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Recenze (1 028)


Star Wars: Epizoda IV - Nová naděje (1977) 

Nebo to byla čtyřka, kde sejmuli tu Mrtvou planetu? Budu upřímnej, nepamatuji si pořádně ani jednu epizodu, tadle sága mě naprosto minula, ale na snad kultovní "čtvrtý" díl si matně vzpomínám, protože to dávali v Kinoboxu a už od 20.00h na ČT! Docela mám chut se na to podívat znova, abych viděl ten rozdíl se sedmým dílem, protože jak to po dvaceti letech dojebali, snad ani není možný! - Ty jo, takový efekty v 77, to jsem nečekal! Poč tam nepostavili ke vstupu kulomet?? Musím uznat, že oproti sedmičce jsem čekal větší nářez, ale zase je to nabytý spiritualismem. Docela drsný, takhle jsem si to pamatoval, byl to horor! - We not need to see their identification (to snad ne, on to fakt udělal) - Sorry about mess - Jabba, you are wonderful human being - Tho more you tighten your grip, more stars systems will slip through your fingers - You are fare too trusting - Hokey religions and antient weapons are no match for a blaster at your side - You dont believe in force, do you? - Your eyes can deceive you. Dont trust them - Thats not Moon. 327 Rozhodně mnohem lepší. - TK 421 - I prefere straight fight to sneaking around - Shes rich - Kloni by měli být stejně velcí - 2187 - Arnt you little short for a storm trooper? - Dont underestimate the Force - You, my friend, are all thats left of their religion - Either Im gonna kill her, or Im beginning to like her - 3263827 - Somebody get that big walking carpet out of the way - Dont get cocky (to je nákej kod už) - IF MONEY IS ALL YOU LOVE, THEN THATS WHAT YOU LL RECEIVE - Your friend is quite a mercenary - May the Force be with you (talmud) - This will be a day long remembered. The END OF REBELLION


Vymítač ďábla 2: Kacíř (1977) 

