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Recenze (1 028)


Zombieland: Rána jistoty (2019) 

Tam hraje opět Emmička? Puvodně jsem to stáhnul kvuli Zoey. Thats, what I want . Another gun. Všichni tak zestárli a dospěli. Choděj spolu? Marriage. Are we droping her out into animal shelter? You recover realy quickly. Thank you. Travel light (7). Seat belt (4). Limber up (18). Sextuple tap. Whatever the nine-uple word is tap. Apex predators. Top of the food chain. In great dishonor such as this ancient samurai warriors reguire to commite seppuku (včera Ronin). Fucking minivan. My mom has that car. So the mine. Zombie, not a velociraptor. If you love her, shoot her into the face. Its right thing to do. I think shes making a good point. When something bad happen, you have three choices. Let it to define you, destroy you or strengthen you. Jdu hrát Stalkera. Babylon is a comune, safe heaven. Protected from all sides (Jericho, satanovo město). No guns or violence of each kind. A young ppl too. Generation Z living in peace and the harmony (tomu věřím, jinak by nepřežili). Babylonská věž. Welcome to the Babylon (no way). Nahoře Eden, Strom života nebo moudrosti, letní olympijské hry v Londýně – ceremony. Expect the unexpected. Začíná to bejt zamotaý. Na co pravidla, všechno je chaos (my way). Cardiovascular fitness. World is your bathroom. Beware of bathrooms. Mind your manners (65). Keep your hands to yourself (42). To měl ten strejda z Coverfield Lane taky. Sunscreen (36). Confirm your kill (5). Same things, different words. Its great to having two of you. dont be afraid to ask for help (2). I cant argue that logic. Portished (poršíd). This is our Avalon – poetically used for the island (albion). Menas also world, district, country (mám, ale základ jsem zpapomněl – spojení jen s Velkou Británií). The world above, the visible world", in opposition to "the world below", i.e., the underworld), or *alb-, Proto-Indo-European for "hill". Albina eldest greek princess banned from home for crime mated with evil spirits. Kill those motherfuckers. Seatbelts are there for reason. Homer. I hate mondays. Konec bombovej.


47 róninů (2013) 

Jé, to je pohádka! Rivers of blood and mountains of corpses will not stand in our way. Nor the tears of widows. Find your envy and hatred (kde by se vzala, vyrustal snad mezi prasatama). And I will give you all you desire. Jako by se stalo. Bcs of your rank and the service you have done I will allow you to regain your honor and the honor of your house through seppuku, death by our own hand, so that you may show courage and dignity in death as you once showed in life. Ten se má. Na starý kolena ještě odejde ze světa dustojně, ne jako ty zkurvený prasata, co se dnes bojí chřipky. You were bewitched. Your mind was poisoned. If I accept my fate, no one will question the honor of our ppl (jste ostudou svých předku – dopoledne). Dont let them see you cry. Ta řve pořád. Naprosto v rozporu s dnešní uřvanou kulturou. Joy of my life. I am the WIFE of a samurai. Whatever your duty is, it is mine too. Dohání mě to k slzám. They wanted to show me that this life has nothing to offer but death. They wanted me to be like them and renounce the world. They will test our will. WHOOSHING. Ghosts. Spirits of the old and infirm who are left here to die. Unwanted children too. They are good men. Their cause is just. The love of one night, that brought you into this world (předtím mi to nedošlo). A samurai does not take credit for victories of others. A samurai wears two swords. When a CRIME goes unpunished, the world is unbalanced. When a wrong is unavenged, the heavens look down on us in shame. We too must die for this circle of vengeance to be closed. We will leave this record of our courage, so the world will know who we were and what we did. None of us knows how long he shall live or when his time will come. But soon all that will be left of our brief lives is the pride our children feel when they speak our names. Man may not live under the same heaven as the murderer of his lord. You and your men followed the old ways of Bushido. She will make Ako great again (tak kde si to ten Trump vypujčil). This world was only a preparation for the next that all we can ask is that we leave it having loved and being loved. I will search for you through thousand worlds until I find you. And I will wait in each of them.


