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Recenze (1 028)


Holky na výletě (2017) 

Its not comix. Its manga. Put your demon powers in me. I want to feel your might deep within (stačí si o to říct). Hurricanes are notoriously unpredictable. Thats why they name them after women. Has anybody ever piloted a hot air ballon before? Dont touch me. I wasnt going to. Mega. Karmas a bitch. MARZE - ty musíš bejt kráva. Student FF UK - tak se to hned vysvětlilo.


Syn temnoty (2019) 

You know sometimes, when bad things happen to ppl, its for a good reason. Part of my job is to update the school, and to update your mom on your progress, and let them know if you are showing any growth or remorse (tak s tímdle má tadle zvrácená společnost problém). I know its late, but I promise it wount take long. Its not good for anyone. Not for me, not for my parents, and its really, really not good for you. Listen to me (hovno). I have to do my job (lol). Very inappropriate (kurvička chráněná pohybovými senzery neví, kde má místo). Hezkej snímek, ale bohužel tady jinak nevykreslili to zlo. His face is too mangled. They think that he swered to not hit a dear. Was he drinking? Tak na tom pak si nezáleží, když mu tam skočil jelen. To by musel sjet ze silnice, ne? Prej opak Supermana. Ale Superman je to samý, akorát k ovládnutí světa a zničení lidstva používá sofistikovanější metody než tendle nevychovanej fracek. Najednou volá Negra o pomoc. Pýča s puškou, taky dobrý. 217 in progress. I need backup immediately. S brutalitou v poslední době ve filmech nešetří. Ani happendy. Škoda, že v tý masce pusobí tak směšně. Blessing that fell to this Earth. Ideální start. Všichni ho zradili. David Yarovesky (directed by). I m a bad guy, I like when you get mad (Bilie Eilish). Ale todle se fakticky už několik posledních let děje, akorát u toho není nějaká mysteriozní postava. They are all out there, they are all waiting and they are all gonna eat our fucking breakfeast unless we get our shit together and do something!


Dokážeš udržet tajemství? (2019) 

První polovina super, pak to ztrácí tempo a propadá se to někam k patetický pýčovině. Nicméně i přesto to nám fandum Alexandy Daddario stojí za to (scena v posteli, ve výtahu at). But I do know I have to land this account to get my promotion. My pricings? When customers buy Panda Prime, they expect the best from their energy drink, they expect the best from themselves. I dont say we are proud, but we are not ashamed. Look, when Panda customers open this can, they are saying who they are. They are making a statement. Tak to je snad první film, kde hraje předělanej transexuálek a nevydává se za nic jinýho - navíc Černoch. The world works in such mysterious ways. Doesnt it? [smack lips] in my defense, I had no idea who you were. So I don’t think that I should be peen-alized. Is that how you pronounce it? The penalty flag, not a peenalty flag. Its like peenis, sorry. Neither of us are wrong. I m like a steel trap. Nothing goes in and nothing comes out. Well stuff goes in. Its like one of these, you know, Venus fly trap. Like you get in there and then you die in there. I feel very safe. So we are both dying with each others secrets. That’s quite intimate (intimní). No one has any goddamn idea what love is on this entire planet. [Mm-hm] Invigorating (povzbuzující). [elevator dings] Leopold file. It was just a an excuse to get away from our desk. You two are an item. Do you just sense this stuff or? Have you ever found Emmas presence here distracting (very). Our target demo is 18 to 35. Can you say that again without using the word “strategic”. Thank you for your input. You are wrong. Are you convincing me or yourself? I thought there was some emergency. There is. Isnt love supposed to make you a little bit crazy? Take off on a Thursday (co maj s těma čtvrtkama). Relationships should be based on truth and trust. Dogs smile. Adopt, don’t shop. Whe I was growing up, I took it for granted that I would always love myself. But sometimes I feel like I havent enough to deserve it. Sweaty, passionate, marathon sex. Twice last night and once this morning. And I in love with him. She cried every time that she hears Demons by Imagine Dragons. I havent been so humiliated (lol). Never let a man know anything about you. Yes, bitch, step into your power (Jezebel). Jsou akorát trapný. Its time to get even. Key his car, or shred his suits (jako přes kopírák), send him a message. You know, instill that fear in him. Reveal his secrets. Our relationship was completely one-sided. You need to get revenge. He needs to pay. Are you gonna have him whacked? No, hes tabloid reporter (dokonce podruhý) I hooked up with on Tinder. You know that as a woman you have to work twice as hard as everyone else (jako koně) to be taken seriously (transexuálci čtyřikrát - ti to mají fakt těžký, kdo by s nima vlezl do postele, ale zase si dvakrát rozmyslí ho vyrazit, protože se obává kritiky slníčkový komunity). Goddaughter. There was a tabloid snooping around and I had to kill the story. To je síkrit jak prase.


