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Banda - Karty jsou rozdaný (2019) (epizoda) 

Sejměte tu černou špínu někdo. Ten seriál si mě hned získal. Málokdy se stane, že mi film splní přání. If you are negative, negative things will happen to you. You cant do this. You dont have the fight. You never have. Neither do I. Tak todle nemá chybu. Ordinace v ružové zahradě (Remington Steels running). Větrák But nothing of that matters. Bcs job one is managing, supporting, and advising the brave heroes who put themselves in harms way each and every day for us. Jako za času Noeho. Nejenom, že lidi budou zkažení, ale budou uctívat nefilim. A world without crime with liberty and justice for all, thats within our reach, thanks to the 200-plus Superheroes in the Vought Family. We see a bright future ahead, where there is a Vought Hero in every town. I hevent done anything yet. Exactly, you have two-and-a-half points with Midwesterners and conservative Christians in 18 to 49. Your speeech, btw, it was modest, it was humble. Really fucking smart choice. I meant it. Bacha, Queen Maeve. We make heroes super. Starlight and the Deep. Homelanders, its like Jesus or something. I had kind of a schoolgirl crush on you. No, no. Its not inappropriate at all. Je to venku. I m not talking about sex, just a little bit of pole smoking. Home to mommy, tail tucked between your legs. The bollocks ppl will believe, if you get them scared enough. Movie tickets, merchandising, theme parks, video games. A multi-billion dollar global industry supported by corporate lobbyists and politicians on both sides. But the main reason ou wont hear about it is cause the public dont want to know about it. Ppl love that cozy feeling that Supes give them. But if you know half the shit they get up to, ooh, fuckin diabolical. A few cars got nicked. Work/life thing. Image of self. I didnt fight and now I feel sick. Mostly bcs it turns out I m not who I thought I was. Just bcs you fall on your ass doesnt mean you have to stay there. Thats not who you really are. I m a fighter. I m gonna fight. I m gonna take that son of a bitches head clean off his body. Quit being a cunt (Matrix red/blue pill). Just quit being a cunt. Appreciate the apology. Accidents happen, right? After all, you were saviing the world. Fuck A-Train (předvčera DXMD). You are a good lad. Semi-transparent. Skins carbon. Very conductive.


Agresivní virus - Není to pro každého (2014) (epizoda) 

Monster just try to murder us. There are no records. Začíná se to zajímavě vyvíjet. She can keep me company. Sure thing got me locked last time. Dutch Velders. A self-described internet freedom fighter. Claims he can do all we need. Proč to píšu? I got that a lot. Anything is possible. She wants credit for it. And, I also want money. Must be so slow that sending photos or instant anything is impossible. Myslím, že jsem se stal obětí jejích zločinu. Its much harder to hide evil shit these days. Its a parasitic mechanism. Rewriting human biology. So it can reproduce and consume its host. Zbytečně složitý. Stačí jiná krev, na kterou se váže duch, který pak posedne celý tělo. Pastýř (17:40) Of whom shall I be afraid. Mother Mary walk with me. Nesnášej Ježíše. I m flat broke. I think I was targeted. They knew about everything. German guy. You are dead to me. Tak on mu to vysvětlí a oni se na něj vyserou. How desperate he must have been to do something like that. Dont make excuses for him. Just imagine. God damn airplanes. This isnt rocket science. Its shameful to own a pet and not discipline it.  If you want to go in there and teach her a few things (to by žádnej pejskař nikdy neřekl). I dont have a heart for it. You are right about that. Amatér. Vyobrazej ji jako náboženskou kudlanku. Brend new Mercedes SUV. Still got a baby seat in the back. To máš jako bonus. No extra charge for that. You got your ratchet on you? Always ready, homie. Top seven internet server farms have crashed. They will never tell you. But I feel its imperative you know. The US military removed the bodies from the morgue. In the middle of the night. A highly classified biological agent got loose on that airplane. Tragic mistake of epic proportion. But now we must do what needs to be done (nd). What makes you powerful and formidable is also what makes a decision like this so painful. Your decency. We need you to put your country first (v Americe mají největší zkušenost s dáblem a tam to taky začne). Not the bullshit country we pretend to be, the one we really are. The one you are getting to know very well. I saw that in you from the start. The potential to get the game behind the game. I owe you my career. Its highly lethal, but it quickly dissipates - designed so our troops can follow it into battle. Thats why no one found it. You passed out sir. Your new liver is here. You are in fulminant hepatic failure. Neřikal. Že ten meč roztaví? Burn them. We are talking about finding a cure. We dont exterminate. Drž hubu, ty pyčo. The Chinese culled the bird population in HongKong after the Avian flue hit. It was the responsible thing to do. Jak se s ní vybavuje jako rovnej s rovnou. We are not hunting down human beings. Vy prasata máte do lidí daleko i v současný formě. They are hunting us. Myslím, že i todle mělo vyznít. Nora, please! Potřebujete rozkopat držky. Vaše éra feminismu skončila. Some brains cant just adjust. Get the gasoline.


