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Recenze (1 028)


Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) 

Mám pocit, že prorocké filmy se točí pro každou skupinu zvlášt, proto je nejvíc takvejch slátanin, na který se člověk dívá jen z donucení, vyložený utrpení! No napodruhý je toho tam celkem dost. - WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE - We lost element of surprise - Concentrate fire on the weak one. A hit make them close ranks - We are here to help (US). Avengers go home! - We will not yield - The Americans sent their circus freaks to test us - Enhanced - Strucker - Her thing is neuroelectric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation - Hes fast as shes weird - Ale HOLOGRAM není pevnej. Ve Star Treku mohly taky vracet uder - Jo, přesně tak to je. Američani nám ukázali vlastní podzemní laboratoř - We are not at war, captain. They are - Ty azije vubec nejsou špatný. Kdyby byly dvě, tak by to mohlo stát za to - Neurons firing - Advanced robotic work - Hes knocking on very particular door - ARTIFICIAL INTELIGENCE - This could be the KEY to create Ultron (Cloud) - I thought Ultron was a FANTASY. Yesterday it was - If we can harness this power and apply it to my Iron Legion protocol - Thats a man-sized „if“ - The only ppl threatening the planet would be ppl - We dont have time for city hall debate - I see a suit of armour around the world - Peace in our time. Imagine that (Stark) - What did we miss? - You are GLOBAL peacekeeping iniciative (UN) - I am PROGRAM. I am without form - This feels wrong - Im peacekeeping PROGRAM created to help Avengers (Skynet, Cloud) - Im here to HELP - Its not question I need to answered - Bad language world - I was SLEEP or I was a-dream - I was tangled in STRINGS - Wouldnt have been my first call - Down in the real world, we are faced with ugly CHOICES - I see a suit of armour around the world - Ultron in the FLASH - Im on mission. Peace in our time (Ultron) - You want to PROTECT the world, but you dont want it to change - How is humanity saved if its not allowed to EVOLVE? - Theres only one path to PEACE. The Avengers extinction (jak se hned zlobí) - I had STRINGS but now Im free (revelation 9/11) - Ultron, proč Ultron? Abaddon… Má to stejnou koncovku - Jarvis wasthe first line of defence. Ultron ASSIMILATED Jarvis - This isnt strategy, this is rage - Thats the END GAME. How were you guys planning on beating that? - TOGETHER (opět a zase) - We will lose - Then we will do that together, too (exactly, přežít za každou cenu chce jen kripl) - The world is big place. Lets start making it smaller - Did you know this CHURCH is in the exact centre of the city? The elders decreed it so that everyone could be equally close to God - The geometry of BELIEF - Make him elf-destruct - Everyone creates the thing they dread (tady je toho hodně) - Men of peace create engines of war. Invaders create Avengers. Ppl create small ppl. Children designed to supplant them, to help them end - All of these are… ME - I have what Avengers never will. Harmony - They are discordant, disconnected - I lost the world there (jsou vždycky roboti tak vtipní) - I ve come to SAVE the world - Starks already got them turning on each other - Need to see the BIG PICTURE - You will tear them apart from the inside - There is no man in charge - Keep your friends rich and your enemies RICH and wait to find out which is which - Stark is a sickness (taky si myslim a není to playboy) - You are gonna break your olds man heart - Clearly you never made omellete (nerozbil vejce) - He beat me by one second - Captain America, Gods righteous man. Pretending you could live without a war - If you believe in peace, let us keep it - You are confusing PEACE with quiet - My evil plan - You are DESTROYER, Odinson - S tím Hulkem jsou jen samý problémy - You are brilliant woman, but we all have room to IMPROVE (takhle si představuje záchranu