

Recenze (28)

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kdy přesně to mělo bejt jako vtipný? Fakt tohle má bejt sranda? Výdyť tam nikdo neprděl, neházeli po sobě hovnama, nedělali si srandu z mentálů, tepláků a tranďáků. Prostě nudná sračka tvářící se jako artovka. Chloe, vyser se na takový sračky a toč pořádný Hitgirl ()


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Chvíľu som si myslel, že ide o nejaký moderný upgrade Luckyho Luia, no je to ľahký pohľad na "trápenie" určitej vrstvy američanov. Pán Malkovich to okorenil ako sa len dalo, celkovo veľmi výnimočný, no netradičný snímok. 65% ()


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Hi, China - Hi, Ralph (miluju tohodle chlapa) - Spring break - Shes sparing you - They had some fucked up shit going on - Mother, may I? - Shes not spring breaker - Could I take the jet? Just so I dont have to go to the airport and deal with the whole security thing. And the line, they are so long - 5 months, wow. I didnt even know… I didnt-I never heard that you were married - You just doing it (baby) - Romcom - Its not horror movie, its about female empowerment - Its empowering for womam to show a guy her tits and then slit his throat? Would you rather he raped her? I wish therewas one other option (a kdo píše tydle dialogy) - This whole movie is about fucking men. Men have fucked us for long enough, so its time for us to fuck back. You know, to claim the world and finally be in the power position - Its feminism - Its kind of funny coming from you. What? Never mind. No, why? Your life is not exactly a great platform for feminism (museli to nějak skloubit dohromady) - Like lay in a bikini in your dads high-rise apartment and then watch one reverse horror-porn movie and then start sayin you are feminist - FEMINISM is about taking care of yourself. Its about being independent, and being on your own - If you gonna compete with men your STRENGTH has to come from your own abilities and your own victories. Not from rejecting and hating men from a lounge on the deck - Gap year. Ted se chová jako asshole - Grace and Glen - Heaven (horror porn movie) - Im teasing - How do you know her? We go back a while - Im very big admirer of yours - Its not something Im in love with. I dont have a feel for it. Then, why are you doing it? - Todle nikdy ve filmech nebylo, celý se to točí kolem naší společnosti, zkažený společnosti, která už neví kam směřovat, zbyl jen materialismu, komfort a pohodlí - But you know when you get in that kind of mode after a while where you just sorta (sort of) just start kinda making stuff just cause you can - How did you come up with the name China? Oh, China, uh, her mom. Thats her mothers name? Lol no, her mother named her. And you just stood there. Thats basically it - We sort of dated, when we was younger (aha) - So you are an intersectional feminist? A radical feminist? - I dont know. Its just something I started thinking about - Thats the best way. If it starts with your own feelings. Then you reach out into the world (a tady udělají čárku) find out who else things the way you do. thats how those movements (2017) from - Yo, your average garden-variety feminist, not that they like to be called that, so but your basic feminist wants women to succed on an equal basis within the existing systém, but your radical feminist says – lets throw out the patriarchy, destroy the whole system, start from scratch (radical feminism) - And they have a point bcs the patriarchy has pretty awful track record - Hitler or Genghis Khan, Donald Trump (spojil ho s nima a to není náhoda). These are some of the great products of the patriarchy - Zatímco se ženy-feministky snaží uspět na mužské urovni, muži… jsou v ofsaidu - Humans are human. I dont thing gendermakes much difference - Jane Hitler. Doris Khan. Somehow still Donald Trump, I think (ha ha ha) - Personally, I think its just busywork. All these different groups of ppl trying to figure out how could we solve everything. Whats the key to making humanity work? - Where really, civilization, no matter how you slice it, it is a necessary messy complex of barely coherent diseaster of ppl loving and hating each other, kissing and murdering, telling stories and lies, buying and stealinf from each other. There is no solution - The great poetry comes from our flaws (chyby) - Tak jsem si zašil rukavice - Direction is overrated - I can only go by what I see in front of me - Boorish and rude person with no boundaries - I did say that - I feel like I just saw your dick go inside her. Thats gross. Shes pregnant - Černobílej film s iPhonama a laptopama, čeho se ještě nedožiju, a pak že už jsem viděl všechno - Stáhnul jsem si to, protože je to výborná herečka, ale tendle film je sám o sobě výbornej - To look at young girls - I enjoy chamber music, certain abstract sculpture (co tím myslí, firuríny), and private school Manhattan girls - Sure, Im pervert, at least Im talking to you like a normal human being instead of leering at you like you are a roast chicken - Im interested in the whole person (má to složitý) - Its not just about your perfect body. Its about where you are in this journey of life and humanity - You are doing all the talking - You are right. Thats absolutely fair. Thats correct - I realize that that comment is meant to shame me into shutting up - Im gonna be talking, bcs ppl your age tend to think in short bursts. Bcs you experienced less time. You havent yet understood how very, very long this conversation is (u mě pořád dobrý) - And Im only in fact in the first stanza of the first paragraph (možná chybí trochu zkušenosti s násilím) - Zase je to tam násilně napasovaný – už nevymějšleji