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Recenze (1 028)


Dragon Age: Blood Mage no seisen (2012) 

Strašně hustý. Jo a pro ty, co nikdy nehráli DA, tak todle byla opravdu slabota. Je to škoda nevyužitýho potenciálu, protože hře se to nevyrovná ani vizuálně. Přitom v digitálním světě se fantazii meze nekladou, ani není nijak omezený rozpočtem - to je taky duvod, proč žádný film nedokáže svojí výpravou překonat dnešní hry. Celý to táhne krutopřísně píchatelná Casandra, a já už se těším, až si pořídím joystick páté generace, abych jí ho tam mohl zasunout.


Drákula (1979) 

jen na okraj pro blbečky, kteří nepobrali prohození MÍNY s Lucy, se záludnost skrývá ve scéně, kdy jste za skřeku PAPÁ upadali v mdlob při pomyšlení na zrudu, která tu prokletou dcerku stvořila.


Dr. House (2004) (seriál) 

nemá chybu a víte proč? protože je na nej spoleh! protože ta vytoužená koupel emocí z jeho jednou na oko mokrých očí se nakonec stejně nekoná! protože se blíží absolutnu, které představuje zkušenost a on takový prostě je; filmová ikona živých idolu, před kterými se je nutno sklonit, anebo lépe je strpět než přijde House! bezcitný a neosobní dokturek, kterej vám pofouká každou bolístku zpusobenou tím ohleduplným světem kolem!


Drive (2011) 

myslím, že se blíží apokalypsa, protože takhle labilní filmy ještě nikdy nedostávaly tak vysoký rating jako třeba v případě Drive, kde se nějakej psychotickej čuráček s žiletkama a po bypassu prořeže zdárně až do finále, kde ještě stihne zkrouhnout "v palici nasráno" šampona, kterej kdyby si chvíli otevřel hubu, tak by se zeblil i ten poslední homoklacek v předních řadách našeho letního kinosálu, a kterej s usměvěm na tom svým ksichtě, kterej vypadá jak po bouračce s nákladní cisternou plnou sraček, klidně nechá ležet na silnici balík peněz, aby jel s prošpekovaným pajšlem za tou svou dilinou, která naštěstí o to potěšení asi přijde, protože se dojebe někde mezi titulkama v závěru a musíte si to domyslet sami nejlépe jako celý snímek, kterej snad ani nemusel vzniknout. zajímavé komentáře: lebik, já a kulyk, kterej ho ještě "nenapsal".


Drsný časy (2005) 

Tohle je hrozná sra*ka bez pointy a výběrovej Bale na víc než tři není. Nechápu, jak nad tím mužete tak filosofovat. Člověk neví, jesli to bylo o syndromu z války, hledání vysněné práce, životu povaleču?? Nakonec to tradičně vyhrála sebestředná femina, která ti dá, když budeš hodnej, věrnej pejsek. Já fakt netuším, kde jste si zvykli těm jejich rozmarum propadat, ženskou si mužeš vzít kdykoli se ti zachce a většinou ta jejich frnda za to ani nestojí. Baleova role mi hodně přirostla k srdci, ale neváhal bych jí jednu v tý kuchyni vrazit - tím u mě film hodně klesnul. Rozhodně bych si našel jiný kamarády a neriskoval vysněnej job, střílel vesničany, prcal jejich vdovy a na ryby se rovnou vys*al. Nevim, ten film byl ulet bez začátku a bez konce. Jé, tak konec prej byl bombovej, To mě mrzí, že jsem to nedokoukal, protože muj rip se začal trhat a nestáhl jsem ho celej... přidávám hvězdu za odvahu něco takovýho v dnešní zteplalé době vubec natočit.


Drtivý dopad (1998) 

Nejlepší komentář Pohrobek: Morgan Freeman jako prezident USA - dost směšné, ale stále mnohem lepší než Harrison Ford.


Duel Frost/Nixon (2008) 

Sometimes, what you believe in, its the harder path.


