

Nejsledovanější žánry / typy / původy

  • Akční
  • Drama
  • Komedie
  • Horor
  • Sci-Fi

Recenze (1 028)


Není zač (2010) 

Hows your sandwich, grandma? Too fancy. I will save it for a special occasion - Poppy - You are too good for coupons? - Laugh and the world will laughs with you - Mandy Olsen


Death Note (2017) 

WTF? Podíval jsem se na to jen kvuli tý kundičce z reklamy na dámskej deodorant, ale takovej zvrat jsem nečekal. Nechci se k tomu moc vyjadřovat, v podstatě jsem si toho ani moc nezapsal, ale až na dva herce v hlavních rolí a slušnou výpravu to byla strašná směs absurdity a otevřených koncu.


Pád Třetí říše (2004) 

In a war as such this one, is no civilians - Lost sense of reality - We are soldiers. We took an oath (přísahat) - Tvl, to je tak dobrý, že se mi ani nechce přpínat program - Dont pity them - We didnt force the ppl. They gave us mandate. And now they are paying for it - I want to be a beautiful corpse - Things must be started again - My children cannot grow up in a world without National Socialism - If National Socialism dies, there will be no future - Im really happy here and not afraid - I had great plans for Germans and the wordl. Nobody understood me - I can only be proud for openly fighting the Jews (a co česká svině, ta ti utekla mezi prsty – a podívej se ted na ni, jak se naparuje) - If my ppl cannot endure this ordeal I wont shed a tear (přesně – jaktože mu rozumí) - They get what they deserved. They called this fate upon themselves - Loyality and courage still exist in this world - Arrived more or less unharmed - Ritter von Grein and Fraulein Reitsch - Máte pravdu, vy český prasata, Hitler byl dábel – jak jinak by vás tak moc dobře mohl znát? - Life doesnt forgive weakness - This so-called humanity is religious drivel (blábol) - Compassion is an eternal sin. To feel compassion (soucit) for the weak is a betrayal of nature (weak – evil, socialists, liberals, democracy) - The strong can only triumph if the weak are exterminated - I have been always ruthles when faced with internal opposition from other races and thats the only way - What aplies to apes must definitely apply to humans (tady se rozcházíme) - The most loyal of my loyals - Speer, an absent-minded artist - This is part of a huge decoy operation - Theres no mercy for traitors. No compassion - Court-martialled - The battle of Berlin killed of 20,000 of our best soldiers - Thats what young ppl are for (exactly) - The Fuhrer cannot make a honourless disappearance from world history - Do you think the Fuhrer doesnt know? He will never surrender! - Centuries will pass but from the riuns of our cities and monuments, the hatred of the ppl, who did this to us, will continue to flare up - International judaism and its allies - The western democracies are decadent. They will succumb (podlehnout) to the ppl from the east - Tvl, dneska se převrací v hrobě. Čas , aby z něho vstal - Do all that it takes - You are the bravest mutter in the Reich - Order has to RETURN - Ich war auf der Seite der roten Bestien - One day the lie will fall apart and there will be light in the darkness - One day there will be COLLAPSE and truth will triumph once again. At that moment we will stand above everybody pure and (tvl, to je uplně přepis Bible) immaculate (bezvadný) - 30.4. - 7.5. 1945 complete surrender (prej surrender – to si museli asi vymislet nějaký datum) - Hostilities were suspended (pozastaveno) on 8 May (nějak se nevzdávali) - Nuremberg - Nejlepší německej film


Soudný den (2008) 

This is the end of the world - Martial law was implemented - The ppl were ordered to stay in their homes wait for help, that did not come - The idea was simple. Nobody came out, and nobody went in - Those abandoned within the quarantine zone were left to die. Social order decayed along with the corpses. Streets ran with blood as the ppl fought to stay alive. The bodies burned in their thousands. Looting, rape and murder became rife. Fire spread as the cities were plundered, and the last to die became primal savages, feeding on dogs, rats and finally, on each other - Situation has reached breaking point. It now remains only a matter of time before the laws of nature seek to redress the balance - Super! - Leave dying to die - Morality has abandoned these ppl - Its medieval out there - Its feeding time at the fuckin zoo (Noah) - Co to stádo krav? Hovězí vám nechutná? - The wind of change is blowing a hurricane. Give them HELL - The big cheese, the sunshine of your lives (Sol) - Antikrist, dělá z lidé zvířta - Medium fucking rare - Kane thought he could tell us what to do and we told Kane, fuck you… (anarchy) - - You really dont give a fuck, do you? - Theres something you dont see every day - In the land of the infected, the immune man is king - What we have built here from the ashes is pure blood, uninfected the outside world - Cling to hope - There is no cure (of course not) - There never was. We had prevailed here, not because of science, but through natural selection - Survival of the fittest () - We have earned the roght to live here (vyprávěj to někomu za zdí) - Purged of the likes of you - Same shit, different era - Keeping ourselves to ourselves - You dont know the pain - What did you ever lose? - Im not in the mood - I lost my bloody mind - Once the virus has eaten away the dead flesh, then we will make your move - Its a question of a time - Making you a hero of the hour - Could have used someone like you


