírat občanum, alespon ne ve svobodné zemi. Jinak velmi povedený film s originálním námětem. Se skvělým závěrem.


Americký zabiják (2017) 

Buzerant přišel o starou, se kterou léta smilnil, a my se z něho jako posereme. Konečně našel smysl života. I want to bathe my hands in the blook of the infidels. Who was taken in the Year of Sorrow? Khadijah and Abu Talib. Who was with the Prophet for the Isra and Miraj? The Angel Gabriel. Tak hlavně, že umíš zpaměti Bibli. Will you come here? Allah wills that I join the struggle wherever I am called. Správně! Mužeš začít se svejma netolerantníma sousedama. Whomsoever Allah guides there is none to misguide. If I look in your eyes I dont trust you. V poslední době moje prsty/klávesnice ignorují psaní velkého "I". You got to understand that I m the only way to get you what you want. Řekla negroška v ružovým obleku. Ježíš - já jsem ta casta. Bcs I believe in you. And I m all what you got. V posledním posraným odstavci třikrát! I have surveilled dozens of these vigilantes. This one is different. This kind of psych profile scares the hell out of him. Vybít teroristickou bunku není problém, problém je vybít deset milionu prasat, který chrání zasranej systém. Zase k nim máš snadnej přístup. Odpadlejch nevěřících psu. Kriplu, co vyměnili Boha za zvíře. Vaše osudy jsou sečtený. You cant train that into someone. His psych profile is exactly what I have been looking for. Polygraph? Flying colors. My goal is to have them lie awake at night, knowing I m coming for them. Tak to máme podobný. Zachary 11/17 (2310) v autě za sedačkou. I was gonna suggest we maybe speed this whole thing up? Líbí se mi, akorát kope za špatnou stranu. Prase nevidí vlastní špínu. You flinch, you die. Orion is about the mission. It aint about you. You are a ghost, you dont exist. Theres nobody coming back for you. Never assume your target is the only target. The enemy dresses like a deer and he kills like a lion. Thats our mad dog out there. Thats our chance to kill two birds with one stone. You let emotion cloud your judgment. Never ever let it get personal. Quick, clean, no footprints. Nemusíš řikat dvakrát. Break his pattern. Už jsem myslel. It will be your first time. Not in my mind. Adkinson si konečně zahrál v kvalitním béčkovým filmě. Ale pořád nvm, proč jsem to stáhnul. No dohrál. Dokonce bych řekl, že je to áčko. Mission terminated. Todle je hotovej Ethan Hawk. Nebo James Bond. He disobeyed direct order. Talent and balls. Kill as many Jews as you want. Do you practice Salah, brother? You follow orders when they suit you. Zajímavej zvrat. Theres a fucking nuke in play (24h). Já věděl, že ji zachrání! You should have come for me. Fuck orders. Fuck the mission. Fuck you! I was your boy, I believe/d that. You made me believe that. Thats your second mistake. You dont say one more time. You just do it. Come on! I got nine more. I like this. You motherfucker! Docela vyvádí na to, že mu slezl jeden nehet. You acted like ma father. I trusted you and I trusted the US Navy. You create monsters. Those ppl who did this to me, you think they are barbarians? God bless fuckin America. Third mistake, never get to close. Never ever thought I would die in the field. I always figured it would be some cabin in the woods with my dogs. I aint gonna kill you. You are gonna live to see the crown of your creation. Thousands of Americans are gonna burn (You are all going to die down here). Proč nepřestřelil řetěz jako v každým filmu? I want to see my family. Jo takhle! S holkama má smulu.


Atomic Blonde: Bez lítosti (2017) 