Duch ve stroji (2017) 

In the future the line between human and machine is disappearing. Advancements in technology allow humans to enhance themselves with cybernetic parts. Developing a military operative that will blur the line even more. By transplanting a human brain into a fully synthetic body, they will combine the strongest attributes of human and robot. MACHINE cant lead, it can only follow orders (vyjma AI, která si prej uvědomuje sama sebe). A machine cant imagine or care or intuit. But as a human mind in a cybernetic frame, Mira can do all those things, and more. Shes a weapon. For someone who doesnt like ppl, how come you care about dogs so much? To už asi bude pravidlem. I just like strays, and they like me. They like you bcs you feed them. You got no heart. We used to have a dog. I had you down as more of a cat person. Just fragments. Bits and pieces. I have been having glitches. Sounds and images. Sensory echoes from your mind, shadows. GLITCH have different texture to the rest of your code. Jak v tomdle světě muže mít glitche, to nechápu. You are human (to bude ten transhumanismus, o kterém mluví v New Dawn - lod jí potopili zlí teroristi, je tady uplně všechno). Ppl see you as human. Its like I have no past. We cling to MEMORIES as if they define us, but they really dont. What we do is what defines us. Todle je hotovej Deus Ex. You will be exposing your mind to whoever hacked her (Deep Dive). You will be wide open. Its dangerous and highly irresponsible. My name is Major Mira Killian, and I give my consent (never need your consent). Pocituju náhlou změnu teploty v místnosti - mrznou mi nohy a prsty na rukou. Are you disappointed? No, I m worried. I can repair your body, but I cant protect your mind. You are what everyone will become one day (tak jo). Say something nice. You chose those? They are tactical. Always for the job. I got night-vision, mile-zoom and X-ray. Can you feed the dogs for me? I dont want to scare them. Oni ty psy naserou uplně všude. Vubec jim nevadí, že ztrácejí humanitu. Keep pushing. Proč jsem to pustil? V návaznosti na New Dawn jsem hledal název filmu Blade Runner 2049. Je to nabytý symbolismem. Kuzes wiped his memory and somehow installed a new reality. I have been born more than once. So I have more than one name (Lucifer, Baal, Marduk, Nimrod, Cernonus, Satan, AI). Hes using human minds to create a network of his own. A to doslova. When I am finished in this world, my ghost can survive there and regenerate. You kill innocent ppl. INNOCENT is what you call them? I am as they made me. The first cerebral salvage. You were born of lessons took from my failure. They thought that we would be a part of their evolution, but they have created us to evolve alone. They use it to suppress your memories (medication). Your shell belongs to them, but not your ghost. Začíná se mi to líbit. Má to hloubku. We succeeded. Shes more than human and more than A.I.. Jistě. We changed her entire identity. But her ghost survived. Her ghost is what failed us. We cannot CONTROL her. Shes no longer a viable asset. Thats the problem with the human heart. Copak, nechce se vám podřídit? I guess we all fight with our parents (created always rebel against their creators - ME). She was happy living in the lawless zone with her friends. She would write her manifestos about how technology was destroying the world (syntetika vás zničí - ME). Věřili byste, že dnes na FCB existují kriplové, kteří věří, respektive šíří myšlenku, že technologie nás má zachránit, přestože tendle agitátorský film Nového věku tvrdí opak? She was fearless and wild. Runaways like me considered disposable (bílé dodávky sbírají lidi na ulici). Mind comms. Dont send a rabbit to kill a fox. Motoko. Tell him this is justice. Its what I was built for (righter of wrongs - The Girl in the Spiders Web). Nebylo to tak špatný, nakonec. A poučný. My mind is human. My body is manufactured (abomination). I am the first of my kind, but I wont be the last (lidé budou žít věčně). My ghost survived to remind the next of us that humanity is our virtue. Juliette Binochet (Dr. Quelet).


