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Dogville (2003) 

Who gave Moses that bone? Its still got meat on it. When did we last see meat? Next time you waste good food, I will take your knife away - Moses was meant to be hungry! To keep watch - The way he barked that was new. His barking was not loud, but more of a snarl, as if the danger was quite close at hand and not merely a passing raccoon or fox. As if the dog were standing face to face with a force to be taken seriously (to znám) - Very impolite to eat whats set before you - Living side by side we all know one another/each other (very fine sense of community) - Whole country would be better served with a greater attitude of openness and acceptance (dělaj, jako by jim tam připlaval negr z Afriky) - We would probably never find out - Astonished ppl of Dogville - Give sanctuary to a fugitive - That would put us in pretty pickle (easy, Claire, think of your asthma) - We are not gangsters. We mind our own business, we dont ask nothing from nobody - Judge of character - And after that time so much as one men cries out be gone - Your hands are surely the most alabaster hands I have ever seen (watch mine) - Trojan horse - 38.21 - Meanad (Miss Laura) - You gave yourself again - This town is rotten (nedávno) from the inside out - Greedy as animals. In a small town (do 150 lidí – česká vesnice) they are just a bit less successful - Feed them enough they will eat till their bellies burst - Moses dont like you. and I dont like you (todle představení je plný perel) - I think we have talked long enough about the way we remmembering seeing things - Alpengulen - Thats the light that reflects from the highest peaks after the sun goes down behind the mountains - 14, to by ji nenapínala. Sbal si fidlátka a vypadni - Já bych šel s ní. Abych vypadnul z tý díry - Koordinační test - Selfish rerason for voting to keep you - It was such a relief when you turned up and you were the one all the men had eyes for - Shadow of the spire - For the first time in living memory law enforcers had come to Dogville - Mission house (town hall) - I guess thats the idea - Isnt it a duty to respon to the police? Nasrat - I mean, legally speaking (zavři jí hubu krávě – proto ženy neměly nikdy v normálním světě lidský práva) o Come on. Whos really got cold feet bcs of her picture on a piece of paper? - Turned into romantic - There was some attraction between us. But as I can see right through her, intellectually, my desire is purely of a physical nature. But with you its more complicated (pyčus) - What are you trying to say? - No I shouls get it clear in my head first (to je sranda) - Are you trying to say you are in love with me? - Love is big word - Thats good (great) - No shit - To je kripl. Místo toho, aby jí dal pusu, tak mele ty svý psychologický sračky - Shiniest prism in the world - Rid of them quickly - By not telling the police they felt they were committing a crime themselves - Dangerous. Since they feel there should be some counterbalance - Some quid pro quo - That way it would seem that you are willing to contribute more, without actually lengthening your day to much - It sounds a little puculiar and diffifult to put into practice - The word dangerous on that poster worried her (bych jí uřízl hlavu, svini, by měla po starostech) - I have to get some sleep. My days are gonna be much busier now - Tvl, dyt byste bez ní nemohy absolutně fungovat. Pojd mi sem taky vytřít. Potřebuju nějakýho uprchlíka - It didnt seem to make anyone any happier - When I get close to you, you edge away - Things take time, thats love. Seeing what they need and respecting those needs (jo vo jabkách mluví) - You edge away when I get close - When you fended me off, a thought came into my mind - That made me ashamed (ne, já se rozbrečím) - Je jich patnáct, mohla by je dát na jeden zásobník - Never say never! - You havent had anyone to comfort you - The thing that I love about you is that you dont demand anything of me - Yearning will only make it better - Your mother doesnt believe in physical discipline - She would be awful mad if she found out you whipped me - I am the way I am - I feel bad, I need to be punished (to se nám to zvrtlo) - The fact is, I wouldnt have any respect for you if you dont give me a spanking - You tricked me into feeling that I meant something to you - If I can force the flowers to bloom early in spring, I cal force oyu… - Yet again Grace had made a miraculous escape from her pursuers with the aid of the (good) ppl of Dogville - To jí za to stálo, jo? - Maybe you should see about sleeping at night like most folks do - Idiot kid - Fingers alone had previously brushed her young flesh - He said it wasnt the first time youd made advances towards him (jasně, zrovna když město špiclovali fízlové) - On ji podvedl a ona ho obhajuje (protože si nedokáže připustit jeho zlou povahu) - I believe smashing them is less crime than making them (už jsem si myslel, že to bude nuda) - Doctrine of stoicism - Proč jí neřekne, že ji znásilnil? - In her lifetime Grace had considerable practice at constraining her emotions - The figurines were the offspring of the meeting between the township and her - Grace could no longer cope - If I sould displayed the same indifference to the timing of my chores I would be in for a whippin (tradiční komplex negru – a v tom je mezi námi rozdíl) - Tactically thought it best not to press his desires on the flesh and instead adopted a more sensitive approach (oh my God) - But theres a right and a wrong time to plant seeds and you cant plant seeds in the winter (to někdy zkusím) - We will meet again in love and in freedom - Its more dangerous than I thought - But its been paid for… - In the freight industry carrying dangerous load it cost more (surcharge) - You said once, that there arent many pleasures in my life (ten dosáhne jistě Božího království) - I go to Miss Laura once a week - And you got me to see that it werent nothing to be ashamed (yeah – dobře na ni jde) - Its not personal. I have to take due payment, thats all. I dont have a choice - You would better keep your voice down - Thanks to her