We dont mistrust each other bcs we are armed. We are armed bcs we mistrust each other. Sticks and stones, Jimmy. To by sis tam mohla dát předtím, ty náplasti. Goodman vs Goodchild. Aeon Flux po 12ti letech. Thats a nasty black eye. Cocksucker.did you hear me say something? What did she say? Well, do you want to play the tape back? Coroner extracted a 7,62 Tokarev round (v záběru nábojnice z Makarova) from the base of his skull (to asi těžko). To si to ti kriplové nemužou dopředu zjistit? To je tak těžký, když sověti měli tři pistole? Navíc střílel ze Stečkina. To je Profesor? Stečkin APS je automatická pistole, kterou zkonstruoval Igor Stečkin, APS znamená automatická pistole stečkina. Zbraň spojuje vlastnosti pistole a malého samopalu. Byla vyrobena a používána v SSSR. Do výzbroje byla zaváděna společně s pistolí Makarov PM. Stejně jako ta má ráži 9 mm Makarov a neuzamčený závěr. Rusové měli napadnou západ hned potom, co vyrobili Kalašnikov, protože na západě jim trvalo dalších dvacet let, než vyrobili první utočnou pušku. Na druhou stranu od tý doby neudělali pokrok. Russians are fucking heavy. If I knew he was going to call the police, I would have worn a different outfit. Its a double pleasure to deceive the deceiver. Niccolo Machiavelli. I was on your shelf. Dlouho se tam neukázala Boutella. Delphine Lasalle. Keep the enemies close. I didnt think you would show (všímám si toho, aniž bych nad tím přemejšlel). I look for pleasure in the details. Zajímavá otázka. Lets go someplace quiet. Tak todle mi ho postavilo. I believed she had information I could exploit. Pije ze skleničky, jo? To by měl fotr radost. Film docla o hovně s pěkným vizuálem a sem tam akčn pasáží. A to jsme teprve v pulce. You need to work on your German. You failed to get the high value asset safely across th the West. You sent me in a fucking hornets nest. Sofie je pořád ve formě. Germanys peaceful revolution is probably the political and cultural story. Pěkný hovno. Došlo k pokojnému předání moci. To zinscenovali tidle tajní agenti. Né, ten dobytek si ji vycinkal klíčema jako u nás - tomu mužou věřin jen sebestředný kurvičky, co z toho na chvíli těžily. You fight the good fight, and then one day, you wake up and you realize that all you were was Satans little helper. Ironic. The news will tell them there will be no more secrets. But you and I, we both know, thats not true. The world is run on secrets. Are you going to lie to a very end? Truth and lies. Ppl like us dont know the difference. Česká svině jo, ale vybere si pokaždý lež. No, we know the difference. We choose to ignore it. I never worked for you. You worked for me. Every false intel I gave you, a rip in the Iron Curtain. Every piece of intel you gave me, a bullet in my fucking gun. Cocksucker? Really? I m glad it was convincing.


Až na dno (2017) 

Nom Nom. Vikanderka v hlavní roli. Tak to si dám líbit... Jinak McAvoje nesnáším. Než se dívat na jeho ksicht, tak to bych si radši nechal od bojovníka islámského státu uřezat hlavu.


Before I Fall (2017) 

Linds doesnt do cute. Its not in her lexicon. Nice word choice. No texting and driving. Dont worry. I would never let my best friend die a virgin. No glove, no love. We love you. Till death do us part. Even then. All right, bitches, lets move. Happy Cupied Day. I m in heteronormative hell (tý bych tu ruži poslal, protože co sejde na těch dilinách, než se z ní stane stará zapšklá svině). Pale pink as your cheeks, barbed as your exterior, I see past that I see you. Sisyphus. This is why I deserve some public recognition, for making shit like that happen. Maybe someone should give mě a ribbon (). Video about chaos in the universe. I m eating, get out! Tonight our widdle Sammy passes into womanhood. I hope you shaved. Dont forget to pee before and after. Sociopath, 12 oclock. Does she know what a brush is? Norma Bates. Valagram. Immitates stabbing. Its so effing good. Were you nervous your first time? I was too drunk to be anything. Dont freak out if it hurts. And dont tense up, bcs that only makes it worse (holčičí problémy). Whats the magic word? Blowjob (ti negři to s ženskejma opravdu umí). Become who you are. I have been having deja vu all they long. Maybe everything done could be undone. Maybe things could change. You know she should be institutionalized. I will kill you in your sleep. GASPING IN RELIEF. Dont go emo on us. Look, you cant be mean to someone forever and then just feel badly when they die, okay (to je pravda)? You dont want to give ppl the wrong idea. This is my life. I will do whatever the hell I want with it (no, tak to bych asi zabil hodně lidí za ten den). Maybe I was dead and in HELL. Wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something? Someone forgot to take her happy pills this morning. Only those who attempt the ABSURD achieve the impossible. Cause I m gay (if you were gay, you would be so popular)? It was right before her parents got divorced. When I supposedly peed in my sleeping bag. Maybe the next year, but probably not (valagram). For the first time, when I wake up, I m not scared or confused or angry. Bcs for the first time I truly understand what needs to be happen. You are PERFECT the way you are, always remember that. 2580. Adition for a Tampax commercial? Did someone swallow Oprah this morning? Hes imprisoned by his own hubris (Sisyphus). The only way to escape is to change. You dont have to act so tought all the time. You dont get it. You cant help me. I cant be fixed. You are not the one who needs fixing. Theres is nothing wrong with you (X-Men 3). Dont let anyone tell you that there is. This is just a blip (). Your life will change, Juliet. Maybe for you there is tomorrow. But for some of us theres only today. And what you do today matters.


Blade Runner 2049 (2017) 