Dům u jezera (2006) 

Meier designed a series of louvered skylights to capture that light and cast it inward to illuminate the art within. But indirectly, bcs although light enhances art it can also degrade it. But you know all that already, you son of a gun (cože). The light in Barcelona is quite different from the light in Tokyo. And the light in Tokyo is different from that in Prague (jsem si nikdy nevšiml). A truly great structure, one that is meant to stand the tests of time, never disregards its enviroment. An architect takes that into account. He knows that if he wants presence, he must consult with nature. He must be captivated by the light. Always the light. Persuasion. Please, dont write me again. Let me let you go. To je pyče. Ona není ten, kdo musí čekat! Hlavně, že se už jednou potkali. Kráva. Nvm, co na ní vidí. Jak pořád běhá za tím psem. Jí nalil šrouby do hlavy. There could have been no two hearth so open, no tastes so similar, no feelings so in unison. Tvl, zlatá nymfomanka. Už aby byl konec. We cant stay in my apartment. Jasně, je to na vás moc malý. I wanna keep moving forward. Visionary Vanguard Associates Global warming. V obou filmech, ve kterejch si to tidle dva rozdali, figuroval autobus. Náhoda? Nemyslím si! A jemu se dokonce zaběhl pes, že jo, jinak by tam figuroval dvakrát. Možná v příštím díle.


Dům v růžích (2002) (seriál) 