Thor: Ragnarok (2017) 

Ragnarok has already begun. You cannot stop Ragnarok - Ježíš zase jede. Až na to, že to on vás/nás přijde pást železnou holí - A falešní bohové se vás pokusí zachránit. A vytvořit svuj vlastní řád - Realms completely in chaos - So what do you drink? Not tea - Electronic letter called email - Shes coming - Goddess of Death. Hela - Limitless - Chce se mi spát ve dvanáct - Its come to my attention that you dont know who I am - Our destiny is to rule over all others - Locked me away like an animal - With the eternal flame, you are REBORN (na jednu hodinu) - Sympaták Loki twisted everything, obyvatelé Asgardu jsou zdegenerovaní kriplové, a Hela má dvěře otevřené, aby vládla na hodinu se svými sympatizanty, než je zničí šelma - Hurts, doesnt it? Being lied to. being told you are one thing and then learning its all a fiction - Scrapper 142 - The prophesied death of my homeworld. The end of days, its the end of everything - Red and white (bílá genocida) - I faced her back when I believed in the throne and it cost me everything. Thats whats wrong with Asgard. The throne, the secrets, the whole golden sham - Enslave ppl for that lunetic. Keep drinking, hiding - But me, I choose to run toward my problems and not away from them - Bcs thats what heroes do - Murderous hag - Geodetic strain from the singularity - Absolute top of the line models - I dont mean to impose - Slaves (prisoners with jobs) - Get help - Brother, you are becoming predictable. I trust you, you betray me. Round and round in circles we go. Life is about growth. Its about CHANGE. But you seem to just wanna stay the same (tak to vypadá, že to nebylo jen kvuli jeho charakeru) - You could be more - You never knew him. Not at his best - The stupid dog wont die! - Your savior is here (Loki) - Thor, God of Hammers - Asgard is where our ppl stand (new land) - Hulk a Fenrir si to rozdávají v Moři šílenství - This is about causing Ragnarok - Des a Troy - With the Eternal Flame, you are REBORN - Tremble before me, Asgard. Im your reckoning! - We are fullfiling prophecy - The damage is not too bad. As long as the foundations are still strong - We can REBUILD this place. It will become heaven (ztracený ráj – a pak přijde náhlá zkáza) - Heaven for all ppls and aliens (demons) of the universe - Directed by Taika Waititi (cože???)


Tohle je válka! (2012) 

No kids that I know of - And no ex-wives - So you have never killed anybody with your bare hands? - Not this week (nejlepší je mluvit pravdu) - Twist ending. You will see it coming a mile away - I know movies. And women - A secon-tier title - Rebecca - Notorious - Vertigo - Too much angst - Sweater set, picking out animated movies - For women everywhere - Tuck - He went out on a date. Of course he did. The guys an assassin, slays everything he sets his sights on, right? - You have the emotional intelligence of a 15-year-old boy - Kiss me - Ted to zahraj a napravíš, co jsi pokazil - I dont believe in mistakes - Its the mistakes that make us who we are - Smart for club rat - Dont let your country down, boys (tvl, to je celá afera Nagyová – až na to, že to byli tlustý český prasata, na který by se nikdo v celovečernáku nedíval) - You sound like a woman who has nine cats and knits her ass off - Americká debilní kultura – muž udělá cokoli kvuli nějaký zkurvený krávě, která se stará o zasraný přemnožený čokly v utulku - I think its time for me to be responsible for something other than myself - Too sweet, little earnest - Sex tiebreaker - Sabotage (ST) - Tranq dart - This is so bad. But it feels so good - Love/Be in love (two equally) - Tak todle je smutný konec - Pain is weakness leaving the body


Avengers: Infinity War (2018) 