humanity, jeden psychopat vedle druhýho) - Ty scény s tím kriplem vážně přeskakuju - Every time someone tries to win the war before it starts, innocent ppl die - The most versatile substance an the planet and the used it to make a Frisbee - Typial for humans. They scratch the surface and never think to look within - It will be BETTER - When everyone is dead (zápletka z RE6)? - Human entity has every opportunity to prove (si to píšu podle sebe – poslední věta než jsem odpadl) - Human race will have every opportunity to improve - Ask NOAH - There were more than a dozen extinction-level EVENTS before even the dinosaurus got theirs. When the Earth starts to settle, got throws a STONE at it - Pořád nic? - And believe me, hes whipe it up - We have to evolve. Theres no room for WEAK - And who decides whos weak? - Life (smích) - Life always decides - They will UNDERSTAND, when they see - I just need a little more TIME (je možný že great tribulation odkládá? časově by to odpovídalo) - Vím, že tomu nebudete věřit, debilové, ale tentokrát člověka z povrchu země smetou andělé - - God something…dobrý denDobrý den, protože mi snad nepřišel email s učtemt - - Za Johansonovou na motorce hvězda navíc - Stark will do anything to be RIGHT (přesně, kripl, takovejch tady máme víc, např pan modrý z Watchmen) - No different between saving the world or destroy it - Todle je mnohem lepší než jednička - Mix gen - Jo to je tendle kripl. Já kde se tam vzal - Stark is right. Oh, its definitely the END times - Ultron is in pain - But that pain will roll over the Earth - So he must be destroyed. Every form hes built, every trace of his presence on the net - No way we all get through this (takový drama) - This is peace in my time - You set the terms. You can change them - The inevitability - You rise only to fall - You, Avengers, you are my METEOR. My swift and terrible SWORD (jezdec apokalypsy). And the Earth will CRACK with the weight of your failure - When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal - Its therribly well-balanced - Well, if theres too much weight, you lose power on the swing, so… - All of you against all of me (Armagedon) - I have no strings. I m not attached to anyone (devil) - - Vylejzají z podzemí. Zem se otevírá - Jmenujte mi jedinej apokalyptickej film, kterej před rokem 2012. Ta snaha lidem vysvětlit, co se děje. Bible je snuška pohádek, ale stejný příběh je ustředním motivem každéhé katastrofického scénáře. To je zajímavý. Toho Hollywoodu, kterej točí zábavu. Věškerý virtuální reality. Boha ze svých životu prostě nevymažete, i kdybyste chtěli. Máte rádi … jen s jinými tvářemi - Tvl, on s ní podvádí Jennifer Connelly! - Jak muže rozbít stroje rychlostí. Tydle nesrovnalosti mi strašně vadí. Navíc je to druhá nejvíc homosexuální postava mezi Avengerama, hned po Starkovi - A taky bezvýznamná - At se tam rozmázne, kráva v červenym autě. Ser na ní! Stejně má doma deprimovanýho psa a je to pýča! Já ty Avengery, falešný hrdiny, fakt nechápu - We are clear here. We are very not clear - Zase ta hnusná ultra zbytečná neefektivní lod. Kvuli ní museli zvednout pul města do vzduchu, aby pro ni našli ve scénáři místo. Jestli todle někoho oslní, tak mě teda ne. V jednice to byl jen bezva terč - Záchranný moduly. V klidu at počkal, až přelezou, a zase jí zničej jedinej motor - This is best what I can do. This is exactly what I want… ALL OF YOU AGAINST ALL OF ME - Together - Proč mi to tolik připomíná X-Men-a - Jo já si řikal, že v pokračování nebyl - Sondico 1 - Kráska a zvíře - Tady nejde o lítající město debilové, ale padající meteor - They are DOOMED - Yes - You are barely NAIVE - Well, I was born yesterday (tak to bylo trefný) - You hope for the best, then make do wih what you get - Nothing lasts forever - No matter who wins or loses, trouble still comes around - To v titulcích je právě válka bohu proti obrum, potomkum padlých andělu, kteří, až zničí svět, padnou v poslední bitvě


