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See - Série 2 (2021) (série) 

No to je lahudka. Remember, your eyes betray you. Mužeš mi říct, proč si maže ksicht, když ho tam nikdo nemuže vidět? What you believe doestn actually matter. General is not like the most men. Trivantes eastern gate. Does he know you can see? Jak by to mohla vidět, když má helmu? Víc to nekomentuju. Our government isnt superstitious, but they are practical. Vision destroyed the world once. They will not allow it to happen again. Tak si ten svět užijte. Žijete v temnotě. Tvl, tudle pyču nesnáším. Stačí, jak promluví. To se nedá. Radši si tu helmu zpátky nasad. To sou tak nesympatický držky, že bych si radši sám vypíchl voči, než abych se na to dál díval. If you breathe in that heat, you will burn to death from the inside. Man wont last more than 30 heartbeats in that heat (1.10 + 1.20). Something funny? Dead men thinking they are getting paid. So strange hearing compassion in your voice.


Karate Kid 2 (1986) 

Ten začátek natočili ještě na konci prvního dílu. Vubec si to nepamatuju. Ten začátek ještě jo, ale že letěli do Japonska, ne. Jednu scénu s kolem, zábradlím, červená bunda. Second place is no place. No breath, no life (Life is breathing). Iced tea. This say you lucky. Never put passion before principle. Even if win, you lose. In Okinawa, honor have no time limit. In in Okinawa, honor very serious. Never been attacked by tree. Blackhawk. Konečně si dal pásek do kalhot. Why you never write sooner? Out of respect. For husband? No, for your silence. I never marry. Tvl, to je tak deprimující! 1625. Shimpo Sensei. Karate for defense only. Not matter whos stronger. Matter whos smarter. A co když nejsem ani jedno? The best way to avoid punch no be there. Drum technique. Never keep lady waiting. Led si pamatuju. Are you arranged? I m a free agent. That just means that I m available. Kam se poděla ta blondýna z prvního dílu? I m not looking for any trouble. Maybe trouble looking for you. What can I do to ease your pain? Take me with you. Už jsem myslel, že to neřekne. Home is where you hang your hat. You win. I will fight you. Small price to pay for your honor. Mijagi already win. No matter what happen, village safe. Hele, pásek mu přišel vhod. Now to you I am dead. Your student become my teacher. I cannot hear you. I am dead to you, remember? Tak ten konec jsem rozhodně neviděl. Ale zase mi něco říká ten most. Nedovedu si to vybavit vizuálně. Pěkně jí natáhnul! Live or die? Die. Wrong.


Karate Kid (2010) odpad!

Co to je doprdele za sračku? Negroška a ještě pyče. Co maj nekři společnýho s karate? A bílej si střihne part v apartheidu. Kdyby ji honili členové kuklux klanu, tak to chápu. Jo, to není negroška, ale negr. Tak ten je na tom hodně špatně.


Karate Kid (1984) 

Jak dobře to znám. Akorát na mě neletěly holky. What happened to eye? Lucky no hurt hand. I have got to be nuts to be talking to you right now. Strike fast, strike hard, no mercy! We are quitters. Girl situation. Shes beyond cute. Heres the first lesson - how to take a fall. Tak to ještě dopadl dobře. Proto nosím čepici. Matka nikdy nic nepoznala. Just trust the picture. You are too much by self. Not good. To make honey, young bee need young flower, not old prune. Mluví jak Joda. I think you are right about facing things. I would love to see him get some of his own medicine. What goes around comes around. In Okinawaall Miyagi know two things. Fish and karate. Karate comes from China in 16th century. Called "te," hand. Karate, empty hand. You look for revenge that way, start by digging two graves. Fighting always last answer to problem. Problem bad attitude. Karate for defence only. Teacher say, student do. Now use head for something other than target. Dědek hlásí. Mercy is for the weak. The boy cant take care of his own problems? One-to-one problem, yes. Five-to-one problem, too much ask anyone. Is that whats bothering you, the odds? Wacko teacher attitude rest in fist. Stupid, but fact of life. Win, lose, no matter. You make good fight, earn respect. Then nobody bother. Tydle svině budu muset zabít. Just like grap. Absolutně si to nepamatuju, co se týče těch dvou. Musel jsem vidět nějakej jinej díl. Na druhou stranu si pamatuju záporáka. Na konci rozbije ty okýnka od auta. Týpek natíral plot. Wouldnt a fly swatter be easier? LOL. Man who catch fly with chopsticks accomplish anything. Always look eye. Přesně! Kindly remove bottle. I have got to be nuts. Balance is key. Drive a pounch. You trust quality of what you know, not quantity. You look good together. Different, but same. Hurt old man feeling. Just remember, a licence never replace eye, ear and brain. Whole life have a balance. Go find the balance.