What does that mean? You are the doctor. You explain it. Správně! To řikám psycholožce pořád. No one in the Church wants to hear about the devil. Satan has become an embarrassment to our progressive views. Píše se rok 1977! Power of evil threatens to overthrow God himself. Today, wherever I look, I see only evil. God has fallen silent. You will act discreetly in all confidence, reporting to me alone. But I m not worthy. You are a soldier of Christ. You must make yourself worthy. What am I against, father? Evil. Asi by byl lepší termín devil. Protože ani v biblickým smyslu není evil - zlo - něco, co by bylo třeba vymetat. Je to přestupek proti samotnýmu Bohu, ale z naší strany, když se necháme svést dáblem. Posednutí dáblem je pak něco jiného. Mental illness. Thats what we are up against here. Třeba DID, že jo? To je takovej krásnej příklad posednutí demony, kterej nedokážou psychiatři pořádně empiricky vysvětlit. Prostě se s tím člověk už narodí. Jasný! A v dementovi žije několik odlišných osobností, lidských bytostí! No právě. Demon má vlastní personalitu, ale chybí mu tělo, protože jeho nesmrtelná duše už kdysi jedno vlastní měla - když se padlí andělé začli mísit se ženama. Or, if you like, the casualties (Myth II) of a diseased society. Evil is a spiritual being, alive and living. Perverted and perverting, weaving its wav into the very fabric of life. Právě, no, jde spíš o demona, a ne o zlo samotný, pokud se bavíme o bytosti. Defy natural laws. Merely an illusion, a projection of the mind. These EEG biofeedback electrodes pick up any brain frequencey. Integrated with hypnotic strobes to bring two altered states into synchronization. Relax deepr and deepr to meet my tone. Jaktože jsme do komatu neupadli všichni? Evil is gaining. She didint. It did. It wasnt the mind of a child. It was horrible. Uterly horrible. And fascinating. Better to see the face than hear names. It took a machine. The machine is a device to penetrate pathological states. Shaddow of evil. Must be difficult with all your responsibilities. Not to mention the complications of being divorced. Tak proč se rozvádíš, ty malá couro? Its hard to live alone. Jasně, že je to všechno strašně moc těžký bez manžela, vy chudinky! Dont you ever need a woman, Father? Já bych ti jedno dítě ještě přidělal. Je dost podobná Mille Jovovičový. Telling secrets? I am Pazuzu. Call my by my dream name. King of the spirits of the air. Nějak se tady ochladilo. Fear not. We are safe inside. I command you to the depths of hell. Merrin defeated you? No, in his own place of power, he gained a little time. Come fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings. I m autistic. Whats the matter with you. I was possessed by demon. Its okay, hes gone. First she was talking inside, and then she started talking outside. Helping other kids. Its very dangerous to fool with other ppls heads. Lets stick to science. Dont hide behind science. You must fight that demon inside her. It keeps her from spiritual power. I m not obsessed. I m fascinated, but I know the danger. Father Merrin was afraid slip into admiration. How about adulation. Ženská povaha byla ještě na začátku minulého století běžně považovaná za hysterickou. A právem. Dnes nám budou koukat do hlavy. Do you believe in ESP? A French priest thought we’d all come together in some sort of mental telepathy. A kind of world-mind in which everybody would share (Facebook/image of the beast). When is that supposed to happen? With modern research it could happen quite soon. But if it happens before we are ready, we may find yourselves pointing in the wrong direction, toward Satan. You must plug out her evil heart (a jsme u toho zase, Ezechiel 36/26). But Pazuzu has brushed you with his wings. You called on Pazuzu to reach me. You have lost faith in your God. Taky mě to napadlo, ale až poté, co ho začli kamenovat ti negři. Mohl se na cestu zeptat Boha. Then prove your faith and walk. Těch hřebíku jsem si všimnul taky, ale nebyl jsem si jistej, že tam opravdu jsou. Ježíš chodil po vodě, ne po hřebíkách. Step out of your despair. The brushing of the wings changes their personalities. They become a destructive, voracious, marauding swarm, with a single mind (hive mind). The evil swarm sweeps over the earth, possessing all that it touches. Evil breeding evil by contact. Good locust. She was evolved to resist (fight back) the brushing of the wings. Her children will be our agents in the swarm, breaking the chain reaction. Remaining forever happy-go-lucky grasshoppers. The synchronizer. You have great gift. Keep it from evil. Power is immense. It fells me. I can do anything (Valkyr). Hes mine. Hes chosen me. Once the wings have brushed you, you are mine forever! Kill her! We command you! Měl jí zlomit vaz. Takhle se s ní sere. Tvl, on jí vážně vyrval srdce z těla! I chose evil. No, your hunger for belief was your truth. The enemy of human race is subdued. I m understand now. The world wont. Not yet. Linda Blair (Regan). Louise Fletcher (doctorka). Zajímavej soundtrack.


Přichází Satan! (1976) 

