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Recenze (618)


Icefall (2014) 

Kratičké video s vizuálními vychytávkami a záběry úžasných sportovních výkonů.


Interstellar (2014) 

The whole background of this ambitious project, which was directed by Christopher Nolan, is sheltered with visionary preview of potential apocalyptic scenario. Interstellar was made as an outstanding blockbuster with a huge scale of things to look at and think about. Starting with marketing or the way, how producers approched the audience, it is charismatic work of art. Viewer is faced with a thrilling ride through the space time and teories and thanks to modern technology he is able to absorb digital show of endless ideas. Even though it is all about humanity and future societies, there is a space for own thoughts and doubts. Interstellar might the next stage of production of Sci-Fi movies for big screens, but it is important to look at it with gentle scepticism, because it has marks of american pride and uniqueness without needed self-criticism. Nolans brothers are giving no chance to breathe out, because of throwing one clue after another, and this filming technique works as a great shield against raising of several arguments. Insterstellar is made in a exceptional quality and it reached the point, when you can just sit and observe and admire the perfection.


Interview (2014) 

Connection of Seth Rogen as director, screen writer, produces, actor together with James Franco as producer and actor is simply not working, becuase there is nothing exceptional, what could possibly entertain. Screen lines are often too stupid, so the good ones can’t make it up for those, which are totally out of content. The idea of presenting the political regime and the way of life in the North Korea trough the interview with Kim Jong-un, has a lot of blank places and loopholes. Nevertheless there is no wonder that this movie worked as perfect trigger for disccusions about barriers in movie industry and there shouldn’t be any, so whole concept has its point. The Interview is not that funny as it surely could be, but if some of the references would be driven deeper, then the outcome could be much better. At this state this movie was created as illusion of illusion and that is not enough.


Into the Light (2014) 

Efektní zachycení náročného lezeckého výstupu na netradičním místě s poutavou pointou a zpracováním.


Jídlo, s.r.o. (2014) (pořad) 

Věcné, v lecčem poučné, trefné a leckdy zajímavé v tom smyslu, že se jedná o projekt, který provokuje a vytváří prostor k diskuzím nejen o jídle. Formát samozřejmě zapadá do koncepce internetové televize a vzhledem k probírané látce těží z profanovanosti tohoto tématu, kterého se tvůrci zhostili zase o něco jinak, než v podobných pořadech.


Kalvárie (2014) 

Drama, where the atmosphere is absolutely unique and actors are making very good job of keeping the quality up high. The disadvantages are the unnecessary time stoppage and too much of screen time for Brendan Gleason, because it's almost like the director is obsessed of his face.


Kancelář Blaník (2014) (seriál) 

Věc, která obsahuje nejenom satiru, ironii, sarkasmus, pohrdání současné politické scény, což má za následek, že mnohdy jsou scénky k popukání a nízko nákladové natáčení s důrazem na scénář je trefné. Kancelář Blaník je zvláštní v tom, jak se strefuje do potřeb českého diváka a tím nabízí zaručenou zábavu.


Kašmír (2014) 

Skiing expedition right into the intense atmosphere of Kashmir had to be very hard for several reasons and audiovisual outcome says at least some of the story from area like this.//Snow film fest//Kopřivnice//80,-


Kilo Dva Bravo (2014) 

Kajaki deals with something what was very hard to demonstrate authentically, but the production went really well. Horrifying.


Kingsman: Tajná služba (2014) 

When you consider movies, which goes currently to the cinemas, then Kingsman: The Secret Service has great amount of potential, even though you don’t have to be the biggest fan of espionage alias „James Bond“ movies. It has big deal of fresh ideas and also great amount of exaggeration, so there is enough of funny moments and surprising moments. Content is very rich, so you can choose what to like from various elements. Whole timeline is being pushed forward with decent pace. Kingsman: The Secret Service relaxing and sarcastic with modern outlook.