The universal scales tip toward balance bcs of your sacrifice (ha ha) - Tak nakonec rovnováha bude to zaříkadlo, které nás dovede k lepším zítřkum – ale kdo by to pochopil - Dread it, run from it. Destiny arrives all the same - We really are the worst, brother - I assure you, brother, the sun will shine on us again (věřím, v příštím díle, na novém Asgardu – happyend, jak má být) - Your optimism is misplaced - Let the dark magic flow through me one last time (Heimdall – Bifrost) - We are not on speaking terms - I need you to cause a distraction (spidermana mohli nechat) - Be thankful, that your meaningless lives are now contributing to the balance - He came here to steal a necklace from wizard - It smells like a new car in here - Tak mě napadá, že je ten příběh o hrdinech a záporácích napsán obráceně - Who are you kidding? You are one sandwich away from fat - Only one goal - To bring BALANCE to the Universe by wiping out half of all life (máš lepší plán, ty patetická kurvičko?) - Theres life, there was nothingness - Its like a pirate had a baby with an angel (tolik narážek na jeho puvod) - Bodla tě do oka a zrovna do pravýho, vid, čuráku - You are imitating the god-man (to je prča) - Reality Stone (man Collector) - Power Stone (Xandar) - Space Stone (Thor) - Time Stone (Earth - Strange) - Mind Stone (Earth - Vision) - Soul Stone (Vormir) - The rabbit is correct. I assuming you are the captain - Will you join me on my quest? - Go sit down - Very much like to go there - You simply lack the strength to wield them (weapons of gods) - Is it weird that I wanna do it even more now? - I got it figured out - Pirate-angel (podruhý zmíněno – nefilim) - Ultron – Thor is destroyer (falešnej král) - I bid you farewell and good luck, morons - Chose side or die. One side is a reservation. The other an honor known only to the wheat (tak to je snadný) - Perfectly balanced. As all things should be - Too much to one side, or the other - Now go in peace and meet your maker - Gamora - How long have you been standing there? An hour - I have masteres the ability of standing so incredibly still that I have become invisible to the eye - Knowhere! - Why would I lie? I imagine its like breathing for you - Little one (takže on je – taky – Destroyer, Satan, král podsvětí) - Im way past asking permission - To jsou buzeranti. Parta buzerantu - High price (jak má na mysli jeho – ty nemužeš zničit kámen vědomí) - Complex construct of overlays - Vaguely irritating person - Thanos has been inside my head for six years - Your planet was on the brink of collapse - Its a paradise. Bcs you murdered half the planet (paraziti) - Small price for salvation. You are insane (mně nepřijde) - Simple calculous. This universe (our planet) is finite - If life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist - It needs correction (proč se jí/jim to snaží vysvětlit – musí vědět, že to je zbytečné) - Im the only one who knows that - At least, Im the only one with the will to act on it (v čem to bylo – ah, Human Revolution, Darrow) - Im 15000 yrs old - Im only alive bcs fate wants me alive - Thanos is just the latest in a long line of bastards - And he will be the latest to feel my vengeance - Fate wills it so - I could lose a lot. Me personally (žeru ho, králíka) - Nidavellir - Footlose (movie) - Vormir - Soul holds a special place among the Infinity Stones - The ensure that whoever possesses it, understands its power… The Stone demands a sacrifice - In order to take the Stone, you must lose that which you love. A soul, for a soul (a já si řikal, co hroznýho to bude) - The Universe has jugde you. you asked it for a prize and it told you no (patetická čubka) - I ignored my destiny once (dělej, hod jí tam, vubec se s ní neser) - Pěkně! - Wakanda (tak tydle opice tomu filmu hodně uškodily) - Not bad for the END of the world (ten zestárl) - Proč maj ti zmrdi všichni bradku – to je na počest Končity Salám, kterou se snaží tady na zemi spolu s dalšími 8 mld zmrdu chránit? - Tvl, právě mi nějakej debil z kinosálu strčil hlavu do plátna - What the hell? Todle by asi chtělo vidět v lepší kvalitě - Čuráci za zdí. Jasně, že to bude váš konec. Wakandy vážně nebude škoda, jesli mi rozumíte. Ale já vím, že svůj sluníčkovej život máte moc rádi. O to víc budete kvičet, až o svuj raj na zemi budete přicházet - Debilci rozbili formaci a vrhli se na nějako správný zvířata (co jim taky zbývá) - Neboj se, Thanos mu ten piercing vyndá - All fathers, give me strength - Jdu spát - And what I predicted, came to pass - The hardest choices require the strongest wills - Piece of cake. If your goal was to piss himoff! - Come and get some, space-dogs! - Proč tak rychle stárnou? - Cursed with knowledge - I understand my child, better than anyone - Today I lost more than you can know. But now is no time to mourn (možná by bylo lepší, kdyby jako zosobnění boha neměl žádný tělo – ani nezavdal naději, že ho lze porazit – ale jak by si to ti primitivové v kině potom přeložili) - No is no time at all - Pak že to nejde vyndat. Buzík - Proč radši neproměnil v prach Johansonovou? Taková tlustá kurva, co neumí pořádně ani chodit ,natož dělat salta - Proč jen pulku? - Vždycky, když někoho z Avengeru nechal zmizet, tak jsem zatleskal - But the wicked will perish: Though the LORD's enemies are like the flowers of the field, ... like flowers in the fields. They will vanish like smoke


Sicario: Nájemný vrah (2015) 

Tak todle byla hodně velká nuda. Koukám, že jsem to ani nekomentoval. Zhládl jsem to jenom kvuli zadečku Emilky Blunt. Nebo mi ten komentář cenzurovali! Pokud jste viděli Miami Vice, tak tadle sračka mu nešlape - se mu nelepí ani na paty. Jo a kromě toho, že se tam nic neděje, tak tam ani nic neni. Film slouží akorát jako dobrý rozlišovák mezi filmovými kritiky a dementy, co se dívají a na všechno. Fincher holt šlápnul vedle. Jo ono to bylo nakonec o nájemným vrahovi, tak to jsem to nepochopil. Si řikal, proč ten taman nakonec má tolik prostoru. Tekly mi u toho slzičky, jak byl drsnej.