Aliance (2016) 

Čert vem film, ale jaká náctka píše takovýhle scenáře? A hlavně, zfilmovali byste to tý krávě? 2017 9 25 Great leaders dont seek power. They are called by necessity. Ppl are sheep. They need a shepherd to guide them. And when they resist, they are slaughtered. Bureau of Genetiv Welfare. Chicago is just one of 50 major cities that used to exist on this continent alone. Vaccinations. What do you mean? This is not hummanitarian mission. We are not saving kids. We are stealing them. David takes them out from here, wipes their memories with the gas and raises them in the Bureau. If you take away what they know, then you take away who they are. I think thats the point. If you had enough to save one person, and your choice was between a healthy child or a sick old man, who would you choose? I wouldnt choose (přesně). Good. Now they are both dead (so be it). Někdo si zase hraje na Boha. Behavioral evaluations. Stimulus response. She past them all with flying colors. I feel you are all making the same mistakes over and over again. human beings cannot be categorized in this way. It doesnt work. Maybe its time to start embracing everyone instead of dividing them into groups regardless of whether they are Pure or they are Damaged (eugenika). I know that all of this is just an experiment to you, but these ppl in Chicago is real. And they are in a war right now bcs of divisions that you created and you are doing nothing to help them. Ano, tady je její místo – každej bojuje na svý frontě. Kdyby s ním odešla, tak by ji zatkli a ztratila by duvěru Davida. David has control over the administration of Chicago (muž v pozadí). Hes only here to extend his founding. The factions work. They keep the peace. They created you. You want CHANGE with no sacrifice. You want PEACE with no struggle. The world doesnt work like that. Beating oyur own child. It made him who he is. You have no idea what you are up against. Tlustá negroška is not the issue. Thats why you pick a guy like me for a job like this (líbí se mi – řekla si o to sama). I made you. You might as well be my child, which is what you are acting like. A spoiled child. They created a wall to divide us from their world and factions to divide us from each other. We were their experiment and it almost destroyed us. They tried to make us forget who we are and where we are form. I want the penthouse!


Monstrum (2008) 

Its time to leave the electronics store.


Mrtví a neklidní (2013) 

Ju-es-ej. Ju-es-ej. Ppl get bit, then they get infected, then I shoot them in the head. Corpses fighting skeletons, sir.


Ptáci (1963) 

He has a client now who shot his wife in the head six times. Can you imagine it? I mean even twice would be overdoing it. Why did he shoot her? He was watching a ball game on TV. His wife changed the channel (asi to nebylo poprvý). Nádhernej film, propracovaná dialogy, vubec by nemuselo jít o horror a šel bych do červenejch. Spíš mám trochu obavy, aby to ti zkurvení ptáci trochu nezkazili. She was selling birds? No, I just led her into believing that I believed she was. Its all very complicated. You were just a poor, innocent victim of circumstances. I m neither poor nor innocent. BIRDS CHIRPING, SQUAWKING. Ten dialog na kopci natáčeli ve studiu – nvm proč, asi se jim to poprvý nepovedlo. Celý to pusobí divně a nepohlo se ani stýblo trávy. This isnt usual, is it? Si všimli. Že od roku 2014 pískaj prasata jako protržený, si nikdo nevšiml. Poslední dva roky se to zklidnilo. Asi jsem je vystřílel. They didnt just get in, they came in, right down the chimney. Birds just dont go aroun attacking ppl withou no reason. Its terrible how you depend on someone else for strength and then suddenly all the strength is gone and you are alone. My son seems to be very fond of you. mitch has always done wxactly what he wanted to do. Melanie, Frank. Bodega Bay. I hardly think that crows would have sufficient intelligence to lunch a massed attack. Ornithology happens to be my avocation (). Birds are not aggressive (hezky, už ses to naučil napsat) creatures. They bring beauty into the world. It is mankind, rather, who insists upon making it difficult for life to exist upon this planet. Its the END of the world. Behold, I, even I shall bring a sword upon you (už aby to tady bylo). And I will deveastate your high places (Ezekiel 6). Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink (Isaiah 5). Gulls are scavengers, anyway. Most birds are. Get yourselves guns and wipe them off the face of the Earth (promluvil chlap). Přemýšlím, k čemu jsou ty vaše odporný čivavy, co tady množíte po milionech a prodáváte/kupujet za nekřestanský peníze. Kill them all. Get rid of the messy animals. The very concept s unimaginable. CROW CAWING.