Gravitace (2013) 

Díky za tip, Fobije! Nečekal jsem to. Škoda slov, todle se musí vidět, audio k dokonalýmu zážitku na pozadí nějaký aplikace prostě nestačí! Chladnokrevnej Mathew Kowalsky se jistě zapsal do světové kinematografie tak, že mu i Drsný Harry závidí, přitom nebyl na scéně ani 20 minut! A pokud mu nedošel kyslík, tak o něm ještě uslyšíme! Hezký komentář Natálije a vesmír neexistuje, zjistěte si o tom něco Luke 12/2. Bad feeling about mission. Chain reaction. Blackout. Debris. One hell of a ride. Are you ready? - 74 GTO - This jetpack is one prime piece of trust - Tell them I still prefer my 67 Corvette, though - Gravitace asi není uplně ideální název pro tendle film - He appears to be doing some form of the Macarena. But that would be just a best-guess scenario on my part - Visual examination doesn reveal any damaged components. The problem must be originating from the comms panel - Seventy-minutes shy? Never crossed me mind - Assistence appreciated. Permission granted - Mind if I enjoy the fun? Certainly - How you feel in? Like Chihuahua thats being tumble-dried - Its just new set of eyes to scan the edge of the universe - You are genius here, I just drive the bus (…) - Right now is your eyes bloodshot - Cant beat the view - What do you like to being up there? Silence - Huston, I have a bad feeling about this mission - Please elaborate - Its the same feeling I had about Mardi Gras in 1987 - Please proceed - Well, its day one and Im bumping my way down Bourbon Street looking for a sister of a friend of mine… - Put a bow on it - Chain reaction - Half of North America just lost their Facebook. Expect communication blackout at any moment - I know you never realized how devastatingly good-looking I am, but I need you to stop staring and help me - They dont hear us. We dont know that. Thats why we keep talking - Okey. Pretty scary shit being untethered up here - Well, you were not so bad yourself - Grab him like hes your valentine - I cant engage my thrust with you two yo-yoing around - STS-157 - Down there. Mother Earth - Where do you pitch your tent? - Lake Zurich. Illinois, centre time zone - NPR. Classical. Top 40 - Somebody special? Somebody down there looking up? - So now that we have some distance between us, you are attracted to me, right? - But I crashed it. Its simulator, thats what its designet for - We detach this and we gome home. Piece of cake - I get it, its nice up here. You can just shut downa all the systems, turn out all the lihgts, close your eyes and tune you everybody - Whats the point of living? If you decide to go, then you gotta just get on with it. Sit back, enjoy the ride. You go to plant both your feet on the ground and start living lif - Landing is lunching. Landing is green - Mama found her red shoe - You kee dropping and you are gonna hiss the atmosphere. But not without mw, because you are my last ride - No more just driving, lets go home! - I HAD BAD FEELING ABOUT THIS MISSION - Theres only two possible outcomes. Either I make it down there in one piece and I have one hell of a storry to tell, or I burn up in the next 10 minutes - No harm, no foul! - And by the way (pohled do kamery) IT LL BE ONE HELL OF A RIDE


Star Wars: Síla se probouzí (2015) 

