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Recenze (1 028)


Barbaři - Série 1 (2020) (série) 

Vubec bych nepoznal, že jde o německý seriál - nehrál tam totiž žádnej Arab. Nvm, jak si to v dnešní multikulturní době mohli dovolit zpracovat. Jinak vaše schizofrenní komentáře stojí za vyliž piču. Římanum muže fandit snad jen nějaký cigoš! Na Vikingy to samozřejmě nemá, ale určitě to zaslouží nějakou hvězdičku navíc.


Barbaři (2020) (seriál) 

To byly časy!


Legenda o drakovi (2015) 

That is where my story begins. In that land, where ppl know no happiness. They had tears where their eyes should have been. They had fear where their hearts should have been. Aha, to je obět. Už mi to došlo. U nás by museli obětovat nějakýho čokla. To by řvali trochu víc. Vlastně nedávno jsem toho zase byl svědkem. Hruza. No deal with the devil. Wow, to je krasava! Ruska, no. Rusky, Němky, Britky. Mně se líběj všechny holky. Snad jen kromě češek a tupejch američanek. Trochu tomu drakovi závidím. Má dobrej vkus! A asi taky i zkus. Několikrát si pouštím začátek. Nejen protože nestíhám. A to se málokdy vidí! Většinou se na film ani nepodívám. Nebo ho vidím z pulky a nedokoukám. Super soundtrack! Ale pochybuju, že si to udrží todle tempo. But one brave knights love was stronger than his fear (láska překoná všechno). Já už zabil draku. You will grow to love him, and he will grow to love you. When there is love, everything else will follow. Je to částečně vyprávěno retrospektivně. Předtím ti manásci. Další dobrej nápad. Co dál? You summoned him yourselves. Manžela potkala ve svatební den. Draci mají taky své potřeby. I know who you are. A coward. Dont you dare look at me again! Arman - a dream. Exotické, tajemné. Tak to bylo předvídatelný, ale v žádný jiný pohádce se to zatím neobjevilo. Kráska a zvíře. Please, dont burst into flames. Either we talk, or I will keep pestering you. And trust me, I can be really annoying. Now I see why my ancestors dealt away with you women quickly. To not give you a chance to talk. In a flash, the memories of his dragon ancestors flooded through him. The pit was not your prison, it was your sanctuary. A traveler can reach the island only if a loving girls heart awaits him here. It will show him the way like a beacon. Nestačilo by zapálit ohen? When a person receives a gift of flowers, they know they are loved. Dlouho jsem žádnou květinu nedostal. If you put flowers into the sea, your beloved, wherever he may be, will know that you think of him. I m used to being on my own (Jack Reacher). If you prefer to be on your own, I wouldnt have woken up under a warm blanket today. While we are waiting for Igors arrival, I will teach you to live like a human (lecture me). Living like humans sure is hard work. I envy you dragons. You do whatever you like. You fly whatever you like. Its kind of scary of course. So that flight was the first ever, for both of us. Ted se to změnilo ve Twilight ságu. Ja pokažu tebe veter. I remember being born. But I should rather forget (Job). But today a new man was born. A new man. I have got a present for you too, bcs I would like for you to remember this day forever. I call them celestial flowers. No to je krásnej dárek! A tady lidi nadávaj, když jim pod nohy hodím zápalnej kobereček. Neváží si jich. I bet they can be seen from the ends of the world. What are dreams usually about? Well, sometimes its something I m scared of, sometimes its something I long for. Good night - goodbye for night. Nechci nic řikat, ale myslím si, že se do sebe zamilovali. Což je blbý, protože Igor je na cestě. Ale jak sem ted trefí? Těm ženskejm se nedá věřit. Have you said your vows? We didnt have time. The dragon appeared. You call us dragons, but we call ourselves "those born from ashes". They burn them alive. They fill them with fire and hold them in their claws while they scream in agony as the consumes them from within. Until all thats left is smoldering ashes and a new dragon. I promised your father, when he was on his deathbed, to protect your family honor. I cant do it. To sis rozmyslela brzo. Ja ljublju dragona! Budeš ho muset zabít. So thats what your heart desires. Taky dobře ujetá. Napínavý až do konce! Let it be the way you want. She saved the dragon.


V srdci moře (2015) 

Chudáci velrybáři, jak je tam ten zlej vorvan potopil! To mi uplně vehnalo slzy do očí. Stojí jim to za to takhle riskovat svý životy pro kapku oleje!? Jo, a to je taky pravda - nehrála tam žádná nahá ženská, dokonce ani mořská panna neukázala ploutev!


Až na dno (2017) 

Nom Nom. Vikanderka v hlavní roli. Tak to si dám líbit... Jinak McAvoje nesnáším. Než se dívat na jeho ksicht, tak to bych si radši nechal od bojovníka islámského státu uřezat hlavu.


Joker (2019) 

Hele, a nechcete mi něco říct, když natočej celovečernák o životě jedný z nejduležitějších komixových postav? Ted se ještě dozvím, že zfilmovali Batmana...


