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Recenze (1 028)


Pobřežní hlídka (2017) 

You dont want to do that, big dog. I m an animal lover, but I will put you down. And not a single fuck was given. So you are going to make me guess your name? I may resist for a while, but we know eventually I will give in. So why dont we just skip that. Why dont you put a baby in me? Why does she always look like shes running in slo-mo? Shes always looks wet. Shes the reason I believe in God. Hey, hows your dick? Ready for action. 32. You are not gonna be my brother here and úut me on the right path. It doesnt work like that. I got where I am today completely by myself (protože má komplex z bohatý rodiny). So how about you let me do my job, and I will tell you where to send my checks? Má taky roztrhaný triko. Sharks always swim slowly. Until they need to attack. Thats the Devils Urchin. One prick out of that thing will give you enough adrenaline to choke out a pissed-off bull. The only problem is, after that, you say some crazy-ass shit, and then you fucking die. Did you just look at my boobs? You are looking at them right now. Bcs you are talking about them. Testing. Failed. OMG, we are gonna be in swimsuits a lot, so. When you point them out like that, its a compliment if you think about it. You are in politics. You know that no one can claw their wa to the top without getting a little dirt under their fingernails. See something you like? You are gonna be cool and go talk to her like a real man, or you gonna stand up here and be Creepy Creeperton through the binoculars (předtím Hallam Foe). Ta černá antilopa je Stefanie? Whats your deal. You like torturing guys? Every team has a ringer. What do we do? Lifeguards in pursuit. Its just some guys chasing some other guys (přesně). Buchannon. On nikoho nenechal na věži a ohrozil tak další životy? Kdybych byl tebou, tak se vrátím zpátky do Afriky, ty gazelo. Takový zbytečný drama - je přece lepší, když tam zustane jeden z nich, než aby dosadil někoho cizího. Navíc je to Mitche chyba. Křivdí mu. No ještě, že se to nebere vážně. You wearing working man shoes? How far have you fallen? You are the bay. Bay needs you. Sand grifters. So impulsive. Thats why you walked right into my plan. Krásnej glock. You know the best thing about wining is that you get to write the story of what happened. Its a big red button. Ten ježek byl předvídatelnej od tý chvíle, co se objevil na pláži. That was a badass right cross, Brody. You just said my real name. OMG, did you just look at my dick? Now we are even.


X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) 

