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Recenze (260)


Pingu (1990) (seriál) 



Kvílení (2010) 

so, then all i had to do was.. look up and see a lot of windows and say: oh windows, of course!


Sherlock (2010) (seriál) 

oh, god. what is it like in your funny little brains? it must be so boring!


Čtyři lvi (2010) 

-you´re gonna die in that gear, lads. -thats more than likely. -proper likely yeah, we´re all going to die yeah.


Somrák s brokárnou (2011) 

some people got a bed to sleep on where they can crawl under the covers and have a good night´s rest. but other people, they don´t have beds at all. instead they gotta find an alleyway or a park bench where some fucker´s not gonna stab them. just cause they don´t got beds doesn´t mean they´re homeless. cause guess what, they´ve got the biggest home of any of us. it´s called "the streets". and right now we´re all standing in their home, so maybe we should show them some goddamn respect. if this is their home, they´ve got a right to keep it clean, don´t they? sometimes on the streets a brom just ain´t gonna fucking cut it.... that´s when you gotta get a shotgun!!! so if you want to kill me, go ahead. but I´ll warn you: from where i´m standing, things are looking real fucking filthy!


Rivalové (1996) 

míček má vlastní energii, řekněme životní sílu. jeho přirozeným prostředím je jamka... tak ho pošli domů. sbalil kufry a už má letenku. vezmi ho na letiště, pošli ho domů.

Časové pásmo bylo změněno