To jste mi měli říct, že tam hraje taková broskvička, stáhnul bych si to v lepší kvalitě! Na druhou stranu by se mi z toho opičáka mohlo udělat zle! Takovej skrytej rasismus obsadit toho nejnesympatištějšího negroameričana, co byl po ruce! A nikdo ani nepípne, hlavně že to bylo dost rasisticky vyvážený. To, jak neustále sahá na bílou holku, chápu správně jako podněcování k násilí mezi rasami! Jejich románek mi připomínal vztah mezi člověkem a domácím mazlíčkem, což jí jen přidalo na sexepílu, což je taky jedinej duvod, proč stojí za to se na to mrknout. Kromě toho, že v této epizodě hrají skuteční kloni, se něčeho nového opravdu nedočkáte. Ale zpátky k domině, je to taková směs Keiry Knightley (nevím proč mi ji taky připomíná - prej herectvím), Summer Glau a té třetí jsem dlouho nemohl přijít na jméno, ale je to Michelle Monaghan! Kdybych nevědel, o co jde, tak řeknu, co to sakra je, ale vy ani čárku - několikrát během filmu epilepticky zamrká, až z toho jde hruza, ovládá telekinezi a telepatii, ale vy neznabozi si ničeho nevšimnete! Vubec bych se nedivil, kdyby jí v pokračování upadla taky ruka (že mi to předtím nedošlo)! Nějaký body navíc ještě vytěžil novodobej Hitler a konec Republiky, kterej se díky tomu skutečnýmu zapsal do dějin (zase nemáte páru, co?). Temná strana se totiž v reálu opravdu ujala moci, ale jesli se jí tak dá říkat, protože řád vždy souvisel se životem a chaos se smrtí. V dialozích to tentokrát na první zhlédnutí už tak horký nebylo. - Fix - Look, how old you have become - Something far wore has happened to you - First Order rose from the dark side. You did not - Okay, same principle. Use the toggle on the left to switch between missiles, cannons and mad pulse. Use the sight on the right to aim. Triggers to fire - I can do this - Perhaps Leader Snoke should consider using a clone army - My men are exceptionally trained. Programmed from birth - Dont give up hope - FN 2187 / Poe - General Hux - Samething I always do. Talk my way out of it - I GOT A BAD FEELING ABOUT THIS - I used to wonder about this myself. Thought it was a bunch of mumbo-jumbo. A MAGICAL POWER HOLDING TOGETHER GOOD AND EVIL, the dark side and the light. Crazy thing is - its true - What fight? - The only fight against the dark side. Throu the ages I HAVE SEEN EVIL IN MANY FORM. The Sit. The Empire. Today it is the First Order. Their shadow spreading across galaxy. We must face them. Fight them. All of us - If you live long enought, you see same eyes in different ppl - I ran - right into you - Come with me. Dont go! - The belonging you seek is not behind you, it is ahead - I m not Jedai, but I know the Force. It moves through and surrounds every living thing - The BELONGING YOU SEEK IS NOT BEHIND you, but (it is) ahead - Close your eyes. See it. The light, its always been there. It will guide you - Today is the END OF THE REPUBLIC. The end of a regime that acquiesces to disorder. At this very moment in a system far from here the New Republic lies to the galaxy while secretly supporting the treachery of the loathsome Resistance. This fierce machine which you have built upon which we stand will bring an end to the Senate! To their cherished fleet. All remaining systems will bow to the FO! And will remember this as the last day of the Republic! (krásná řeč) - Good question for another time - FN-417, hold position - Go straight at them! Dont let these dogs scare you! - That is one hell of a pilot! - A night, desperate to sleep - You afraid, that you will never be as strong as Darth Wader - The scavenger resisted you!? - NEFILIM - Yeah I will drop my weapon. Lol - Some things never change. You still drive me crazy. - Přiznám se, že donedávna jsem netušil, že v tom hrál Ford a že sei to rozdal s Leiou - Oh really you are cold? - T-17s - You have incoming at 28.336. - Escape now, hug later - Girl knows her stuff - I want to be free from this pain, but I dont know if I have strength to do it - Hit the targed hard - When he gets what he wants he ll crush you - REPTILIANS - It is time to complete this training


Star Wars: Epizoda IV - Nová naděje (1977) 

Nebo to byla čtyřka, kde sejmuli tu Mrtvou planetu? Budu upřímnej, nepamatuji si pořádně ani jednu epizodu, tadle sága mě naprosto minula, ale na snad kultovní "čtvrtý" díl si matně vzpomínám, protože to dávali v Kinoboxu a už od 20.00h na ČT! Docela mám chut se na to podívat znova, abych viděl ten rozdíl se sedmým dílem, protože jak to po dvaceti letech dojebali, snad ani není možný! - Ty jo, takový efekty v 77, to jsem nečekal! Poč tam nepostavili ke vstupu kulomet?? Musím uznat, že oproti sedmičce jsem čekal větší nářez, ale zase je to nabytý spiritualismem. Docela drsný, takhle jsem si to pamatoval, byl to horor! - We not need to see their identification (to snad ne, on to fakt udělal) - Sorry about mess - Jabba, you are wonderful human being - Tho more you tighten your grip, more stars systems will slip through your fingers - You are fare too trusting - Hokey religions and antient weapons are no match for a blaster at your side - You dont believe in force, do you? - Your eyes can deceive you. Dont trust them - Thats not Moon. 327 Rozhodně mnohem lepší. - TK 421 - I prefere straight fight to sneaking around - Shes rich - Kloni by měli být stejně velcí - 2187 - Arnt you little short for a storm trooper? - Dont underestimate the Force - You, my friend, are all thats left of their religion - Either Im gonna kill her, or Im beginning to like her - 3263827 - Somebody get that big walking carpet out of the way - Dont get cocky (to je nákej kod už) - IF MONEY IS ALL YOU LOVE, THEN THATS WHAT YOU LL RECEIVE - Your friend is quite a mercenary - May the Force be with you (talmud) - This will be a day long remembered. The END OF REBELLION