pokud se nedaří usnout, garantuju, že než se služka podruhý rozohní s provazem kolem krku, jste v limbu. 2018 - It would be a blessing to her and the child - To je ale hnusný dítě - No jasně, že to je jejich barák. Ambasador potřebuje na svoji práci klid - I love it the minute I saw it - Nothing too much for the wife of the future president of the united states - You know, you are pushy - It needs some book. To warm it up - You could be too sexy for the White House - Ta scena s kolečkovým dřevěným psem by zasloužila být na titulce - Have a fun? - Its all for you (krásnej dárek – kdyby mu radši vykouřila) - I didnt know you were such a soft touch - You must take Communion (blood and flesh of Christ). Only if he is with you, can you defeat the son of the devil - He will kill until everything thats yours is his - Ten marinák je nabušenej - Accept Christ each day - Drink his blood - Father. Thank you (neměl bys ho nejdřív, ty zkurvysyne, požádat o svolení?) - Im here to take away some of your troubles and anxieties. We will soon help your little boy to forget whats happened - Some of our young nannies they get homesick, or they have boyfriend problems. I left all that behind a long time ago - 00.21.26 - Mrs Horton - Ženská jako vrátnej, jo? - Přijeli výtahem? - They read in the paper about the your first nanny, so they sent you another - Well, if I could see your boy? - Jak je nadržená - Jak jsou k sobě milí, mají zpusoby - Film, kterej mě hned zaujal. Neviděl jsem ani jeden díl a neznám rozdíl - Ale už nosí kalhoty. První vlna feminismu ve filmu. Tehdy ten vzdor proti tradiční rodině začal. Rozvody začly následovat záhy - Have no fear, little one. Im here to protect thee - Ježkovy voči, to je držka. Takovej otesánek - Hes too young for church. He will cause a fuss (a já si z řikal asi tak z čeho!) - It is my wish and my husbands wish that Damien accompanies us to church - Now please have him dressed at once - Well, excuse me for speaking my mind - Dobrá slovní přestřelka! - No, tak to abys oblíkla jinýho chlapce… - To je hustý. Spratka vezou do kostela a je to napínavý, že by ses mě krve nedořezal - Takový fopa! - Tehdy uměli dělat horory! - Dog in the house, to dycky nosí smulu - Who gave you permission to bring IT in? - Gave you a fright, did he/it? Yes - Well, you see how good he is - As a watchdog (no pořád lepší než malá čivava) you will be greatful on your long trips away - Tvl, to je strašný! Pes hlídající pokoj - Ta kurva přitáhla nějakýho random čokla do baráku a ted toho kripla přesvědší, že to je dobrý pro bezpečí jeho demonickýho synka - To jsem nečekal, že ten film bude takhle dobrej - Zase si dá ruce do kapes, když se uklidní - Damiens taken quite a fancy to him - Pomalu o ní začínám pochybovat - RSPCA - Keep all car windous closed (ten film mě neskutečně baví – přímo hladí po duši) - Baboons are dangerous - Tak po tomdle si pustím Ptáky/se podívám na Cuja - I need to see a psychiatrist. I have fears - If I told you, you would put me away - Help me. Find me a doctor - Asi to nebylo tak špatný, když usla. Co takhle menší spánkovou paralýzu, ty kurvičko? - Rugby. Dyt to řikám, že to je Anglie. Už jsi viděl v Americe nějakej zámek? - Hele, paparazi jsou tady - Father, thanks again (bych mu rozbil hubu) - When the Jews return to ZION (Izrael) and a comet rips the sky (Čeljabinsk/?) and the Holy Roman Empire rises (USA/Vatican), then you and I must die - From the eternal sea he rises creating armies on either shore, turning man against his brother, till man exists no more - It is by means of a human personality entirely in his possession, that Satan will wage his last and formidable () offense - Town of Megiddo in the old city of Jezreel - He who will not be saved by the lamb, will be torn by the beast - Jak se nás snaží přesvědčit, že nás zachrání nějaká budova z kamení - Anything wrong? I just cant stand that noise - Its not all that bad - Zkurvysyn - Asi jako česká svině a její pes - Hafání je jejich přirozený zpusob dorozumívání. Pokud se ti to v paneláku nelíbí, tak jsi divnej, tak mužeš jít pryč - Nevěřím lidem, kterým