Agresivní virus - Série 1 (2014) (série) 

1 2021-09-22 Night Zero Další negroška, která je uplně na přesdržku, stejně jako každá jiná sociální pracovnice. Vytečete, kurvy, už brzy. Zahrála ji pěkně! Are you gonna say that I m late bcs I dont want to be here. Every time you came in you take over the session. Bcs I have control issues. Ne, bude to tam mít na starosti ta antilopa, ty dvě pyče! It seems like you two have created this narrative wherein I m the bad guy (to je přesný). Jen protože jim nikdo nezlámal pracky. Bcs I dont want out of my marriage (každej chlap se to snaží zachránit, ale pyče už má jiný plány). But this isnt just about you what you want, not anymore. You are barely present. How can you love me and it be too late. This is who you are. Tak proč sis ho brala? Potřebuje jen rozbít ciferník. Co se budeš přizpusobovat nějaký kurwě. Try negotiating with a virus. A virus exists only to find a carrier and reproduce. It has no political views, it has no religious beliefs, it has no respect for a badge. Mnemonic odors, the way our brain reads chemicals. Phosphine gas, colorless, smells like garlic. Or phosgene very toxic, smells like freshly cut grass (tak to netuším). Its all arranged. I will get it done. FEMALE YELLING Začíná se to zajímavě vyvíjet. Hrabě drákula vstal z hrobu. Everything went as planned. Love is going to guide them all back to their homes, to their loved ones. The Jew. I look out this island and I savor what is to come - purity. A sentimental man would venture out into the city tonight to walk these streets one last time before the fall. Love, you see, is the one force that cannot be explained, cannot be broken down into a chemical process. It is the beacon that guides us back home when no one is there and the light that illuminates our loss. Its absence robs us of all pleasure of our capacity for joy. It makes our nights darker and our days gloomier. But when we find love, no matter how wrong, how sad or how terrible, we cling to it. It gives us our strength. It holds us upright. It feeds on us and we feed on it. Love is our grace. Love is our downfall. Dobří ptáci se vracejí. Láska je asi slepá! Vubec jsem netušil, jak se mi to octlo na disku. Pozitivně to ohodnotila Heroine (4). Prej si máš počkat až do čtvrtý serie, kde se to pořádně rozjede. Prej pohádka. 2 Ammonia. Biological discharge. Feeling fine in this moment does not mean you are not sick. I have no lawyer. Máme něco společnýho. A230385 The great game is over. Not when I still breathe. Despite all evidence to the contrary, you cling to the delusion that you will prevail. Dont tell me you still believe in that God of yours. So where is He? Why has He done nothing? Typická otázka zatracenejch. Face the truth. He is nothing but a figment of your imagination. I will give it back to your master in due time. You are just a number. Thats all what you are. Its good for you to be there. Its the only place you can feel safe. Safer than the streets will be very soon. You might survive a little longer. Draverhaven. You have to consider the impact of a medical quarantine. It would immediately stop all exports from NY to the resto of the world. Do you want to crash a 70 billion economy and send the stock markets into a free fall on a hunch? Its about saving ppl. Its that simple. Hotovej Prymula. Nebo Blatnej. Vyslanci pekla! Umbelievable. Jumping through all these hoops bcs those bastards dont want to face a quarantine. Už jsme to mohli mít dávno za sebou. Everyones first priority is covring their asses. And no one gives a shit about the truth. He understand hes not important as your work. Which is exactly what he hears from his mother every day - protože jí ještě nerozbil držku. Take a moment. Jasně, nám hrozí invaze zmutovanej červu, a on si pujde zahrát fotbal se synem! A zašukat si. Na to se najde chvilka vždycky. I make many mistakes, but not about vermint. Jasně, že ho znám. To je ten českej youtuber z posilky. Where we can celebrate our escape from the Abyss. No, I better go home and see kids and my husband. To není o tom je udělat štastnými, ty hovado. Ale jak jim pomalu uřezat hlavy tupym nožem. Tvl, ser na něj. Co budeš vysvětlovat skurwenýmu spratkovi. Když mu budeš ustupovat, tak v patnácti přileze, že je na kluky. Copak se neumí zabavit sám? Ten dement chodí dokonce na terapie. Trosky. Hes my whole world. Prosimtě, drž hubu! Are you ready to party with me? To je nuda… Keep the beat going, I will catch up. He bit me hard. This is crazy. Ve středověku vybyli pět milionu čarodějnic a dneska si každej myslí, že kouká na pohádku. Hodně štěstí. 3 2021-09-29 Soon, no more charade. To victory. Why would the Military leave four surviving passengers? I m not going back to the hospital. To je dobrej debil. They kept showing footage of the plane just sitting there over and over again. Like the Trade Center, remember? Why do they do that to us? Its so painful to watch. Am I going to die? We are going to make you well again. Jasně! You have my word. Tvl, jak mu muže slíbit něco, co nemuže dodržet? You cant promise him that. Hes stuck in a plastic containment tube, surrounded by doctors who dont know anything. He needs a little hope. Falešná naděje. Tydle čuráky nesnáším. Vytečete. Svině. Here is the rest of the money Gred promised you in return. What was in the box? Where are the corpses? Na nic se neptej, vem si peníze a vypadni! I m going to the police. Tak to byla uplně nejhorší odpověd. Něco mi říká, že nám naznačujou i to, jak někteří uplatní zastánci hodnot později reagujou. To sis měl rozmyslet dřív! Dobře mu tak. You must love your wife very much to violate your terms of employment and to break the law. How do you know that? Je to na dobrou věc. I m only doing this to pay for her treatment. I feel confident that we may continue to rely on your good services. You have two bosses now. A co kdybys ji nechal odejít ze světa přirozenou smrtí a zachoval se jako chlap? Fízlové jsou stejně zkorumpovaní - budou se střílet jako prašiví psi, až to začne. A thing of enormous power and terrible will. A will to devour the world and swallow the light (in the plain sight). Is the military covering it up? Do not be so easily distracted. He thrives