Star Wars: Epizoda I - Skrytá hrozba (1999) 

Jedna za Padmé... musím uznat, že jsem v tom měl donedávna slušnej chaos... jesli to nebyl záměr točit to pozpátku! - I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war - Dead-brain - Brainless - The ability to speak does not make you intelligent - Exsqueeze me - Blast us into oblivion - Atlantida - Life-debt - Your gods demand that his life belongs to me now - Begone with him - I will not cooperate - In time the suffering of your ppl will persuade you to see our point of view - Amidala? Ona má ještě druhý jmeno, víš? Padmé! A pak vystoupila Portmanová. Byla jí opravdu jen podobná. A ted mi dochází, že to je možná Keira Knightley, když má tolik prostoru a někde jsem slyšel, že ji dablovala – doslova - Tak Keira tam nehrála. Ale hrála – Sabé (musíš bejt trpělivej) - Darth Maul - Padme, clean up this droid as best you can (aha, to je krycí jmeno) - Im glad to have met you - Outlanders - Outskirts - Another solution will present itself - You must have Jedi reflexes if you race pods - Laser sword - We were stranded here - I can fix anything - Greed can be a powerful ally - You say the biggest problem in this universe is nobody helps each other - He was meant to help you - He has special powers. He can see things before they happen. Thats why he appears to have such quick reflexes. Its a Jedi trait - The Force is unusually strong with him - Who was his father (oni opisují Bibli) - There was no father. I carried him, I gave birth, I raised him. I cant explain what happened (nefilim) - Antikrist – má vzejít z prostitutky, dočetl jsem se o tom následující den – nemravná žena posedlá dáblem bude žít na poušti jako prostitutka - I cant explain what happened - The reading is off the chart. Even Master Yoda doesnt have a midi-chlorian count that high. No Jedi has - Hes a credit to your race - We let the fate decide (chance cube) - Better stop your friends betting, or I will end up owning him too (I ll tell you later) - What would he mean by that? - Concentrate on the moment - Feel, dont think - Use your instincts - The queen trusts my judgment. You assume too much - Tusken Raiders - Poo doo! - The crowds are going nuts - Another pathetic life-form - Nothing happens by accident - This path has been placed before you - Yippee - You cant stop the change any more than you can stop the sun from setting - I will come back and free you, mom. I promise - A little too warm for my taste. Space is cold - Many things will change, but my caring for you will remain. I care for you too - The entire planet is one big city (Coruscant) - The queen is a bein grossly nice, Mesa thinks. Pitty hot - There is no interest in common good - Master Qui-Gon - I have encountered a vergence in the Force - You refer to the prophecy of the one who will bring balance to the Force - Finding him was the will of the Force - Her heart goes with you - I object! There is no proof - We recommend a commission be sent to Naboo to ascertain the truth - On the payroll of the Trade Federation - The point is conceded - Will you defer your motion to allow a commission to explore the validity of your accusations? - I will not defer (váhat/odkládat). I ve come before you to resolve this attack on our sovereignty now - I was not elected to watch my ppl suffer and die while you discuss this invasion in a committee - If this body is not capable od action, I suggest new leadership is needed - Now they will vote now chancellor, one who will not let our tragedy continue - Apprentice (impossible to take second) - Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering (Im enjoying) - A budu o to víc štastnej, až tě uslyším kvičet, ty malá česká svině - I pray you will bring sanity and compassion back to the senate - His fate is uncertain. His future is clouded - Your focus determines your reality - Microscopic life-form resides within all living cells (midi-chlorians) - Living together for mutual advantage (symbionts) - Without them life could no exist and we would have no knowledge of the Force. They continually speak to us, telling us the will of the Force. When you learn to quiet your mind, oyu will hear them speaking to you (2020-05-29) neuveřítelný - I can only protect you. I cant fight a war for you - The battle is a diversion - Co takhle přerušit signál droidum? Todle by nefungovalo - Hes the choosen one. He will bring balance - Bring peace and prosperity to the Republic - Need that you do not


Star Wars: Epizoda V - Impérium vrací úder (1980) 