Kořist (2019) 

Kája tady vypadá naprosto luxusně. Od Labyrintu nám vyrostla a tady je k nakousnutí. Celá mokrá prolejzá roury, heká a skučí u toho, není div, že po ní ti aligátoři tak jedou! Akorát měli sejmout i toho skurwenýho čokla, za to strhávám jednu hvězdu dolu. Empathetic from a safe distance. What a shit show. My little fuckin fur baby. That apex-predator shit doesnt help. You figured that shit out all by yourself. So we may be stubborn, but we dont give up. You gave up on mother. Mom was not happy and I was selfish and I didnt pay enough attention to her (to řikám). To nemohli rozbít zespoda? They gather in the floodwaters, bcs its easier to hunt. They hunt what splashes. I think the rain will cover us. The eye is above us. Fakt smula. You are faster then they are! A sou tam, kde byli. You gotta be fucking kidding me. The house made it after all. Shes a strong one. Its not just a house. Its our home. The last place we were a family.


24 hodin - Série 1 (2001) (série) 

1 Thats all you are doing is compromising, bcs thats how you think things are done. They were not bad guys. They were just like you and me. Except they compromised. Once. Není to moc bohatý na dialogy, což mi vyhovuje, ale dívat se na to taky dá. První a druhou serii jsem nikdy neviděl. Trojku si později sehnal na DVD (muj jedinej seriál). Asi to dávali moc pozdě. 2 Jack (also) hasnt a lot of tolerance for criticism. My dad is federal agent. You two are toast. Keycard strip. These get in and out of restricted areas without any scrutiny. You are going to kill David Palmer. To měli udělat s Obamou. Dvakrát. I m gonna go ID him. Nina Myers. Jedinou scénu, kterou si pamatuju, je, jak spolu střílí proti vojákum, a ona si schová jeden zásobník. Ale myslel jsem, že to bude až ve dvojce. To bylo asi předtím,než mi vypli televizi. Bába musela hrozně řvát. Není to zrovna Esmeralda. A pak, jak ji oddělá v CTU. Ale to bylo asi až ve trojce. Pak se těším na čtyřku, tu mi taky vypínali. Vím, že tam přepadnul nějakou benzínku. A měl SP2022. Tady má P228. Pak přesedlal na USP Compact, kterej jsem hrozně chtěl. 3 Jí odpráskne, protože se dělit nebude. Zvuk se ozval dřív, než přilítla střela. To je tak těžký udělat falešný ID? Rozhodně snažší, než transplantace ksichtu. Ta má fakt smulu. 4 Lockdown. She maybe right after all. We should go back. If shes alive, she can ID us (neřikej). Todle, až se dozví Jack, tak bude zuřit. Policajti mu nemí zkřivit ani vlásek. Negroka si měla vybrat jiný povolání. Na plantáži by se jí to nestalo. Fízly bych střílel přednostně, už proto, jak vyváděj, když to jeden z nich odsere. Sou patetický. Jako by byli nadlidi. Potřebujou srazit zpátky na zem. 5 A já si bláhově myslel, že je srazí na silnici, sejme a stane se z něho psanec. Vždyt jde o život jeho dcery. A on je tajnej agent. Agent. S povolením zabíjet. No konečně pořádný ultimátum. Měl je udělat v tom autě, když měl příležitost. Jak jsem mu radil. 2021-11-21 Do what you have to do, just be prepared to accept the consequences. Ten vyzváněcí ton, jak vzal za to sluchátko. You have just been promoted. 6 Dont ever lie to me. Bury your friend. Where? In the ground. Tys tu nebyl, tak jsem s Alanem objížděla okolí. Dobře s ní vymrdal. Important thing is you didnt cover it up. You didnt know. What does that say about me? Voters know how to forgive. You just have to know how to ask for it. You need to come out with the story yourself before Motherfucker Kingsley. Make it the first thing you say at the breakfast. I just dont know how my familys going to feel about that. Find out fast, bcs you cant do this without them. Continue tonorth entrance. Neměl by to být spíš exit? To nechápu, proč měl