Bejvalka ze záhrobí (2014) 

I love it when you speak green. Werewolves and vampires and zombies, they are figments. They are not real. And why waste your time hawking this crap when there are so many real problems in the world. It challenges us to stop accepting the world and face our inner monsters and find the strength to conquer it. Do you actually know what they put in this stuff? You are practically poisoning your customers. True love conquers all. That doesnt make any sense. Not even the slightest. I have a special delivery for you. I stand corrected. This is gonna be fun. Now, where were we? Being dead is the best diet ever. Theres a first time for everything. Urge to purge. Green fairy kicking my ass. Round two. What are the odds? Not in a traditional sense. I said I love you. Loud and clear. Well, arent you going to say it back? Je to zmrd hroznej, na pohled i v tom filmu. Proč jí něco sliboval, když spolu neměli nic společnýho? Jo aha, on to nemuže říct před tou druhou, jinak by ji odbyl. A ted si to podělal u obou. Ke všemu ještě idiot. Love you back. This better not go straight to my tights. Hump me and gump me. I got a craving (for what). He was a user and a loser. Im gonna eat you up. Give me candy, give me cake, give me something sweet to take.


Kingsman: Tajná služba (2014) 

Manners maketh man. Moneys not my issue. Nobody told me to try and save the planet. I wanted to. Climate change research, lobbying, yrs of study, billions od dollars, and you know why I quit? Bcs the last time I checked, the planet was still fucked. Money wont solve this. Those idiots who call themselves politicans have buried their heads in the sand and stood for nothing bur re-election. Teamwork is paramount here at Kingsman. We are here to enhance your skills, test you to the limit. Which is why you are gonna pick a puppy. Wherever you go, your dog goes. You will care for it. You will teach it. And by the time its fully trained, so will you be. A poodle. What. They are gun dogs. Oldest working breed. Easy to train. Climate change is a threat, which affects us all. Carbon emissions are a real herring and that we are past the point of no return no matter what remedial actions we take? You know your shit. I sometimes envy the blissful ignorance of those well versed in their shit. Humankind is the only virus cursed to live with the horrifying knowledge of its hosts fragile mortality. Do you like spy movies? Nowadays they are all a little serious to my taste. Give me a far-fetched theatrical plot any day (old Bond). I always felt the old Bond movies were only as good as the villain. I put a nano tracker gel in the wine. We will know his every move for the next 24 hours. You are free to go any time you want. As long as you agree to my conditions. This unprecedented giveaway by the philanthropist Richmond Valentine. Billion cards distributed. Negging. Saying something negative to a pretty girl in order to undermine her social value. Its supposed to make you want to win his approval. Absurdly basic neuro-linguistic programming technique. Opinion opener. He got you talking with a neutral question, got all of us involved in the conversation, so that you craved individual attention. See you in a bit. Being a gentleman is something one learns. Whats wrong with a simple switch? Theres nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man (Hemingway). True nobility is being superior to your former self. An oxford is any formal shoe with open lacing. Oxfords not brogues. Words to live by. A gentleman traditionally wears the signet on his left hand. Shoot the dog. At least the girls got balls. I know you couldnt make it. Kripl. By se mu rozpadl svět. It will be two hits. Me hitting him, him hitting the floor. You thrown away your biggestopportunity over a fucking dog. Limits must be tested. We have total overcall. Do I look like I play bingo? And I say to you be the witness. Watch the news. AIDS. Floods. The blood of the innocent, spilled (zesměšnují řeč pastýřu). And yet, there are those who doubt this is the wrath of God. Our filthy govnmt condones sodomy, divorce, abortion! And yet, some still doubt this is the work of the Antichrist (the a malý „a“ napíše americkej čurák)! You do not have to be a Jew, a nigger, a whore, or an atheistic, science-loving evolution spouter… charming seremon. Althought he is a just God, he is justly a vengeful one and there can be no turning back from the almighty wrath. Ehats your problem? I m a Catholic whore, currently enjoying congress out of wedlock (manželství) with my black Jewish boyfriend, who works in a military abortion clinic. So, hail Satan and have a lovely afternoon. Deus Ex Human Revolution. In simple terms, its a neurological wave that triggers the centers of aggression and switches off inhibitors. O tomdle mluvil Russ - subpersonality. Psycho killers. Valentine selected his chosen (Chosen Ones - jak se sami nazývají - podle mě správně Selected Ones - by Satan) few to get the countdown warning, but he had to be sure they didnt blab to the wrong ppl beforehand. Time is not our friend. Mass genocide (krvavej rituál). What the fuck is wrong with you pp? I just want to remind you that today is day of celebratinon. We must put aside all thought of death and focus on birth. The birth of a new age. We musnt mourn those who give their lives today. We should honor their SACRIFICE (rituál) and their roles in saving the human race (určitě dobrovolně). We must put aside doubt and guilt. You are the chosen ppl. When folks tell their kids the story of Noahs Ark, is Noah the bad guy? Is God the bad guy? How about the animals marching by two? Of course not! Lets turn those frowns (mračení se) upside down. Eat, drink and party! And I will see you all in the new age. Pracovali na tom tak dlouho - všichni, ale nebylo to jejich přičiněním, ale jen protože jim to Buh dovolil - takoví mrzáci, přesvědčeni o svým vítězství. Největší sračky všeho druhu. Society is dead. Long live society. Amen to that. Countdown to V-day (myslel X-Day). To je jedno - souvisí to spolu. Welcome in the new age. This is great (právě). Stop playing with your food. Kill him. Security implants. To je šílený, jak přesně to popisuje budoucnost. Blíží se to. Get ready for it - lyrics v credits.


