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Peklo - Epizoda 3 (2021) (epizoda) 

Todle je absolutně super. Nemá to chybu. Nehraje tam žádná kunda, ale nikdo mi není vyloženě nesympatickej. A podle vás se to rozjede až ve druhý polovině! Takže čekám víc krve a mín dialogu. Přiznejte si to, nesnášíte Boha! This is Gods will to teach humanity the weight of sin. Everyone must return to their lives and try their best to perform good deeds. We humans are fully capable of discerning right from wrong. God has given us that ability. We just have a hard time resisting temptation when we have to choose between good and evil. Having the right to choose it may sound great, but its a punishment in disguise. Když už nic, tak aspon kvuli tomu malýmu náboženskýmu opáčku. Todle jsou základní věci, který už nikdo nezná. Prasata dnes nazývají zlem, když jim někdo kopne do zkurvenýho čokla, ke kterýmu si vytvořili vztah. Zkurvený pyče nás budou školit, jak se od nich mužeme sami učit. Kdybych měl tu moc, uřezal bych vám palice sám. I would like to welcome you all to the new world. Todle je nádhera! Umlátili jí matku před očima v rámci kolektivní viny. Ta kurva ji přece vychovala! Pyče zvedne telefon a myslí si, že vyřeší všechny svoje problémy - jako vždycky. Na zemi propukne peklo. Možná bude mít trochu jinou podobu, ale výrazy budete mít stejný. Na ty svoje kamerky si nahrajete vlastní smrt. I received a prophecy 20 yrs ago. You wouldnt know if you would not experienced it by yourself, butthe memory of it became more vivid as time went by. So I look for similar chases. Would ppl be able to accept it? I think they will start panic and riots will take all over the world. Je to naplánovaný, prasata. They need to believe that this phenomenon occurs to make the world a better place. To není povinností žádného křestana, máme jen šířit evangelium. Náš domov je v nebi. Todle je padlý svět pod správou Satana. They need to believe that it occurs so the true justice can be served for everyone. I was living in constant fear since the day I received the prophecy. Do you have any idea what it feels like to live in fear for 20 yrs? The fear is relentless. The fear of committing a sin, the fear of eternal pain. Those fears have haunted me for 20 yrs. But thanks to those fear, I was able to live more righteously myself. Its the fear alone whats set ppl free from sin. V posvátném strachu před Bohem. On se chtěl přece zabít, ne?


Peklo - Epizoda 4 (2021) (epizoda) 

Confess your sins. You are bound to hell! Dont worry too much. Chrysler. I m sure hes having an affair. Tak todle byla nuda. Naopak to ztratilo tempo. Zabili všechny hlavní postavy.


Peklo - Epizoda 5 (2021) (epizoda) 

How are the ratings? If all this is Gods work, and His will really is what the New Truth says it is, then we have no choice but to deny God bcs that means He doesnt care for us. This is just like an earthquake or any other natural disaster, it can happen to anyone of us. Its not about punishing or being punished. Your baby is inocent. Nobody can deny that fact. Třeba je to zpusob, kterým se Buh pomstil na dětech. Zlé pokolení muže trestat až do čtvrtého kolene. My name is Min Hyejin. Konečně kunda. Nehrála už ve Sladkým domově? They could make it looks like you and your wife murdered the baby. Or they might even try to hide the fact that your baby was never born. Theres no concept of original sin or redemption in their doctrine. Therefore, they will never admit that a newborn baby can be subjected to the demonstration. They can simply modify their doctrine to fit their needs. It may seem like they are disorganized, but they have clear standards on what they consider to be a sin. Only acts that can be prevented by human effort are considered sins. Theres no concept of original sin and redemption. Už je pozdě. They dont consider lust or greed to be sins either. If they cross that line, ppl would find them hard to understand and live by their doctrine. A perfect world where no one commits even the most trivial acts of evil. By making that unrealistic goal look achievable, they are manipulating ppl to keep close eye on each other (condemn others). The fear of demonstrations drive their whole system. Are you saying hes came with false doctrine after receiving the decree? Ignorance is isn too. Should I draw something on her face? Yes, please! Not all mothers are good ppl. Je to ona. Už předtím mi byla povědomá. Zamakala na sobě.