Jo, to byla Jessica! Já koho mi připomíná. Ale nepíchali jsme spolu, aby se mi zapsala do paměti. Who are we? Are we simply what others want us to be? Are we destined to a fate beyond our control (Boží plán/rebelové)? Or can we evolve (to je součástí - jejich plánu)? Become something more? Člověk je dokonalý takový, jaký je, jak jej stvořil Buh - ve své puvodní podobně, od které jsme se značně vzdálili. 1975. Special is just a nice word for weird. What you choose to do with your GIFT, thats entirely up to you. You think you can fix me too. No, bcs you are not broken.1992 (Endeavour). You know you can do anything you set your mind to. The women are always saving the men around here. You might wanna think about changing the name to X-Women. To sou držky. To nemohli vybrat lepší komparz? Z labutě vyrostlo ošklivé káčátko. Ta opice snad hraje svoje mladší já, nepoznám to. The MIND of a psychic is a fragile thing. It takes only the slightest tap to tip it in the wrong direction. Další osobnosti. Subpersonality. Není jediná. Aktivují se ve správný okamžik. A pak začne peklo na zemi. I had to make adjustments to her mind when she was young. Scaffolding, walls around to keep out all the trauma. Get out of my head. What did you see? Shes all desire. All rage, all pain. Podívej se do hlavy mně. And its all coming out at once. Tak aspon to má dobrej námět. If we can control her power, we can RESURRECT our race. Begin again. Padlí, už jsou mezi námi, loyální svému pánovi. Jasný, on z ní měl strach, čurák. I protected her. From the truth. Stay away from me. We are going to get through this together. This is what FAMILY does. We take care of each other. Tvl, ta se vylíže ze všeho. Tu neřeš. Zabili ji snad v každém díle. Sometime you want to believe ppl are something that they are not. And then, by the time you realize who they are, its too late. Charles, just admit you were wrong. You messed with the mind of an eight year-old girl. You pushed out all that pain and anger. Where do you think it’s going to go? Zase vinu svalují na někoho jiného - třeba jen to, že se sami nedokáží vyrovnat se smrtí svý přítelkyně. Najdeš si jinou mutantku! A lepší, zelenější, která zaplní to prázdné místo ve tvém srdci. Nebo si adoptuješ kočičku z utulku, kdyby tě žádná jiná nechtěla (mě nechtěj ani ty kočky). Nikdo není dokonalej a Chuck udělal jen to nejlepší, co bylo v jeho silách. Nicméně, pokud by chybu opravdu udělal, musel by si ji nejprve sám přiznat, aby se z ní mohl poučit, a hlavně - ted narážím na předešlou větu - mu mohli opět znovu začít duvěřovat - dát mu druhou šanci. Třeba se tímto směrem příběh vyvine, nebude to jen o tý krávě, co si nerozumí a hledá sama sebe. Všichni se o ní starali, dali jí to nejlepší, a ona se ted rozsype, protože jí tatínek neměl rád. Pochopil bych, kdyby ji v osmi letech píchal do zadečku, to dokáže s dětskou psychikou zamávat. Ale na to x-meni nemají koule. I přesto se jim vždycky musí přiznat určitá hloubka, protože to nikdy není jen o partě buzerantu v barevných elastákách, co se honí po obloze a zachranují svět. Bcs its so much easier to understand your language when you are not screaming. I lived with VENGEANCE my whole life. Killed whatever I thought would make the pain go away. It didn’t. No matter how many souls I sent under. Podle mě pěkně kecá. Vím, jak je to příjemný, osvobozující pocit, když nějakýmu kriplovi zabiješ čokla. A hlavně bych o tom neměl problém mluvit na věřejnosti. Co teprve zkrouhnout nějakýho pejskaře v temným podchodě? A co nakonec je odblešit z povrchu země všechny? To musí být hotové orgie. We are here for a girl, who gave us those rights when she attacked a squad of police officers. Ne, oni zautočili první. Srali se do něčeho, do čeho jim bylo hovno. A na jejich rodiny sere pes. Postřílel bych jim je před očima. Jak se tadle verbež, která odpadla od Boha, muže zaklínat vlastníma mrtkama, ze kterejch - kdyby nebyl konec - vyroste stejnej sajrajt jako jejich rodiče? Konečně někdo, kdo se s tím nemazlí. Doufám, že taky poteče krev. Vy idioti si asi neuvědomujete, jak je tendle svět zvrácenej. Prase si taky neuvědomuje, že je špinavý. Attacked police and military personel - jak brečí všichni. Ve skutečnosti žijete na dluh. Brzo se budete střílet v ulicích jako prašiví psi - včetně těch zkurvenejch