Agresivní virus (2014) (seriál) 

Apokalypsa prakticky probíhá, zatím na plátně…


Love Is All You Need? (2016) 

Its His written word, the Bible. Our playbook for lifes challenges. We must follow the exapmles of Bible to expose sin and sinners for what they are. You have to trust in Gods path for you, and accept his journey for you. We are not your brothers. We are your betters. I will let you go ahead of me, only if you let me interview you. I feel like my life is like a big practice session, like I keep waiting for the big game, and big game never comes. Give yourself to the  fervor of His word, and comfort yourself in your faith. I m just rewriting Shakespeares Romeo and Julio. Why? I thought we should do it as will originally intended. Which would be romeo and Juliet. That should get ppl talking, right? Her sister left her wife for the fuckin church handyman. They keep it quiet (už jsem v obraze). The reverends sister is hetero. The world changing. Slowly, but its changing (došlo k odpadnutí). Todle je nejhorší dystopie, jakou si bílej heterosexuální muž muže představit. Bukvice ovládnou planetu. Leda ve vašich zvrhlejch snech! Nakonec sami padnou za obět novému světovému řádu. Sinner who is not saved cannot reform, and they will sadly suffer the consequences of the wrath of God. We are living in a very rapidly changing time, a time that promotes things like equality. They teach innocent children that they can love whomever they want to love, even someone of the opposite sex. These values break the moral compass that our children were born with. Our God that tells us, thou shalt not kill, is the same God that says, mankind shall not lie with womankind. You dont get to just pick what you please. Its all or nothing with the Lord. So if you are saying its okay to be gay, you are saying its okay to kill. Some yrs ago they hid behind closed doors, as they should have, as they should still, but now its okay to let them do it openly, brazenly, at their public parades, and even in our streets. Now they mock us. They live in sin, and they live very openly. They live without remorse. They are out there marching for equality. Can you just imagine, try to put your mind, if we were living in a time when murderers demanded they be given protection and civil rights instead of punishment for their crimes (jo). Men and women are equal in Gods eyes, but should live separately in same-sex unions, where the most sacred of brotherly and sisterly love can bloom, as is His design. They will work together in humble donation during the breeding season, so new sons and daughters can be brought forth to carry Gods holy and very beautiful and blessed message. We should not subject ourselves to the breeding tendencies of animals who show no restraint. Giving in to your physical desires is a selfish act, and to act on that lust is sinful. Poslední dvě děvky, který jsem si vyhledal - Briana Evigan a Julia Yorks, spolu hrají v jednom filmu - jedna dokonce dvakrát. Nicméně todle pokračování stojí za to. Škoda jen, že si to taky spolu nerozdaly. A hlavně by to měl vidět verbal a napsat ujetej komentář. William Shakespeare, was actually a heterosexual. And he wrote his most famous play, Romeo and Julio, for his secret lover, the duchess of Southampton. This Julio will be played by a girl. Něco mi uniká? It is our job as artists to not only entertain, but to also enlighten. What are we doing? Falling in love. Heterosexuality is the leading cause of teen suicide, and these kids need to know that they are not alone, that theres a place for them to come and talk, or anybody to come and talk (přesně to si myslim - žijeme v homosexuální společnosti). Is there something you want to talk about? Ne, pyčo. This place is safe and confidential. Rozkopal bych ti tam držku. 2 Tomoteovi 4/2 Hlásej slovo Boží, ať přijdeš vhod či nevhod, usvědčuj, domlouvej, napomínej v trpělivém vyučování. Neboť přijde doba, kdy lidé nesnesou zdravé učení, a podle svých choutek si seženou učitele, kteří by vyhověli jejich přáním. Odvrátí sluch od pravdy a přikloní se k bájím. Ta paralela mezi knězem - byt v podání další lesby - a sociálním inženýrem je myslím jasná. Jen zatím nevím, co se nám film snaží naznačit. Mně osobně jako dobře vedenému katolíkovi to už od začátku přijde směšné. Ale třeba se v tom třetí pohlaví najdou. I know this is wrong, but it just feels so right (mluví o heterosexuálním vztahu). Some ppl are born attracted to the same sex, some to the opposite sex (takže ona se ted přerodila). I prefer to think of it as giving love and being loved in return, and the rest is just plumbing (ale tebe se na názor nikdo neptá - jen tydle hovada s krizí identity, co se dneska peleší se zvířaty). Cože, oni spolu ještě nespali? Tak proč z toho dělá takový - divadlo. I play football and I m not a poster child for hetero rights. I love football way more, so. You can have both! I will make you wish you were never born. Tvl, tady jsou všechny role převrácený! Tvl, on ji obtáhne v bazénu! Hlavně jim to nezkurvi. Jdi se radši zabít. I think I m in love with the person that God wants me to be with (hotová Rebeka). And our love is so easy. Its like we just fit together. You are not talking about Kelly. Thats not right. You cannot lead a person on like that. Až ted mi to došlo - to je vážně podaná nvm co Orwell nastavení zrcadla dnešní homofobní společnosti. Docela by mě zajímalo, jak se v týdle realitě rozmnožují. You ever watch youtube? I dont have time for that kind of thing. I m busy doing the Lords work. One think of this generation is that they love to document every aspect of their lives (deníky) on the internet. Breeder! I told you we were going public. I believe it is our job as educators to make sure these kids see the world in the right way, not just intellectuall, but morally. Moral issues are to be handled at home. This is happening on our time, in our space. Why are you being so pro-heterosexual? These parents wants blood. Resignation or termination? Waste not, want not, dear. I might be fooled, but the good Lord is not fooled. He sees truth where truth exists and He acts accordingly. Its time to do Gods work. I m not ready. Was Noah ready for that? Was Moses ready? No, they were not ready, but they did as God commanded them to do (Noe ready byl). Just gimme a sign our love is not wrong (Toto pokolení je zlé; žádá znamení, ale znamení mu nebude dáno - Lukáš 11/29). We are stronger when we are challenged and we are stronger when we are attacked. If one of us attacked, hell, when we are attacked, we push back (a taky to odserete společně, pejsánci). Smear the queer! Jen jí dejte čočku! Výbornej nápad, skvěle zahranej, ani chvíli jsem se nenudil (hlavně musel zapojovat mozkový závity a ne si jen honit před obrazovkou) a přestože se jedná o heterofobní agitku a nejsem teplej, dávám plnej počet. A myslím, že rozpočet byl taky minimální. Lets go to say one more prayer. Jo, vona se podřízne nakonec. Za to je další bod. Že se film nebojí jít až za hranu. Ve skutečnosti jsou homoušové protěžovaní, nestačí jim většinová tolerance, a jako jezinky se snaží do škvíry ve dveřích strčit už celou prdel. Kluci nepláčou naruby. Only thing that last forever is love. First book of Peter, verse four, line eight. Above all, love each other deeply, bcs love covers over a multitude of sins. I have an amazing view of you in all of your glory. K. Rocco Shields (concept), Brian Whitaker (idea), v tomhle měl prsty sám dábel! A ted se podívám na začátek…