Peklo - Epizoda 6 (2021) (epizoda) 

Go get her! Will that man in the lobby be okay? They cant do anything to him now, bcs of the reporters. Přesně.  They cant do anything to him now bcs of the reporters. Pandemonium. It will be END of the world!they will think God is a joke whose actions are not governd by principles. What happens to the world without principles (principy jsou nadřazené vášním? It gets destroyed/will come to an end. Maybe its time to adopt the concept od original sin. Then we can say that humans are born sinners. If we adopt concept of original sin, ppl will start to wonder how we are different from Protestants/Christianity. We will lose our influence in no time. LOL. Why dont we claim that the video has been manipulated and see how the public responds to it? We are just a group of dedicated ppl trying to come up with a better way of delivering Gods message to ppl. Dont patronize me (24). It shows that God sometimes makes mistakes. And Hes trying to do His best to correct them. God has chosen me to do His work. I will tell police that we have sinner on the run. Fízlové dnes brání spravedlnosti. Americkej fotbal. The message is too complicated for me to understand. You pathetic crooks. You are bunch of liars. You are under arrest for battery. Do you even know what it means if God acts without logic? It means the end of the world. It means more sinners will ruin the world. The victims of those sinners will hold you responsible for everything. You are the ones who are helping the sinners to commit a sin. There is one thing I know for sure and that is this world belongs to humans. We should settle our affairs by yourselves.


Sebevražedný oddíl (2021) 

American women all do love accents. We do, bcs we dont got none (dopředu). Tak ten první tým jsem odhadl dobře - po vzoru Deadpoola 2, přežili jen dva. Taková parodie na superhrdiny. Rovnou mohli pustit závěrečný titulky a nezlobil bych se. Why would you want to watch TV on your watch? It does other things too! I dont function well early in the morning. Millennials. Project Starfish. Extraterrestrial origins. In the hands of the Luna regime, it is potentionally cataclysmatic for Americans and (rest of) the world. We are all gonna die. I hope so. Něco mi říká, že to bude mnohem lepší než jednička, která si pořád na něco hrála. A byl tam ten směšnej Jocker. I think liberty is just your excuse to do whatever you want. If I die bcs I gambled on love, it will be a worthy death. No one likes show-off. Unless what they are showing off is dope as fuck. Typical Americans. Just run in, guns blazing. Is that rat waving at me? Why? I m gonna guess bcs its friendly. I would make a deal with the Devil to stop them. Its feeds on their consciousnesses, growes larger, more powerful. Th rumors of the beast (Antikrist) are true. Unleash the creature in the US, and then it will destroy them all. With such a dangerous weapon, the world will take us seriously. I have been working with the beast for 30 yrs. And theres no one but me capable of controlling it. Nazis came here seeking asylum after WW2. They built Jotunheim to continue their unorthodox experiments. Many yrs ago, the rumors began of a beast. I have recently learned these were not rumors. They were murdering thousands in bizarre experiments with this creature. Now it is our enemies who shall be fearful. If anyone dares to say a negative word about their new president today, their parents, their children, and anyone they ever loved (malé čivavičky) will be sent to Jotunheim to feed the beast (už se vezete). And killing kids. Kind of a red flag (krví vašich mrtek smyjete poskvrnění Božího zákona). When your taste in men is as bad as mine, they dont just go away quitely. They slash your tires and they kill your dogs and tell you that the music you like aint real music at all. Silvio was brother to me. But he always was a romantic. He wanted the world to take him seriously. Meanwhile, he was plaing with his birds (ještě, že neměl jen jednoho). They wont take us seriously until the beast destroys them. Chudáci papoušci. Je nemohl pustit! Asi má dost benzínu. Why are you so afraid of rats? Ahy are you so in lve with them, Ratcatcher. Tydle brejle jsem nosil v SR3. Your equipment manupulaes animal behavior. I m working on something similar with human (Black Widow). My answer wont be what you expect. If you cough without covering your mouth, you die. We have security cameras everywhere. Vamonos! Vamonos! If God existed, wouldnt this be proof that he wasnt good at all? Who are they? Dissidents, journalists, political rivals. Your government saw potential in weaponizing such a powerful beast, but banish thoughts of any such experiments being held on American soil. Your ppl have always been squeamish about the sacrifices necessary for scientific advancement. So, the United States made a secret deal to conduct their illegal xperiments here. I joined the military to serve my country, not to be its puppet. Who are you going to show that to? The press. Goddamn ppl deserve to know (nebo o tom natočit film). I m tried of covering up their dirty little secrets (spodní patro). Keeping the peace is worth any price. Vamos! Vamos! Při natáčení pořadu nebyl zraněn žádný mutant.


