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Oblíbené filmy (10)


Drive (2011)

"There's a hundred-thousand streets in this city. You don't need to know the route. You give me a time and a place, I give you a five minute window. Anything happens in that five minutes and I'm yours. No matter what. Anything happens a minute either side of that and you're on your own. Do you understand?" Epic.


Počátek (2010)

"Dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange." THE most complex movie ever. And fascinating.


Constantine (2005)

"I guess there's a plan for all of us. I had to die...twice...just to figure that out. Like the Book says, he works his Work in mysterious ways. Some people like it...some people don't." Nejlepší.

Casino Royale

Casino Royale (2006)

"The job's done, and the bitch is dead. That's Bond. James Bond. A jeho Aston Martin DBS V12."


RocknRolla (2008)

"Sorry, is this a robbery? Yes, it is a robbery. Now, fuck off."

Hanebný pancharti

Hanebný pancharti (2009)

"Did you hear that? That's the sound of my Luger pointed right at your testicles."

Napříč vesmírem

Napříč vesmírem (2007)

"Words are flying out like endless rain into a paper cup, they slither while they pass, they slip away across the universe." To vám nasadí brouka do hlavy!

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