zahodit telefon, když ho poslal zpátky na CTU? Alan York, jo jasně, to je on, otec. Mě byl trochu podezřelej. Je to k nevíře, že tydle opice skončily v Bílém domě. Nejen na filmovém plátně! This place is like a prison. Ppl break out of prison all the time. 7 Stop the car. Tady v pustině? Na druhou stranu ten idiot ji nechal vystoupit. Kdyby zmizela v těch stromkách, tak ji nikdy nenajde. Na druhou stranu je absurdní, aby se mu objevila za zádama a sejmula ho kamenem. Leda ve snu. Jak mohli z tý zkurvený mrtvoly zjistit identitu otce kámošky Kimberly, když neměla zuby, prsty a pravdědpodobně ani záznam? Mimochodem, mohla se taky zmínit o tom, že ho svázala a že to není jeho pravá identita, když měla CTU na drátu. Jamey, tak tu bych netipoval. Ale ve filmu je možný všechno. Hotovej anděl! Nina or your daughter. You cant kill her just bcs you fuckin daughter is in trouble. Todle perfektně rozvedli právě ve třetí serii. Prej nemá choice, čurák. I cant take chance with my family. Akorát nvm, jak to udělá. Navíc tam stojí s autem. Dojdou si zkontrolovat, že je mrtvá. I cant go without my mother. To je kráva. If we get out, we can call the police. Why did you give her a flak jacket? 8 What are you going to say? Truth. I m not runing anywhere. I would just rather not spend mylast hour of freedom with you. Měly by je držet na ruznejch místech. A on to řídit z povzdálí. Jsou to amatéři. Asi nemaj ani pořádnej rozpočet. Ona se nemuže přihlásit, jinak by prozradila Bauera. Who did she hear that from? Jack was behaving very strangely back at CTU. These ppl must be watching us. Probably through our own surveillance. Cože, tony jí dal pusu? Ale na tvář! Stejně. To dělám taky. Ale oni se neměli v oblibě, nejsou ani příbuzný. Ne, je mezi nima něco víc. Shes squirming (kroutit se). Bauer is 5.11 (178cm). Blond hair, 160 pounds (72kg). Jacks family is in danger. Co když má taky rodinu v nebezpečí? I m not saying anything until I get agency consuel. Step out. Relax. It will be over in five minutes. To měl bejt jako falešnej pastýř? V tý době to ani neuměli pořádně naznačit. A nebylo to poprvý. V centrále CTU za žaluziema. Ani nvm, co to znamená. Nenepadá mě v tomdle spojení nic jiného, než odvést pozornost. Je to podpis. Gun! Proč nestřílel? Dyt tam držel ještě dvě vteřiny. Takhle by ptáčka na střeše nedostal. 9 You were just tapping on your keyboard, right? Thats right. I had a husband who left me and my son with nothing. Meleš pěkný hovna. Opustilas ho sama a platí ti alimenty. I had to do something. I work twice as hard as anyone here and I make half as much. You didnt have to take this job. I m not saying anything till I get immunity. Why would they wan to kill me? Bcs you started piecing everything together. You know me. I dont care about protocol and I am true to my word. I will get you out of this. You dont have the power to do that. Right now only four of us know about this. I can get this done. To je ještě lepší možnost - kdyby nebyla tak tvrdohlavá. You are not the only one who has problems, Jack. You know, I just came off of a hellacious night shift. I m due in court in 45 minutes on a DUI charge of which I m guilty. So, you know, good luck with your crisis. Lauren, I have killed two ppl since midnight. LOL. I have not slept for over 24 hours. To já taky. So maybe you should be little more afraid of me than you are right now. Místo toho, aby byla ráda, že má výmluvu, proč se nemusí dostavit k soudu a užít si malý dobrodružství v jinak nudným životě, tak se chce do něj vrátit. See that tool down there, looks liek a hedge trimmer? What, the bolt cutters? Kurva se mu stavěla do cesty, tak ji zahodil. Tady je svět ještě v pořádku. I wont fight you. The number is blocked. No to bylo od Niny fakt chitrý volat zpátky. DUI - driving under the influence. Scrutiny - inspection, analysis. On usnul, jo? Tak to je typický. Týdle svini bych nevěřil. Nemá charakter. Je to aloholik. Mohla ho aspon nechat se vyspat, na deset minut. To je dement. Tudy mohl utýct bez toho, aniž by na sebe upozornil. Klíče v zapalování, taky dobrý. Ta kráva se podřízla? A co její syn? Zrovna dorazil! Ted nemuže ani odpovědět na telefon. 