healthy ability to push any unpleasantness around her far away - A generous God had blessed her with the rare talent of being able to look ahead - And then she heard the dog. Motherfucker!!!!!!!!!!!!! - No shit - Myslím, že si ji oblíbili. Dáme hlasovat? - In freight industry we cant take sides - Kind of escape prevention mechanism - We dont like having to do this (…) - To protect our community - More of the trance-like state that descends on animals whose lives are threatened - A state in which the body reacts mechanically in a low tough gear - Without too much painful reflection (mind games) - Like a patient passively letting his disease hold sway (gang stalkers) - It was in fact Chuck who d forced his attentions on Grace - The most towns-ppl of the male sex now visited Grace (příhodný) at night fulfill their sexual needs - Jí tam pilujou ted všichni - Since the chain had been attached, things had become easier for everyone - Spider supports - We provoked them - They will be furious at first, but in the end they will see its for their own good - Fragile as Hensons glasses after polishing - But if one was going, the others might as well come along - So nobody could talk behind anybodys back - Now she d have to sink or swim - I chosen you - Now its the time we have been waiting for - Tvl, tak todle jde až na kost. Fakt nečekal. Výborně se bavím! - Nevím, jesli to ostatní budou brát vážně, ale takovádle je realita. Lidi jsou zvířata a tak se s nimi také musí zacházet - Wouldnt it be worth compromising just one of your ideals just a little to ease my pain - Miluju - Just do what others do - Tvl, ona je jako Ježíš. Ted mi to došlo - Jo, běž poslouchat vítr místo toho, abys je zavřel ve stodole a podpálil - Moral issues were his home ground - Tom was angry (Tom is always angry) - In the mids of it all - It was not bcs of he d been wrongly accused. Bcs charges was true - If the doubt was already present, it could grow - Perhaps so great that one day it would prove detrimental to his entire moral mission - Tvl, tak on místo toho, aby o tom napsal knížku, tak se to pokusí ututlat. Tj masakr tendle film, masakr - In a moment of weakness - Zabil bych psa a pak všechny členy Jeho rodiny - It was quite unlike Dogville to restrain its indignation () at any point - Ten obojek jí strašně sluší - I overslept - DICTUM AC FACTI - Not one single person objected - The ppl of this town they surprise me again and again - Grace chose to hope for the best rather than fear the worst - Where had these ominous words come from? - You need to justify your actions before you shoot us? That could be intrerpreted as weakness - I call them dogs - And if they are lapping up their own vomit, the only way to stop them is with the lash - But dogs only obey their own nature. So why should not we forgive them? - Dogs can be taught many useful things, but not if we forgive them every time they obey their own nature - You must maintain your own standards - Krásnej rozhovor - No more trouble than back home (já to věděl) - Use it in your own fashion - The ppl who live here are doing their best under very hard circumstances - But is their best really good enough? - Even though the difference between the ppl she knew back home and the ppl she d met in Dogville had proven somewhat slighter than she would expected - They would be there, come sping () as always, and come summer they d again be bursting with the quite incomprehensible quantity of berries that were so good in pies - Faces that were following her every step and felt ashamed of being part of inflicting that fear - How could she ever hate them for what was at bottom merely their weakness? - She would probably have done things like those that had befallen her, if she d lived in one of these houses, to measure them by her own yardstick as her father put it - Dogville underwent another of little changes of light - It was as if the light, previously so merciful and faint, finally refused to cover up for the town any longer - Suddenly you could not longer imagine a berry… but only see the thorn that was there right now - The light now penetrated every unevenness () and flaw in the buildings, and in the ppl (připomíná mi to Blair Witch, Kelly Edwards tale) - If she had acted like them, she could not have defenced a single of her actions, and could not have condemned them harshly enough - It was as if her sorrow and pain finally assumed their rightful place (judgement day) - And if one had the power to put it to rights, it was ones duty to do so - For the sake of the other towns, for the sake of humanity (a já tu sílu nemám) - And not least, for the sake of the human being that was Grace gerself - Mean also take on the immediate responsibilities at once (power) - I d be a part in the problem solving, like problem of Dogville - We can start by shooting a dog and nailing IT to a wall (I like him so much) - Over there beneath that lamp, for example. Well, it might help. It sometimes does - Čím dál lepší - It would only make the town more frightened, but hardly make it a better place (tady se opravdu nedá dělat nic jinýho – má to v hlavě srovaný – musí se to odblešit všechno) - And it could happen again - Somebody happening, by revealing their frailty () - I wanna make this world a little better (já chci dejchat) - Nechceš bazének s trampolínou? A pak si pořídíš malou čivavičku z množírny, abys nebyla tak frustrovaná - Co víc si mužeš přát? Dyt ti nikdo neubližuje tady - Možná kdyby sis našla pořádný zaměstnání, tak bys na takový myšlénky neměla čas! - Ta je jak anděl, smrti - This specific illustration has surpassed all expectations - Shoot them and burn the town - Theres family with the kids. Do the kids first and make the mother watch (yes!) - V posledních dnech na zemi, to je ted, nechám-e vaše mrtky naživu, protože si s nima užijete větší peklo - You all are already dead, but you dont know yet! - Im afraid she cries a little too easily - Im afraid you have learned far too much already - Something you have to do yourself - Whether Grace left Dogville, or on the contrary, Dogville had left her - Next time try the train (and relax)