se nelíbí pes, ale věřím psovi, kterému se nelíbí člověk - I dont ever want to have any more children (myslím, že to není jen tvoje rozhodnutí) - Abortion? Kurva myslí jenom na svý pohodlí - Pozor, lékařské tajemství - Tvl, tedka jak ho zabít. Ve středověku by ho stačilo obvinit z čaredějnictví, ale dnes to bude horší - Navíc ho hlídá ten černej pes. Neměl bejt už v utulku a čekat na injekci? - Birthmark (mateřský znaménko?) - The best is yet to come - Vytapetovaný - Pages of the Bible - Every inch of wall-space covered even the windows (to bylo chytrý – to by mohlo něco zadržet) - Vypadá to, že měl z něčeho strach - Nebo ho něco rušilo – díky! - 47 (??) - Diary, it didnt say anything about him - Other side of the world, the European continent (to jsme z toho jelen) - Přízvuk neměli - The three sixes - Hele, žigulík. V Americe? V Římě? - You are mistake! - Frosinone - Miracolo - Jak před nima ujela výtahem - These are supposed to be the events that signal the birth of the Antichrist - The Devils Child - Treaty of Rome, Common Market (blbost) - Bit of a stretch - Eternal sea as meaning the world of politics (Trump 9/11) - The sea that constantly rages with turmoil and revolution - A stane se hlavou nejmocnějšího státu na světě (Putin, král ze severu) - Woe to the shepherd, who abadons his sheep - May his right arm wither and his right eye lose its sight (no way) - Zdravíme dementní český překlady - Hes fallen from grace - For abandoning Christ - Six is the sign of the Devil - We believe it signifies the diabolical trinity - The devil, Antichrist and false prophet (proč malý) - (3x6=18) - Father, Son and Holy Ghost - For everything holy, there is something unholy (moje řeč) - This is the essence of temptation - Father Spiletto - Cerveteri. Etruca times. Cripta Ant Angelo - In birth and death the generations embrace - To je ten čokl od tebe ze špajzu - Teda dva! - Aspon to bude to vyrovnanej zápas - Ale stejně takovej punta nemá proti zdravému člověku s bodákem žádnou šanci - No jasně, po tom všem je to jen smrad ze hřbitova, co je dráždí - Pojd, pejsku, pojd, tě vykuchám - 12345678910! Ted ted bych si už sám sebou nebyl tak jistej! - No utíkat je to nejhorší, co mužete udělat - No tak ten je na kašičku - Bych vás chtěl vidět borce s teleskopama, jak si s tímdle poradíte - Vy dementi byste nezabili ani kotě - Vy sráčové musíte zažít peklo na zemi - Vy češi jste špína a nic jinýho vás taky nečeká - Want you to leaveLondon (tak kde je pak ten přízvuk) - I ve put through a call to the embassy (ještě, že má konexe) - Get ready to leave. I dont think I can move very well - To je hustý - Pěkně vyskočila - A co provedl tendle zmrd? - Kathy? Yeah, your fucking ugly bitch. Budeš si muset najít jinou žíněnku - It must be done on hallowed ground - Church, altar of God - First knife - It extinguishes () physical life and forms the center of the cross (ty s tím naděláš)¨ - The subsequent placings extinguish spiritual life and should radiate outward - Birthmark. A sequence of sixes - So, says the Bible, do all the apostoles of Satan - You must be devoid of pity - And the woman? She is an apostate of hell (taky ambasador) - Bystander - Samozřejmě, Satan umí ovládat zvířata. To je ten váš druid. Potřebuje jen, abyste mu leželi u nohou. S lidmi nemá žádné dobré umysli. Zvlášt ne s takovou špínou jako jste vy. Nejpodřadnější etnikum na světě. Národ pejskařu - Ted se před ním bude ukrývat ve vlastním domě. To tam někde nemáš brokovnici? Udělej mu díru do palice - Nužky? Tak snad radši tu mašinku - Pojd chlapče, je pulnoc přečtu ti pohádku a přitom tě ostřihám. Hlavně se přitom moc neklep, jinak tě i pořežu. Mám tady náhodou taky pár takovejch pěknejch nožu - Jo, to je ta jeho ochranka - Rum, Damien, rum! Ještě že je to dement, schová se za křeslo - Dobře ji rozbil držku. Ale já bych ji pro jistotu dokopal - Boj na život a na smrt. Dvě vidličky do krku. Ty tam nech. Bože, ta je blbá - Panda Four to Control. Panda Four in pursuit (mohl mluvit italsky) - Todle bude před soudem vypadat blbě - Dělej, na co čekáš? Píchni to do něj! - Nebo v novinách…