on human self-interest and bureaucratic complacency. You and doctor Goodwheather think that being good is enough? Being good means nothing, unless you are willing to do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done. A co český prasata a jejich vztah ke zvířatum. Nedokážou je ani vyhodit z baráku! Zachary, what do you think it will be the best solution for your mom and dad, regarding custody and visitation rights? Tak to je konec. Né, že by se to tady běžně nepraktikovalo, aby soudy nerozhodovaly ve prospěch dítěte a svěřovaly jej do výhradní péče - zdráhám se napsat slovo "matek." První v rodině je muž - a trochu překvapivě žena. Jedinej duvod k rozvodu je cizoložství. V takovém případě má matka právo jen na veřejnou ostudu a zbičování. Dneska se tím ty kurvy chlubí, je to jejich životní styl, pak si jako partnera pořídí pejska z utulku. A nesmí se na ně šáhnout - řeší se domácí násilí, dokonce proti němu ostatní kurvy běhaj. What do you think would be best for you? He has a really important job and this way he wouldnt be too stressed about being late or having something come up. I want whats best for my dad, thats all. Dobře ho utřel. Nejlepší je, jak o tom rozhoduje další kurva. Zasloužíte uřezat palice. I want this rat found and killed. I m not here to rehabilitate it. Rats have bad eyes but a very keen sense of smell and taste. Like smoking coffee and cream. O tom krysařovi by mohli natočit samostatnej seriál (hrál už v RE5). I m hearing things. One voice, its calling my name. I cant focus. Next time challenge me. And heres your video-gaming waste of time. I m going to visit their families. Pay my respects. Hes here. Would you like to write a note? Regret? Repentance? Guilt? 4 Monster just try to murder us. There are no records. Začíná se to zajímavě vyvíjet. She can keep me company. Sure thing got me locked last time. Dutch Velders. A self-described internet freedom fighter. Claims he can do all we need. Proč to píšu? I got that a lot. Anything is possible. She wants credit for it. And, I also want money. Must be so slow that sending photos or instant anything is impossible. Myslím, že jsem se stal obětí jejích zločinu. Its much harder to hide evil shit these days. Its a parasitic mechanism. Rewriting human biology. So it can reproduce and consume its host. Zbytečně složitý. Stačí jiná krev, na kterou se váže duch, který pak posedne celý tělo. Pastýř (17:40) Of whom shall I be afraid. Mother Mary walk with me. Nesnášej Ježíše. I m flat broke. I think I was targeted. They knew about everything. German guy. You are dead to me. Tak on mu to vysvětlí a oni se na něj vyserou. How desperate he must have been to do something like that. Dont make excuses for him. Just imagine. God damn airplanes. This isnt rocket science. Its shameful to own a pet and not discipline it.  If you want to go in there and teach her a few things (to by žádnej pejskař nikdy neřekl). I dont have a heart for it. You are right about that. Amatér. Vyobrazej ji jako náboženskou kudlanku. Brend new Mercedes SUV. Still got a baby seat in the back. To máš jako bonus. No extra charge for that. You got your ratchet on you? Always ready, homie. Top seven internet server farms have crashed. They will never tell you. But I feel its imperative you know. The US military removed the bodies from the morgue. In the middle of the night. A highly classified biological agent got loose on that airplane. Tragic mistake of epic proportion. But now we must do what needs to be done (nd). What makes you powerful and formidable is also what makes a decision like this so painful. Your decency. We need you to put your country first (v Americe mají největší zkušenost s dáblem a tam to taky začne). Not the bullshit country we pretend to be, the one we really are. The one you are getting to know very well. I saw that in you from the start. The potential to get the game behind the game. I owe you my career. Its highly lethal, but it quickly dissipates - designed so our troops can follow it into battle. Thats why no one found it. You passed out sir. Your new liver is here. You are in fulminant hepatic failure. Neřikal. Že ten meč roztaví? Burn them. We are talking about finding a cure. We dont exterminate. Drž hubu, ty pyčo. The Chinese culled the bird population in HongKong after the Avian flue hit. It was the responsible thing to do. Jak se s ní vybavuje jako rovnej s rovnou. We are not hunting down human beings. Vy prasata máte do lidí daleko i v současný formě. They are hunting us. Myslím, že i todle mělo vyznít. Nora, please! Potřebujete rozkopat držky. Vaše éra feminismu skončila. Some brains cant just adjust. Get the gasoline. 5 2021-09-30 (ut-ct) ???????? This scourge we are witnessing has existed for millennia. It is a corruption of both, flesh and spirit. It ravages what is human in its victim. Instills a raging thirst. That is his goal - to destroy humanity (to je přesný). Whos he? The Master. Patient zero. He spreads his virus through the parasites in his blood, driven by his horrible will. The media focuses on the miraculous survival of four as opposed to the deaths of 200 allowing the dead time to change, return home and spread the disease. The Master excels at manipulation and disinformation (deceiver). Which is why they created a scapegoat, the unfortunate regis ceo. Planed not just events on the plane, but the fallout surrounding it. An ancient creature who feeds on the blood of his victims. I use the term strigoi (kde jsem to už slyšel, v jaký hře). Which is vampire in Romanian. Until I saw the devil with my own eyes. This train I would not wish to go any faster. Český prasata se už vezou v dobytčáku na jatka? I dont think we will be happy to arrive at our destination. Ne, bude tam bazének s vířivkou, dovolená vašich snu. Evil lurks in this world and I fear we are soon to meet it. Just as our soldiers risk their lives, you will work here for the welfare of a new Europe. Together, we create a better world for future generations. This is a place of order and discipline. Do your work, and shall be treated accordingly. After the war, we shall assess everyone based on his merits and reassign him (Orwell). Maserati. Breakfast in bed. Služka. What we are dealing with here is the fate of the human race. O osudu lidstva a světa bylo rozhodnute v momentě, kdy Adam s Evou vyšli z ráje. A jedinej, kdo to muže ukončit, je Buh sám. Rozhodujete jen o svejch vlastních osudech. So I dont expect you to believe that yet. You believe you are drafting me into your cause but truth is, I m drafting you into mine. Duly noted. Znovu, ani to nepočítám (13:20). Those we hold dear, if they are turned, they come back home and destroy those they love the most. Stories about a monster who fed on the blood of men (and women). She said the moster was drawn to human misery. Stop looking for monsters. We are already surrounded by them. Something is driving them out of their nests. A bigger predator. Jak ho zabíraj furt zespoda - jako Toma Cruise. Asi má taky jen metr padesát. Horror s komickými prvky. 