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John Wick 3 (2019) 

Consider your origin. You were not made to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge (Dante – předtím nvm kde). Co zas znamená todle. Není to jasný? Mně to teda moc jasný nepřijde. Čurák z knihovny říká jedno a dělá druhé – falešné autority (Timothy). Whos gonna know the difference? Fourteen million its a lot of money (proč 14/2x7). Not if you cant spend it (přesně). Peníze jsou v této době vším. Ale na samém konci to bude víra – v tomdle filmu těžko. Nuž na ryby, taky dobrý. Asi rybář, apoštol. Rozhodně je to potomek obru, nefilim. One may not be enough. Že mu pomáhá! To je doktor, že ví, kam se má trefit? Bezpečnostní skla. Házení nožu, to ještě nebylo. Použil koně jako zbran. To se mi snad jenom zdá. Ale nic proti, je to rozhodně zábavnější a uvěřitelnější než dvojka. Tale of Two Wolves. You honor me by bring death to my front door. What has become of you? Ano, John Wick, akční hrdina pejskařu, představuje všechny špatné vlastnosti. Jardani Jovonovich. I am a child of the Belarus. Přesně, proč radši nezemře smrtí samuraje. Proč se drží života zuby nehty, když mu už nic nezbylo. You are bound to HELP me (knučí jak malej čokl). You are bound and I am owed. Se divím, že ho nevykopla. Asi na ni vyvalil ty psí oči. You know, when my pupils first come here, they wish for one thing. A life free of suffering. I try to dissuade (odrazovat) them from these childish notions. But, as you know, ART is pain. Life is suffering. Here you are, back where you began. All of this, for what? For a dog (per un cane)? It wasnt just a fuckin dog (a jsme u toho zase). Pes jako symbol někoho, koho jsi ztratil. A Johnny Wick jako pejskař, kterej je sám ztracen. How can you fight the wind (High Table)? Si věřej. How can you bury the ocean? The path to paradise begins in hell (a je to tady znovu – Covenant). With this you can never come home again (cejch obráceného kříže – Antikrista). Je to jenom o symbolice. There are RULES. They are the only things that separates us from the animals. Yes. Si nemyslím – platí to jenom pro takové kriply, jako jste vy, co nemají žádný vnitřní kodex a v prvé řadě zavrhují Boha, a tak si vymysleli vlastní pravidla. Pejskař jako John Wick samozřejmě nemá ani jedno. You have seven days. Adjudicator. You see rats with wings, but I see the internet. No IP adress. No digital footprint (to si toho asi moc nestáhnu). Cant track it, cant hack it, cant trace it. Do not make the mistake of thinking you exist outside the rules, no men do. To jsme to dopracovali – pyče nám bude řikat, co máme dělat a co ne. Už by měla díru v palici. Na týdle pozici určitě. Your penance will be paid in blood (dnes už potřetí – Sleepy Hollow – Blood Wars). To mají vesty? Taky je bere s sebou všude. May I pet one. Assassin – hashasheen – eaters of hashish. Men who are faithful and who abide by their beliefs. This COIN does not represent monetary value, it represents the commerce of relationships. A social contract in witch you agree to partake. Order and rules. I seek the meeting with the one who sits above the Table. You fail to understand. The Elder is not a man you find. He can only choose to find you. Go to the egde of the desert, look up. Canis minor, the dog that followed Orion through the sky. You follow the brightest star (Venuše – jitřní hvězda, Lucifer). Mě už našel a je mu to houby platný. So soft and yet so fierce. I love this dog. I will keep it (dobrej obchod – pes nemá cenu ani hrsti písku). This will be how you show me your fealty (jak nechápe, pejskařka). Surely its the least you can do. No you cannot keep my dog. Pokud bych se s ním už bavil, pak ano, protože bych ho respektoval jako druhého člověka – pro tydle zkurvysyny nemám slov. Tvl, kdo psal scénář. This was for you to learn (dost pozdě, starou pýču, co se peleší se zvířaty, novým kouskum nenaučíš – musíš ji utratit). Long live the king (Godzilla). Never seen a man fight so hard to end up back where he started (back to the beginning). Not free under the Table, but bound to it. Doing what you do best for the rest of your days (takže jim sloužit). The cost of your life will be the death of others (přesně naopak – obětovat se pro ostatní). I will be of service. Very well, my son (slouží nějakýmu arabáčovi – Allah, což je prakticky převrácený křestanství s ruznými bonusy). Cast aside your weakness and reaffirm your fealty to the Table. Voglio vedere (I want to see). Fammi vedere (show me). Jak věděl, kterej prst si má ufiknout? 42nd Street. Takže mobílky. We were both masters of death. Zabij mu psa, tím si získáš jeho pozornost. Removal of your souls from the property. This haven is safe no more. What do you need? Guns. Lots of guns (Matrix). If you want peace, prepare for war (preparati alla guerra). The last thing either one of us needs is Mr. Wick paying us a visit in the night (a co třeba v pravý poledne, at na vás lépe vidí). They are about to find out, if you cut a king, you better cut him to the quick.