vlastní příběh, píšou ten náš - The gold bikini never dies. I would be caught dead in that thing. If you were, oyu wouldnt be the first - Thats actually pretty cute (to jí sluší, protože to zakrývá její křivky) - You wear that to the pool where you treat everyone like crap until your father hires a pool boy from El Salvador who teaches you how to hallucinate by licking certain toados - He had a character and a story for every outfit - Now, this is what you were wearing when you were abducted by Russian slave traders (se z něho poseru) - And it looked terrific at first, but by the time you get to Minsk, it was all dirty bcs you ahve been duct taped for a week - That guy is a master - And then we went in the park - It was the best fucking time that I have had in yrs (tak snadno, stačí málo) - Im kinda hungry - Paříž dáme příště - 2019-02-13 - Mystery is desert - Fall hard for a pretty girl - I hope its not a sore point - Shes quite the hit (nvm) - I think you are smarter than to be scared of it - Only poor ppl are pedophiles, bcs we are Leslie Doodwin - Ona je hodně luxusní - We areafter a higher sense of personel stimuls and we are not bound by social mores and whatever. I mean hes an old fuck with a shady past - Shes not competent to give consent (tady jsem za ním – říkal to i Leslie sám) - Shes like Disney princess on estrogen (child, knows nothing) - I mean, she could do a lot worse (tady jsem za ní) - Old man and a girl (kráska a zvíře). Im mean doesnt society have to protect her (jako kdyby tam k něčemu mezi nimi došlo – tak snad jsi ji vychoval dobře ne)? - Person isnt a number (shes 17) - Why would a person sexually mature at 13, or 12, and then be wxpected to be put on ice for five or six yrs (do jejich biologického ideálu) - Grown-ups (not sex with) - Old man fucking a kid (this is wrong) - Tak jestli nemá jistotu, že to spolu dělají, tak možná proto ji oprávněně nechtěl pustit. Mně to ani nenapadlo! Navíc je to jeho idol, a jeho malá holčička je na seznamu oblíbenosti hned za ním. Mísí se tady hrozně ruzných temat. Otčí sobecká láska (sám je pedofil) a sociální problémy, do kterých jsou naši hrdinové násilně vtaženi. Dyt to mohl bejt krásnej výlet k moři! I kdyby ji prcal, ledasčemu by se od něj přiučila (nejenom v posteli) - Místo toho, aby sám prcal Grace Cullenovou, tak si dělá hlavu/starost o svoji malou - No ofence, but you are not mother yet (na telefonu byl lepší … ale zase na druhou stranu si umí stát za svým) - Go let your daughter fuck a corpse. Which I didnt say (a inteligentní) - You were fucking around and you got caught (vztahy jsou složité) - Nobody knows what happens in a marriage except those two ppl - I learned from that, just its never to think you know anything about somebody else or to think that you can judge anybody on their private life - Thi is basic. This is math. Hes old and shes a kid (kdyby to byl Hrabal, tak neřeknu) - I didnt meant to go that far (kelly family) - Hes a warmer (WTF) - Ale jo, to sedí (super film) - Warmer for what? For leslie (mně to bylo divný – ale čekal jsem, že z něho vypadne něco jinýho – že je to v to pohodě) - Tendle týpek se už jednou trefil s Mother may I? - Like Raymond Ross. He bangs her pretty hard and then she cries (a upřímnej). Goes to the beach, you know, kicks around the sand, abd cries (lol). But then, Leslie steps in (this guy is Master) - Hes kind, hes wise. And shes ready for him now. Shes seasoned. Just enough, but still fresh - What the fuck, Ralph? Where are you getting all of that? - Its all in the pictures, man - Girls want and expect a constant escalation (je to spíš divadelní hra) throughout a relationship. A constant increase in devotion and favors (takže to přiznává). If you treat a girl better every day, she thinks nothing is changing. If you treat her the same throughout, she thinks its getting worse (nestačilo by bejt přirozenej, utřít si do ní čuráka a jít dál) - This is Ralph. I know you from television (myslel že nemá, nesleduje – kecá) - You are hysterically funny. Oh, thanks! - You know what, its a really personal story but someday, you and I will have a drink and I will tell you all about it - Im gonna roll - Hey, you are the king, Leslie. A-and I will find out if you fucked that kid. I feel like you did (tomu se nejde nesmát – na čí straně je) - Palačinky - What are your intentions? - I mean, I find that INTENT quarantees failure (takže ji šukal) - In writting you need intent to create, directions and trust. Without intent, the story stops. In life, certainly with women, you dont have to do anything (přesně). I mean, you just go with the current. Let it happen (pravej opak Hrabala, toho trapnýho opilce) - Shes likes me more than little bit - Whats your gut tell you? - I agreed to do your show, so I could fuck you (bude to mít happyend) - I cant believe I was intimate with you. I feel like I got bait-and-switched in the worst possible way - Not a fan of yours - They have to ask permission to like touch a girl - I used to have a boner for you throughout my teens. So normal (no). I mean, everybodys a pervert (tak jsem to myslel). Who cares? - I like making television (co se nám snaží říct) - I got excited about the idea of writing something that didnt have an ending (spirála života) and had no conclusion (episodes). Which they always seem false to me - Popření všecho starého (Alfa a Omega) - Ongoing - Loved by girl and then rejected by the woman she becomes - If there were a truffle pig for emotions and oyu sent it down into the deepest hole in life, thats the emotion that it would come back with (cože) - Luis C.K. (Glen) directed by - Rose Byrne (Grace) - Charlie Day (Ralph) () (méně) (více)