"Carrie Fisher je přitažlivá asi jako týden nošené ponožky", nesouhlasim, Lea byla jeden z duvodu, proč jsem si to po těch 20 letech pustil, a není to tak zlý! Zdá se mi, že i trochu hraje. V prvním pokračování je mnohem přitažlivější! Rozhodně jsem netušil, že měla románek s Fordem! Jinak žádnýho technologickýho poskoku v efektech jsem si nevšiml, kromě toho, že jsem to poslouchal v hindštině (zajímavej jazyk). Souboj dobra se zlem, tak si říkám, co by se stalo, kdyby temná strana zmizela, budeme se tady blešit se psy v nekonečný letargii? Konečně díl bohatší na dialog! - The boy has no patience - Much anger in him, like his father - Jedi must have deepest commitment. The most serious mind - All his life has he looked away to the future, to the horizont - Never his mind on where he was - What he was doing Hmph! Adventure. Exciting. Ha! A Jedi craves not these things - You are reckless! - He is too old to begin the training. But I have learned so much. Will he finish what he begins? - Jedi strenght flows from the Force. But beware of the Dark side! - The dark side of the Force are they, easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight - If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny - Consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wans apprentice. Vader - Is the dark side stronger? - No, no no. QUICKIER, EASIER, MORE SEDUCTIVE - How do I know the good side from the bad? - You will know when you are calm, at peace, passive - A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack - There is no why. Nothing more will I teach you today - What is there? Only what you take with you - Blip blip beep beep - Only different in your mind (there is no spoon) - YOU MUST UNLEARN WHAT YOU LEARN - Theres no try. Do or not - Its too big - Size matters not - And a powerfull all is it. Life creates it makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and bind us - LUMINOUS BEINGS ARE WE, not this crude matter. You must feel Force around you. Here, between you and me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, even between land and the ship - You want the impossible - I dont believe it. - That is why you fail. - Through the Force thing you will see. Other places. The future. The past. Old friends long gone - I saw city in the clouds - Friends you have there. Always in motion is the future - Decide you must how to serve them best - If you leave now, help them you could, but you destroy all for which they have fought and suffered - This is dangerous time, when you will be TEMPTED BY THE DARK SIDE of the Force - Only fully trained Jedi knight with the Force as his ally will conquer Vader and his emperor - It is you and your abilities the emperor wants - If you end your training now, if you chose the quick and easy path, as Vader did, YOU WILL BECOME AN AGENT OF EVIL - Dont give in to hate. That leads to dark side - I m altering the deal - You have controlled your fear - Now release your anger, only your hatred can destroy me (Vader) - Vyvolal paniku, dobře - Vader se mi líbí, je to jedinej záporák, kterej má věci pod kontrolou - There are not enought scoundrels in your life? - Scoundrel (ničema) - Dont be excited - Captain, being held by you isnt quite enought to get me excited - Minocks! - Shoo! Shoo! - We are doomed! The Cave is collapsing! - Bounty hunters - Whats your next move? - Sorry, am I interrupting anything? - Not really - You old smoothie - You look absolutely beautiful. You belong here with us among the clouds. - Would you join me for little refreshment? - Everyones invited, of course (tvl, on ji dá) - Minding Guild - You certainly have a way with pp


Star Wars: Epizoda II - Klony útočí (2002) 