Ospalá díra (1999) 

I stand up for sense and justice. Our jails overflown with men and women convicted on confessions worth no more than this one. I beg pardon (bez my – skočil mu do řeči). But why am I the only one who sees that, to solve crimes, to detect the guilty, we must use our brains to recognize vital clues, using up-to-date scientific techniques? The horseman was a Hessian mercenary sent to these shores by German princes (tvl to jsou princové, dokonce) to keep Americans under the yoke (sedlo) of England. But unlikely his compatriots, who came here for money, the Horseman came for love of carnage (kárnidž). When battle was joined, there you would find him (už jsem myslel kvuli nějaký děvce). He rode a giant black steed named Daredevil. He was infamous for riding his horse hard into battle, chopping off heads at full gallop. He had filed his teeth down to sharp points to add to the ferocity (divokost) of his appearance. They chopped off his head with his own sword. Even today the Western Woods is a haunted place, where brave men will not venture. For what was planted in the ground that day was a seed of evil. Seeing is believing. This is the only book I recomend you read. We have murders in NY without benefit of ghouls and goblins. You are a long way from New York. Book of Peter (5/8). Bcs your adversery the devil, as a roaring LION, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. My concentration suffers greatly, when I m observed. My father believes tales of ROMANCE caused the brain fever that killed my mother. Why did no one think to mention. Kith and kin to. There is hardly a houshold in Sleepy Hollow that is not connected to every other blood or marriage (tady taky ne, peleší se to už i se zvířatama). My father worked hard for his family and prospered and built this house. And I owe my HAPPINESS to him. I remember living poor in the cottage. Its my gift for you. I have no use for it (spells). Are you so certain of everything? A cardinal. I wouldnt have the heart to cage him. Separate pictures which become one in the spining. It is truth, but TRUTH is not always appearance. I have faced my fears and come out determined to locate the Horsemans grave. In short, to pit myself against a murdering ghost. Whos with me? Listen. I hear nothing. Nor I. No birds. No crickets. Its all gone so quiet (Covenant). Pardon our intrusion. Each to his own. Follow the Indian trail to where the sun dies. Follow it to the Tree of the Dead. Climb down to the Horsemans resting place. This tree is a gateway between two worlds. Stay quiet (dobře to dopadlo). Bible-black tyrant behing a mask of righteousness. What do you believe? Sense and reason. Cause and consequence. Where my rational mind has been so controverted by the spirit world. Perhaps there is a bit of a witch in you, bcs you have bewitched me (tak to bylo laciný). Leave you to your thought. The Evil Eye. It is someone who casting spells against you. But if there is a GUILT, I cannot alter it, no matter how much it grieves me. It is he who stands to profit from these murders. I am pinioned by a chain od reasoning. There is a conspiracy here and I will shake it out. Villainy wears many masks. None so dangerous as the mask of virtue. For the protection of a loved one against evil spirit eye. Pardon my intrusion. At that moment I offered my soul to Satan. And the doctors silence I exchanged for my complicity in his fornications with the servant girl.