2021-11-21 10 Why defend something that you dont need to defend? We need to control when and how this story comes out. It might put the public in a more forgiving frame of mind. Koho to zajímá. Its my mistake to make. We are gonna get through this like family. If plan A doesnt work, you should have a plan B. Not plan A recycled. He can be difficult and his job doesnt help. He was different, distant and preoccupied and other times he was just angry. So we decided trying to be apart. Ne, další negroška. Tak to se nedivím, že z ní mají vyrážku. Myslíte, že někdy došlo produkčním, že tím znechutí pořad i divákum? My daddy also says there will never be a black president in this country. Na konci světa je možný všechno. Your sons therepist. Let them screw you, dont let them screw you over. If you dont have any more pearls of wisdom, I would like to get back to work. Přesně to jsem si řikal, že přijede druhým výtahem. A nebyla to Julia Stiles? 30 second reset alarm. 11 You are a very good liar, but I have seen better. I m guessing hes passive-aggressive. Control freak. Make him sweat for a little while. Assume control and then behave erratically (in a way that is not regularcertain, or expected). Ppl this tightly wound, the threat of pain can be more effective than pain itself. This is all guesswork. I m pulling the plug on you. You have failed. We have a contingency plan. Russians didnt have a lot of high-tech equipment up there. So they had to make do with whats was around. Maybe hes the wrong Ted Cofell. Hes all you have got, but maybe thats affecting your judgment. Microtech Halo. You speak Serbian? You seserve everything thats happening to you. You will pay. Operation Nightfall. Kosovo. Come on, Jack, pull yourself together. Ach jo. Proč by se nemohla vyspat, ty hysterická pyčo? What we are supposed to do, shoot our way out? Co víc bys chtěla. I m pretty good at to withstanding pain. You dont permit or not permit anything. These are very serious ppl. They didnt put all this time and money behind you to let things fall apart now. They will find someone to do what they need done. I never worked for you. You and I have have always worked for them. Whoever knew he came in to kill us was expecting two shots. Špatně. 12 Taking a persons life, believe me, I feel sick. Mně jě špatně z vás. Thats just it. I dont feel bad at all. I dont feel anthing except happy hes dead (přesně). Už toho mám dost. Nejdřív si pyče ani nezkontroluje náboj v komoře, ted uklízejí mrtvolu, místo toho, aby zdrhly, a nakonec tam nechá jeho pistoli a vezme si jen nuž. I dont want backup! If you bring CTU into this, they could screw up and make this another Waco. Už má zase 229-ku. Nezapsal jsem si to prvně špatně. You really think its gonna make up for how you screwed up your marriage? You are twisting my words. To je debil. Místo toho, aby je pokosil tou uzinou, takodjede v dodávce. Stejně tak Bauer to tam mohl projít s tlumičem a nikdo by si ničeho ani nevšiml. Ted se budou radši honit na silnici a ohrožovat životy nevinných lidí! 13 Už má zase 228-mičku. Třeba má u sebe dvě! Proč se nerozdělí? Ted by se jim hodilo CTU. Are you lost? No. We should just go straight (divim se, že ji to napadlo). Scény s odpudivou negroškou přeskakuju. Na konci jí rozbije hubu a nebudu vědět proč. Our contact over there says this assassin left Yugoslavia this morning (ten stát už neexistoval, ai myslela Srbsko, když mluví o Bělehradu). This means hes probably already here. A second hitter. 