fízlu, co vám do ted utírali prdel. Budete kvičet, ale nikdo vám už nepomuže, nikam se nedovoláte, budete sami čelit vlastnímu osudu. You are the girl who everyone abandons (ne Buh). You afraid of it bcs you think it makes you bad, EVIL. All the words you have been taught to keep you in line. Words created a very long time ago by men with very little minds. They cant begin to comprehend what you are. Even your X-Men. Tady se trefila. A co teprve malá česká svině, co se peleší v posteli se zvířaty? Ravens dead. Oni si to rozdaj spolu. Další uplakánek, kterej mimochodem likviduje ostatní. Byla to nehoda, ty čuráku! Neměla na ni sahat. Varovala ji. Ona neposlechla. Muže si za to sama. A stejně se mi nelíbila. What entered you in space was not a solar flare. And it was not an accident. It was drawn to you. A pure and unimaginably powerful cosmic force. Its the spark that gave life to the universe and flame that consumed my world. You can harness that power to create whole new worlds (ale ty ne). Turn dust into water, water into life. Its your destiny to become into something greater, to evolve into the greatest force in the galaxy. I told you, they could never understand you. And what they dont understand, they FEAR. And what they fear, they seek to destroy. Druhá strana sklouzla k patosu, kde se nepřítel jejich nepřítele stává jejich přítelem - kvuli jedný mrtvý čubce. Doufám, že ta bitka aspon bude stát za to. You are always sorry, Charles. And theres always a speech. You cast me out. Now you come here to kill me? And you couldnt even do that? Let me show you how. Shes not your little girl anymore. You can do anything you set your mind to (nd). So show me. Walk to me. What are you (it/demons)? She cant be helped. Shes a lost cause. As long as theres someone to care for her, who believes, then theres still HOPE. He just showed you your past. Follow me into your future. I never asked for this. Than take it. Free me. Your lives mean nothing. Your world will be ours. A celkem po právu. You will kill us all. A tak se i stane. Zvláštní, že si v minulosti s komandem mutantu uměli poradit během pár minut, a v budoucnosti z nich mají takovej strach. I should never have lied to her. I was wrong. I have no desire to fight you. I get that a lot. I had a change of heart. I was trying to keep the PAIN away, but… you just buried it. I m so sorry for what I did to you (přiznal chybu - muže mu odpustit). I know you did what you did out of love. I forgive you. You want this power? You gonna get it. Your emotions make you weak. You are wrong. My EMOTIONS make me strong. Zach 11/17 (podruhý - poprvý v zrcátku po bouračce). I am not destined to a fate I cant control. I evolved beyond this world. This is not the end of me or the X-Men. Its a new beginning. Slow down, safety first (ohrožená skupina). Fancy a game? Ta bitka na konci fakt stála za to (nikoli ta mezi x-meny). A hlavně hodně dobrej hudební doprovod, kterej podkresluje celej film. A ještě bych chtěl něco napsat: Jste čuráci! Myslím, že je zbytečný, aby se nějaké další filmy vubec točily, když je divák ani nedokáže pochopit. Kolik poselství bylo v posledních blockbusterech sděleno, kolik jste si z toho odnesli domu? Přečetl jsem si vaše komentáře a nikdo se nezmínil o tom, že to bylo o duvěře. O duvěře, kterou mužete znovu získat, ale jen pokud připustíte vlastní chybu. Pak vám muže být odpuštěnou, zasloužíte druhou šanci a posunete se společně na další level. Nikdo z vás zmrdu todle v životě asi nezažil a tak to ani ve snímku nemuže vidět, nebo patří jen do té kategorie, která si o druhém dokola namlouvá, že je lepší, než ve skutečnosti je, a znovu padá do stejné pasti a nikdy se nepoučí. Přitom to nebylo mezi řádky a nikdo to nezohlední! Co bys chtěl, malý český prasata, co žijí na hromadě se zvířaty - protože nikdo jinej jim nerozumí. Jinak bez mimozemštanu by tam nebyla žádná záporná postava, žádná super energie, žádná famozní bitka na závěr. Bez humoru - debílci. Jmenuje se to Dark Phoenix! Jste ho snad v minulých dílech neměli dost? Když vám někdo zkope čokla, tak se mužete zbláznit, a to je teprve švanda. Dávám plnej počet, přestože tam bylo hodně nesympatickejch postav, ale mělo to hloubku a nikomu z debilu na databázi se to nelíbilo. V celkovém vyznění možná lepší než Logan.