Hulk (2003) 

věřím, že ta doba byla svým zpusobem magická a v pojetí dospívající dívky se z ožralýho pivaře stal princ z pohádky o Krásce a zvířeti, která, jak jsem si nedávno uvědomil při sledování snímku Hulk, má mnoho podob a již chápu, že vymýšlet něco nového není třeba.


Jádro (2003) 

Mužete mi říct, co se vám na tom zase nelíbilo? Aha, přečtu si to! - Jesus. Jesus. David. - Phone 911. (volej dábla, oni si z nich dělaj prdel, ale ve všem, linkou bezpečí počínaje, Santa Klausem konče) - This hits CNN in one hour. - They all had pacemakers. - Under a minute. Your reputation is well-deserved - How did you guess without any clues from the victims? - Serge and I are the clues. Hes specialist in high energy weapons, I do geomagnetics. So calling us means you suspect an electromagnetic pulse weapon. Electronic interference. QED pacemakers. - You are spoky sometimes. - Weird news. Bizzare animal migrations. Birds, whale and dolphin beachings. Unusual atmospheric phenomenon. Unexplained plane crashes – you know, just use your imagination. - The bigger effects will start up any day now. - We have no sense of humour. And we are armed. - I will put this as simply as I can. Everybody on planet is dead in a year. - EM field is our friend, its protect us from cosmic radiation - Crust 30 miles - Mantle 2000 miles thick - Inner and outer core (spinning metal liguid) - You are not really a leader until you have lost. - We are about to begin our journey into the heart of the cosmos - Into the core of our own planet - Its as if we are diving thru the memories of the planet. - Wise man say „when in doubt, you should go around“ To jsou z nákýho kosmickýho materiálu? Kdyby je to nerozlousklo, tak se s nima utrhaj sedačky! Na todle nemáme technologii. Vypalujete to, nebo jedete skrz? Vážně kody od zbraně věděl jen jeden člověk? Ten hysterickej profesurek mě začíná pěkně srát! Ne, že bych to nečekal! Sentimentální, patetický! Ted bude mít blbeček proslov. Dobře mu to dala! Tvl ne, ještě jí ukáže vobrázek jeho mrtek! Už to mám, měli spolu románek! Stejně chcípnete všichni. No už se směje, květinka. - We have had reason to believe that our enemies were building a weapon that could generate targeted seismic events. They would be able to create massive earthyuakes under our territory. - Mutually Assured Destruction - High power electromagnetic energy waves down deep Earth fault lines. - There is a marginal risk involved but given the sircumstances. - Majority decision. Další hysterik! Uplně ten film - I cant believe Im stuck in this floating septic tank with you lunetics! - Remember those invisible microeaves? They just found a hole. Jeden z nejlepších katastrofických filmu! Jaktože mají spojení? Negr je charakter. - Your kung fu is not strong. - For here in the great infinite unknowable man can come to know the most important thing of all: Himself. - Destiny meet world. World meet destiny. Super konec! (Tam pod vodou byla ideální chvíle na to skočit)