14 I was raped. A co jako? Jovan Myovic entered the country two days ago. Mishko Suba, also from the Balkans, came in three days ago through Florida. Plan B is already in effect. He used to be in special forces. Led a six-man team into kosovo a couple yrs ago. Only Bauer survived. 15 Ztratilo to tempo. FNL foothill 94022 (asi narážka na Beverly Hills). Lets flush them out into the open and deal with them. Otherwise, you and I and our families will be looking over our shoulders for the rest of our lives. We saw each other (nd). I realize this is a terrible time for you. When do you think a good time would be? Nikdy! Viděl ho přicházet, no. Neměl žádnou výhodu, byli stejný postavy, akorát byl menší. 16 Todle není stockholmský syndrom, musely by tam bejt dýl a víc na ně tlačit. I will do the right thing, at the right time. Nechápu, proč se k ní nasral, těžko mohl čekat, že mu prozradí nějakej duležitej intel. Naopak by to smysl mělo. Mužou ho sledovat. You want me to spy on him? Only if you feel comfortable. We would keep it simple. We want you to plant a tracking device on him so we can trace his locations (přesně). You would be safe. Tak to si už nemyslim. If they got to me, they might have gotten to somebody else. Těch falešnejch pasttýřu je těm nějak moc. Kripl na polštáří, ted jeho stará před kamerou. Mom, are you okay? Neřikej, že je unesou podruhý? To už bych nedal. Tendle vycukanej negr jim moc nepomuže. I want you to stay right here. To nevymyslíš. Scénárista se zbláznil! 17 The truth is we didnt talk much. It wasnt that kind of relationship. It was more take the plunge and worry about the consequences later. Ty jsou nejlepší! To není o tom, jesli to chce, nebo nechce. Ale jesli je schopná tu roli zahrát - zvl, když s ním nechce dál spát. Vykopala si hrob. A když na to přijde, zbaví se i sledování. Měli by ho sebrat a informace z něj vymlátit. His emotions will distract him, which puts Elizabeth Nash in jeopardy. Správně. We need to keep Jack focused. You dont understand women, Andre. I understand them well enough to know they can use as well as be used. Fiber optic cameras. They are almost impossible to see even if you know where to look. Where do i put it? Preferably his wallet. He will have it at all times even if he changes clothes. So, i plant the tracker, the phone rings - and you leave. I hope I m no getting a cold. We are a go. To je idiot, s tím nepočítal, když dělá pro presidenta? I m fine. Why? To je kráva! Měla to hrát přesně naopak, že ji něco na schuzce vytočilo, protože tak pusobí. You seem a little tense. Možná si to měli nejdřív zkusit nanečisto. No, vodku sis měla dát předtím. To bude debakl!měli na to rovnou skočit - pro presidenta cokoli. WTF? Proč to ta hysterická pýča udělala? Jako že ji neměl rád, že jí lhal? No skvělý, ona měla taky románek. Proto o tom nechtěla s Jackem mluvit. Mělo mě to napadnout. Jeho. What do we do? We got to take a chance. At Connies. Red baseball cap. 2021-11-28 18 I have seen much uglier stories kept under wraps. Once you are in the White House, this could protect you. They wont be able to control you. Its not about whats right or wrong. Its about the fact that we have to protect Palmer. Too much personal business going around here. She covers for everyone that doesnt follow code. Everyone who doesnt follow code covers for her. You dont think thats relevant? No, you wont. Well, I do. Je dobrej. Škoda, že