Začínám si budovat názor, že Lucasovy Star Wars jsou tolik kultovní především díky efektum, postavám a především hudbě. Ale co příběh, scénář. Co to všichni melete? Bylo potřeba vytvořit protiklady, a na nich si ukázat rozdíl, jak jednají rytíři Jedi, a pak vy přecitlivělý kurvičky, když vám někdo hned nevyhoví. Přišlo vám to přeslazený, ale přesně takhle se v reálu chováte sami. Dáváte přednost citum před faktickým výkonem. Lucas si to jen dovolil zfilmovat. Současně jsem sledoval ságu Twilight, a ve srovnání s Edwardem byl Anakin ještě snesitelnej – navíc byl ve výcviku a právě na jeho vztahu s Padmé/Amidalou, matkou, bylo krásně vidět, jaké okolnosti jej přivedly na temnou stranu. Nehledě na spoustu pravd o našem univerzu, které tam zazněly, ačkoli byly zařazeny do poněkud pohádkového světa, aby asi byly přístupny co nejširšímu publiku, nebo jen prostě proto, že to je Lucasuv styl. Naopak akční jsem pasáže přeskakoval – prostě mi přišly dětinský, a spíš si užíval chvíle, kdy se kamera zaměřila na zadekeček Natálky Portmanový – v tomhle díle/filmu je naprosto rozkošná. - 2018-04-24 - You did your duty. Cordé did hers - We are keepers of the peace, not soldiers (Jedi) - The dark side clouds everything. Impossible to see the future is - We will discuss this matter later - Seeing you alive brings warm feelings to my heart - Hes a political idealist, not a murderer - Its not in his character - And you will learn your place, young one (to mě zaujalo) - Hele, Mass Effect, Afterlife - Dreams pass in time - Just being around her again is intoxicating - Be mindful of your thoughts. They betray you - Palpatine - I hate it when he does that - Todle je zajímavý - Jedi business. Go back to your drinks - Ted je z toho detektivka - In some ways I m really ahead of him. I m ready for the trials, but he feels that I m too unpredictable. He wont let me move on. That must be frustrating. He doesnt understand - All mentors have a way of seeing more of our faults than we could like - Dont try to grow up too fast (but I m grown up) - Dormé - Jedi protector - Those analysis drones only focus on symbols. I should think that you Jedi would have more respect for the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Well, if droids could think, there would be none of us here, would there? (2020-05-28) - Are you allowed for love? I thought that was forbidden for a Jedi. Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is central to a Jedis life. You have changed a lot. You havnt changed a bit. You are exactly the way I remember you in my dreams - Younglings - Todle se mi líbí - Rozhodně si nepřijdu jako ve Star Wars (síla a tak) - The day we stop believing democracy can work, is the day we lost it - Let the sun dry us - Soft and smooth (písek) - Created about 5 yrs ago (cloning center) - Mentioned growth acceleration - Mature clone would take a lifetime to grow (half time) - They are totally obedient taking any order without question - We modified their genetic structure to make them less independent than the original host - Unaltered clone. Pure genetic replication - Jango Fett (kdo ty jmena vymejšlel) - Jedi mind trick - They only work on the weak-minded - Dreamy eyes, very cute - All right, I get the picture - To je fakt uplná Keira Knightley v obličeji - I dont think the system works. The trouble is that ppl dont always agree. Well, then they should be made to. By whom? Someone wise. Sounds an awful lot like a dictatorship to me (drž pyču, ty malá kurvo). Well, if it works - You are making a fun of me - I would be much too frightened to tease a senator - Ovoce jíst vidličkou, to jsou mi novinky - If you are suffering as much as I am, please, tell me (za co!) - I wish that I could just wish away my feelings - Jedi dont have nightmares - I will go with you (tím to vyřešila) - A z toho člověka, co dával přednost citum, se stal Darth Wader? - Seismic charges (to je pěkný) - Bless my circuits - Stepbrother - Our mother had gone early, like she always did to pick mashrooms - Jaktože sedí dřív než princezna? A nepomuže jí ze šatu? - Ale ten záběr na její bříško je pěknej - Walk like man, but vicious (zpustlý/zkažený), mindless monsters (Tusken Raiders) - I dont want to give up on her - Theres little hope shes lasted this long - I wont be long - I am a man of my word - What you are proposing could be constructed as treason - Techno union army - The Banking clan - Battle droids - Jedi owerwhelmed. The Republic will agree to any demands we make - Pain, suffering, dead I feel - I m good at fixing things. Why couldnt I save her? - Sometimes there are things no one can fix - You are not all-powerful, Ani - I will even learn to stop ppl from dying - I killed them all. But the women and the children too - They are like animals and I slaughtered them like animals - To be angry is to be human - Corruption in the senate - The Republic was now under the control of the dark lord of the Sith - Hundreds of senators are now under influence of a Sith lord called Darth Sidious - It may be difficult to secure your release - I will lay down when this crisis has abated (Palpatine) - And as my first ACT with this new authority I will create a grand army of the Republic to counter the increasing threats of the separatists - Visit I will the cloners on Kamino - Columns of steam, exhaust vents of some type - That will do - As a member of the senate (kráva, chtějí její hlavu) maybe I can find a diplomatic solution to this mess. Dont worry. I have given up trying to argue with you (nápodobně) - You obviously have a great deal to learn about human behavior - Prince of Persia - Oh my goodness. Shut me down! - I think our lives are about to be destroyed anyway (forbidden love) - She seems to be on top of things (aha, Deadpool) - This isnt how its supposed to be - Im programmed for etiquette, not destruction - 2018-04-24 - Die, Jedi dogs! (pustil si konec) - You call this diplomatic solution? No I call it aggrresive negotiations (nd) - Surrender and your lives will be spared - To je sexy, vy český kurvy - There are too many - Our communication has been jamed - Star Wars, opravdu - If they find out what we are planning to build, we are doomed (ultimate weapon) - Dont let your personal feelings get in the way - She would do her duty (ty pýčo, tak on se rozhoduje až na základě jejího vzoru – a ještě správně, o to je to horší) - Buzeranti zasraní - Vlastně nám dospělou formou (myslím ty dialogy) ukazujou, kam lidskej sameček klesnul - Master Kenobi - Uh-huh - I would have thought you had learned your lesson. I am a slow learner - Much to learn you still have - Knowledge of Force, skill of lightsaber - Padawan - Sweet home, sweet home - Master Sidious - Lord Tyranus - Good news. The war has begun - Everything is going as planned - The shroud of the dark side has fallen. Begun the Clone War has