Jeepers Creepers 2 (2003) 

jo, to si pamatuju, to jsem měl v kině novou čtyřicítku a chtěl jsem mu jí mlasknout mezi oči na plátno.


Kill Bill (2003) 

doporučuju nedonošeným potenciálum, až potom dorostou ve velkou kytku, aby se na to podívaly znovu a mohly padat blažeností na zem


Lara Croft - Tomb Raider: Kolébka života (2003) 

naopak ta hra stála za větší hovno než film, takže dobytek by si jednou taky mohl vzít lahváč do kina jako my ostatní! jedinečnej filmovej zážitek, kterej mi kazilo jenom to, že jsem na tom byl se svojí starou (která pochopitelně u mě hodně utrpěla na kráse a následoval rozchod)! 2020-02-04 I cant resist a bit of fun. Everything lost is meant to be found. Its not nice to fool Mother Nature. Stable diseases are not lethal. Deadly ones burn out too quickly. These weapons serve their purpose. Pandoras Box. Sunday school version. How do you think life began? Shooting star? Primordial ooze (cože)? In 2300 BC an Egyptian pharaoh found a place he named The Cradle of Life, where we, life, began. There he found a box, which brought life to Earth. The pharaoh opened it, but all that was left was the Ramante (cože), or anti-life. The plague, the companion to life. Nature is about BALANCE. All the world comes in pairs (to je pravda - pozemská sfera). Yin and Yang, right and wrong. Mati (eye) - name of the map by Alexander the Great. The orb is the map, hidden in the Luna Temple. Your clothes, guns and knives are over there. Máme stejnej smysl pro humor. I will be four minutes. Take the offer before it expires (expár). Then I will have to force you. Flower Pagoda, Shanghai. Abandon your men and betray your country. You are a hard act to follow (snad se tam ještě nerozpláče). You know why you and I get along so well? We are two of a kind. We are nothing alike. We are pair. Opposite sides of the same coin (panna a orel). Run her over. Are we set? Piece of cake. So much for easy. Bugger. Thats just the alarm. Theres no danger. So you think anyone here is paid enough to take that chance? Dont even think about it. 1.01.13. give me your best. Hows that? Whats left of the world blames them. Once I have the VIRUS, I will make enough antidote to protect the best and the brightest. Heads of corporations, heads of state (lol). Life will go on. The world would be better without certain ppl. I can certainly think of one person I could do without. Why didnt you shoot Reisess? Přesně na to jsem se ptal já. Měl je přímo na mušce. Mohl hlavovi useknout draka - tak jsem to řekl! He must have walked right past you in the lab. You are afraid of letting your guard down, of letting anyone in (pan psycholog). Do you ever do anything the easy way? And risk disappointing you? The Mountain of God. Some secrets must remain secrets. Shadow Guardians. It could kill millions of innocent ppl. Now you are being dramatic.


Matrix Reloaded (2003) 