Sebevražedný oddíl (2021) 

American women all do love accents. We do, bcs we dont got none (dopředu). Tak ten první tým jsem odhadl dobře - po vzoru Deadpoola 2, přežili jen dva. Taková parodie na superhrdiny. Rovnou mohli pustit závěrečný titulky a nezlobil bych se. Why would you want to watch TV on your watch? It does other things too! I dont function well early in the morning. Millennials. Project Starfish. Extraterrestrial origins. In the hands of the Luna regime, it is potentionally cataclysmatic for Americans and (rest of) the world. We are all gonna die. I hope so. Něco mi říká, že to bude mnohem lepší než jednička, která si pořád na něco hrála. A byl tam ten směšnej Jocker. I think liberty is just your excuse to do whatever you want. If I die bcs I gambled on love, it will be a worthy death. No one likes show-off. Unless what they are showing off is dope as fuck. Typical Americans. Just run in, guns blazing. Is that rat waving at me? Why? I m gonna guess bcs its friendly. I would make a deal with the Devil to stop them. Its feeds on their consciousnesses, growes larger, more powerful. Th rumors of the beast (Antikrist) are true. Unleash the creature in the US, and then it will destroy them all. With such a dangerous weapon, the world will take us seriously. I have been working with the beast for 30 yrs. And theres no one but me capable of controlling it. Nazis came here seeking asylum after WW2. They built Jotunheim to continue their unorthodox experiments. Many yrs ago, the rumors began of a beast. I have recently learned these were not rumors. They were murdering thousands in bizarre experiments with this creature. Now it is our enemies who shall be fearful. If anyone dares to say a negative word about their new president today, their parents, their children, and anyone they ever loved (malé čivavičky) will be sent to Jotunheim to feed the beast (už se vezete). And killing kids. Kind of a red flag (krví vašich mrtek smyjete poskvrnění Božího zákona). When your taste in men is as bad as mine, they dont just go away quitely. They slash your tires and they kill your dogs and tell you that the music you like aint real music at all. Silvio was brother to me. But he always was a romantic. He wanted the world to take him seriously. Meanwhile, he was plaing with his birds (ještě, že neměl jen jednoho). They wont take us seriously until the beast destroys them. Chudáci papoušci. Je nemohl pustit! Asi má dost benzínu. Why are you so afraid of rats? Ahy are you so in lve with them, Ratcatcher. Tydle brejle jsem nosil v SR3. Your equipment manupulaes animal behavior. I m working on something similar with human (Black Widow). My answer wont be what you expect. If you cough without covering your mouth, you die. We have security cameras everywhere. Vamonos! Vamonos! If God existed, wouldnt this be proof that he wasnt good at all? Who are they? Dissidents, journalists, political rivals. Your government saw potential in weaponizing such a powerful beast, but banish thoughts of any such experiments being held on American soil. Your ppl have always been squeamish about the sacrifices necessary for scientific advancement. So, the United States made a secret deal to conduct their illegal xperiments here. I joined the military to serve my country, not to be its puppet. Who are you going to show that to? The press. Goddamn ppl deserve to know (nebo o tom natočit film). I m tried of covering up their dirty little secrets (spodní patro). Keeping the peace is worth any price. Vamos! Vamos! Při natáčení pořadu nebyl zraněn žádný mutant.