Logan: Wolverine (2017) 

To zní dobře. Jaktože jsem to ještě nestáh, já, takovej fanda komixáku... The plating fakes off. I always tought we were part of Gods plan. But maybe we were Gods mistake (nephilim, hybrids, mutants). Ve skutečnosti hybridy/mutanty tvořila první linie potomku padlých andělu (Enoch). A soldier who will not fight is useless. Hallowed by Your name, Thy kingdom come (X-men 2). Motherfucking auto-tracks (taky na to čumím). In a pride of lieons, the female is both, hunter and caregiver. Lord will provide us. Canewood Beverage bought up everything out here, except of us. Couple months ago somebody poisoned our dogs (to nebyl Canewood Beverage). We struggled with the X-23s (bylo předtím v dokumentech - číslo šelmy). We assumed, bcs they were children, we could raise them without a conscience. But you cant nurture (výživa/výchova) rage. You must simply design it from scratch. Beware the light. You are a newborn by any measure. De nada (není zač - nvm, odkud to znám). These are all little killing machines. Killing machines who would have happily disemboweled your family. You had a nightmare. Ppl hurt me. Mine are different. I hurt ppl. Its made out of Adamantium. Its what they put inside of us. Thats why it can kill us/they cant kill us. Probably what is killing me now. I have hurt ppl, too. You are gonna have to learn how to live with that. They were bad ppl. Between noon and five, satellite are blind then. Such a nice man. I never asked for this! Its better this way. Bad shit happens to ppl I care about. Not all at once. Wearing off. Zander Rice. Weapon X Program. My friend Donnie overstates. He makes it sound more brutal than intended. The goal was not to end mutand kind, but to control it. I realized we neednt stop perfecting what we eat and drink. That we could use those products to perfect ourselves. To distribute gene therapy discreetly through everything from sweet drinks to breakfast cereals (hezyký). And it worked. Vždycky jsem tvrdil, že nás nemusí sprejovat, kdyby nás chtěli otrávit. Jenže cílem není zvednout naši kondici, ale udělat z nás něco jinýho - konkrétně sami mutanty. A ano, tento proces na jisté urovni v masovém měřítku dávno započal. Je to krev, která na sebe váže esenci zla. Krev nefilim, potomku padlých andělu. Jak za času Noeho, bude i na konci věku. Random mutancy went the way of polio. We embarked on our next endeavor. Growing mutants of your own. Precisely. A man has to be what he us (o tom mluvím). Cant break the mold. Theres no living with a killing. Theres no going back (no to fakt ne). Right or wrong, its a brand. A brand that sticks. Nekecej, Wolverine to zabalil. Now you run on home to your mother. There are no more guns in the valley. Koukej, co udělala. Zemřel jako mutant, ne v Ježíši Kristu. Todle je hustý. Zajímavý komentář: RedAK.


Déšť - Série 1 (2018) (série) 

04 God protect stupidity. I thought God protected you. Well, He does, but not from stupidity. You cant attack nature and not expect it to strike back. Why are you doing this? You dont know what it feels like to be lonely (já ano). Thats the way we do it from now on. No more talk. Lets go. Začíná mě to bavit. Why didnt you shot them? I did what I thought was right (ona si mu později stoupla do mušky, a pronesla stejný slova). Blahoslavení milosrdní, neboť oni dojdou milosrdenství. 05 Not everything is explained. We have done away with those doubts here. How did you do that? By melting onto one. It all boils down to what I do I fear if I dont exist? We are one, and we are now. We have ho past, no name, no gender. Its the end of the world, but we are right here. Tak to pak není konec světa. Ten si naopak užijete. So you even hear what you are saying? You have been fortunate to experience ultimate love. Co jim do toho přidávaj kromě verbala? Once you have partaken the meal, you are part of the community. The one who finds a flower in the wrapper is the chosen one. Todle si česká svině brzo taky zahraje – navíc jídlo bude chutnat jako vepřový. We have to stand by what we have done. Čím dál lepší. Lets get out of this fuckin zone. 06 I m gonna cruise Europe in this. And dont come back. A child would never leave that behind. As long as its raining, no ones coming. Its so unfair that the disease doesnt kill animals. Proč, máte jídlo. Zajímavej námět. Smrtící déšt. Not in the same way. Why did you come out to me in the rain? It was the right thing to do. 07 We have to save him. I would prefere to kick his ass. Lets save him first. You can kick his ass later. We are in the same situation. Zatím docela nářez. Asi jsem propadl seriálum. 08 Nutritional supplements. Proč jim to rovnou nepřidá do žrádla? Take one. Then we will take one, too. If we take one, you take one. She did the same thing to me. That was tacky. Debilové. Hes contagious. He infect others without getting sick himself. The virus has mutated. Its bigger than us now. You need to block the air vents. When the oxygen level drops, the doors will open. Thousands of tiny capsules are moving around our bodies right now. The rash on your neck is an allergic reaction. If we leave zone, they are triggered. You found the way to weaponized the virus? Lets say we found a way to control the world within … is renown.


