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Penny Dreadful - Dravci vzdálení i blízcí (2016) (epizoda) 

"Hunting a man is no great thing. They are slow and predictable. They can be found always where their appetites lead them. To eat. To sleep. To fuck. Man is no great thing."


Penny Dreadful - Den, kdy zemřel Tennyson (2016) (epizoda) 

"I already know what's wrong with you. You're unhappy. You're isolated. You think you're the cause of this unhappiness and are unworthy of affection so you've few friends. Recently you lost something you think very important. Your lover, your faith, your family, or all three. You blame yourself for this, so it makes you neurotic, and you don't sleep and don't eat, anything healthy anyway. You used to take care of your appearance, but you've lost interest in that, so you avoid mirrors. Sunlight bothers you, so you avoid that too, about which you're guilty because you think it's unhealthy and even immoral not to like the sun. You're not a woman of convention or you wouldn't be here, but you like to pretend you are so people don't notice you. But you sometimes like that as well and can dress to draw the eye. But then you think the men who look at you are fools, or worse, to be taken in by such an obvious outward show. So instead, you're drawn to dark, complicated, impossible men, assuring your own unhappiness and isolation because, after all, you're happiest alone. But not even then, because you can't stop thinking about what you've lost, again for which you blame yourself. So the cycle goes on, the snake eating its own tail. Or you can just have your teeth fixed."


To (2017) 

"When you're a kid, you think that you'll always be... protected, and cared for. Then, one day, you realize that's not true. If you open your eyes, you will see what we're going through. 'Cause when you're alone as a kid, the monsters see you as weaker. You don't even know they're getting closer. Until it's too late."


Penny Dreadful - A byli nepřáteli (2015) (epizoda) 

"Mr. Clare, there is around me a shroud that brings only pain. I won't allow you to suffer, not you. I think you are the most human man I have ever known."


Penny Dreadful - A samo peklo mým jediným soupeřem (2015) (epizoda) 

"True evil is... above all things, seductive. When the Devil knocks at your door, he doesn't have... cloven hooves. He is beautiful and offers your heart's desire in whispered airs. Like a Siren, beckoning you to her ruinous shore."


Penny Dreadful - Memento Mori (2015) (epizoda) 

"And now the rest of the tale. So we were cleaved apart; two brothers cast out to two realms. One brother to Earth and the other brother to Hell. And thus will be set in eternal enmity, my brother on Earth to feed on the blood of the living by night and myself in Hell to feed on the souls of the dead. Both in an eternal quest for the mother of evil."


Penny Dreadful - Nad hlavou mít nebe (2015) (epizoda) 

"I've always been moved by John Clare's story. By all accounts he was only five feet tall, so considered freakish. Perhaps due to this he felt a singular affinity with the outcasts and the unloved... The ugly animals... The broken things. "