Labyrint: Zkoušky ohněm (2015) 

Sanctuary safe from the horrors of the outside world. A home of sorts. Sadly, there wouldnt be much left of wherever you came from. The fact that you kids can survive the virus makes you the best chance of hummanitys continued survival. Until we know anything for certain, we should just keep our heads down and try not to draw any attention to ourselves. I think hes drawing attention to himself. Maybe I m just being PARANOID, but I got to find out for sure. If the elements dont kill you, scorch will. Right Arm. This looks promising. Winston. They did something to me. Felt like I was waking up from a dream (memories). Everything was fine until you. I think you got struck by lightning. My men want to sell you back to wicked. Life has taught them to think small. What would I suppose to do? Chain you up, watch you turn? Put a bullet in your head? Is that what you expect of me? I would do the same thinng for you. Já bych ti ji napálil do toho mongoloidního ksichnu, i kdybys byla zdravá. Good evening. This is the World Catastrophe Killzone Department. The solar stroms forced ppl underground. I think HOPE is a dangerous thing. Hope has killed more of my friends than the virus and the scorch combined. What the hell is this (Silent Hill). Samej stalker. Musej se ti čuráci furt olizovat? I was woeeied they would kill you after what you did. The younger you were, the stronger your chances. At first, we had the best intentions. Find a cure, save the world. You kids were the key, bcs you were immune. But why? An enzyme produced by the brains of the immune. The enzyme cant be manufactured, only harvested from the immune. They had their ways, they would sacrifice an entire generation. All for this. A gift of biology, of evolution. Tak oni už měli jeho krev a nepřišli na to? Třeba se vyléčila. He always see the best in ppl (jako já).


Labyrint: Vražedná léčba (2018) 

Není to jenom o tom zachránit Míňu. Ano, stopáž byla trochu delší, než bylo u takového spektáklu potřeba, ale uteklo to jako voda (pokud při tom sledujete jinej film). Hi (neptám se, proč je s tím vznášedlem napřed nerozstříleli a pak neosvobodili všechny – asi by nezbyl prostor pro sebevražednou misi). The last city. Thats the lions den. Z Thomase vyrostl pěknej čurák. Vypadá jako ten idiot z Fast and Furious, co se zabil v autě. I m impressed. You guys almost lasted a whole day. I guess thats WICKEDs answer for everything. When you sealed off the walls you assured us, that it would only be a temporary precaution (Babiš). Bcs things are changing. And not for the better (tak jako v jejich situaci by se to ještě dalo pochopit). Infection rates were up 300%. Fortunately we may be on the verge of a breakthrough. Subject A7. He spent over three yrs in the Maze Trials. The antibodies produced in response have been the strongest we have ever seen (aha, už mi to přestávalo dávat smysl). Thank you, but we have been down this road before. Frankly, we are all beginning to wonder of our resources couldnt be better spent elsewhere. The infected already outnumbered the healthy three-to-one (to je strašný, když uvážíme, že nemají žádné zbraně – kromě zubu – a jednají čistě instinktivně). All you would be doing is delaying the inevitable. We have sacrificed a lot to get this far. Nicely done. They can be a tough crowd. You handled them perfectly. Měli by je naverbovat sami – nenechat jim žádný lidský zdroje. I m bussinessman, which means that I dont take unnecessary risks. To je šílený – i v týdle utopii nosí roušku jen ti, co to považují za vhodné. Traitor. I will kill you (trojka se mi líbí – už si nevzpomínám, jesli ji tam s nima hodili, nebo byla nastrčená od začátku). The walls. Its amazing what ppl can accomplish when their survival is at stake. Squeeze them hard enough, theres nothing they cant do (Noah). No line they wont cross. The virus is airborn. Its inside the walls. Its not about giving up. Its about knowing when you lost. Ppl are dying. The world is dying. Možná kdybychom čelili skutečné krizi jako v tom filmu, tak by nás to stmelilo dohromady, udělalo z nás lepší lidi. Tímdle je tento snímek odlišný od ostatních, kde jsou lidé, stejně jako my ve skutečnosti, jen obětí spiknutí s cílem zničit lidskou rasu – pozvednout ji na vyšší uroven, udajně. Mužeme si za to do jisté míry sami, když jsme opustili Boha a přirozený řád a místo něj dosadili sebe – bezbřehou humanitu. You guys are nuts. Drop the net. Declare martial law (naposledy v osmašedesátém). No one leaves until they are found (kam bysme chodili). Do you know what this place is? Its a lifeboat. And the whole world might be sinking, but it doesnt mean that we have to go down with it. We will keep you alive and in return you will give life to the rest of us. The ones we choose to save. Of course, theres not gonna be enough for everyone. Hard choices are gonna have to be made. In time, the flare virus will burn itself out. The only question is who will be the ones left standing? A future of our own making. Došlo mi, že takhle to bude i v reálu, že technologie muže přežít apokalypsu, už když jsem sledoval poslední Godzillu, že je možné to spojit dohromady. Vytvoří se aglomerace chráněné zdmi po celém světě, kde lidi budou žít opět v přepychu – proto na tydle motivy vzniklo tolik filmu. Jsou pro to podklady i v reálu, opuštěná města připravená k osídlení. Menší skupiny lidí bude snazší ovládat. A pak je tady ten krvavý rituál – tak jsem se bál, že o něj český svině přijdou. Nedávalo to bez něj smysl. Už nepochybuju, že se jejich život promění v peklo. At se jim to pořád jeví jakkoli nemožné, všechno se změní během jedné hodiny – tak, jak bylo předpovězeno. A ti, co přežijou a budou volat mír a bezpečí, stihne pohroma další – až se vrátí král králu, Ježíš na bílém koni.