Closet Land (1991) 

Iluminátské sloupy – řecko/římská mytologie, odkaz na falešná božstva, padlé anděly, podlaha – černobílá symbolika, dominance/submisivita (o tom je celý film, možná o splitting the personality – ani sineuvědomuju, kolik jich bylo na stejné motivy natočeno). I m rather quiet ignorant about politics. You are not a member of any underground group or anything? Children make the best receptacles for propaganda. You can to anything with a child as long as you play with him (Bismarck). They took the wrong turn? Todle bude dlouhý. You interrogated me like a common criminal, knowing full well you owned me an apology? We can never be so sure. What did it sound like? A chocked gutter. Did he raped you? No. He just fondled (mazlit) you? I m not lying. I m sure you not, but maybe you imagined it. Is that why are you such a goodwritter, imagination? Let a doctor examine me. You really should watch what you are saying. Walls have ears. Why didnt you leave when you could (the girl with the dragon tattoo)? Deliberate deceit will not be tolerated, although personally, I may find your lies charming. Inadvertent blunders will be treated with firm kindness, and you must trust me to decide the ratio of firmness to kidness. Your best hope would be to depersonalize what follows, and not to look upon me as a foe or yourself as a victim. We are both seekers of truth and in this quest, I am your friend, philosopher and guide. The Cow who Learned to Fly. The Cat With Green Wings. Heavy-duty political stuff. You had my home search, didnt you? It is interesting to hear writers talk about their work. Hidden meanings surface. Whan you write for children you pretty much have to be direct, theres no room for hidden meanings. Children are remarkably subtle creatures. Pieces of fluff, they have no more depth than cotton candy. Good little girl. I dont trust lonely ppl. All conversations in all hospital rooms are taped without exception. We gain access to confessions, guilts, longings, you name it (at žijou mobily). Most of it is sentimental drivel and is destroyed. Government policy. Closet Land is a place where ppl go for secret meetings! Remember, the clothes dont come alive until the child is alone with them. Friendly Rooster, who is on the lookout, gives the warning cry. You have made the child a martyr and the mother a tyrant. Your sympathies are with the child, bcs you resent any authority. Do you object to my interpretation? But thats all it is, your interpretation. I cant control the messages ppl choose to find in my stories. There are ppl get turned on by passages in the Bible. You are guilty of subliminal indoctrination. I m not a political person. You are not one of those anti-smoking activists, are you? Ted je z toho komedie. You will know if I m going to hurt you. Its the suspense, not the pain, that will drive you mad. Bever trust strangers. Didnt your mother tell you that? Anallogy for struggles of the various underground groups that are resisting the government. Child – protagonist of the story – stands for the uninformed reader, whose views I wish to mold. I represent government authority in the character of the mother and the clothes are all underground insurgents. The Friendly Rooster is a government official. To nemá chybu. Even if I confess to this, how do I know it will stop here? There will be others, more lies, wont there? Trochu Orwell. There has been estimated that 96,8% of all women who favour black underwear are the closet-whores. Sign the confession or suck my dick. Which do you please, you tease? Our Friendly Neighborhood sex-watch says your last time was when you fucked ha ha tried to fuck some guy two yrs ago. Even fossils show more signs of life. Who wants a cold unresponsive whore? Your story is thinly-veiled propaganda designed to stir dissent in the hearts of children. Your rights has been suspended. You do not merit a name or identity. You are henceforth be referred to by a number: AB234. They are watching me too. Your versas are my vices and versa vice. Our aim is to rid society of negative influences. Your aim is to humiliate and debace the human being! There is no justification for cruelty. Our aim justifies the use of certain unorthodox means. We must break your body to win your mind (Orwell). Pain ennobles both the giver and the receiver. Discipline will remain government policy as long as you resist. You respond to my question with the first word that comes to your mind (Touchdown). Sex. Pain. Government. Carrying, loving, just. Mind. Government property. Opposition. Futile. Sleep. Death. Pain will only strengthen my will. You can break my body, but you cannot break my mind. Torture is the policy of tyrants. Resistance is my only weapon. Pain will only temper my will. Why do you refuse? It is such a small thing. Just signature. Think of it as an autograph. To a secret admiter. Children have to be taught a firm lesson. Ted je z toho Martyr. As long I can go to closet land, all you have are my bones. Most ppl break down in matter of hours and you escaped from us on the back of flying cow and a cat with wings. You are a strange and unique case, AB234. What made you this way? Some hidden streak? An inner sickness? We just didnt noticed. Like my mama. If you can frighten a child into silence, you can frighten a ppl, too. And the ppl wont scream either. They will go around pretending everythings fine, everythings all right, while their neighbours disappear all around them. And then they will become like children. Scared of bad man, the chopper that will chop off their heads. Thats whats so terrifying bcs children are so powerless. And make such easy victims.


