

Destination Moon



Súkromný podnikateľ chce pripraviť expedíciu na Mesiac skôr než sa tam dostanú Rusi. Americkí astronauti sa vydávajú na let. Po pristátí stavajú mesačnú základňu, no nie sú si istí, či majú dostatok paliva na let späť na Zem... (matriosa)


Destination Moon

Destination Moon

Vydal: Monstrous Movie Music

Rok: 2012

Země: USA

Formát: CD

Stopáž: 56:33

Poznámky: Limited edition.

1. Main Title Leith Stevens 01:43
2. The Blockhouse Leith Stevens 01:07
3. Let's Start Again Leith Stevens 01:41
4. Barnes Inc. Leith Stevens 01:15
5. Introducing Woody Leith Stevens 00:35
6. Woody Shoots Gun Leith Stevens 01:07
7. Woody's Rocket Leith Stevens 01:32
8. Woody Come Home Leith Stevens 00:55
9. Let's Get To Work Leith Stevens 00:44
10. Building Montage Leith Stevens 02:13
11. Planning The Trip Leith Stevens 02:00
12. Dead Serious Leith Stevens 00:09
13. Goodbye Leith Stevens 02:01
14. Countdown Leith Stevens 01:02
15. On The Trip Leith Stevens 01:06
16. The Harmonica Solo Leith Stevens 00:29
17. Out In Space Leith Stevens 02:06
18. Adrift In Space Leith Stevens 02:00
19. The Rescue Leith Stevens 01:55
20. They're Safe Leith Stevens 02:12
21. Preparing To Land Leith Stevens 01:28
22. Landing On The Moon Leith Stevens 00:10
23. We're On The Moon Leith Stevens 00:30
24. On The Moon Leith Stevens 04:18
25. Fun On The Moon Leith Stevens 00:58
26. Adventure On The Moon Leith Stevens 00:35
27. Cargraves Takes A Picture Leith Stevens 02:11
28. Bad News Leith Stevens 02:33
29. Lightening Ship Leith Stevens 02:32
30. It Looks Hopeless Leith Stevens 01:47
31. The Dilemma Leith Stevens 02:37
32. Sweeney's Sacrifice Leith Stevens 03:22
33. Escape From The Moon Leith Stevens 02:56
34. End Title Leith Stevens 01:35
35. BONUS TRACK: Harmonic Glissando Leith Stevens 01:09



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