Rocky (1976) 

Did you get the license number the truck that run overr your face? Let me do the figuring. Hes ina bad mood. So am I. You got heart, but you fight like a goddamn ape. You hang out with nice ppl, you get nice friends. You hang out with smart ppl, you get smart friends. You hang yout with yo-yo ppl, you get yo-yo friends. You see? Its simple mathematics. It aint justs Green (zranění). What about all the time Apollo invested? Five weeks just isnt enought time to get into shape. Shape nothing, man. They are afraid (přesně). They know everybody in the worlds gonna see this fight, and none of thems got prayer of whipin me. They are making excuses so they dont have to be the chump (vul) to get wipped in front of the whole civilized world. This is the land of opportunity. So AC on January 1st gives a local underdog fighter an opportunity (a já jak k tomu zápasu vubec došlo - vubec si to nepamatuju - 2009). Who discover America, Italian, right. Apollo Creed against Italian Stallion. Tímdle filmem Stallone vymetl Schwarzeneggerovi rybník. To by Terminátor, všechno, ale Rocky je legenda. Po těch všech Demolition Manech a Rambech opravdová vkusovka. A ted mi dochází, že byl natočen před nimi (1976). I hear things. A lot of canaries flying around the docks (si slíbil, že to nebudu přepisovat - zvl na týdle debilní klávesnici - Fujitsu). She aint retarded. Shes shy. Take her to the ZOO. I heard retards like the ZOO. You are still healthy person (s prostatou, muže bejt huř). Some guys, they just hate oyu for no reason. Theres no fooling around during training. I want to stay strong. Tak on ji obtáhl jo? Na prvním rande! Neřekli byste to do ní. Tichá voda břehy mele - to asi nebude to pravý přirovnání. Marciano had the same problem and this string cured it (balabce). If you can move and you can hit without breaking the string, you got balance. You become a very dangerous person. Women weaken legs. I really like this girl. Then let her train you! Že je to čurák s čoklem, to mi uplně vypadlo. Asi to měli za úkol propagovat od samýho začátku. You should call me first, leave message - a je tady, reportérka, černá gazela. Předtím tuk tuk na dveře číslo 2 (nvm). I dont owe you nothing. You are busted (nemohli počkat do svatby). You will be able to spit nails. Like a guy say, you are gonna eat lightning and you are gonna crap thunder. I trained to be fighter, not a billboard. Master of disaster. Undefeated in 46 fights. I have never seen a fighter that concerned about his hair. Ten zápas na konci je už jen taková nepatrná třešnička na dortu.


Čelisti (1975) 

no nevím, jestli bych to natočil líp, ale někdo to udělat musel!


Ztracená čest Kateřiny Blumové (1975) 