Hush (2016) 

Can I stop by? Sure – cooking. What are you making? Right now just a mess - Dont see any flames. Not yet - Writer brain. Makes me crazy. Ani possible outcome is like a movie in my head with many endings - I have a voice in my mind (dokonce) - I feel vibrations. That is why it is so loud - Shes fine. Independent little bitch (cat) - Thought of you today - Midnight Mess - Suffered hearing loss and temporary vocal paralysis - Didnt set it up properly - Or scrap the whole book and find another career - Craig (zrovna jsem dokoukal The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) - Negr, to snad ne - What are you up to? Abandoning the novel. Joining the circus - I love you (Resident Evil Retribution – s palcem do strany) - Wont tell didnt see face (až na to tetování na krku) - Boyfriend coming home (tím ho vytočila, je to lovec) - Kurvičky se nás pořád budou snažit zastrašovat - I can come in any time I want (jsem si právě řikal, jesli to hraje, nebo je tak blbej). And I can get you any time I want. But I m not going to. Not until its time (má dobře napsanej scénář, škoda, že vypadá jako retard) - Nod your headif you understand me (předtím The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) - To je retard! On si nechá skřípnout prsty do okna a pak bodnout kladivem! Pochybuju, že někdy něco ulovil než berbrannou slepici. Spíš si svuj deficit vynahrazuje na slabších. Ale tak tydle kurvy si to zaslouží - Suspect is at large on foot - Force of habit - I figured I had about a two-in-ten chance if it came to a fight - If you cant run, hide, or wait, what does that leave? - Kill him - Died fighting - I think that you are holding out on me - I bet if I hit the right spot I can make you scream


Nadechni se (2013) 

Kdo v tom hraje? Mackenzie Davis. Tady je, pyča. O čem to je? Aha, dědek se nám zamiluje do holčičky. To by mohlo bejt zajímavý. Tak já bych neodolal, ale on, dědek v letech – má nějakou integritu, ne? Navíc se mu už nepostaví. To je nuda! Kdy ji už konečně vošuká?


Déšť (2018) (seriál) 

Sračka. Zhlídnul jsem to celý za deset minut. Nic mě nezaujalo. Jen ten nápad. Skupinka necharismatickejch dementu z Dánska pobíhá po zdevastovaném městě a řeší, kde složit hlavu, co sežrat, jak se nenechat zabít každým bezdákem, případně kde si umejt záda. Postapo, jak má bejt, akorát je to totální nuda. A pak nadávejte na americký filmy. Hezká krajina. ...o pár dní později. No, není to tak špatný. Dokáže to zaujmout - když si to pustíte v polovině. Nicméně všichni herci mají tak šeredný držky, že se musíte dívat mimo monitor.


Napospas osudu (2014) 