ho ve trojce odpráskne. I m on probation. They catch me, I m going to prison. Disassiciative amnesia, and it can happen to someone when they suffer an intense emotional trauma. Neural damage could be parmament if its not treates right away. To je taková svině, tadle negroška. Tu kazetu bych měl už zkopírovanou na flešce. I know you are going to be angry, but it had to be done. Seš mrtvá. You have blinders on. You are not seeing this thing very clearly. Ale zahrála ji výborně. Its for the best. It wasnt the real tape, Cherry. Hurá! I learned that I dont know you as well as I thought I did. I had to see just how far you were willing to go. Svině zkurvená. Kdes ji zbalil, někde v baru? Jack can walk and chew gum at the same time. To si dělaj prdel. Už jenom to, jak se za tou puškou vrtěl. Ted narazí oko na optiku. Co to v tomdle seriálu dělá? To je nějakej easter gag? Navíc za tím živým plotem není vubec vidět. G13 23846. Dobře ho zpomalil! Jen co je pravda! To bylo uplně zbytečný. Kam by jim utekl? V CTU je samej profesionál. 19 21911 Kipling Avenue in Saugus. Dan is dead. To vzal docela dobře. You cover up your weakness with a bunch of bleeding-heart sentimentality.when are you going to be man enough to do what it takes to be President. To je famílie. Palmer authorized the mission. I carried it out. Today is the second (happy) anniversary of Victor Drazens death. Sometimes music can help unlock memories. Franks psycho. You dont want to cross him. I got what you need. Dont worry. Lets see the E first. You should get that snitched. 20 That helicopter made a fly-by for a reason. Má zase jinou baterku. Ta předtím měla širší reflektor a užší tělo. A drží ji v pravý ruce. D.O.D. (department of defense) This is a prison facility. Class 3 detention center. I thought professionals didnt get anxious. Professionals get very anxious when a plan goes off the tracks. Tam seděj jak kachny. Žádnej perimetr. Co to je za píčovinu. Jak osm? Tři security, dva udržba, Bauer a DeSade. Power is going down in30 seconds. Sudden darkness will disorient them. Člověk by řekl, že je dezorientuje světlo. My money, my decision. My crew, they will obey my orders. Bych je dostal sám. Prej cut to pieces. By ani nevěděli, odkud to přišlo. Dont you get it? They didnt shut down the power. They are working on a contingency plan. Jako by záleželo na názoru voliču. Máme věřit tomu, že poctivě sčítají hlasy. Hes reasonable guy, but his hand are tied. C5? He hasnt talked yet, but I cut off his morphine. He should be pretty chatty in about an hour. What are you doing, George? What are you doing? Last time I checked, it wasnt a part of my job to have to explain myself to my subordinates. Bcs they wanted the rest of the world to think he was dead. My mission was set up to fail from the start. Ten hrníček s motivem kočky, když ho vyslýchá. To tam vubec nejde. My sons are soldiers. Then they will die for nothing. Then you have nothing to worry about. 21 Další píčovina, ho pošlou napřed. Bych ho držel uprostřed. Keep your chin up. Babysit her for me. I dont care what you do with her, just keep her out of my face. I dont see very many ppl who stand by their principles the way that you do. Je jich tam stejně a zdrhaj před nima, jen protože jim vypli proud. We have to assume the worst. Nejlepší je ten s hejkalem, ostatní v černém. Ta bomba by je v tom tunelu zabila. You dont know anything about me. Last night I was kidnaped, tied up in the back of a trunk and then I got to see your friend Dan gwt shot in the head. Take all the bad luck you have had in your entire life, it wouldnt fit into half of whats happened to me in the past 24 hours. Brink it on. Here, outside, any place you