Did he fuck you? I would not use that word. I m not parading. I m at home. Policejní verze. Sharpshooters dismissed. Typically bourgeois literature. Eště, že neá počítač, internetový připojení a historii navštívených webových stránek. I am a consciencless, godless man, but gold is revered and so is its owner. The divine strength of gold lies in its being, as the estranged, alienated (blabla) and self-alienating essence of man. It is the alienated property of men. Written by a bank-robber, it makes sense. Its by Karl Marx. Tj. komedie. Bcs the men were often drunk and made advances to me. Only answer the questions that are put to you. Takový Gestapo. Ludwig didnt make advances, he was tender. Advances are a one-sided action, and tenderness is quite different. Katharina is a very bright, sensible girl. Scared of what? If I knew, I wouldnt be scared. Must I force happiness upon you? Our humble happiness wasnt enough for her. She wanted to get out in the world and how could a candid, modest-working man ever get a Porsche? This is where false ideas of Socialism are bound to lead. Now I know why I feared her radicalism and her hatred of the Church. Katharina is ice-cold and calculating and I hold her capable of commizzing a crime. Unbelieveable. I know now how these pigs work. Nic se nezměnilo. Ale tady se aspon snaží přijít na kloub zločinu. Dnes chrání verbež jakou jsou sami. One word from you, I would turn myself in and confess. I’d do anything to help you (značí to oboje). I m an old pro. Did she really say that? We must help simple ppl express themselves. I wonder if you have a right to destroy a human being this way. Freedom of the press cannot be dealt with lightly. But freedom and dignity of a man can be. If you avoid bad company, you dont give the press the wrong opportunities. I wont take that kind of lesson especially from a young man. And who is this visitor? Since Katharina didnt say, I wont either. Podruhý si všímám jednooké symboliky - ne, že bych ji tady čekal (na fotce 1.01.00). Poprvý za lampou. All the ppl I know read press. 1200 marks. How can you afford to buy a flat worth 110 000 marks (takovej pokojíček). Dneska šly byty nahoru, ale žijeme v jiný době, a stejně by to byla sotva polovina. I fix up things that Mrs. Blorna gives me. I do my errands (blabla) on foot. I know a lit of woman who get drunk alone in front of their TV. That scares me (to nechce poznat). You filthy, cowardly pig (česká svině)! A good fuck is half the bottle. This is rather prickly. Where Stalin didnt suceed, you wont either. Learn to pray again. Commies whore. This Gotten belongs to a gang of deserters and objectors. You can throw a libel action against The Paper. This is not the time or the place for your accusations. Five days a week I work on radicals. I want to have the weekend off. Nebudeš mít ani víkend. Místo toho, aby se skrýval, měl si zjistit adresy a dojít je navštívit. Nebo přímo na stanici, kde je má pohromadě. A pak jim zpětně oddělat rodiny. She so damned vulnerable. Kolik těch káv tam vypijou? These Paper-bastards must be watching me every minute. If my name is printed in connection with this gang, I m through. Its their very business to rod innocent ppl of their honor, often to take their lives. Otherwise nobody would buy their papers. Ona je vlastně obětí stokholmského syndromu. Are you a Marxist? Potřetí (1.27.40). ona za ním jede. Jasně, ona byla naměkko. Tak jemu bylo hned jasný, že má po tom hovoru zmizet. Special troops were landed at night by choppers - to klidně mohli přijet autem a nevzbudili by takovou pozornost. The Paper smeared the usual crap on us. They only spared me, perhaps just bcs I m an old Nazi. Počtvrtý (1.34.24). We are saving the clippings. How about a quickie? She belongs in the gas chamber. Walther PPK. Sebejistej idiot. You can thank me for all that. Už jsme se bál, že odpráskne jen sebe. Just wait, you can make a lot of money on your name. But we must keep plugging it or ppl will forget about you (covid). You are news. You have to exploit that. You have to be a bit more tolerant. They treated you a little rough. You are not mad at me?we should get to know each other better. How about fucking for a start? Popátý. Why not him, too? This is a very moving moment at the cemetery. Many of our prominent citizens are playing their last respects to the cold-blooded murdered journalist. The shots that killed motherfucker, didnt hit him alone. They were aimed at freedom of the press, one of the most precious values of our young democracy (tak si myslím, že to už stačilo). Who doesnt feel the wound and sorrow above and beyond ones personal concerns (už se smaží v pekle). Who doesnt feel a brath of terror, the savagery of anarchy, the violence which is undermining the foundations of our liberal-democratic order, which we are so devoted to (humanismus vystřídal Boha). Stop it before it grows for freedom of the press is the core of everything. And whoever attacks The Paper, attacks us all. Už aby byla válka. Victim of his profession.


Vymítač ďábla (1973) 