Do you read Bible? I guess not as often as you do. There shall be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places (Matthew 24/7). All of these things, the diseasters, the wars, they are all signs. Its a fallen world. God created it perfect and we destroyed it on the first set... I got married when we were both very young and the changes that a person goes through between 20 and 50 are enormous. Hate someone who sees earthquake on the news and then tries to convince everyone its a good thing. Does that make sense to you? Ta vypatlaná kravička si aspon pokládá dobré otázky. The day after tsunami, theres that one woman, Medina. She lost three of her four children in that wave, dragged down to the sea while she watched. It was all she could do was to hold on to a tree with a six-week old baby in her arms. And she was so sure that God had saved her and thank the fuckin baby that she went straight to her knees. She thanked Him. She thanked him for killing the others? Je fakt na ránu. Shes got the chance, that night she refused to leave the evacuation and after all God was watching over her. How do ppl see some things like that and just. Ta je uplně vypadlaná. Nehodila by se ani na kouření. If you look hard enough you will see whatever it is you are looking for. But you might have to ignore a lot of other things to do it. One of them might be the truth. If you had to find reason for something like that to happen, then, well, you might end up behind a stranger at the airport. Heavy conversation. Možná nemusí být všechno podle tebe, ty malá čubko. Do you think moms crazy? Dad says pastor Bruce was washing her brains (mozky?). I got them. I m going to find a way to pay you back. Just hear me out. Just a little (typický). I have been praying for you to come home and I believe thats why God brought you here. I brought me home. Then why did he let him fly off to London? Maybe its important for us to talk. Přesně to vystihli, tu nechápavou krávu a člověka, kterej poznal Boha. Jen někdy jsou ty role v rodině obrácený. Lol, to je jak ze Stephena Kinga. Proč zrovna dětičky? Ty asi těžko našly cestu. Jasně, Buh vytrhne milion lidí a zrovna několik z nich je z jednoho letadla. To už rovnou mohli doletět do nebe. Safe from our own panic. It is the biggest threat on this plane right now. Čekal blbost, ale má to hodně zajímavou zápletku. Dnes se o Vytržení hodně mluví. Otázka je, co je na tom pravdy. Nicméně detail nelze oddělit od celku, a pokud je pravdivá, dočkáme se i toho. Ale nebude to před příchodem Antikrista (7 let), ale před jeho korunovací. Protože tehdy začne pronásledování křestanu. Tady spojily den D a následný chaos s Vytržením. I když dávalo by to taky smysl. Jsem zvědavej, jak to dopadne. Takhle to vypadá, že za unosem stojí pedofilové. We have the right to know if we are going to die! Everyone sit down. As hard as it may be, we all need to stay calm. Ta by ji dostala jako první, tadle blondatá štětka. Možná proto někteří křestané – jako třeba já – zustanou na zemi i během Apokalypsy, aby si ten pohled na ty vydešené zmrdy vychutnali. Is the wing on fire or is the spray on fire? Ten je v pohodě. We will fly affront of it. It will burn off. Si řikal, musej mít uzavřený okruhy. Ale pochybuju, že když imbecil trefí ve vzduchu jiný letadlo, ještě k tomu v noci – když je vidět – tak že by letěl dál… Tak to pochybuju, že pejskař se dostal do nebe. To jsou ti největší zmrdi. Isnt invisible any crazier than vanished. Either I m going crazy, or the world is going insane. I think I know where they are. If we passed through a wormhole, a wrinkle in the space time fabric, theoretically, we could be in different dimensions with those ppl who dont exist. Třeba jim zustal druhej pilot. Just like He promised, in a blink of an eye. Then why are you still here? Dobrá otázka. They say that one day millions of ppl will going to just disappear. I really knew this was coming. In details. How can that be possible. How could she know that. Think about it. You were here every day. You preached here. Thats not what counted. I knew all the words, I could quote the chapters (leda ve snu) but that was not enough. Protože seš přizdisráč. You have to believe. Aha. Believe in what? In a God that killed my father? A God that grabbed my mother and my brother (pochybuju, takovej zmentek) and raised them out of this (fallen) world? A God that crashes planes and destroys cities? Nechápavá kurvička zase předvádí divadýlko… stupidity. Mně to dává perfektní smysl. A lidem se to snaží vysvětlit marně. He took them to protect them. From what? From the darkest time in the history of this world (už se nemužu dočkat). Persecution, war (yes). In seven yrs of darkness, he took them to heaven. And what about the rest of us. To je ta lepší část. It is not about what we do, its about asking for forgiveness, its about turning our lives over. To je těch zbylejch 144tis, co musí Boha teprve poznat. Budou čištěni, běleni až do konce. Hows youf fuel? Critical. I m gonna level with you. What about the water? Cant raise the nose. I cant let the ppl back there go down without having any chance to undo some of their mistakes. Every time that she mentioned God, I walked away. To se dnes prakticky děje. Bacha, pyče má opět proslov. Doufám, že potom skočí. Vysrala se i na zbytek lidí, co na světě zustali. Nezaslouží žádnou druhou šanci. Mělo jí to zazvonit, když letěla dolu. Will you pray with me? Looks like the END of the world. Not yet. I m afraid this is just the beginning.


Barva z vesmíru (2019) 