See - Série 2 (2021) (série) 

No to je lahudka. Remember, your eyes betray you. Mužeš mi říct, proč si maže ksicht, když ho tam nikdo nemuže vidět? What you believe doestn actually matter. General is not like the most men. Trivantes eastern gate. Does he know you can see? Jak by to mohla vidět, když má helmu? Víc to nekomentuju. Our government isnt superstitious, but they are practical. Vision destroyed the world once. They will not allow it to happen again. Tak si ten svět užijte. Žijete v temnotě. Tvl, tudle pyču nesnáším. Stačí, jak promluví. To se nedá. Radši si tu helmu zpátky nasad. To sou tak nesympatický držky, že bych si radši sám vypíchl voči, než abych se na to dál díval. If you breathe in that heat, you will burn to death from the inside. Man wont last more than 30 heartbeats in that heat (1.10 + 1.20). Something funny? Dead men thinking they are getting paid. So strange hearing compassion in your voice.


Tom Clancy: Bez výčitek (2021) 

A-TACs? Jen na vestě. To vypadá na Damašek. To RPG má asi nějakej psychologickej efekt. Všichni ztuhnou! Its an Russian arms depot. Ti Rusáci nic moc. Střílej je tam jako šváby! Fire in the hole. Si zapnul automat? Konečně! Každopádně to není tak špatný, jak jsem si myslel. Akorát se to mělo jmenovat Call of Duty: Modern Warefare. Včera jsem rozehrál Battlefielda pětku, takže jsem jako ryba ve vodě. My God, my freedom. Jak si myslej, že jsou doma v bezpečí. Člen speciálních jednotek a nechá se přejetet dodávkou? Asi to doma nečekal! Ten druhej měl čas zareagovat, zalehnout pod palubovku, přejet ho. Líbí se mi to, akorát nvm, kdo v tom bude hrát. To jo, ale oni se maj kam uklidit. Když je oddělám já, tak přijdou hned ke mně, i kdybych po sobě nezanechal jedinou stopu - napíšou si to už sami, svině český. Brzy stejně vytečou všechny a kvičení jim už nebude nic platný. Jsou tady sami v pasti. Doufám, že mu sejmou aspon starou. Se mu vypnul i ntb? Schválně, jak mu to pálí. Je ten debil ho neměl v nabíječce! Dostal varování. Sluchátka pořád na uších.  Hraje hodně velkýho debila. Rusáci zasae noční optiku se zvětšením. Přitom by stačilo, kdyby tam naběhli s baterkama a vystříleli to. I m ready. Cože? Ten záchyt na nábojnice vidím poprvé. Takovej velkej negr a zastaví ho jedna kulka. Nebo tři. Tak to nevyšlo. Ale dobře je tam vystříleli v posteli, když to nečekali. Jedna kulka do hlavy a jejich americkej sen se rozplynul. We have to be alert to the fact that these SEALs get themselves into all worlds of trouble. How come both times my world has gone to shit, you are standing in the middle of it. Just good luck, I guess. Russians? By proxy. None of them were connected to Russia in an official capacity. Russia was dealing weapons out of Aleppo. The director considers the score even. She feels its unnecessary to poke the bear any further. Naopak, pyča by do toho začla štourat, protože by se nikdy násilí neučastnila osobně. Už podle toho, jak čumí ta odporná negroša vedle. Secretary Clay. Andre Vaseliev, ex-FSB. Hes full-on untouchable. Hlavně by mě zajímalo, kde zjistili jejich identity - těch sealu. Negrovi se rozpadnul svět. To je k popukání, jak se vzteká. Asi jako když český svini zabiješ jorkšíra. Ale ta si muže dojít pro novýho do množírny. Negr bude muset naprcat jinou opici. Až se pomstí. He flashed gun at me. Čuráci už jedou - pro kulku do palice. Si to přiště taky rozmyslej reagovat na výzvu každýho kripla. Hurry up,  I m really scared. Typický. Já se jen špatně podíval. Give me a name. John Kelly. You are the problem, John. You are supposed to be dead. I punctured your lung. Now you drown in your blood. Give me a name and I will make it quick. Victor Rykov. Auto jsem nikdy nezapálil, myslim, zatím, ale podle mě by takhle nehořelo, pokud bys nenalil benzín dovnitř. Washington crossing Delaware. Even in prison he wont be safe. He shook a tree that needed shaking. Lets see who else falls out. I m the one that went to hell and did their dirty work. Člověk by řekl, že předtím, než jsi naprcal tu opici a zamiloval se, bys udělal všechno proto, aby ses dostal ke speciální jednotce. Armáda byla tvým domovem. Dala ti všechno po čem jsi toužil. We served a country that didnt love us back. Jak se dycky trefím. Bcs we belived in what it could be. We fought for what America could be. But they crossed their line. They brought their war into my house. A ty do jejich - těch muslomanu, co nemaj ani střechu nad hlavou. Jak si ta opice zvykla na vysokej životní standard a ted pláče, když . They took my wife. They took my baby girl before she got a chance to take a breath. The contract is broken. They are gonna play by ma rules now. I will show