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Recenze (384)


Duna (2021) 

You know, there is a boredom....then you have second type of boredom. The one sucking out an energy out of your body. And there is the third type, which I don't wanna talk about and which precisely is Dune. 2/10


Duna: Část druhá (2024) 

What can I tell about this overhyped, overrated  hunt for PAPRIKA spice? That I'm just sad. Sad from the movie itself, sad for the audience, sad for the current state of cinematography and eventually sad and ashamed of the rating on this site. How in the name of Jesus Fucking Christ is possible that this tasteless, meaningless, self-depressed movie is so high in ratings? Currently floating in the top 10 (by the time of writing), between legends like Godfather, Se7en or The Shawshank Redemption? I'll tell you how. Audience bored and dulled so much due to lack of a quality in the movies for the last couple of years. Movies with the captivating and remarkable stories in the cinemas, that they will go and salute to everything like a good bots if it has good, especially an aggressive advertisement, which this piece of crap had. Nowadays, what is "trendy" or popular on a social media, must be practically seen and acknowledged somehow. You really think that Dune is somewhere near to be a remarkable movie? That it has that value? To be watched over and over again, and every time you'll be happy to see it and have a conversation about some impact on you or cinematography itself? Please, fuck off, would you? There is no connection between an audience and characters/story itself. And why is that? There is no fun, humour, zero dialogues or argues between characters, which would stay with you for a long time after, the moments you will remember. Most of the time, we're just witnesses of meaningless gibberish with the same emotions from the characters over and over again, with no further elaboration or elevation. Instead, we've got a dull music, average acting at best, one of the most boring story in a blockbuster movie EVER, which is the control of paprika spice and all kingdoms within. Now multiply this by proper amount of absolutely worst-ever-disgusting-repentant masks and costumes I've ever seen in a movie of this "caliber". What a big bad joke this movie is. Same goes for the plot. 166 minutes are supposed to get you ready for the fight which eventually takes 2 minutes, 1 big CGI bada boom, and 1 pitiful scene of the slow-mo worm, already known from the trailer. Amazing!!! It just doesn't make any fucking sense.  Not in a such depth as they trying to impose on us. I've even heard of comparison with Star Wars. Yes, with those STAR WARS :D. You must be deeply unfamiliar with actual movies and their qualities or impacts they've had . And deeply braindead as well. There was no real or believable connection between characters itself. Whenever something "important" supposed to happen, it was served to you with a boring slow-motions, full of self-seriousness and depression. As a matter of fact, movie itself is drowning in seriousness, darkness, depression, mumbling in a fictional language, countless takes of eyes (mostly blue tho, you know, variety...) and a lot of fucking sand. But then again, when you spent roughly around 130+ millions on a marketing (allegedly, nothing has been proved :D ) you don't have to care so much about details. And it seems to me guys, many of you doesn't care too. My honest review would be 2 stars of 5, but I'm kinda pissed and disappointed of this rating here, so I'm gonna contribute more. I watched that shit in the cinema, so the sound was good (not the music), now I wonder how I would react if I haven't seen it there... Either way, Dune was and definitely is BIG. I just can't decide what kind of big **** it is. 3/10


Temná legenda (1998) 

No logic or brains. That's how I would describe all the characters along with their scriptwriter and director. Best performance goes to a gas station worker in the beginning, poor mumbling fella. Kinda hard to believe there is a second and third part to this. I think I'll pass on that.


Zkratka ke smrti (2009) 

More a spooky thriller than a scary horror, but that doesn't make it bad. Quite the opposite. It's got a good script and average, but not bad acting. And when with other teenage horrors you mostly hate cliches and predictable scenes, I didn't mind them in this one. Now without spoilers, the ending is not predictable at all and it will surprise you. A bit underrated here so do not put an attention to a bad reviews. Overall, worth watching. 6.5/10


Rebel Moon: První část – Zrozená z ohně (2023) 

If you are watching a trailer and maybe thinking that it doesn't look so bad as they're saying. Trust me, it is. That's why I didn't even bother to watch the whole thing. And if I will come across this piece of shit again on this site, I will change my rating to TRASH! Just for the amusement and to warn others of possible mental harm. So watch with caution. 1/10


Chudáčci (2023) 

Refreshing, full of humour, great acting, nudity and deep thoughts. However not the new thoughts, but still deep and so important to ask ourself. What does life mean to me, you or to the world itself? I guess, without observing you wouldn't know. Maybe that's the whole point. But enough about philosophy, it is boring anyway. This movie was NOT! And that is my observation. I would go with "Movie of the Year" with this one. Much more interesting than Oppenheime, Emma worked reaaaally hard for that. What a simple, disgusting creatures we are, right? Well, fuck you too...


Fakulta (1998) 

Extremely watchable, funny, entertaining, full of nostalgia and one of the most underrated movie of 90's. From the very opening this sci-fi is simply a masterpiece. Every scene is on spot and makes sense. Flawless casting is highlighted by nostalgic music.  Rodriguez knows how to guide you throughout the movie with perfect-timing surprises and I've never seen Robert Patrick more entertaining. Faculty never disappoints, no matter what kind of state you're in. 10/10


Men (2022) 

Krasny vizual, otrasny napad. Ano, ako tu uz povedal Mrceloo, hodnotenia budu rozporuplne. Ja hodnotim takto, pretoze som uz stratil vieru aj trpezlivost pri tomto type hororu. A aky typ to pre mna je? Jendoducho, vizualne putavy, dejovo gradujuci, herecky perfektne obsadeny, ale taktiez, zahodeny potencial, zaverovo vizualne sokujuci avsak nic nevysvetlujuci iba matuci. A bez akejkolvek sance na dalsie zhliadnutie. Akokolvek by som tomu chcel dat vyssie hodnotenie, nemozem. Nemam rad ak reziser dlhodobo graduje dej v ocakavani na velke finale (a ze toto mohlo mat velke finale), no nakoniec sa zmoze len audiovizualne sokovat, aby si pred premierov zabezpecil zvedavost u divaka, aby bolo co dat do traileru a to je asi tak vsetko. Zamer filmu nepoznam, mozno to bol aj ten zamer, aby si ho kazdy vysvetlil po svojom. Moje vysvetlenie by tak bolo, ze pre mna toto nemalo vobec zmysel a hladat nejaky by bola pre mna iba strata mojho casu. Po tom vsetkom si uvedomite, teda aspon ja, ze to bolo nefunkcne od zaciatku az do konca.


Significant Other (2022) 

Zas a znova jeden z underrated movie. Vidim ze tunajsi "odbornici" to uz pekne osrackovali svojimi "analyzami" aneb "jedna veta postaci, ved nerozumel som tomu" :). Scifi hodne pokracovania a hodne zamyslenia. Netypicke ponatie nametu o pristahovalcovi z ineho kuta vesmiru a celkom logicke vyrozpravanie pribehu ako by teda asi mohol vyzerat sposob, akym by nas niekto chcel ovladnut. 4 hviezdy nie su vsak za to. Su za pekny vizual, netradicny nadych humoru, necakany twist v pribehu a aj za zaver, ktory mna osobne potesil a pre tych co to uz videli tak nie, nemyslim si, ze pribeh nemal svoj koniec. Ak by sa nejakym zahadnym sposobom nasla sanca na pokracovanie, nebudem sa hnevat. Ale je viac menej uz iste. ze tak ako podobne u inych underrated movies, az o par rokov uvidia ludia potencial, ktory tu jednoznacne je a to uz bude mozno aj neskoro.