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Recenze (226)


Podivuhodný případ Benjamina Buttona (2008) 

Welll...občas mi to připadalo jako pokus o megastory typu Forrest Gump, ale bohužel bez potřebné hloubky. Chybějí pointy a vše je příliš vyumělkované. Od první minuty jakoby na každém druhém záběru vyřvával banner "Já jsem skvělý film a mám své velké poslání." Na je průměr 70%. Ztotožňuji se s následující kritikou MICK LaSALLE (San Francisco Chronicle): The lesson here is never to aim to make a great movie before locking in the framework for a good one. To aim for greatness otherwise invites all kinds of risks - the possibility of reaching high and crashing, of mistaking the somber for the serious, of creating the form of greatness without the content. In short, there's the danger of making something as pretty and vacant as "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." The result of all this is a rather cold piece, a series of interludes presented under glass. When Benjamin has an affair with an upper-class Englishwoman (Tilda Swinton), for example, we watch as though witnessing a phenomenon, not an emotional exchange. And because nothing ever registers much with Benjamin, each episode lands without meaning. Anything could have been cut from this script, just as anything could have been added. The movie's excruciating length is without dramatic or thematic justification. It's merely an assertion of Oscar-worthiness. Though "Benjamin Button" is soporific throughout most of its second hour, its fate and its failure are sealed only in its last third, when it resolves the Benjamin-Daisy relationship in a forced and false way. To make matters worse, the movie is revealed to have had nothing to say all along - except that time is cruel and the whole mortality thing is just a crying shame.


Milionář z chatrče (2008) 

Vizuálně pěkný film s příběhem, ze kterého by se dalo vytěžit mnohem víc. Občas má hodně blízko ke kýči, a chybí hutnější zpracování, které by si takový příběh zasloužil. Napětí občas klesá k bodu mrazu. Ztotožňuji se s kritikou v San Francisco Chronicle, která dává approx. 50% (jinak na má film hodně dobré hodnocení 86%) MICK LaSALLE: "Slumdog Millionaire" has a problem in its storytelling. The movie unfolds in a start-and-stop way that kills suspense, leans heavily on flashbacks and robs the movie of most of its velocity. The filmmakers' motives are sincere. The story is interesting enough. Yet the whole construction is tied to a gimmicky narrative strategy that keeps "Slumdog Millionaire" from really hitting its stride until the last 30 minutes. By then, it's just a little too late. Danny Boyle's direction is straight-up realism: quick cutting and handheld cameras that are constantly moving. That Boyle ("Trainspotting") should feel an impulse to push this film along is only natural. A movie made up mostly of flashbacks needs all the propulsion it can get. But in this case, the style sets up an expectation that the movie can only frustrate. In retrospect, "Slumdog Millionaire" might have been better served by a style that didn't run counter to its dreaminess and languor but rather made those elements into virtues. Or maybe not. Boyle's approach certainly pays off in the last section, which is hands-down the best part of the film. In fact, it's fair to say that the movie ends so well that it will redeem the entire experience for many viewers. It all depends on how you feel about the sluggish 90 minutes that went before.


Po přečtení spalte (2008) 

Ani Coenové tomu neunikli - konečně natočili sračku. Ale stejně je miluju.


Zátiší (2006) 

Vizuálně krásnej film s pomalou a tajemnou atmosférou.


Oprávněné vraždy (2008) odpad!

Skutečná sračka. Tak jak mám oba chlapíky AP a RDN rád, tak si musím zároveň přiznat, že jejich hraní je víceméně o xichtu a o jedný jediný profláknutý sexy póze (ano, velmi vymakaný sexy póze, to zas všechna čest). Lebedil jsem si leta v jejich vráskách, ale teď už s tím začínám mít problém. Jsou od filmu k filmu požád stejní...nemlich to samý. Co třeba Daniel Day Lewis... trochu jiný kafe, ne? A ten film jako takovej? Nestojí za slovo.


Červený pás (2008) 

Že by se musela každá druhá věta opakovat dvakrát??? To je přesně to, co během nudnýho Redbeltu uslyšíte. I nejbanálnější věty raději hned 2x. RECENZE V SALON.COM: Mamet's trademark artificial, mutual-incomprehension dialogue and con-game plotting are ineptly matched to the action genre (and feel stale in any case), while the jiu-jitsu scenes are so incoherently shot and edited you can't tell if the fight choreography is any good or not. Characters drop into the story and disappear again; neither Mike's wife (Alice Braga) nor his cop buddy (Max Martini) nor Ryan's attorney hangs around long enough to become significant. The accidental shooting that sets the plot in motion is an utterly ludicrous device, or at least I thought so until the final fight scene in which Mike must prove his honor, which might seem far-fetched on a pay-per-view wrestling broadcast. Perhaps Mamet believes he's turning his talent toward populist vehicles, but this uneasy, weird movie won't please any segment of the audience. "Redbelt" reminds me of the old French joke about English shoes; it's an action movie made by someone who has heard them described, but never actually seen one.


Hellboy 2: Zlatá armáda (2008) 

Konečně superhrdinskej movie, kterej se nebere vážně. Po Faunově Labyrintu moc příjemnej oddech. A Hobbit? To bude masakr... čekám kombinaci mezi dramatem Faunova Labyrintu a vtipností Hellboye. Už aby to bylo a Guillermo natřel Jacksonovi prdel.


Riziko (2000) 

Zručně natočenej film podle starejch pravidel. Skvělí herci, dobrej scénář, žádný extrémy a brutality. Pěknej inteligenntí decentní thriller.