Kletba z temnot (2012) 

No konečně něco ze života... jo a mimochodem, čuráci, demoni se neschovávají ve skřínkách (nehledě na to, že mužou posednout i předměty). Do života jim otevřete dveře snadno sami tím, že se dopouštíte hříchu. To jen tak na okraj. A kdo ještě nemá v hlavě totálně nasráno, musí si dát dohromady, že pak je celá naše společnost POSEDLÁ! Jen to není tak vidět, protože jsme legalizovali zlo a s demony takřka vytvořili alianci. A mě posedá ten nejhorší - nenávisti a posléze masoové vraždy. Pořád si představuju, jak vás zmrdy rozsekám na malé kousíčky. Bude to zábava! Zítra napíšu delší komentář, až se na to pořádně podívám. Ted jdu do hajan, pa! Dont you think maybe I should have packed up my stuff from my office (tak muže bejt rád, že mu něco neukradla - asi toho už má dost)? When you eat animals, you become one (výborný - přesně todle jsou problémy dneška). Gets the message across? Thats going to make you so POPULAR. Dad, you need to understand, we are all one big family on this planet, no matter what species, and we dont eat our family (fakani budou poučovat svoje fotry - přitáhl bych čokla z utulku, před ní ho zabil, upekl a donutil jí ho sežrat). You are entering a shoe-free zone (dneska jsem o tom psal - o těch kurvách, že jim chlapi prostě jen slouží a přejímají jejich životní styl - místo toho, aby mu rozbil držku a jí uřízl hlavu, tak si o tom přátelsky pokecaj - co naplat, že s cizím chlapem bude trávit čas jeho Bohem předurčená žena jeho mrtky - mají starost o to, aby se do domu nedostaly bakterie, neušpinil koberec a další hovna). Theres a doggie door! Lets get a dog from the shelter (byla posedlá už předtím - to nebyl vtip - myslím, že to naznačili dost jasně). Výbornej film. Moc se mi líbí - nechá ty zmrdy, aby si zahráli sami sebe, a ještě se u toho prímově bavili. Tydle souvislosti jim vubec nedochází. A mně jich hodně uniká. Pomužete mi? Critters come over from those woods. Your mom says that? You know, its for the best (kripl). You cant say stuff like that. Its going to upset your sister. For real? You are going to blame this on me? Je to nabytý dialogama (jakýma). Mercedes, baráček, a přece nejsou štastní. Nebo jen na chvíli. Snaží si zlepšit náladu kupováním dárku. A hele, kosa dopadla na kámen. Budou nejštastnější lidi pod sluncem. Poland 1920. Dibbuk. Hebrew word for dislocated spirit. Trap demon. Whoever made this box certainly had intense convictions. Its why they concealed this lock and carved these words. Basically what they are saying is warrning. Deadly. Do not open. So, dont open it (brány do pekla jsou otevřené). Co je s ní zase špatně? Má větší apetit, sereš jí - což je pochopitelný, stejně jako její nevlastní tatínek a cizoložná matka. Whoever sits in the refuge of the most high, he shall dwell in the shade of the Almighty. I will say Hashem. He is my refuge, my fortress, my God. I will trust in him. For He will deliver you from the ensnaring trap (jaký vydání čte) from devastating pestilence. With his pinion Hw will cover you and beneath His wings you will be protected. His truth is shield and armor. You shall not fear the terror of