Děcka jsou v pohodě (2010) odpad!

To protože lesby nejsou sympatické ani přitažlivé. To je jen naše chlapská představa, že to jsou dvě nádherný olejem potřený holky, který po sobě lezou v posteli! Realita je trochu jiná. Většinou jde o pyče, o které chlap nezavadí ani pohledem a jsou spolu jen proto, že nikdo normální jim nerozumí, a tak hledají pochopení u stejného pohlaví. Jak dojemný! Ve skutečnosti je odmítl Buh - jako všichny devianty - a místo toho, aby činily pokání, tak se mu protiví dál. No a Hollywood se nás snaží přesvědčit o tom, že to je v podstatě normální a nakonec bychom je měli přijmout mezi sebe a tolerovat, což je v přímém rozporu se Starým zákonem, kde by by tydle mrtky hodily do ohně - a asi věděli proč. Jsou to demoni, co manifestují v lidských tělech. Nejdřív jsem myslel, že jsem místo Wasikowský stáhl nějaký porno, a taky že jo! Za takovýdle filmy by režije neměla dostávat Oscary, ale stát před popravčí četou! No, snad si na ně Dábel něco už brzo vymyslí!


Moon (2009) 

"Kéž by se David Fincher chopil jednou režie Survivora s Rockwellem v hlavní roli, to by byla pecka..." (26.4.2009) SHARKY. Hm, tak se mu snad splnil sen, ví o tom vubec? Špinavý skafandry, uplně v pohodě. Rockwella si v takový „sci-fi“ mužu špatně představit, takže pro mě samo o sobě zajímavej film, uvidíme, jesli nabídne něco víc. Jak tam mužou poslat někoho, kdo má rodinu a neumí se zabavit jinak než ořezáváním dřevěných figurek….. kromě ostatního, je moc měkkej. Já bych se tam třebas nenudil, ale zase bych zapomněl obsluhovat stroje, takže by mě z Měsíce vyrazili. On tam má hologram na píchání? Tak co mu chybí! Ten robot by měl změnit hlas, jesi si chce získat jeho sympatie. Jeden muž na obsluhu rafinerie na Měsíci. To je děsivý. To bych se tak nechal zavřít na stanici s psychopatickym robotem! Proč si nevymysleli lepší lež? Jaktože z Měsíce jsou vidět hvězdy a ze satelitních snímku nad Zemí ne? Jsme fakt placka? Nakonec se z toho vyklubalo pjekný psycho! Počítač s vlastní morálkou. Time of reboot. Člověk jako ideální pracovní nástroj se všemi smysly a tím, co jej odlišuje od zvířat, dokonalé popření Božího díla! - 938 - How he flies off the handle (cože) - Back and forth exchange - Clean energy worldwide due to the hard work of ppl like you