want. Dostala by přes držku. To, že ji unesli, spoutali a viděla někoho zemřít, z ní nedělá nic víc než byla předtím. You think i m monster bcs I want revenge. You were a monster long before you ever heard of me. You consider yourself informed. You have read magazines. You have studied intelligence reports filed by ppl who tell their superiors only what they want to hear. And you have the audacity to judge me? You are insane. Its a psychotic fantasy. A fantasy which is coming closer and closer to reality. We are not negotiating with terrorists. I m willing to listen to your concerns. Nina přehrává, jak jí záleží na Jackovi. You were using a double. A common technique. I am surprised your ppl were fooled by it. You put your family in danger. For last two yrs I have accepted my share of responsibility for the death of my family. This is the day that you accept your share. Make sure he does not die. That does feel good. Jak hned vycítila svoji příležitost! I appreciate it. But if I get too comfortable, I may not get off this couch. I m not in love with the guy either, but he delivers. You are very mistaken. Come on, think it through. Drazen wasnt officialy a prisoner. So he couldnt officially escape. It wouldnt have embarrasse anyone. It would have been… a nonevent. You can have whatever you want. Jak je mužou sledovat, když se zasypali? Se propálili další bombou? Booby-trap. I love you mom. Ona ji nepoznala. To je napínavý! Někdo si snad myslel, že ten fízl dojede? 22 We did our part to make this world a better place. And, God willing, our children and our childrens children will reap the benefits of the seeds we sow right now. Tak to si piš! Legendární věta. If you have no authority, you are no head of anything. At ho vymění, dokud je naživu. Mrtvej jim bude k ničemu. Nemá to logiku. Nikdo by neobětoval takhle dobrýho agenta pro nic za nic. It doesnt make any sense. How does letting a senior CTU agent die help keep Victor Drazen out of the news? Jack has a Special forces background. I have seen him do the impossible. Fain, I will stop patronizing you. I m going to call up division and ask them to reconsider one more time.  And they are going to say no. And that will be the end of it. Anything else? Dobře s ní vymrdal. Líbí se mi čím dál víc. Škoda, že musel umřít. Asi mu došel humor. Kims car was hit. Two cops are down. She was taken. Nová kunda na scéně! I dont have the authority to pull the trigger on this one. For what I m told, that authority is something you would like to have. Act on your own prerogative, go through with the trade. You will be reprimanded, possibly even far it sounds great. Within the first month of my term I will instate you in a high-level position in Washington. You will bypass five yrs of middle management.  Pak, že to nejde. One more death for you to atone for, Jack. Přesně! Já bych ho střelil do nohy, ale todle taky není špatný. Má ji na svědomí! He would have killed her and not in the merciful way. Bych ho nechal ležet v nemocnici, kde má veškerou péči. Za pul roku bych udělal deal, a kdyby to nepřežil, poslal bych jim Jackovu hlavu. To odšroubuj ten uzávěr, ne, ty debile. 