2021-10-25 Shes infected. In a silver mirror her reflection vibrates. Inaction is the greatest evil. Its not always up to us. We must rely on a higher power. I will be out of your hair in no time. Nebaví mě to ani jedno, ačkoli todle mezi ostatními seriály a filmy vyniká. Pustím si radši nějakej dokument. Překvapilo mě, že jsem odešel uprostřed epizody. Asi jsem někam jel. Koukal na to dopolodne. 6 2021-11-10 This is my family, my fuckin life. I invited you in, you are a guest and you need to start acting like one.  Maybe I acted too quickly. This eclipse is making everyone nuts. The plane thing and cellphones arent working. The whole citys losing their mind, its like judgment day out there. Už aby to tady bylo. You cant fix crazy. Where we are goin, man? One story above hell. This idiot the devils butler. You got my gun on you? What i find fascinating is how love is considered a gift, a blessing, with no acceptance to the fact that it also binds and chokes and strangles. I am your salvation or your downfall. Your choice. Proč se zbavujou jednoho těla, když už jsou rozlezlý po celým městě? Its a bad omen. Špatný znamení je, když se rozvedeš, ty svině. Everything is so chaotic now. Maybe we need a little normalcy. Aha, ty pyčo. FBI, freeze! FBI, my ass. Dont text her. Its impermanent. Like eating a whole grain hug. 7 Services have been suspended for this area. We value as a customer and hope to reestabilish service as soon as possible. Jééé, ty seš krásná! Thats no biological sense. You destroy one creature and somehow all the other ones die? Logic is no issue here. Its your desire to always be in control. We need to locate his human helpers. We will prevail. Hand of Miriam. No one wished claim credit? Zkurvený prasata. This totem is named after the sister od Moses and Aaron and is supposed to offer protection from evil. DOG BARKING 8230385 Traffic is going to be nightmare. Managing ppl, thats my talent. Picking the right person for the right job. We are being punished for what we did. SLUNEČNÁXS48 Do you think we Germans will outlast our predecessors? I think the Third Reich is in its death throes. A new reich rose from the ashes of this one. Led by a new fuhrer whos able to deliver everything Hitler promised. And more. I think that would be a very sad day for humanity. Quite opposite. Its what humanity craves - a strong leader, a visionary, hitle was ellected democratically, he went before the reichstag. Terrified of democracy! They have lived through the chaos of the Weimar Republic. They realized Plato was right. The republic can only be led by a philosopher king with the wisdom to look after the needs of the many. Unless you are a Jew. The nobility of the victim. You comfort yourself with the fantasy that you are morally superior to me. You are afraid of the choice. The alternative. Let me make it clear to you. Why not go down fighting? Its much easier to do nothing, isnt it? Safer. Dobře ho dostal. Akorát, že by to na něj nemělo učinek jako ten nuž. If that God you believe in really existed, what do you suppose He would think of you? Že jsou to podělaní zmrdi a zasloužili svuj osud. Že to na ně dokonce přivedl jako už mnohokrát v minulosti, Then I guess you have made a decision. Consider your wife dead. Sardus sword. And once again, you follow a false messiah who will prove as horrific as the last one. 8 Ppl fighting over goods, medicine. Dostanou medicínu. Theres gonna be looting and panic and vigilantes (perspektiva). To už by museli bejt hodně zoufalí. Aside from us, you mean? Crazy old man with a bloody sword. Ještě o neroztavil? Unholy filth! Does it looks like hes kidding? Lead rounds can maim them if they strike bone. Flesh wounds heal without pain. 911 isnt working. All I getting are recorded messages. You did that too? A little less volume, please. They thrive on. Fear, panic, divisiveness. Theres strength in numbers. We must make a plan and act together. Ne, nikam nejdeš. I kdybychom si to potom netozdali a ulovil tě jinej kocour, tak tydle geny bych chtěl dál potkávat na benzíně. This cant be happening. We wont last one hour. Soon they will swarm and overrun us. They are connected to the master who sees through every strigoi eye (mind hive). OMG, these legs. How tall are you? They are looking for multiple points of ingress, just like any other vermin. Skin on face is very thin and its full of nerve enings. This gonna hurt like a bitch. Akorát mu před smrtí rozřežou ksicht. Cos našla, kondom? Hey! How fast can we move the wheels from this car to that one? To je genius! By mě nenapadlo. Ani nikoho z těch luzru uvnitř. Better hurry up. They are up to something. Třeba tě chtěj taky vomrdat. They are using tools. Not just tools, distraction. Its cutting off power. There are a few to whom the master grants greater power. They retain parts of their former selves. Eichhorst is one of the chosen. Theres a caste system. Aha! You want to die inside a cigarette box? I stay. I wait tor police! And who pays for this! Dutch Velders. How has this happened? Theres no short answer. What? LOL. We are gonna take you to the hospital. We are going to give you antiparasitics. We will try chemo. We have a lot of tools at our disposal. A nebo ho mužete obětovat. Cruelest feature of this dark curse is that hte bond that joins you in life, human love, is corrupted into the need to consume those closest to you. Pravá láska překoná vše! Why did you do that? Bcs you couldnt. Žádnej martyrismus se nekoná. You were arguing when we need to be moving. Ale proč tři rány! I did your friend a favor. Vubec se s tou kurvou nebav. Scéna z Aliens! Credit card 11215. Hassan tam nakonec uhoří. 