them what a pawn can do to a king. To sou slova chlapa. Why do you think I ended up in a prison full of Russian mob? Policajti si na sebe nevezmou pláštěnky? Budou pak sedět v kanceláři jako zmoklý slepice? Proč se neopře o tu zed a pak ho nepřekvapí, než si na něj zavolá posily? Buddy, they are gonna write songs about all the shit you messed up. Pro mě za mě si mužou zazpívat. Victor Anatoly Rykov. He believed the West could be brought down by a series of strategic attacs on American soil. He was a planner and a doer. He had an estabilished set of embedded agents. Vpravo nahoře při letmym pohledu, ale nejsem si jist - mate mě ta pleška, která nebyla pod helmou vidět. Top right. I think I have shown that I m willing to go further than anyone to get the job done. Consider what I did in Dulles as an audition. You need somebody like me. And theres nobody like me. After the mission you will return to the penitentiary (polepšovna) as a felon. The route from Leipzig to Anchorage is already cleared. We cannot leave a trace of US presence behind. Death follows me around (předtím jsem to zapomněl dopsat). I m gonna make it right. After that, my life doesnt matter. I m done making promises that I cant keep (bring him to justice). To byl Mig? Já viděl F18ku. Ale ani tu to nepřipomínalo. Co to je? PAK FA! You are garbled and unreadable. Can you repeat? Missile launch! Takhle se na ně musí. Kurvičky to budou pořád zkoušet přes právníka apod. Já bych jim nedal ani varování. Ten nuž do krku mužou čekat. Svině. Ten dement si sundal padák? Tu uřvanou opici, která je tam komanduje, bych nevydejchal. Jste zapomněli, kde má letadlo dveře? Ted je z něj ponorka. Ani ne minutu po ponoru se tam válej mrtví tuleni. Jo takhle, to sis mohl nechat jeden sáček pro sebe. Doufám, že tam mají tak motor. Maj. Richard, Franklin, Saymor a John. Ritter was the one who said Rykov was dead. And hes the only one asshole that wasnt on the plane. Same thing happened in Aleppo. Ten negr musí bejt malej, protože ta G36ka je obrovská. Hlavně nemá přizpusobenou šachtu pro americký zásobníky, což předpokládám by měla, kdyby šli do akce, aby mohl měnit zásobníky. We are just pawns serving the same king. We wanted you here. You and me being here is the op. We fancy yourselves true patriots. Our lives offered willingly for the highest cause. To si mohl rovnou přiložit bouchačku k hlavě a neudělat takovej bordel. To jsou ti vyhlášení ruští snipeři! Ty kulky lítaj z hrozná dálky, přitom jsou hned naproti. They wanted us to find a dead Russian soldier on American soil. And they will find a bunch of dead American soldiers on Russian soil, too. And we we kill a couple cops on the way out of here, even better. It was a setup from the beginning. They are trying to start a war. Now all we got to do is die. Nikdo rozumnej by nerozpoutal válku kvuli pár mrtvejm vojákum. Ale v dnešním světě je možný docela všechno, když už se uzavřel na základě vyhlášení pandemie. My gun jammed. Kdyby tvoje gunzajamovala, tak seš mrtvá, ty tlustá černá pýčo. Já msylel, že mu řekne, "Chceš je ještě vidět?", a on, co jim má říct. Přesně to mě napadlo, že se muže vyhodit do vzduchu a nezanechat po sobě stopy. Stejně tak mohl střílet po těch ruskejch vojících už ze střechy. Ale on se nakonec za jednoho z nich převlíkne a odjede jim se sanitkou. Na ambasádu. Jediný dvě černý držky v Moskvě a oni je nechytnou, nebo kde to byli. To asi nebyla Moskva, když jsou na moři. Pawns could never kill a king (even a pawn could kill a king). They are trying to heat up with Russia. You know who won WWII? It wasnt the generals or the admirals. It was the economists. More tanks, planes, ships. And all that spending lifted this entire nation out of poverty. Takže to, jak je Pavličenková ve 42. musela osobně přesvědčovat, aby otevřeli druhou frontu, bylo taky divadýlko. Potřebovali získat na svou stranu americkou veřejnost. Public Relations. Freed the world from tyranny. A big country needs big enemies. Sami jste si nepřáteli. Our fear of them unified our ppl (covid). Gave us purpose. The problem today is half this country thinks the other half is its enemy, bcs they have no one else to fight. Myslíš ty buzeranty, co se narodili v jiným těle a volají po svejch právech (nehledě na feministky, co znaj všechno nejlép)? Ano, to je dusledek bezválečného stavu, kde se týdle špíně dobře daří. Freedoms you take for granted. Her name was Pam and you are gonna say it before you die. Další pokus. To je idiot. Proč to říkal? Já bych mu radši zabil rodinu. Vždyt o nic nejde. A hlavně měl pravdu. Negra do toho akorát nezasvětili. Jako nebylo to špatný. Podepsal se na tom Tom Clancy!