Ulice Cloverfield 10 (2016) 

Howards like a black belt in conspiracy theory. It wasnt like fireworks. This was more like something you would read about in the Bible. Its safe. I destilled it myself. She inhaled books. Ppl are strange creatures. You cant always convince them that safety is in their own best interest. I lived my life in a 40-miile radius. Ztrácí to koncept, mění to moc atmosferu. That was phase one. Take out your opponents population centers with big hits, all at once, fast. And then for round two, ground sweeps. Possibly extraterrestrial signals. I bet what we just heart were airborne patrols sent to hunt down the remaining signsof life. Problem solving always puts me in a musical mood.


Temná věž (2017) 

Choose a pretty face and the world is your oyster. His shine is pure. House demons are formidable beings but a truly powerful psychic could everride it. A boy with the shine strong enough to kill a demon (a to jde)? These ancient structures are from before the world moved on. No one knows what they are. The are theme parks. When the Tower falls, he will rule in a world full of monsters. Beamquake. What happens in one world, echoes in others. Try to get some sleep. Thats not happening. They sense your WEAKNESS create illusions to distract you. You are the one that called me here. Not ba the telephone, but with your every desire to get rid of the brat all in the hopes that Mommy there might love you best. The GUILT you must feel not believeing in him. And you sent your only child off to the asylum. Co s ní uděláme? Shame on you. Your gift is extraordinary. It made you see across worlds. Keystone Earth. Do they have guns in your world? You are gonna like Earth. A lot. We cant disobey a gunslinger. Its the law. Only a goat would lie to a seer (jasnovidec). The darkness is everywhere and trying fighting against it accomplished nothing. We are loosing bcs everyone stopped beleiving (odpadnutí). GOATS BLEATING. His guns are forged from the steel of the sword of Arthur Ed himself. I believe Keystoners call it Excalibur. You have both forgotten the faces of your fathers. The shine is your weapon, guns are mine. The universe will die out eventually. Death always wins. Have a great apocalypse. Hot dog. Savages. What breed? Globe The Majestic (reklama na špagety)


Její případ (2005) 