23 You want me to take out Palmer? Of course. Thats why we let you go. Thats why we have your daughter. Jack? Tak to potom jo. Správný rozhodnutí! I m attracted to you. I always have been. Meet me in 20 minutes in room 907. Nikdo není dokonalej. Nechcete vzít druhou opici do trojky? Drazen let him out for a reason. Palmer je mrtvej. Snad nebude brečet? Byli na sebevražedný misi. First mother Martina, now Alexis. Let him hear her die! No, nechtěl bych bejt v její kuži. Dont patronize me. You feel unconfortable bcs you are doing it with my knowledge and consent. No, to je jedno, no. Hlavně, že si zašuká. Jasně, on to na ni hraje. Doběhnul mě. Stejně jako s tou kazetou. You are fired! I dont understand! Nééé! I didnt mean to deceive you like this. Its just that your wife insisted and didnt know what to say. Aha! No would have done it. I know, its just she can be pretty scary sometimes. So can I. I have made a terrible judgment. No tos posrala! Falešnej pastýř. Ale není to on. Save your energy, Sherry. No need to act surprised. You know your problem, David? You think everyones conspiring against you, when in fact we are just trying to help. You are not qualified to talk about higher purposes. 200tis dolaru jsou pro něj drobný. He knows you cant get the money. To mě nenapadlo. Další bomba! Ale dali jí tam málo. Nemaj tam nikoho, kdo by to potvrdil? Snad nebudou čekat až na večerní zprávy? We cant let the ppl think that David was assassinated. Its preposterous. To nvm, co znamená. We cannot keep playing games with public and expect to keep their trust. To je hrozná svině! A zase to nemá logiku. Plebs je přece shovívavý. Jak by reagoval, kdyby se dozvěděl, že vystavil jeho dceru nebezpečí? Z toho mužou jen těžit. Agent Bauer, its for you. Thank you. To je idiot! To sou hovada. Daji mu svou adresu. Takhle mohli bejt mimo hledáček a mít Kim jako pojistku. I just dont think I can take much more of this. Tak to jsme dva. Se jí nějak rychle vrátila pamět. Doufám, že to má s tím unoscem. When a man goes halfway around the world to set off a bomb, hes responsible for any accidents that result. Tak proto bomba. Mělo mě to napadnout. My father is a good man. No, hes not. Je to pyčus, kterej si posral život se svojí bejvalou, ke který se nakonec vrátil jako poslušnej pejsánek. Yelena! Si řikal, kdy se prozradí! Že ta starost o Jacka mohla bejt jen přetvářka - pak by to dávalo smysl. Aspon něco. Ale oni se to nedozví. 24 I think this last day has been about finding out who you really are. Takovádle mrtka se dovolí postavit proti chlapovi. Měl ji sejmout. You will have to kill him. No mistakes. No vidíš, jak jí na něm záleží. Byla to přetvářka! If he finds out I have lied to him, my cover will be blown. Of course, we will kill him. That is the point. Ona by mu to neřekla takhle narovinu. A jak todle ututlá? Nebo ve druhým díle s ní od začátku budou jednat jako se zrádcem? Divím se, že se vubec prozradila. Nepomáhala jim celou dobu a nakonec, když je operace v piči, tak udělá takovoudle chybu? To je dobrý, ho tam pozvali, aby je tam vystřílel a pak před ním utelki. Dobrej plán! Ho odpráskne. Má nervy na pochodu. Bauer není zrovna ukázkovej příklad agenta. Its my guess you still have feelings for Jack and now that we are together again and we are going to have a baby… drž už hubu! Jak to drží ten kvér, tvl! Víš, tam se hejbe závěr! Strašný. Jinak bych jí tu mrchu věřil. C22717. Its not bcs I dont want to be President. I dont think you are fit to be the First Lady. Do you really think that you can just leave me? Dont believe for a second that its going to be that easy. You just dont walk away from me! LOCKDOWN STATUS IN EFFECT. Make sure nothing can connect you to Germany. Oddělala ji. Neměla duvod ji nechávat naživu. Navíc tím vytrestá Jacka. Proč mu řekla, že nepracuje pro Drazena? Měla skvělý alibi. Takovej sociopat by byl v klidu. I m positive. Každej je tam pozitivní. Asi v jináči. Ten konec mi udělal neskutečnou radost. Zabili nejotravnější postavu celýho seriálu. Teda hned po Sherry. Ta to doufám odsere v další sérii.


Kyslík (2021) 

Někomu asi chyběl rozpočet. Pro to nenatáhli na tři hodiny?


Piraňa 3D (2010) 

Někdo vytáhnul špunt. No fuj! Na to jsem měl jít do kina!