Tak koukám na Matrix, řikám si, naštěstí to není napěchovaný dialogy, nějaký proroctví, mužu v klidu jíst křupky, a pak přišla vědma a odpověděla mi na otázky! - I know you are not sleeping. We ll get to that - You are not human, are you? (díky) - Its tough to get any more obvious than that - If I had to guess, I would say you are a program from the machine world - So far so good - But if thats true, that could mean you are part of this system, another kind of control - Keep going - I suppose the most obvious question is, how can I trust you? - Bingo - It is a pickle, no doubt about it. Bad news is theres no way you can really know if Im here to help you or not. So its really up to you. just have to make up your own damn mind to either accept what Im going to tell you or reject it - But if you are already know, haw can I make a choice? - Because you didnt come here to make the choice, you have already made it. You are here to try understand why you made it - Why help us? - We are all here to do what we are here to do (to bylo hluboký). Im interested in one thing, the future. And believe me, I know, the only way to get there is TOGETHER - There programs running all over the place. The ones doing their job, doing what they were meant to do, are invisible. You had never even know they were here, but the other ones, well, you here about them all the time. Every time you have heard someone say they saw a ghost or an angel. Every story you have ever heard about vampires, werewolves or ALIENS… is the system assimilating some program thats doing something they are not supposed to be doing (padlí andělé). Programs hacking programs (modifikace lidí, hybridi) - Why? - They have their reasons but usually a program chooses exile when it faces deletion (luciferuv pád) - And why would a program be deleted? - Maybe it breaks down. Maybe a better program is created to replace it. Happens all the time. And when it does, a program can either choose to hide here, or return to the source - The machine mainframe - Yes, where you must go. Where the path of the One ends. Youhave seen it in your dreams. A door made of light - You are looking at the world without time - Why cant I see what happens to her? - We can never see past the choices we dont understand - You saying I have to choose whether Trinity lives or dies? - No, you have already made the choice. Now youhave to understand - (přivedla ho do problemu, ale něco mu za to dala – odpovědi) - We would not exist without PURPOSE. It is purpose that created us. We are here becasuse of you, Mr. Anderson (temná strana, satan, svod) - Somehow hes found a way to copy himself (nefilim se vrátí zpátky na Zemi a v posledních dnech jich bude více než samotnýych lidí) - Some things never change, and some thing do. - Hades ukrývá klíč od nebes? - Its like wiping your ass with silk - Look for him is to be looking for a means to do … - It is the way of all things. There is only one constant, one universal. It is the only real truth. CAUSALITY. Action, reaction. Cause and effect - Everything begins with choice - No, wrong. Choice is an illusion created betweenthose with power, and those without - Soon the why and the reason are gone and all that matters is the feeling itself, and this is the nature of the universe. We are struggle against it, we fight to deny it. But it is pretense. It is lie. Beneath our poised appearance th truth is, we are completly out of control (co jí dal, projímadlo). Causality. There is no escape from it. We are forever slaves to it. Our only hope is to understand it, to understand why (to malá česká mrtka bohužel nepochopí, proto se s ní musí nakládat jako se zvířaty) - WHY is what separates us from them. Why is the only real source of power. Without it, you are powerless. And this is how you come to me, without why, without power - Keymaker is mine and I see no reason, why I should give him up, no reason at all - We are all victims of causality - I know, bcs I must know. Its my purpose. Thats the reason Im here, the same reason weare all here - You count sheep at home - Why? I get paid to count them here - I do not see coincidence. I see providence. I see purpose. I believe it is our fate to be here. It is our destiny. I believe this night holds for each and every one of us the very meaning of our lives - This is a ear and we are soldiers. Death