dva šašci se křižujou nad postelí, zatímco malá vymetá s krucifixem a docela mě to pobavilo, když mu poblila šálu. stáhnu si soundtrack a jdu spát. a ano, uvědomuji si, že jsem o ledacos v dětství přicházel, když jsme v přísně ortodoxní rodině chodili spát pohromadě se slepicema, aby se nám nic podobného nezdálo. 2013/2018 - If you want to effect any change, you have to do it within the systém - But why on earth I would… - Its more than psychiatry. Some of their problems come down to faith, the meaning of their lives - Nobody knows the cause of hyperkinetic behavior in a child - I think the best explanation is always the simplest - In the meantime, try not to worry. How? - Very intense looking - You are gonna die up there (miluju) - What made you say that (předčasně dospěla) - Whats wrong with you? Tvoje zkurvená matka neví, ani nemuže vědět - How her whole personality could change - Není špatná mamina - Give me a favor, tell me something good. Dont be alarmed - Takže ona s ní hopsala na posteli a přece ji nechá jít na lobotomii - Co to doprdele je? - Todle snad neprováděli dětem ani nacisti v koncentračních táborech - Jako u zubaře - Spasms again? - Tak co doktore, jak je na tom? Jediný, co svedeš, je jí dát sedativa? - How could she fly off the bed like that? Pathological states can induce abnormal strength, accelerated motor performance - Shes acting like shes fucking out of her mind! Psychotic, like a split personality, or (vyvádí jak moje matka, a to jsem jen sáhl sousedum na psa) - Any reasonable psychiatrist would exhaust the somatic possibilities first - Pneumoencephalogram. I would think, to pin down that lesion - Jo to bylo EEG! And the arteriograms - At least, it would eliminate certain other possibilities - X-rays are negative (už jsem myslel) - We have to start looking for a shrink - Začínám se bavit. Ještě budu mít vrásky - When I touch your forehead, open your eyes - Tp je kdo, nějakej taman? - Sejmi toho zmrda - Captain Howdy - LOL - Tak to je skvělý, místo Vymítače budu asi koukat na Rockyho - Possible, however, unlikely - Maybe somebody crazy with a spite against the Church, some unconscious rebellion - Incidentaly, I mention it only in passing I could always tell the judge it was a matter of confession - I love the talk film, discuss, to critique - Barringer clinic and foundation - It looks like a type of disorder thats rarely ever seen anymore except in primitive cultures - We call it somnambular-form possession - (ta písnička je v pozadí, potichu, že není ani slyšet) - Quite frankly () we really dont know much about it at all except that it starts with a conflict or a quilt and it leads to the patients delusion that his body has been invaded by some alien intelligence (tak to je dobrý) - Spirit, if you will - Do you heard of exorcism? Well its a stylized ritual in which the rabbi or the priest try to drive out the so-called invading spirit - Its been pretty much discarded these days, except by the Catholics, who keep it in the closet as a sort of embarrassment. But it has worked, in fact - Its purely force of suggestion - The victims belief in possession is what helped cause it, so in that same way the belief of power of exorcism can make it disappear (vysvětlil to dobře) - You are telling me I should také my daughter to a witch doctor (tak se to mělo jmenovat) - A draft in the fall when the house is hot is a magic carpet for bacteria - Anything else? (Karl je super) - Its strange - The deceased comes to visit stays only 20 minutes and leaves all alone a very sick girl - And speaking plainly it isn likely he would fall from a window - My hunch, my opinion - Probable, not certain - Tehdy kouření, zdá se, nevadilo - Priests are pretty tight-mouthed. That depends - No exorcism since we learned about mental illness, paranoia, schizophrenia (mám na to stejný názor a stejně neodborní doktoři mě přesvědčují v tom, že to má demonický puvod – všechno) - Since the day I joined the Jesuits (co to má znamenat) - Dneska náhodou fotka papeže jak líbá ježíška na pupek, prej hit internetu, a já koukám na tohle - To begin with, it could make things worse (tak to si v tomto případě nemyslim) Oh, how? - Lol - Secondly, the Church, before it approves an exorcism, conducts an investigation to see if its warranted. That takes time - She seen every fuckin psychiatrist in the world and they sent me to you - Im Damien Karras. And Im the devil - Thats much too vulgar a display of power - I dont know. I have to look it up - The blood of the new and everlasting covenant, the mystery of faith (to jo, když tu tradicu udržují do ted) - What an excellent day for an exorcism (dábel mě opět rozesmál) - You would like that? Intensely () - But wouldnt that drive you out of Regan? It would bring us together - You and us - Mirabile dictu (wonderful to say), dont you agree? - Until she rots and lies stinking in the earth - Speaking Gibberish - Tap water. Holy waters blessed. And that doesnt help support a case for possession - 1.35.05 (podruhý) - Its English in reverse - Todle rejža trochu přehnal, Omen byl uvěřitelnější - Všimni si hercu. Jsou normální. Nejsou