Zase udělal vajíčka moc natvrdo. Se mu vubec nedivím. Kdyby mu radši udělal snídani, pěkně mu vykouřila, namusela dostat dvě facky, ale jenom jednu. Řžena, která neví, kde má místo, je pro muže bezcenná. A hlavně z nich pak vyrostou hnusný feministky. Inspired by a true story. Poor Alice. That girl has been nothing but trouble for her since day one. Got two kids with two different fathers already. Dneska se to tak už nenosí. Když mužou mít homosexuálové svatby, co si vemeš na jednu samoživitelku se dvěma parchanty. Heck of a shame. Zhose kids are just… fucked. Bez budoucnosti. I dont know what you put in those things, but it just cant be legal. I wanna be a lesbian. I m not hungry. Bcs ppl are starving in China. Somebody will be killed bcs of them women. Misogyn. Shes a grown woman with kids. Shes not gonna be living with her folks. Zrovna když má příležitost vychovat vnuka, když přišel o tatínka. Tak mu dal aspon lekci do života, frajer. Dyt nedokázal vychovat ani tudle couru. Before your law firm hired you, they put your feet up and look around your insides? Dobře se ptá. Měla dělat právníka sama. I m just saying everyone needs a purpose (přesně). Your purpose is those kids. Your fathers is that mine. And if you take a job up there. Well, it will shame him. Ty staří to ještě znali. Tadle kurvička nezasloužila nic jinýho než znovu znásilnit a dalšího spratka. Chápu, že spousta debilí to touto optikou vubec nevidí, vlastně ji má celou dobu za strašnou chudinku, ale to je špatně. Nikdo nezmlátí pěknou ženskou, která si hledí svého. To je jako by frajer přišel do baru a na první tam sejmul nějakou holku. Takže mu to chtěla dát sežrat, ještě ke všemu. The doc says you look darn good under those clothes. Dobře si ji podávaj. Rule numero uno. Sense of humor. So, which one of these girls is gonna be my bitch? Lol. No, má celkem slušnej výběr. Já bych nejdřív ojel Michelle Monaghan. Boby sharp. Omen nomen. Takže bejvalej. You dont have to eat my face. Discount blowjobs, for everybody but you. work hard, keep your mouth shut, keep it like a man. Last time I danced like that I ended up with twins. Not much of a dancer. I m wearing underwear older than you. To byl snad kompliment, ne? Pýča zkurvená za přebytečný pěníze koupila spratkum trampolínu. Jak je tendle film nadčasovej. A za další prachy si nechá na zahradě vykopat díru pro bazének. A pak poprosí souseda, aby zboural kulnu, protože jí tam nesvítí sluníško. Josey made a lot of mountains from molehills. Always misconstruing things, you know, paranoid stuff. She was pretty emotional. Look, men always walk the line. Its when they cross over it, is when most gals (udatnost, chrabrost, statečnost) give them a slap on the hand, get them back on their side of that line. Thats how men and women have been handling problems since Adam and Eve. I love the sound – wood knocking on the ice, the slush of the blades. He came on to me. Then its slander. you are whore just like everyone says. Tehdy byl svět ještě v pořádku. Dneska se tím chudinky chlubí – že je zbil. Stát jim jde na ruku. Je to pro ně zlatej dul. You all go to hell. Sexual harassment. Sexually harassed. Never rat on a brother. Union oath says – Respect fellow members. Most ppls mothers cook and clean. They dont work at the mine. Arent I allowed to be anything I want? Not when you are soing someone elses job. Time heals all. They are gonna keep on doing it worse, as long as you keep opening your mouth. Your mess, start cleaning. All roads lead to lawyers. The illusion is that all your problems are solved in a COURTROOM. Right has nothing to do with the real world (tak tomu říkám právník). You think you are outgunned at the mine, wait till you get to a courtroom. Its called the nuts and sluts defense. You are either nuts and you imagined it, ar a slut and you asked for it. Safety in numbers. Herds. They stay together, they have a chance. They separate, they are easy prey. Its never been done before. Sexxual harassment class action. To je zajímavý, u soudu chlap zastupuje ženský, a žena chlapy. If those affidavits (afektovaný, strojený, ovlivnovat) are legitimate, you shouldn have an objection. I m not soft. But I m pragmatic. Do the Minnesota Vikings have to put a girl in at quarterback? Of course not. Some things are for men and some things are for women. Women take everything too personally. A loss here will change the way you run your business. There will be paid leave for pregnancies. Lawyers to draft sexual-harassment policy. Not to mention that you will have helped estabilish a legal PRECEDENT that will affect every single company in America. This woman is a single welfare mother with two kids out of wedlock, a sorid sexual history. Dont look at me, Hank! I m not the one cant control his family. Objection. Overruled. To really hate your mom, you gotta think over and over again about all the things you hate about her. This one night I was lying in bed and you moved inside me like this tiny little butterfly, and all of sudden, I realized, I just knew you werent his. You were mine. You were my baby. And we were gonna be in it together. Just the two of us. You have nothing to do with that ugliness (správná psychohygiena). To je celá sousedovic rodina. Sousedka druhý dítě taky nepřiznala, a bil ji. Z toho obvinila prvního manžela. Do you know the difference between consensual sex and rape? Stačí, když to přizná kterejkoli z nich, z jakéhokoli duvodu. Win or lose leave your blood on the ice. You are what coach would call a yellow-ice player. The kind that wets pants when things get rough. Objection. Argumentative. Denied. Sustained. Jammed himself up insode her. Rangers are hard as steel. This one is made of butter (no tak tady máme samý másla – nerozpoznatelný od těch svějch kurviček). Yellow or red? What was I supposed to do? Tomudle zapomněli zaplatit, aby ho víc motivovali.


Hancock (2008) 

I dont even remember that. Homo. Homo in red. Norwegian homo. Uniform represents purpose. It represents a calling. We were built in pairs. And when we get close to our opposites, we lose our power. So we can live human lives. You are built to save ppl more than the rest of us. You are fucking hero. The insurance policy of the gods. To protect this world. The AllHeart symbol will be known globally as a symbol of companies that are committed to changing the world. They will give away their sustenance goods of food, drugs, power, clothing for free.