can come for us at any time, in any place - Now consider the alternative. What if the prophecy is true? Isnt that worth fighting/dying for? - 65 flor - The best thing about me, theres so many mes - It was meant to be - I am the Architect - Ergo, some of my answers you will understand and some you will not - Concordantly, while your first question may be the most pertinent you may or may not realize it is also the most trrelevant - Why amI here - Your life is the sum of a remainder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the Matrix - You are the eventuality of an anomaly, which despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision - This is the sixth version (Ultraviolet) - There are only two possible explanations, there were five before me. Either no one told me or no one knows. Precisely (?) - As you are undoubtedly gathering, the anomaly is systemic creating fluctuations in even the most simplistic equations - The problem is choice - The first Matrix I designed was naturally perfect (raj, Eden), a work of art, flawless, sublime. A triumph equaled only by its monumental failure. The inevitability of its doom is apparent now as a consequence of the imperfection inherent in every human. Thus I redesigned it based on your history to more accurately reflect the varving grotesqueries of your nature. Hovever, I was ahain frustrated ba failture. I have come to understand that the answer eluded me bcs it required a lesses mind, or perhaps a mind less bound by the parameters of perfection. Thus the answer was stumbled upon by another, an intuitive program initially created to investigate certain aspects of the human psyche - If I am father od the Matrix, she would undoubtedly be its mother. The Oracle. As I was saying, she stumbled upon a solution whereby 99% of subjects accepted the program as long as they were given a choice, even if they were only aware of the at a near unconscious level. While this answer funcioned, it was fundamentally flawed thus creating the otherwise contradictory systemic anomaly that , if lleft unchecked, might threaten the system. Ergo, those that refused the program while a minority if unchecked would constitue an escalating probability of disaster. - You are here bcs ZION is about tobe destroyed - Denial is the most predictable of all human responses. But rest assured, this will be the sixth time we have destroyed it and we have become exceedingly efficient at it - The function of the ONE is now to return to the source alloving a dissemination of the code yopu carry reinserting the prime program. After which you will be required to select from the Matrix 23 individuals (to není první myšlenka rekultivace, z posledních třeba Tomorrowland) sixteen female, seven male, to rebuild Zion. Failture to comply with this process will result a cataclysmic systém crash killing everyone connected to the Matrix which coupeled with the extermination pf Zion eill result in the extinction of the entire human race - You need human beings to survive - There are levels of survival we are prepared to accept. The relevant issue is whether or not you are ready to accept responsibility for the death of every human being in this world. It is interesting reading your reactions. Your five predecessors were by design based on a similar predication a contingent affirmation that was meant to create a profound attachment to the rest of your species facilitation the function of the One. While the other experience this in a general way, your experience os far more specific vis –a-vis love - Apropos, she entered the Matrix to save your life at the cost of her own. Which rings us at least to the moment of truth, wherein the fundamental flaw is ultimately expressed and the anomaly revealed as both beginning and end - Already I can see the chain reaction, the chemical precursors that signal the onest of an emotion designed specifically to overwhelm logic and reason. An emotion that is already blinding you from the simple and obvious truth - Hope. It is the quintessential human deslusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength and your gratest weakness - I cant take this (zmrtvýchvstání) - Somethins different. I can feel them (RE3 Extinction) - To be concluded - Written and directed by the Wachowski …sisters (to je šílený, ti čuráci se nechali přešít)