Godzilla (1998) 

Vy jste tu potvoru asi NEVIDĚLI, jak honila taxík a ocasem olizovala makléře v posledním patře eště před muslimy, když řídili JUMBO. mega film, jež nemužu znehohodnotit (2013 3 10) I believe its a mutated aberration. A hybrid caused by the fallout on these islands. We are looking at a completely incipient creature. The dawn of a new species (možná je to taky narážka na nefilim – už tenkrát, protože to má co do činění s jadernými testy). The first of its kind (protože jinak to nedává smysl). The city that never sleeps. You are too damn NICE. Thats your problem. Nice gets you nothing in this town. Its dog-eat-dog. You gotta be a killer to get ahead. You just dont got what it takes. Nice guys finish last. What you are going to see now will shock you beyond belief. Worst act of destruction since the World Trade Center bombing (tak to mi nějak vypadlo). The streets are jammed. Traffics at a standstill. Emergency vehicles cannot have access to emergencies that may develop. French Roast. More cream (je skvělej). You have caused more damage than that goddamn thing did (přesně)! Calm down. Have some candy. We helped to create awareness. But now, from the inside, I m able to effect real CHANGE. Lots of animals travel great distances for reproduction (ne jako zdegenerovaná malá česká svině, která strávila v koncentráku padesát let – a ted se peleší sama se zvířaty). Mythological sea dragon who filled their hearts with fear. I always wanted to join the French Foreign Legion. If they get out, they will multiply, and very soon a new species will emerge. One that could replace us as the dominant species of this planet. Each one of these amazing reptiles are born pregnant. Adaptive and cunning. These 200 could become 40,000 within this year. Anyone care to join me? AGM-84 Harpoon. Send your Mavericks.


King Kong (2005) 