night… identita byla prozrazena. Já se nebojím teroru tmy, ale světla! What he wants form my daughter? Co asi… to samý jako každej pedofil. Užít si s ní! The dibbuk looks for innocence. A pure soul (šest už jí bylo, ale). The gost begins to hear voices, experience visions. All of this is the deception of the spirit to protect the host and drive others away (já nikdy neměl vidiny, ani neslyšel hlasy). The final stage is when the dibbuk (najednou s malým) attaches to the host, the two becoming one (to se stalo vám, českým prasatum, aniž byste si toho všimli). Demoni vám popletli hlavy, cesta života je vám k smíchu. Žijete sami v temnotě. It will feed and take until there is nothing left. It wants only one thing, that which it does not have (body). Life. The only way to stop the dibbuk is by commanding it back into the box by its name. Ti demoni to taky nemaj lehký. Začínám s ním cítit. I dont have its name (aha, tak proto je to s malým). Myslel, že se tak jmenuje. Nedávalo to smysl. Exorcism. It is too great of a risk. Tak k čemu tu jste? Kvuli prevenci? The dibbuk could come upon anyone attempting to perform the ceremony. Tak proč jste to nenapsali na tu bednu! This must be left to the will of God (deus vult). If it would be your child, would you leave it to the will of God? A komu jinýmu, ty demente. To si piš. Ještě ho mužeš odvíz do nemocnice. Pikuach nefesh. A permitted violation of a Shabbat law. A human life is in danger (not life, soul). I am not only allowed, but required to act (aha). Až si to rozdáš se třema týpkama v podchodu, tak se mužeš vrhnout na demony. I called a friend of mine. Shes (shes!) a mental - health specialist (to nemá chybu). No muže se na ni podívat. Spend a couple of days giving her a full evaluation at her facility (dokonce). Book of Psalms. If the spirit was contained, it would have to look upon itself (mirror), to be forever reminded that it turned away from God. Abyzou. Taker of children. Dyt to řikám, pedofil! A zbytek až zas jindy. The doctors, they cant help us, cna they? Can you help us? Of course. Do I look like a doctor? As the others have done in the past, I have asked you to put something from your heart in the box. It is believed that this essence will bind the prayer. The strength of my entire family is with us. Chudák demon. Even in the face of this evil, our faith must remain unwavering (dyt žádnou neměli). Oil of two olive trees. Oil represents light. Water represents darkness. May God separate between these two as only light can dispel darkness. Nor the destruction that ravages at noon. Put Your hands on her. You need only look with Your eyes and the punishment of the wicked illuminator. Everybody put your hands on her. Cast all fear from your hearts. Nebylo by lepší ho zastřelit pětačtyřicítkou? That is no longer your daughter. Ona jim utekla ze sálu! Výborný. He will instruct His angels in your behalf to guard you in all your ways. I say to you in the name of God, leave this flesh! He will save you from the destruction and pestilence (nákaza/mor). You are cast away from the eyes of God! Daddy! Abyzou! Tzadok. Clyde. Ole Bornedal (directed by).