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Dostal som presne to čo som čakal - niečo nečakané. Zmyselné spojenie starého orchestrom poháňaného filmu so súčasnou tvorbou ,samozrejme okorenené Louieho otvoreným pohľadom na mnohé dôležité témy, a najmä (dvojstranné) pokrytectvo (s prihliadnutím na zatratenie filmu a celej kauzy nezmyselného lynčovania C.K. krátko pred vydaním). Rozhodne nie pre široké publikum, no rozhodne sa oplatí vidieť (a bohužiaľ dnes iba stiahnuť, nakoľko je film iným spôsobom nedostupný. ). A už sme vážne čakali príliš dlho, neberte nám Louieho! ()


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Pocta - alebo pomsta? Horným vrstvám, televíznemu priemyslu, kanálu TNT, výchovným filmom, sebaparódiám, svojmu tímu i štýlu a Charlie Chaplinovi (neskorému)... Neviem rozsúdiť. Jedna extra hviezdička za to, že do tohoto vôbec Louie šiel, aj keď mám silné podozrenie, že hlavne aby zarobil nejaké prachy (a tváril sa pri tom umelecky). Za pozretie stojí. ()


všechny recenze uživatele

Udělá pro dceru všecko, i pitomce ze seb nechá dělat, ale nechat ji postaršímu proutníkovi, to snad nedokáže. ()



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