Když očekáváte zklamání z další velké opice, dostaví se šmrncovní zážitek v podobě renesance pohádky o Krásce a zvířeti, ty pic ké... Why does Marlow keep going up the river? Why doesnt he turn back? There a part of him that wants to. a part deep inside himself that sounds a warning. But theres another part that Leeds to know. To defeat the thing which makes him afraid. We could not understand bcs we were too far and could not remember bcs we were traveling in the night of first ages, of those ages that are gone, leaving hardly a sign and no memories. We are accustomed to look upon the shackled form of a sonquered monster. But there, there you could look at a thing monstroud and free. I will handle this. For Gods sake, Denham, leave the native alone. She doesnt want the chocolate. Just bunch of women and old folks. They are harmless. The wide-angle will do just fine. Kong je docela malej. Pořád jsem čekal, že se vrátí s větší lodí a taky kde vzalit y Tommyguny – jsou snad ve válce? Herbert didnt die for nothing. He died for what he believed in, and I m gonna honor that. He died believing there was still some mystery left in this world. I m just an actor with a gun who lost his motivation. Your whole life passes before your eyes. And if you lived as a true American, you get to watch it all in color. Thats the thing about cockroaches. No matter ho many times you flushe them down the toilet, they always crawl back up the bowl (stejně jako česká svině – paraziti – jakmile dostanou lidský práva). Kong the eight wonder of the world. Men they will give you the world but they let the one thing that truly matters, slip through their fingers. They are so busy being brave, they forget to use their brains. It was beauty killed the beast.


Nezvratný osud (2000) 

Death is not the end. Your birthday is the same as your departure time. John Denver. Died in a plane crash. I have seen it raining fire in the sky. Man no more knows his own time than fish taken in the fatal net or birds trapped in the snare. Like these, the children of men caught, when the time falls suddenly upon them. And so, before we can heal, before we escape the presence of death and time, we must mourn and celebrate theirs with this memorial. We say that the hour of death cannot be forecast. But when we say this, we imagine that the hour is placed in an obscure and distant future. It never occurs to us that it has any connection with the day already begun. In death, there are no accidents, no coincidences, no mishaps and no escapes. Whar you have to realize is we are all just a mouse a cat has by the tail. Every single move we make from the mundane to the monumental, the red light that we stop at or run, the ppl we have sex with or wont with us (mluví k ní), airplanes that we ride or walk out of, its all part of deaths sadistic DESIGN leading to the grave. Does that mean of you figure out the design, you can cheat death? Death has a new design for all of you. Remember, the risk of cheating the plan of disrespecting the design, could incite a fury to terrorize even the Grim Reaper. No harm, no foul. I m talking about OMENS. How do we know, that just by sitting here or breathing the air, we havent started in motion the events that will some day lead to our death? We dont, unless we open ourselves up to the signs its willing to show us. This is message from something or someone hinting at a design. Bullshit. You can find death omens anywhere you want to (coffe/chocke). But we will go nuts if you start with this shit. The mortician said that death has a design. What if we messed up that design? Cheated death. But what if it was our time? What if we were not meant to get off that plane? Then its not finished. Unless we find the pattern and cheat it again. I m not suffering from post-traumatic stress. I dont have a narcissistic deity complex. I m not going Dahmer on you guys. There is a pattern for us all. Nobody has control over life and death unless they are taking lives and causing death (máš s tím problém zkurvenej fízle). Toll-free number (zavolej mi). I control my life. I control my death. If I intervene, I cheat the design. Are you God now? Gods not afraid to die. Tvl, pes venku na řetězu. Jaktože ho nemá v posteli?


Godzilla II Král monster (2019) 