Seatle. Survival was an actual ussue, not a TV show. Fortunes were made often by bandits in tall hats. Wedding present for his wife. Rimbauer was founder of Omicorn Oil Company, until 1950the biggest oil company in America. That piece of ground made ppl mad. Remembered nothing. I think Hary Corbin may have been Rose Reds first victim. Its as if it metastasized. Unmentionable disease carried by men abd suffered by women. House continued to grow until its death in 1995. After 1950 Rose Red grew on its own (to je zajímavý). I have called him Adam, for he is the first. In my mind they are one, to which she added „Damn all men“. It isnt finished until you say its finished. It was probably psychosomatic. Just PMS. Women in RR tended to turn up missing, and men tended to turn up dead. Measurable psychic phenomena. Hard data in other words. Telemetry readouts, and anomalous energy levels. I want readouts that even the most stupid, sarcastic, obtuse member of this so-called scientific department will have to accept. If I get a little crazy on the subject from time to time, please forgive me. I have put in a lot of long days. You ppl are my psychic equivalent of electricity. My goal is modest, a single twitch. I would like to close with circle. Save the warning for someone whos not broke. Pak to znamená, že má ještě šanci změnit vývoj nvm čeho. See? Something always turns up. God provides, I have always said so. If you take the usual precautions you will be fine. A deals a deal. Extra for the interviews after (mě napadlo už během toho rozhovoru - zatím žádnej problém). Když si dělá radost plyšáky, tak je to v pohodě. Kolik mužou stát? kdyby si kupovala drahý jorkšíry z množírny - a pak se o ně starala, tak je dostane na mizinu. Idiot wants to know. Whats your special trait, Pam? Desshanelka. A ten novinář hrál v Date Night zlýho policajta. I m what psychic journals cal a touch-know. Precognitive. Automatic writer. Sometimes its precog, sometimes its astral. Mostly its just ppl to ppl. I do a little of this, a little of that. Sometimes I get lucky and things turn out all right. Post-cognitive. He sees the past. The committe voted five to two to revoke your tenure. We tried to contact you on your machine. I m surprised the spirits didnt tell you. Stop the sillness. I will fight you every step in the process. It is a legitimate field of psychological investigation. Its a spit in the eye of rational thought. You are an idiot and you are blind. What if you find proof? What good would it do? This is the world we live in and experience with our five senses. Skin, smooth and rational. Every cause has its effect, and every effect can be predicted with the right database (čubička neví, co bude do budoucna). But theres a world under that world, blood under the skin. Thats what rationalistic asses like you never see. Its a world thats liquid instead of solid, hot instead of just warm. It is a world full of mystery. You dont like it, do you? You are afraid of whats under the skin. Lets just say shes one of a kind. 2 Prepare to be amazed. She doesnt talk much, but what she says, she means. Heard the house scream several times. Ppl proximity counter. Its cluster manifestation with rising elements, like an earthquake. You are not there. You are not there. But I am. I m your dram girl. I cant sleep with the closet open. I m afraid of the boogeyman. She is as crazy as the Red Queen. Off with their heads. Shes nuts too. -dom Perignon 1949. Its a very good year. In my experience, they are all good yrs (asi tam). This place is feeding off us (fakt, ani omylem - bogeyman to samý, ale tam muže sehrát roli prostá neznalost). I dont have a telepathic bone in my body. You are powerful psychic transmitter. Good morning, Annie. Už zase. Obejvuje se to tam pořád, že to ani nezapisuju. It was the dog that hurt her, and the dog had been destroyed (to dokážu i bez super schopností - ale tydle prasata, co to chovaj v paneláku, to odserou podobně). Když vás zkurvenej čokl kousne - možná protože jste hnusná otylá tlustá pyče, tak se všichni mužou zbláznit, ale nechat ho dělat lidem z mozku sekanou je v pořádku. Vy prasata to nechutně odserete. Did dog bite provoke rain of stones? She launched a protest. To je x-men hotovej. Shes a big time telekinetic. The world isnt always fair. You must dring from the grape, and not the grain. Oh my God, it is her! Emery! Dont you dare, no one there. 3 Theres a bubble forming. A kind of psychic bubble. Its not just stuck. Mommys little scootabout. I shouldnt be doing this. You areno good to anyone. I have got an ideal why dont you go hang yourself? Co tokhle pověsit ostatní? Miller screams in horror. We need to step back, take a deep breath. We are not dead at all. Thats the beauty of it. Rose Red is too much like The Roach Motel. They check in but they dont check out. I m hard up, girls, but not quite that hard up. Every time you speak, you say something unpleasant. And not just unpleasant, its wicked. Unpleasant Emery. Every time I speak, something wickedy comes out. Why dont you tell them you? I m tired of being wicked. Ellen Rimbauer designed it to break hearts as hers was broken. A real death would be merciful. Bcs I doubt Vic is really dead. Thats the worst of it. Shes the one keeping us locked in. Little Miss Mental Illness of 2001. Loosing his fingers has affected his mind. Why did you want psychics and telekinetics and automatic writers here? Tu otázku jsem si položil před chvílí - ta malá dokáže učiněný zázraky, je to hotová senzace, a oni jdou do mrtvýho domu. Ale nenapadlo mě, že ji dum zneužívá. It was to recharge a cell that was never dead, merely dormant, and we have all played our part. Je zajímavý, že na to nepřišel dřív, necítil podvod. But Annie has been key. Jaktože potom ale oddělal toho fotografa? Steve is about as psychic as a ham sandwich. I have not become blinded (Zach 11/17). Here in RR its amplified to the power of 10, bcs hes blood. Ellens blood. To je jednoduchý, potom. Zapíchněte Steva a tu malou mrtku hodte ze schodu, a jste z toho venku. Hele, to by byl dobrej konec! That was a false memory. The house planted it. E take her out of the equation. The doors still wont open. Its not funny. Neither is this. Jsem na jeho straně. To on tam přišel k uhoně, všichni mají starost o tu malou mrtku, která za to vlastně muže. I will tell you what, Sissy. Lets find some dry-cleaning bags so we can wrap her up until she passes out - or pinch her nose shut. Hit her hard, lights go out. You ugly little troll. Je to jediný řešení. Akorát těch přecitlivělejch kurviček se to ještě nedotklo, aby začly přemejšlet jinak. You shouldnt go alone. I m not. Gods with me everywhere. Tak si to prověříme. Yould you mid her letting go? Anything? No, but its so cold. To sou debilové. Místo toho, aby ji vzali dovnitř, tak ji tam vyděšenou nechal ležet na podlaze. Prostě si na tudle rodinu zasedli. Celkem pochopitelný, že se chová nepříčetně, když se tam dějou takový věci, ne? Jesus, help me! To je nuda ten třetí díl… How many Indians left by midnight? Dont expect me to believe that 90-year-old great aunt is a vampire living in a tower. Proč by ne? As a scientist, I just cant. Dont be deliberately obtuse (tupý). Its the house thats the vampire. Why do you have to be so miserable? Bcs I am miserable, you over-Christianized idiot! Já to věděl. Oh, strong and brave, threatening the man with four missing fingers. Come to mommy, Emmy! Mommy hears everything! Help me for Gods sake! For once in your miserabel life, fight her! He has no choice. Hes one of us. Doufám, že to zaznamenali. Theres lots to investigate there. You were right. Theres another world. Its quite wonderful. And the best part is you will never have to leave. Welcome home! Roses mean remember. Stephen King (Pizza Guy), tak to byla jasina. Předtím jsem si takovejch detailu nevšímal. Jak bych mohl.