9 Wheres the booze? How did you get out of the jail? I escaped (earthquake, todle je druhá zmínka). From the FBI? Yeah. I saw an opening. And I took it. I shouldnt have been arrested to begin with. I didnt do anything wrong (zejtra mám soud). To je pohled. There is no hope for those who are infected. You dont know everything. No, but I do know about this. Cops are very busy, they dont have time for me. This is why I dont have friends. Theres power in naming things. Beloved dogs turn on you after they have been bitten by any infected animal. Mourn Matts passing, then move on. Life will insist. You musnt fail life. Read and learn. It will help you. You saw this coming. I hoped it wouldnt. A já se na to těším, protože nemuže bejt nic horšího, než žít mezi tímdle lidským odpadem/tendle lidskej odpad. There must be humans helping this cause. Those who are seduced by the promise of power and who yearn to leave a mark that will somehow elevate them. They inadvertently hurt many ppl, but inadvertent or not, the damage is done. I need your help. Your unsentimental. Precise, not ruled by your emotions. I have feelings. Leave the feelings to others. I m going home to get a few things. I will be back. Vampires are targeting us. These are coordinated assaults, disabling methodsof sommunication, the internet, cellphones, they are all part of it. Making sure ppl dont put the pieces together. Where is your God? Are you freaking kidding me? 10 Prcinka se převlíkla. 32 hours earlier, aha, kontroluju komentáře na Facebooku… To je Matt? Dyt ho zabili. To je jejich barák. A její mobil - má ho u sebe. To je zpátky do minulosti? Asi ji měl fakt rád. Děvka, to si zasloužila! Se mi líbí, jak se v tomdle seriálu s nimým neserou. Taková hra o truny, asi. Nikdy jsem to neviděl. A nelituju. Guy dicks you over to bring about end times? Its all about confidence. Tvl, sežrala vlastní dítě. To si dám ještě jednou! Ale nějak jsem to nepochopil. Dyt zach tam nebyl. Asi z prvního manželství. You wanted to bring the world down. Wipe out the human race. Why would any rational person want to do such a thing? DNA. Rewrite the software and you control the hardware. If hacking is about exploring the limits of what is possible then I am on the verge of achieving what you would consider the ultimate hack. Cheating death. Immortality. You are insignificant. You feel how invisible you are. Je pustí, ne? Vypadá tak. Ale proč by to dělal? To se asi nedozvíme. Ted odpráskl svýho zmutovanýho syna? To je bomba! Nebo to bylo jeho dítě z prvního manželství? Jak by to mohlo bejt jeho dítě z prvního manželství, když je mladší! Hm, pozdě na to nosit křížky. Doba milosti skončila 11 2021-11-11 Dont fall from your high horse. This kamikaze mission is his wet dream. And the old man is consumed by an ancient grudge. They have no plan B, bcs they have no one but themselves at risk. Every man for himself. Thats what the Master counting for. Vampyre s tvrdym, jo? Vampyre Master controlling a mortal minion. Vampyres are known to have an hypnotic affect on some, bending them to their will. The vampyre defies death and is never able to rest in peace until set free from this mortal world through ritual burning. Hm, lidskej odpad posledních dní to reprezentuje. Prasata v lidskejch tvarech. Thats a lot of necks to chop. No, releasing them would alert the Master to our presence. The first shall be last and the last shall be first, Doc (Matthew 20/16). Tak to mě uklidnilo. I am a drinker of men. 12 2021-11-12 Miss me? Si piš! Emergency Alert System. This is only a test. Estabilished to allow the president to address the nation in a time of war or national crisis for 50 yrs throughout various incarnations. Its never been used, not once. Thats why you came back, to fix things? That and I left a really good pair of boots here. Mom married too quickly to a pompous shithead (Before the Storm). I left home when i was 15. So much for love. Do you more details require? Only one. Men or women? I specialize in passionate, destructive relationships. The best kind. Hele, Zeman. Ne, Magneto. Strong, energized, no pain. He gave me health, but not immortality? He visited you in your hour of need. He spared you the way of almost all flesh. He chose you. He anointed you. You will serve at his right hand for eternity (counterfeith). Eventually. Think of this as another test. For your everlasting devotion. 13 You two are falling in love. Shortest honeymoon on record, huh? We wanna burn as little daylight as possible. Sheltering him will ultimately only make things worse. He needs to know the truth. Come on. We are burning daylight. No, sir. What! Excuse me? Manipulating you, warping your have been on my side all the time. Yes, I am complicit, bcs I served you loyally. This is part where the whore declares herself a virgin. You made a devils bargain. You pulled me into it with you. Your sudden resurrestion is an affront to nature and to God. Restore the natural order of things. Deserting me on the verge of triumph? I know it sounds preposterous. Oh, looks like the conversations coming to an end. I think we will keep him. On odpálil dynamit v podzemí? Nestačil by jeden? To dítě vzali s sebou? Všichni prodělali výcvik SAS ve střellbě levou rukou. In the name of all that is holy! Dignity, power, the ancients. Are they alive? In a way. They are dreaming. An ancient truce has been broken and act of war was declared. We need a human soldier, who can move freely in the daylight. Someone who can use the power of the sun to massacre the unclean. You have proven yourself capable. Rich payback. I m listening. How will mom find us? Tak koho to zabil? Že by? Konečně? He will use your wifes love for her son to presure us. To the ends of the earth, if necessary. Jé, tak si dal panáka. Co na něj tak čumej? Nothing is written that cannot be changed (nepomine jediné písmenko, dokud se tak vše nestane). It is a small world after all. We made it that way.