A historic tragedy that changed the world as we know it forever. The day the world discover that monsters are real. Proč by nebyly, když existují pejskaři, homosexuálové, feministky a další kriplové – není to snad dukaz, že možný je všechno? Return of the ancient and forgotten super species. We believe these Titans provide an essential balance to our world. They returned bcs of us. It was our atomic testing that awoke Gojira. To je pravda, tímto zpusobem jim sem otevírali bránu z jiné dimenze. Stačí si položit otázku, proč proběhlo tolik atomových testu od konce druhé světové války a za jakým učelem. But these are not monsters. They are animals rising to reclaim a worl that was once theirs. I admire all forms of life. If we hope to survive, we must find ways to coexist with Titans (v Pacific Rimu našli lepší řešení). A sort of symbiotic relationship. Like the lion and the mouse. Or the corpion and the frog. So you would want to make Godzilla our PET? No. We will be his. A former British army colonel turned ecoterrorist. Obsessed with restoring natural order. Thats baby. After it cocoons, something else is gonna crawl out. Something bigger, meaner. A decoy. A diversion. Keys to entire magic kingdom of horrors . i think they want ou go after this Mothra so they can go after a real prize. Something bigger. Mass releasing. I m saving the world. I swore his death would not be in vain. That I would find an answer. A solution to why the Titans RISING. But asi I dug deepr, I realized that they were here for a reason. And that despite all the yrs that we spent trying to stop them, we never dared to confront the truth. Humans have been the dominant species for thousands of yrs and look whats happened. Overpopulation, pollution, war (lidský práva). The mass extinction we feared has already begun. And we are the cause. We are the infection. But like all living organism, the earth unleashed a fever to fight this infection. Na mě je to pořád moc jednoduchý. Its original and rightful rulers, the Titans (demoni, kniha Zjevení). They are part of the earths natural defense system (možná by bylo lepší, kdyby řekla Matka Planeta). A way to protect the planet to maintain its BALANCE. Věděli jste, že když behěm války zemře velký počet mužu, tak se v následujících letech začnou rodit převážně chlapci? Říká se tomu syndrom návratu vojáku. But if governments are allowed to contain them, destroy them, or use them for war, the human infection will only continue to spread. Nebylo by lepší použít nějakej virus? Nějakej silnější, než ten, co estébák Bureš používá k umlčování svejch voliču. And within our lifetime our planet will perish (tak toho se bojím nejméně) and so will we. Unless we restore balance. Abys, ty malá mrtko, vytvořila rovnováhu, musely by být potrestány všechny zločiny, kterých se člověk dopustil – nejen proti přírodě. Kurvičky jako ty by musely najít své místo u sporáku, držet krok a hlavně zobák. A hlavně ta hnusná negroška, co si hraje na marináka, se musela vrátit na strom. Ne, to opravdu pýča jako ty nechce vytvořit rovnováhu. A dead, charred world, overrun by monsters? Just like how a forest fire replenish the soil or how a volcano creates new land, we have seen signs that these creatures will do the same. Hotovej National Geographic. Nepřijde někomu z vás homosexuálum divný, že se všechny poslední filmy točí na stejnou tematiku? Kam se poděla stará dobrá Godzila z devadesátek, která bořila mrakodrapy a pak ji rozstříleli na maděru. Whereever the Titans go, life follows, triggered by their radiation (to zní logicky – nestačilo říct, že všechno zničí, že po nich zbyde jen spoušt). They are the only thing that can reverse the destruction that we started. They are the only guarantee that life will carry on (to mi připomnělo ty buzeranty s kamerami dokola kolem domu). But for that to happen we must set them free (přijdu si jako jeden z nich – když už tak uvažuju). You are murdering the world (přesne). No, bcs as difficult as this will be, I promise HUMANITY will not go extinct (velké soužení). Ano, vy sráčové, todle je varování. Vlastně ne, protože se to stane. A nepoběžíte udat souseda na fízly, až se vám ztratí jorkšírek, ale budete následovat jeho osudu, protože takový svině, co se peleší se zvířaty – zdegenerovanými zvířaty, která si vytvořil ke svému obrazu, si nezasllouží žít, ani v týdle díře, a je jen ostudou humanity. Using the ORCA we will return to a natural order. A forgotten order, where we coexisted in balance with the Titans (pohané). The first gods (a jsme u toho). This si the dangerous path. Sami jste si o to řekli – došlo k odpadnutí, není cesty zpět. You are meddeling with forces beyond our comprehension (Mass Effect). Gambling with the lives of billions (bezcennejch kriplu – to je ve skutečnosit duvod, proč k němu došlo – člověk ztratil směr). I trained her to survive. And at least now, she will have a fighting chance (takovej pěknej transexuálek dost těžko). its not all math. Some things you cant control (jsme v rukou Božích). And there are some things that you cant run from. Ty rozhovory na dálku jsou dost emotivní, co? Over last 60 yrs Monarch has prepared bunkers around the world to save ans RESTART civilization (proroctví se naplnuje). Jenže takhle to postrádá smysl – nepřežijou jenom ti nejsilnější, co se dokážou přizpusobit těm nejtvrdším přírodním podmínkám, nezapracuje žádnej přírodní výběr – přežijí zase ti největší sráčové, co vylezou se svými čivavičkami zpátky na světlo. Trochu nedomyslela. A pak pomocí nové technologie (opět) vytvoří ještě větší utopii, kteoru budou s to ovládat. Man and monster living together in blissful harmony. This is bigger than just you and me (správně). Isla de Mara, Mexico. Local legends call it Rodan, the fire demon. You remember that tropical storm where we lost Monster Zero? No strom moves that fast. Unless its not a storm. New weapon, an oxygen destroyer designed to exterminate all life forms within a two-mile radius. May God has mercy an us all (on tu vaší noční muru dopustil). Slaing dragons is a Western concept. In th East, they are sacred (budhismus, hinduismus, wa, pohanská náboženství východu – která přežila do dnešní doby). Divine creatures who brought wisdom, strength, even redemption (padlí andělé, podle Bible). It violates everything we know about the natural order. Unless (potřetí) hes not part of the naturel order (právě). It tells of a great dragon, who fell from the stars (bez komentáře). A Hydra whose storm swallowed both men and gods alike. You mean alien? And hes not meant to be here. A false king (dokonalej přepis – Antikrist). An invasive species. Takže těžko asi mužou restaurovat pořádek v rámci nějakého přírodného řádu. Its almost hes reshaping the planet to his own liking (King Arthur, Diablo – Atma). Ghidorah. The one who is many (legion). Tzn AI, která vás uknučený zmrdy bude řídit, váš novej buh, kterýho si právem zasloužíte. Moscow, London, Washington, all under attack (to se tak krásně poslouchá – říkám, že to bez krvavýho rituálu nepujde). on every continent the Titans are triggering (nd) eartthwueakes, wildfires, tsunamis and disasters we dont even have names for yet. To je Rihhana a Jay-Z? their behavior is not random or erratic. They are moving like a pack (demoni se často pohybují ve skupinách). They are hunting. All packs from wolves to killer whales, they all respond directly to an alpha. And all the other creatures are just doing his bidding. They are an extesion of him (demonizace společnosti). We stop him, we stop them all. Is there another creature that might stand a chance against him (tu, přesněji toho, jste zabili – Ježíše). Ghidorah and Gojiras rivalry was ancient unique. We killed our best shot at beating this thing? This changes everything. With Godzillas gone, this Monster Zero isnt using the Titans to restore the planet. He is using them to destroy it (to je plán). This isnt coexistence. This is extinction. I have seen human nature firsthand and I m here to tell you that it doesnt get any better. It just gets worse. We opened Pandoras Box and theres no closing it now (odpadnutí). World always belong to them. Maybe it is time we gave it back. Mothra, Queen of the Monsters. Tady máme celej bestiář. Symbiotic relationship between two different species arent all that uncommon. This category six hurricane (out of scale) over DC is where King Ghidorah is nesting. They wanna bring Godzilla back from the dead (zmrtvývstání). Sometimes the only way to heal our wounds is to make peace with demons who created them. There are some things beyond our understanding. We must accept them and learn from them, bcs these moments of crisis are also potential moments of faith. Nature always has a way of balancing itself. The only question is, what part will we play? Did you just make that up (v čem to bylo)? I read it in a fortune cookie once. Its like the whole skys alive. Nádhera. The vortex was a tunnel into the Hollow Earth. Its subterranean tunnel system (jako měl Rambo) that connects the entire planet (tak proč kopou pod Walmarty vlastní). All of the legends, they are true (ne asi). They really were the first gods. Cities around the globe have fallen under the wake of what many are calling The Rise of the Titans. We are red on ammo and low on fuel. What the hell has gotten into them now? He fought for us, die for us (je tady někdo, komu nedochází, o kom je řeč). Hes not the only proof that coexistence is possible. He is the key to it. We are a bunch (nd) of horny murderous carnivores. Godzilla will bring balance. You said this is for greater good. That the planet deserved a clean slate. Man does not control the laws of nature. Let-them-fight action. This time we join the fight. Hotovej Armagedon… Serizawa is got that lizard juiced. Padající hvězda (Lucifer). Long live the king. Jesus. Good thing hes on our side. For now. Seismic Disturbances Reprted on Skull Island. Ancient Hollow Earth humans Coexisted with Titans. What Is a King to a God?