posedlí. Ne, že by tím na sebe upozornili - He does know the background - Hail Mary, full of grace (tak nvm) - Especially important is the warning to avoid conversation with the demon (aha, tak nelez na internet) - We may ask what is relevant, but anything beyond that is dangerous - Hes a liar. The demon is a liar (nemyslím si, ví o tobě všechno, nepotřebuje lhát, aby tě dostal do kolen – naopak, pravda je jeho nejmocnější zbran) - He will lie to confuse us (něco skrývá) - But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack (celá politická scena, každej zmrd v baráku, co má za člena rodiny psa – vy všichni jste posedlí, celá společnost dneska) - Zbabělí, malí přizdisráčové, co už neví, co je správné, a co ne, a vidí jen sami sebe. Svuj životní styl vydávají za vzor, následují satana do propasti a ani natuší, kam je vede - The attack is psychological (tohle šlo určitě zfilmovat lépe) - So dont listen. Remember that. Do not listen (zacpi si uši) - Ten kněz políbil ježíše na křížku jako papež (so c tím maj, ti jezuiti) - Stick your cock up her ass (s dáblem je sranda) - Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name - Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven (toho se trochu obávám –terestrial vs celestial) - Ta malá je sladká - Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one - Save me, O Gody, by thy name. By thy might, defend my cause - Proud men have risen up against me, and men of violence seek my life. But God is my helper an the Lord (změna) sustains my life. In every nee, he has delivered me - Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and shall be, world without end - Save your servant. Who places her trust in thee, my God. Be unto her, O Lord, a fortified tower - In the face of the enemy. Let the enemy have no power over her. Son of Inquity be powerless to harm her - Your mother sucks cocks in hell (a ráda). You faithless slime - Holy Lord, almighty Father, everlasting God and Father of our Lord (aha), Jesus Christ, who once and for all, consigned that fallen tyrant to the flames of hell, who sent your only begotten () son into the world to crush that roaring lion hasten to our call for help and snatch from ruination and from the clutches of the noonday devil, this human being, made in your image and likeness - Strike terror, Lord, into the beast now laying waste to your vineyard (aby mu nedošly slova). Let your mighty hand část him out of your servant so he may no longer hold captive this person, whom it pleased you to make in your image and to redeem through your son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever - Amen - And let my cry come unto thee - Almighty Lord, word of God the Father, Jesus Christ, God and Lord of all creation, who gave to your holy apostles the power to tramp () underfoot serpents and scorpions. Grant me, your unworthy servant (ale notak), pardon for all my sins (bastards) and the power to confront this cruel demon (tak kterej) - See the cross of the Lord. Be gone, you hostile power. O Lord, hear my prayer. And let my cry come unto thee - The Lord be with you - Je se mnou něco špatně, když fandím demonovi? - Ti dva sráčové mě unavujou - I cast you aout, unclean spirit! - Shove it up your ass, you faggot! In the name of you Lord… (to se docela trefil) - Myslím, že i Ježíš se trochu směje - It is he who commands you (právě)! - He who flung you straight from heaven to the depths of hell - By this sign of the Holy Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit - Amen - God, defender of the human race (Transformeři) - Look down in pity - I command you by the judge of the living and the dead to depart from this servant od God - Its the power of Christ that compels () you - He brought you low by his blood-stained cross - Do not despite my command, bcs you know me to be a sinner - It is God himself who commands you - The majestic Christ who commands you - God, the Son, commands you - God, the Holy Spirit, commands you - The mystery of the cross commands you - The blood of the martyrs commands you - Je to nějaký dlouhý - Give way to Christ, you prince of murderers - You are guilty before almighty God - Guilty before his son - Guilty before the whole human race - It is the Lord who expels you, he who is coming to judge both, the living and the dead and the world, by fire (a co je z ohně) - A kdo je jeho armáda (Isa 13/3) - Why this girl? It doesnt make sense - I think the POINT is to make us DESPAIR. To see ourselves as animal and ugly (zvířata se k sobě chovají líp) - To reject the possibility that God could love us - Vy se taky sesypete ze všeho - Resuscitaci zahajujeme dvěma vdechy - Se obětoval - 512-897 - She doesnt remember any of it - Ready Missues - Mercedes 280 4,5? - Wuthering Heights (film) - Kyklista a pejskař v posledním záběru - William Friedkin (director)


Babička (1971) (TV film) 

zajímavé komentáře - babička má jistě svoji hloubku, ale bylo by asi nevhodné, aby to někdo z odborníku tady zkoušel nebo si něco dokazoval v komentářích.


Vanishing Point (1971) 

sem u toho usnul, takže ta nahá kočička na kapotě mě mrzí a zřejmě i celej konec