Agresivní virus - Den předtím (2014) (epizoda) 

Další negroška, která je uplně na přesdržku, stejně jako každá jiná sociální pracovnice. Vytečete, kurvy, už brzy. Zahrála ji ale pěkně! Are you gonna say that I m late bcs I dont want to be here. Every time you came in you take over the session. Bcs I have control issues. Ne, bude to tam mít na starosti ta antilopa, ty dvě pyče! It seems like you two have created this narrative wherein I m the bad guy (to je přesný). Jen protože jim nikdo nezlámal pracky. Bcs I dont want out of my marriage (každej chlap se to snaží zachránit, ale pyče už má jiný plány). But this isnt just about you what you want, not anymore. You are barely present. How can you love me and it be too late. This is who you are. Tak proč sis ho brala? Potřebuje jen rozbít ciferník. Co se budeš přizpusobovat nějaký kurwě. Try negotiating with a virus. A virus exists only to find a carrier and reproduce. It has no political views, it has no religious beliefs, it has no respect for a badge. Mnemonic odors, the way our brain reads chemicals. Phosphine gas, colorless, smells like garlic. Or phosgene very toxic, smells like freshly cut grass (tak to netuším). TMRRW Its all arranged. I will get it done. FEMALE YELLING Začíná se to zajímavě vyvíjet. Hrabě drákula vstal z hrobu. Everything went as planned. Love is going to guide them all back to their homes, to their loved ones. The Jew. I look out this island and I savor what is to come - purity. A sentimental man would venture out into the city tonight to walk these streets one last time before the fall. Love, you see, is the one force that cannot be explained, cannot be broken down into a chemical process. It is the beacon that guides us back home when no one is there and the light that illuminates our loss. Its absence robs us of all pleasure of our capacity for joy. It makes our nights darker and our days gloomier. But when we find love, no matter how wrong, how sad or how terrible, we cling to it. It gives us our strength. It holds us upright. It feeds on us and we feed on it. Love is our grace. Love is our downfall. Láska je asi slepá!