Matrix Revolutions (2003) 

Why, Mr. Anderson - WHY, WHY, WHY - Why do you do it - Why get up - Why keep fighting (to karate fakt už nudí i mě) - Do you believe you are fighting for something - For more than your survival - Can you tell me what it is - Do you even know - Is it freedom or TRUTH - Perhaps peace - Could it be for love - Illusions, Mr. Anderson - Vagaries of perception - Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose! - And all of them as artificial as the Matrix itself although only human mind could invent something as insipid as love - You cant win. Its pointless to keep fighting - Why, Mr. Anderson, why? Why do you persist? - BECAUSE I CHOOSE TO - Já věděl, že o bude mít pokračování - Wait, I have seen this (taky si řikám, že jsem to už jednou viděl) - This is it. This is the end - I stand here, right here, and Im supposed to say something - Everything that has a beginning has an end, Neo - DELETED - Válka vám dává jedinej smysl, dělá z vás lepší lidi, dělá z lidí lepší bytosti, je to v podstatě prohra, nástup budování, udržování a konzumu, nic, pro co byl člověk určen, žádná duležitá možnost volby. Lidi se vrátí zpátky do systému - You played a very dangerous game - Change always is - Just how long do you think this peace is going to last? - As long as it can. What about the others? - What others? - The ones that want out - Obviously, they will be freed - Have I your world? - What do you think I am? Human? - Did you always know? - No, no, I didnt (kecá) - But I believed - Todle není cíl, tady na Zemi, todle je sen každýho kripla, mír, láska a pelešit se s malym psem, ke kterýmu má nejblíž. Odporná havět Satanovi na ten trik skočí a (zoufalý) Neo se připojí zpátky, aby mohl být se svou Trinity - Nothing ever works out the way you want it to - I wish there was an easy way to get through this, but there aint - Since the real test for any choice is having to make the same choice again knowing full well what it might cost - Hes traped in a place between this world and the machine (nemají duše) world - The link is controlled by a program called the Trainmyn (převozník) - He uses it to smuggle programs in and out of the Matrix - Im afraid your choices are going to become difficult - My doughter Sati - MOBIL AVE - This place is nowhere - The Frenchman does not forget, and he does not forgive - I know, if you want to take something from our world into your world, that does not belong there, you must go to the him - Every program that is created must have a purpose. If it does not, it is deleted - WHAT MATTERS IS THE CONNECTION THE WORD IMPLIES - KARMA is a word like love. They are gifts and so I do what I must do to honor them (žena není rovna muži, jsou to dárky) - Down here I make the rules, I make the threats, down here Im God - Disapointing, but not unexpected - Theres no action without consequence - And if you take something from me, you will pay the price - Koukám na ní, pomalu mi dochází, že je dábel, nejmenuje se náhodou Persefona? Jeho milenka. Proto je to ta samá, nemuže měnit scénář. A neříkej mi, že minule ti to nedošlo. To jsem zapomněl? - Something I have wanted ever since I first same here - It is said they cannot be taken, they can only be given - What? - The eyes of the Oracle - I told you before, there is no escaping the nature of the universe. It is nature that has again brought you to me. Where some see coincidence, I see consequence. Where others see chance, I see cost - It is remarkable how similar tha pattern of love is to the pattern of insanity - Times up - Do you recognize me? - Part of you (mám stejněj problém, nakonec to dokoukám celý) - Some bits you lose, some bits you keep - Jittery as June bug - No one can see beyon a choice they dont understand and I mean no one - Why didnt tell me the truth? - Because it wasnt time for you to know - THEMED NOSCE - The power of the One extends beyond this world. It reaches from here all the way back to where it came from. The source - Thats what you felt when you touched those sentinels, but oyu werent ready - You should be dead, but apparently you werent ready for that either - That man cant see past any choice. He doesnt understand them. He cant (Architect). To him they are variables in an equation - One at a time each variable must be solved, then countered. Thats his purpose. The balance the equation - Whats your purpose? - To unbalance it - One way or another - Everything that has beginning… - I SEE THE END COMING. I see the darkness spreading. I see death - Smith - Very soon he is going to have the power to destroy this world - But I believe he wont stop there. He cant. He wont stop until theres nothing left at all - What is he? - He is you. Your opposite, your negative. The result of the equation trying to balance itself out THE RESULT OF THE EQUATION TRYING TO BALANCE ITSELF OUT - Im afraid hope is an indulgence - This ship will go to hell long before I let you také it anywhere - He can take mine - You cant do that - Dont try to tell me what I can or cannot do with my ship after that little speech - Trin - Look throughbthe soft gelatin of those dull cow eyes and see your enemy - Theres nowhere I cant go. Theres nowhere I cant find you - Not impossible. Inevitable - Blind mesiah. You are symbol of your kind (rozhodně Smith má nejzajímavější monolog) - I put is as simple as it. Its our time to die. All I ask is, if we have to give these bastards our lives, we give them hell before we do (musím doplnit, že ti roboti by museli mít pulzní zbraně, aby jim vydržela munice, todle je směšný)! - You keep loading, I keep shooting (kapitán Mufle si prohodil s generálem opičím ksichtem role) 2013/7/24 ten tenista, co to tady komentuje nejdýl, a je pravděpodobně guru této databáze, má recht! pustil jsem si to, když byla mladá na koncertu nějakýho Kanadana, co neuměl hrát na kytaru, takže jsem si na to udělal čas od pátku do neděle a Matrix jsem si poprvé zamiloval a nemělo to chybu!


Mizerové II (2003) 

"Zvrátený, vulgárny, hyper-deštrukčný fetiš pre 'moderné publikum', natočený s retardovaným scenárom na stole a extázou v palici."? No, homosexuálové si tady asi na své nepřijdou - A bunch of men hugging and kissing, thats some cult shit - I realized you are an enigma - God sent you here to test me. But guess what? You not gonna break me, Mike. No - Whoosah - That aint exactly a pool. Thats like a big-ass puddle wrapped in blue plastic - My place of peace. Are you taking medication? - Yo, dry off, sweetheart - Suburban - I think I done just got mad - Maji zásobníky, na pásku vzadu - Keyword tactical. Displaying finesse and subtlety in achieving a goal - X-man - Dashboard - Kiss my black ass - Im through playing games - I do not want these animals taking over my city - Dont hate the player. Hate the game (model or cop) - Russian Grim Reaper is here - Shit just got real - Satellite pinpointed Tapias jet in Cuban airspace - US didnt does not negotiate with hostage-takers - All State Department agencies are using their back-channel contacts for a diplomatic solution - Dodd tell you how crazy us ex-Delta guys are? - Former Delta and demo - Point of no return - Jo takhle se tam dostanou se zbraněma - The Last Supper - This is fucking depressing!