Banda - A dveře jsou pryč (2020) (epizoda) 

Sometimes it feels like the justice system just doesnt work anymore. Everyone always recording on their phone all the time. Its like you cant even do your job anymore. It speaks about deterioration of good, God-fearing American values. The rats are like Pokémon With Hep C. Lamplighter Whats going on here? Its a lockdown. No ones getting out of here, not even her (front door). Please dont pretend like you have a choice. Fuck him. We owe the cunt. If I wanted to boost some wheels, it wouldnt be a fucking Hyundai, you daft cunt. Stay back! Oh, you can stand wherever the fuck you want. I m taking your keys. Ona ho zabila. Vytek. Todle totálně porušuje všechny zaběhlý pravidla. Přidám hvězdičku. Krajní nouze jako vyšitá. Why’d you pull a gun, you stupid fuck? Přesně! Maybe once I would have cried over him, but now he was just another person in our way. Parchanti zase začli kopat do vrat, tady mlátí do dveří nějakej čurák. He follows you around like a right little pup (imbecil s vyrážkou). Got to go. We are in the war for the culture. The other races are gringing us down and taking what is rightfully ours, but we can fight back. With an army of supermen, millions strong. And you will be the man who will lead us (arijská krev).


Banda - Co já vím (2020) (epizoda) 

Unfortunately the possibility that you will experience a supervilllain attack grows more likely every day. Lepší je ho už prodělat. But by having an action plan, you can dramatically increase your chances of survival. And survival is all that matters. We cant just kill everyone. That is exactly what we are gonna do. Always chases Roadrunner, always with an elaborate plan, always fails. All you need is an AR-15, and meep-meep no more. What if I testify? Escaped convicts dont have a ton of credibility. Noir is vegetable, Lamplighter is a charcoal briqutte, Starlight is in the breez somewhere. Sreaming fans or any of that dancing monkey shit. Why is it always Billy Joel? I m 57 on the inside. Butcher is right. We have already tried to take Vought down the right way. This isnt gonna work. Just kill them all, let God sort them out. Hes even more of a twink than in the photo. I could split that shit like dry firewood. Nothing ever changes or gets better. Can you believe Ryan has never seen Cats? I was working on my states. You are giving yourself homework? Learning is a gift. Rozumné srdce nabývá poznání, moudré uši prahnou po vědění. Fuck that Nazi bitch. Find him a new fuckin mum. I m taking my wife back. Si řikal, proč by to dělal. V každým případě by si mohl najít lepší šlapku. Mother will do anything to protect her son. And you call me a ruthless bastard. Takovejch už moc není. You are the strongest man and you are scared of little boy. Hes your blood. Just talk to him. Be the man I know you are - přesně taková je role žen. Mají svého muže povzbuzovat do boje. To je hroznej retard ten malej zmetek. Už zase, rodinná sračka. Se mužu podívat na výměnu manželek. You swear to me on your brothers soul. Uplně v pohodě, ty zkurvená pyčo. Cokoli si budeš přát. You can hate away. I dont really hate anyone. Přesně. Bad guys want to hurt us just bcs of what we look like. They want to wipe us from this Earth, just bcs of the color of our skin. A já myslel kvuli odpadnutí. Its called white genocide. Je fakt, že prasata na Západě spojuje stejný duch. Whats malfeasance? Hey, Kraut. Girls do get it done. I like to see the light go out. Justice will be served. PDR (Private Data Reserve) One hero is redemption, two is weakness. You are acting like toxic personality. If Billy Butcher can do the right thing then theres got to be some kind of higher power. If you jump shit and you let the assholes steer, then you are part of the problem. Remember what I told you. Dont be a cunt.