Arkham, very old town full of witch legends. I thought the evil must be something which grandams had whispered to children through centuries. Ceased to wonder at anything. Tvl, to je pomalý/to se vleče! Líbí se mi, jak tady hraje Cage – toho starýho přemýšlivýho páprdu jako z Knowing. Trianglová symbolika. Cassoulet. I dont know how you can still be interested in me. To taky nechápu. You know I have always been a leg man. So if I have my legs cut off, would you still love me then? Bit kinky, but yes. Could tuck you into my carry-on laggage and enjoy you wherever I go. Now, that is sexy. Vo co, že o ně přijde. We are living the dream. Well, a dream you dream alone. A dream you dream together is reality. Máte se na co těšit, malý český svině. You are even more beautiful to me now than ever. Its bcs you took your glasses off. You will always be my golden lady. Čokl v posteli, to je už normální dnešní realita běžný … rodiny. Babylon whores – čarodějnictví taky. Samí pohané. Je to pro ně zábava. I am so sorry about the smell. Like somebody lit a dog on fire. Je to spíš komedie. Weird guy i met at the river. What was your name again? Ward. Phillips. Nemužu si pomoct. Hes doing a survey on underwater. I m hydrologist. Mně přijdeš jako cigán. Welcome to life in the sticks. Check on her. Off you go. You were practically throwing yourself at him. Its drawning the lightning. The Willows. Auto startuje, rádio hraje. No já to dokoukám asi jindy. Přesně, vajíčko nejdřív do misku, právě kvuli tomudle! Dvakrát se mi to stalo poslední měsíc. Musel jsem umejt celou pánev. Proč pořád kontrolujou tu matku? Dinners ready. To je prča! Zase takový starý auto, Volvo. Maggot dick. Možná to nehraje, možná jenom zestárnul. Je to deset let, co jsem ho v něčem viděl hrát naposledy. Jé, ružový kytky, se poseru strachem. Trochu mi to svým zpusobem připomíná Annihilation, kterej jsem si znovu pustil minulý týden. A ted vidím, že to mutuje prostředí. V Annihilation to byla originální myšlenka, ačkoli už to bylo podle nějaký knížky. Dont puke. You dont get it, do you? Its in here. Its in the static. Its in the moisture. Up is down. Fast is slow. Whats in here is out there, and whats out there is in here now. Comprende? Stick to the bottled water. You might see her, but I dont think you will recognize her. Mluví rozumně. Christ, that was close. Proč jsi to nepřejel? Did you see that thing? Did you see its eyes? Začíná se to zajímavě rozjíždět. While the cats away, the mice will play? Do you have any idea how much these animals cost us? They are alpacas! Lamy. Warn him about what? Stupid goddamn dog. Nemluví zrovna hezky. They? They, then, it. Fakt komedie. That thing that has been fucking this place up. Why are you so in denial? Smell of death, disinfectant. The cancer smell. Rotting milk. Proč dycky to jedno dítě je v tědle filmech totální retard? Everythings gonna be A-OK. Just look at you beauties, and a month early. So, id there climate change? Samsung. LG. Co ten T-Rex? Ona ztrácí klienty, on nedokáže vypěstovat rajčata, ale nic z toho není umyslně. Je to postranní efekt. Lavinny. Lavinia, what did you do to yourself? Sleduj, jak si vedou bez techniky. You fucking cocksucker. Looks like shes absorbing him. Trying to reassimilate him into her body. How can any of this even be possible? That thing from the meteorite happened to them. Its changing everything around it. Time as well. Like when you are approaching a black hole. Car is not happening. What does that mean? Everything under control. Tak kdy už vytáhne tu brokovnici! I cant take this. Make it stop. Go downstairs, both of you. Konečně rozumnej nápad. Do as i say. What are you gonna do? To, co měl udělat dávno. Handle it. Stará pýča a malej spratek. Odpráskl bych je hned. Like you handle the alpacas? Taková devítihlavá san! Love you, Dad. Shh… Looks like radiation burns. Kometa. Jedinej poslední zpusob transportu jim utekl. Its just fucking dog. I will do everythinh you want. I will even clean up my room. If theres one thing that families fo, they stay together. Now, feed your mother. Lavinia! Místo toho, aby jí jako chlap ustřelil palici, a zbavil utrpení, tak z ní zmutovala kudlanka. Come in. Theresa will be happy to see you. Mommy. I m hungry! Benny lives in well now. I will be back. It grew down there. Poisoning everything. Changing everything into something like the world it came from. Into what it knows (chaos). We all know its coming, but we cant get away. Its got everything that lives. They all drunk the water. It got strong. Fed itself on them. it came from the stars where things aint like they are here (jiná dimenze, peklo). Its just a color. But it burns. It sucks and it burns. Poselství. Its beautiful. Tak si to užijte. You are dead. Its not big deal. What touch this place cannot be quantified or understand by human science. Messenger from realms whose existence stuns the brain.