Barbaři - Bitva (2020) (epizoda) 

Teutoburg Forest. Romans a far as you can see. Like a river of steel (15tis, fronta 25km). Oko má pořád dobrý. Jo vona si ho vypíchne sama po vzoru Wodana. Let me see that which will be. Are you on my side? I will sacrifice anything. We have some time until then. This is the symbol of a Roman knight. A sign of strength, battle and might of the empire. Dneska Amíci rozdávají bonbony. I only fight when I can win. God-Father Wodan saw what was to come bcs he sacrificed his eye. You want certainty? Woe to the worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May a sword strike his arm and his right eye! May his arm be completely withered and his right eye utterly blinded (Zachariah 11/17)! I see long battle. And fire. And water. And I see men in their own blood. Romans. Ravens eat their entrails. You will bath in Roman gold. You will look on you with pride. Řekla jim, co chtěli slyšet. I hear song of our courage. The song will be sung until the end of time (což je ted). And the world will always remember you. Bitva začla na začátku filmu - taky bude trvat dvě hodiny. What do we fight for? Some fight for what used to be. And others for what is to come. You are an army of the dead. We fight for honor. We fight for glory. We fight for our freedom. Some fight for their children. Still others fight for their gods. The key thing is that we can only win if we are in complete control of our emotions (co se stalo s berserkery). Whatever we fight for, we pay the price in blood. And when all is lost, you still need the help of the gods. Your impregnable armor become your largest burden. But the most important thing is to recognize your enemys greatest weakness. And bring all your strength down on this one point. Chemtrails, no jasný. V článku jsem si to podtrhal. To nebyla jen náhoda! You want your fathers love so badly that you will believe anything. Like a dog whimpering before his master. But we are no dogs. We won this battle. You won hearts of this men. Roman testicles. I will teach my dogs to go for them. The gods have a special way of punishing us.


Barbaři - Zrada (2020) (epizoda) 

Your reik and my groom. Dont the gods reward the courage? Above all, they punish hubris (demons - torturers). You clearly find me pleasing? I know to whom your heart belongs. Tak proč to nespíchnete jen tak na oko. Nemusíte u toho přece píchat. Zrovna v týdle scéně se zamlží kamera. Ale ona by se mu dala. Děvka! Tvl, zuby kolem krku tam nosí každej. Jak z toho něco muže vyvozovat. Špatný voko. Show your gratitude with good service. When you meet Varus, it would be wise to rein in your temper. Hes used to Roman women. What are Roman women like? They know to serve their men. Folkwin Wolfspeer. I m Raskild, of the Marcomanni. My mother was Bructeri and my father Cherusci (tak to máme podobný předky). And I was wandered between the words. Always caught in the middle. Your barbarian woman looks like the divine Diana. Knighthood? Tendle barbar! Bring me a son from every reik  as a hostage. To by mohlo fungovat. You will pay for that, you dog. Psi jsou krásná a ušlechtilá zvířata! If we will not fight, we will have to answer to the Romans instead of to our gods! They think they are invincible, and that is their weakness. Tak hlavně v devátým století tam už neměli co dělat. Ale možná jsem se jen přehlíd. Since I know how they live, you will know how to kill them. Fur our children. For out freedom. Let us fight together! Let us triumph together! Its like going hunting with a pack of wolves. If you fail, they will eat you instead. Děvka! Přitom mezi germány se monogamní vztahy udržovaly po celý život. Jo vona si mislí, že je mrtvej. Tak to ji omlouvá! Netruchlila dlouho. The snake will grow so long that the tail wont notice when we cut off the head. Land of the Marsi. Rome never acted without caution. Fifteen thousands sons of Rome should fear a thousand Marsi? We will take the detour and teach those barbarians a lesson. To je tak blbej, nebo to hraje? Zas tendle zmrd. Tvl, až ted mi došlo, že v intru R2TW jede jeden napřed a domlouvá léčku - to je Arminius.


