

Nejsledovanější žánry / typy / původy

  • Komedie
  • Krimi
  • Krátkometrážní
  • Animovaný
  • Drama

Recenze (10 355)


Bonnie a Clyde (1967) 

"All I can say is, they did right by me - and I'm bringin' me and a mess of flowers to their funeral."


Mistr mezi vyděrači (1992) (TV film) 

"Man who prays upon weakness with a smiling face and a heart of marble."


Orange Is the New Black - Změna (2014) (epizoda) 

"You want to assassinate someone, vision is a basic requirement. It's like: step one: pick a person to kill. Step two: kill that person."


Bílá smrt (2009) 

"How could he be all the way out here without any gear?"


Myšlenky zločince - Nadace (2012) (epizoda) 

"Nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it." - Michel de Montaigne


Anna (2019) 

"We all have turning points in our lives. Most of the time, we can't see them until they're in our rear-view mirror. But I'm here to tell you this is one of those moments. Every intersection offers several possibilities. You just have to pick the right road. And sometimes, those choices have to be made quickly."


Jako pavouk (2001) 

"To be brutally honest, I think you have a morbid desire to burn in hell."