The world is build on a wall. It separates kind. Tell either side theres no WALL, you bought a war. Or a slaughter. I have never retired something that was born before. Whats the difference? To be born is to have a SOUL, I guess. Earth headquarters. Když jsem si to uvědomil, všechno to ze mě spadlo, v tomdle depresivním světě. O to je to těžší. Ale ve válce je to snad jedno? My jsme ve válce, akorát mezi nás postavili zdi - které budou zakrátko ztrženy. 10 days of darkness. Every machine stopped cold. When lights came back, we were wiped clean (nemužu nahodit W10, pracuju na obnovení). Photos, files, every bit of data, gone. Bank records too (nechápu, jak tomudle systemu muže někdo věřit). Its funny its only PAPER that lasted. I mean we have everything on drives. I m Luv. He named you. Must be special. Shes very realistic. All our memory bearings from the time. They were all damaged in the Blackout. It is invigorating being asked personal questions (shes liking, provoking him). Makes one feel desired. An angel should never enter the kingdom of heaven without a gift. A child is born. A new model. The first thought one tends to fear to preserve the clay. Its fascinating. Before we even know what we are, we fear to lose it. We make angels in the service of civilization (nephilim). Yes, there were bad ANGELS once. I make good angles now (bullshit). That is how I took us to nine new worlds. We should own the stars (as above, so below). Every leap of civilization was buil off the back of a disposable workforce. But I can only make so many (nedokáže vytvořit něco vlastního, pouze replikovat, přetvářet). That barren pasture empty and salted. The dead space between the stars. I cannot breed them. So help me, I have tried. We need more Replicants than can ever be assembled. We could storm Eden and retake her. Tyraells (anděl v Diablu na dobrý straně) final trick - procreation. Perfected, then lost. But there is a child. The best angel of all. Arent you, Luv? Guy eating rice. Never seen a tree before. You dont like real girls. Well, I m always here. Dead tree, aha. 61021. To číslo v něm vzbudilo vzpomínku, nekecej. I have momories, but they are not real. They are just implants. Little K, fighting for whats his. We are all just looking out for something real. Mere data makes a man. A dangerous coincidence. A child of woman born. Pushed into the world. Wanted. Loved. Mesiášský komplex. Two ppl cant have identical DNA. Genetic disorder. Stěrače, to si dělaj srandu. Chyba v Mmatrixu. Hrozně mi to připomíná Earth 2150. Možná si ji potom zahraju (Moon project a Lost Souls). Peugeot. Div, že tam doletěl. Makes them occupied. Its work that molds them into a child worth having. Born, not made. Its a compromised immune system. If I wanted to see the world, I had to imagine it. To maintain a stable product. Replicants live such hard lives, made to do what we would rather not. I cant help your future but I can give you good memories to think back and smile. It feels authentic. And if you have authentic memories, you have real human responses. Its illegal to use real memories. Let it play. You are not even close to baseline. Scan said you didnt look like you on the inside. In the face of the fabulous new, your only thought is to kill it? For fear of great change? You cant hold the tide with a broom. Bcs we never lie. Řecký sloupy, korint. Sometimes, to love someone, you gotta be a stranger. Bad dog. I do hope you are satisfied with your product. I knew that baby meant we are more than just slaves. If a baby can come from one of us, we are our own masters. More human than humans. A REVOLUTION is coming (false prophet). And we are building an army. I want to free our ppl (tak proto je to pokračování, protože současný obsah se nekryje s tím minulým - asi to bylo lepší udělat znova, nebyl k tomu dostatečný materiál). If you want to be free, join us. Our lives mean nothing next to a STORM thats coming (psal o tom ráno, zase). Dying for the right cause in the most HUMAN thing we can do. To je paradox. Cílem naší revoluce bude ta utopie, proti které bojují. When the tome comes, I will show her to the world and SHE (baby) will lead our army. She (ne asi)? With my own eyes, I saw her come (11/17). I dressed her in blue when it was time for her to go. That is just a piece of the puzzle. You imagined it was you? We all wish it was us. Thats why we believe. How instant your connection. You think I have nothing to offer but pain? Only I know you love pain. PAIN reminds you the joy you felt was real (tak to bylo hluboký). Fuck pain. An angel made again. You do not know what pain is yet. You will learn. Takže mu nevidí do hlavy, jo? You look lonely. I can fix that. Todle není film, ale vyprávění pomocí obrázku. Bcs you have never seen MIRACLE. I m the best one (taky si řikám). Za tu štětku jedna tečka, za hudební doprovod druhá. Kdyby to nemělo hezkej vizuál a dobře napsaný dialogy a nevypnul si u toho zvuk, tak bych to ani nedal.


Bokeh (2017) 

Čistá akční jízda.


Cena lidské duše (2017) 

Nevadí vám, že tendle komunistickej ráj, je vaše budoucnost? Jinak jsem zjistil, že Cage natočil strašně moc béčkovejch filmu, a todle je jeden z nich. Ale aspon ten příběh stál za zamyšlení. Nejvíc se mi líbilo, jak se před dronem schovali v nějakým starým vraku a zamaskovali ho větvema. Asi mu zapomněli instalovat termokameru.


Death Note (2017) 

WTF? Podíval jsem se na to jen kvuli tý kundičce z reklamy na dámskej deodorant, ale takovej zvrat jsem nečekal. Nechci se k tomu moc vyjadřovat, v podstatě jsem si toho ani moc nezapsal, ale až na dva herce v hlavních rolí a slušnou výpravu to byla strašná směs absurdity a otevřených koncu.


Dokonalí rodiče (2017) 

Trochu mám problém s tím závěrem, kde ji donutila zapíchnout svou matku, a pak dělaly, jako by se nechumelilo. To nebylo zrovna v souladu s křestanskými hodnotami. Poštvala je proti sobě!