Zombieland (2009) 

Jaktože tady ten komentář doprdele už není (ani hodnocení)? - I m just kind of like a Sancho Panza character - I will do it - 25.58 - Steals my double-barrel - Thank God for rednekcs (poznámka i ve dvojce) - You are scary happy - Rule number 32, enjoy the LITTLE things (později sestra) - Rule 17, dont be a hero - Close, but no cigar - Best thing about Zombieland, no facebook update status - I never thought I could love anything like Buck. The day he (it) was born, I just my mind - We were two peas (hrášky) - He had my personality, my laugh, my appetite - Emma Stone je kunda. Hotová Sienna Miller - You know, they are pictures in someones valet - Some rules are made to be broken - Time to nut up or shut up - Wichita


Král Artuš (2004) 

It has always fallen to a few to sacrifice for the good of many. The world isnt a perfect place, but perhaps ppl like you can make it so. Save your prayers, your god doesnt live here. Ancient tricks of an ancient dog. Sarmatian knights. Woads – british rebels who hate Rome. A round table, what sort of evil is this. Arthur says for men to be men they must first all be equal (a se ženami a zvířaty). The last outpost of our glory. The Saxons only claim what they kill. If it is Gods will. Deserted would be hunted down like the dogs. We are going to die some day. If its a death from a Saxon hand that frightens you, stay home. If you are so eager to die, you can die right now. I have something to live for! My death will have a purpose. I ask no more than that. My faith is what protects me. These ppl need our help. It is our duty to bring them out. We are knights. What other purpose do we serve if not for such a cause (taky si celou dobu řikám)? You fight for a world that will never exist. There will always be a battlefield. I will not have our Saxon blood watered down by mixing with them. Inish. Devil ghosts. Každýho by osvobodil. Je jednoduchý být rytířem, když nemáš dost informací. It is Gods wish that these sinners be sacrificed. Only then can their souls be saved. Rozjíždí se to až od pulky – proto jsem si ten začátek nepamatoval, kromě … Is this Romes quest or Arthurs? I am Guinevere (Wales). Artorius. Fairy tales. The kind you hear about ppl so brave, so selfless, that they cant be real. Its the natural state of any man to want to live. I belong to this land. Is there nothing about my land that appeals to your heart? Your own father married a Briton. Even he must have found something to his liking. To to trvalo, než se tidle dva našli. But if you represent what heaven is, then take me there. Rain and snow at once. A bad omen. Tady (DC) je i ta zápletka s Lancelotem. Je to zbytečně natahaný. The right to choose our own destiny. There is no destiny. There is only free will. The Rome you talk of doesnt exist, except your dreams. Theres a large number of lonely men out there. Dont worry, I wont let them rape you. They are far out of range. Aim for the wings of the ranks. Make them cluster. Deeds in themselves are meaningless unless they are for wome higher purpose. There is no worst death than the end of hope. You and I are not the polite ppl that live in poems. We are blessed and cursed by our times (a kdo vychovával ji). Perhaps the curse is of our own making. And the blessing. Rome is dead. This land is the last outpost of freedom of everything you hold dear. You have lost the respect of the enemy. What tomorrow brings we cannot know (tudle hlášku si pamatuju). To si děláš srandu, kidding, to bylo v tý kratší verzi taky, že je vyrušili uprostřed soulože? To snad né! Uplně mě to znechutilo. I now know that all the blood I have shed, all the lives I have taken, have led me to this moment. Wherever I go on this wretched island I hear your name. Always half-whispered, as if you were a God. I fight for a cause beyond Romes or your understanding. I came to see your face so than I alone may find you on the battlefield. Finally, a man worth killing (taky). The home we seek resides not in some distant land. Its in us and our actions on this day. The knights are demons. That is the gate to hell. Chemtrails na obloze. Dobře to dopadlo, aspon mu za ní nebude běhat.