Barbaři - Nový reik (2020) (epizoda) 

Reik of the Cherusci. You want me to make Arminius the leader of my tribe? A son succeeds his father. That is the natural order of things. A son does not succeed his father, until the father is gone. Old wolves know when the time hase come to leave the pack. A mans true pride lies in being able to choose his own end. Nothing lasts forever. Stars, trees, animals, people. Even the gods. Everything perishes eventually. The wolf will come and the world will burn. He will devour everything that ever existed. But that is not anything you need to fear. Everything that begins must also end. Fetch the medic. I see you have brought reinforcements. You have come for revenge? Thusnelda. Shes a seer. Shes connected to the gods. She has the gift. Where there is death, there is also life. Where blood flows, wisdom flows too. I have seen you all. In my dreams. You bore the mark of Thor. Thor představuje v severský mytologii Ježíše (T-Hor-us/J-esus, syn nejvyššího Boha). Otázka je, do jaké míry je jeho osoba překroucená (twisted) a do jaké míry se nám stejný kodex a zásady šířily napříč pohanstvím. Pak by to představovalo znamení beránka. Nicméně křestanský Buh bere veškerou pomstu na sebe (Romans 12/19) a pro pohany je msta a hrdost na prvním místě. The Romans only pretend to be our friends. What they really want is to rule us. Protože jste divoši bez zásad! Podřezáváte se nevzájem jako zvířata. To peaceful times! Tak na to zapomen, ty sráči. You lie like a Roman whore. I will show you what I do to whores. Jak mohli vubec počítat s tím, že jim zustanou loyální? Your enemies are my enemies. We are going straight for the wolf.


Barbaři - Na hraně (2020) (epizoda) 

The wolf will come and world will burn. The wolf will devour the moon, sum amd everything that ever existed. Everything that begins must also end. We are women. If you love, you will give up everything and be disappointed. Only when you hate do you learn how to get what you really want. Ich weises nicht. For the good of tribe. They dont just want to tell us how to live. But also how to die. Lets crack some Roman skulls. Musím si zahrát Total War. Já vás tam už srovnám. No one wants you here. Tak to už jsem slyšel tolikrát. Piss off. Někdo je tady navíc! The wolf is coming. I hope the five horses make you happy. Mě bys udělala štastným ty. You would put an animal out of its misery. Do bažiny s ním! You sweet favorite of the gods. Bude z něho taky seer. This is a place for the undead. Thats what we are now. If you knew them, its right that you had them buried. Taky si myslim. Ted si to sice slízne od regenta, ale to už je cena, kterou musí zaplatit. Vlastně mu dal sám na výběr. Show me your power. Varus, and everyone who rides under his flag, shall shed their blood on our soil. Their guts shall fertilize our gardens and their skulls shall decorate our trees. Nemužu si pomoct, hraju si na křestana, ale todle jsou taky moje slova. I love treason, but I hate a traitor.


Barbaři - Odplata (2020) (epizoda) 

Only the gods can sentence a man to die (tak). I gave you a new life. Přesně, takovej erasmus. Podíval se do světa, naučil se latinsky, a ještě to bude fotrovi vyčítat. Dneska by mu to musel platit! So you are a barbarian with principles. Too bad you couldnt watch your son grow into a man. I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display My power in you, and that My name might be proclaimed in all the earth (Exodus 9/16).


Barbaři - Vlk a orel (2020) (epizoda) 

What do the gods want? Only Wodan, Father of the gods, know what is to come. He sacrificed an eye for that power. If you are really supposed to fight, the gods will send you a sign. The shadows of yesterday are the light of tomorrow. Lets go bird hunting. Připomíná mi to Legendu o meči. We just have to be hungrier than the wolves. More determined. If we are prepared to give everything. Than we will get what we want. And the Romans will get what they deserve. Todle všechno je příprava na válku. And provoke rebellion? Si někdo všimnul! Jak po nich mužou chtít, co nemaj! Sami si pod sebou podřezávaj větev.