Jump street 21 (2012) 

You punch black little gay in face? I punched him and then he turned into gay. Beauty is boring. Amnesty International. Human dignity. Human rights. Pěkná sračka. Lindsey Broad (girl in limo)


Critters (1986) 

They are coming! Critters mě nejvíc srali tím, jak řádili v domě. Pak jsem se bál, že je najdu pod postelí a chodil spát k mámě. Nejlepší bylo, jak rychle rostli a že byli inteligentní. Potvory s ohromným apetitem a smyslem pro humor! Je vidět, že je stvořili lidi. 2020 Absolutně si to nepamatuju (střed). Viděl jsem to vubec, nebo jsem si to nechal na konec? Taky jsou to tři roky od tý doby, co jsem to stáhnul (2017). Dvojku určitě ano. Ale stejně se mi nejvíc vybavujou momenty, který jsem viděl v ukázkách, nebo předtím, než jsem musel jít spát. První díl, kterej jsem viděl celej, byla trojka a pak čtyřka, několikrát. Ale ty jsem začal stahovat až včera. Dokonce jsem zjistil, že udělali minulej rok pětku a pak menší seriál (2014)! - They are coming. I m getting them through my fillings (to jako vážně – fillings – věřil bych tomu, když dokážou napsat – crites). Jakej vypýčenej čurák zas todle překládal? Dyt to nedává smysl - I had heat. And then I started gettingthese messages - This town is zoo - Holographic transmission (5G) - Johnny Steele (to je hroznej teplouš) - Power of the Night - Homemade. Best in the States - I thought I told you to get rid of them fireworks (koho mi to jen připomíná – zbav se zbrojení) - You have got to try and concentrate on what you are doing - Did you shot your sister with that slingshot? - I think I will stand on the Fifth Amendment (nevypovídat) - This is not a democracy - Beware of kid - Chewie meows (jako váže Chewie) - You promised you would tke me for a ride (ha ha) - On to dělá do patron. To je borec! - No turning back, the end has come (lyrics) - No turning back, no hope for love (lyrics) - No turning back to what was us, the end has come (lyrics) - What do I want to see on old barn for? - You want your car keys back, dont you? - GIGGLING - April trpí bitchy resting face syndromem a Steve je asi teplej - The Police - No movies for two weeks - To by mě tak sralo, tehdy nic nedávali, pravděpodobně neměli ani televizi. Právě proto se tak věnoval svým koníčkum - Proč má zkurvysyn zase hodinky na pravý ruce – chtěl se odlišovat – od koho - Kansas - To je sranda, jak všude hrajou jeden song - Earths move (lol) - Nemužu si pomoct, ale tendle film – na rozdíl od podobnejch béček tý doby – je hrozně dobrej a fungoval by i bez criterek - WHIRRING - Not tonight. Not ever. Over - Damn dog (tak on to vyseká kvuli psovi, když ho mohl přejet) - ANIMALISTIC GRUNTING - What was that? Something meaner than hell - I will get Harv. You call the army - These things are vicious - You have serious attitude problem - On ji vlastně unese. Tak todle jsem definitivně neviděl – znám jenom z vyprávění - CRITES JABBERING - Uh-oh


Příšerky útočí (2019) (TV film) odpad!

No way! Moje milovaný příšerky v novým kabátě! Bianca. WTF! Z nich udělali gremliny! Jsou fakt roztomilí. I to multigenderový složení. To mi chybělo, aby neochutnali tmavý masíčko. Tomudle říkám správně rasově vyvážený složení. Černoška, hispánec, bílej kripl, anorektička, všichni s mongoloidním výrazem ve tváři. What does shushi A say to shushi B? Wasabi! Like whats up, B? Trissy, thats a wild animal. You dont take wild animals home. You dont know where that thing has been (že to říká zrovna Černoška). But shes cute and she really needs our help. If you dont hear from me for a little while, just know I m okay. At least hes playing a lot of better. We are all gonna die tonight. Arent we? Well, we are not Greg. Yeah, but. But nothing. No ones dying tonight. You are not making us feel any better. My point is we not need saving. We not need anyone. Just each others. Ty baterky maj na mobilu? Jo, už kolikátej film. Jak dlouho to vydrží? Its like a lot of numbers. Try your birthday. Why we are running from these fur balls? Bcs we dont wanna die? You can have this leaf blower. Best blades in the business, bitch. Tvl, královna. A samci kladou vajíčka. Tak to je i na mě moc.