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Recenze (618)


The Muppet Movie (1979) 

The Muppet doesn't look like interesting characters and I would doubt it that kids can relate to them easily. The story is little bit silly with no side effects. Songs do not show quality, which would at least support the whole outcome.


Ben Hur (1959) 

1959? Výprava, scénář, kostýmy, I yčejně táhlá dějová linka, herecké výkony, výrazná (někdy přehrávajíci) hudební doprovod, kamera, námět. To je cca výčet věci, které stojí za pozornost, protože Ben Hur je zajímavý počin nejen z hlediska obsahu. Sedět v kině v roce vydání do kin by muselo znamenat absolutní revoluci. Tato pastva pro oči musela pro mnohé změnit vnímání kinematografie.


Dokud jsme mladí (2014) 

Watching this movie was literally like feeling the pain of getting older even more vividly, like loosing the year's of your life in front of the eyes, because endless repeating of one matter won't certainly get you any better. The message is clear, but made so horribly. It is a shame that ambition was beaten by eagerness to produce sophisticated piece of art, but is definitely not.


Chlapectví (2014) 

Absolutely rare occasion to see such a good theme. The journey of one child/boy/teenager/man was quite fun to watch, because there is still something nice or sour going on. It's not only diary with missing pages, but also biography of situations from ordinary life. Sometimes it's not as easy going as it could be, but unforced directing is good enough to provide very good time.


Kráska a zvíře (2017) 

It looks like the beauty was lost in the translation and beast was missing, because neither of the title has happened. All of that shining and unproportional posing leads to a headache, which creates unpleasant experience, even on big screen. It's only bubble with nothing precious inside - beauty and the beast vanished.


Železná srdce (2014) 

Fury is raw, as it could be in the Hollywood war movie. Of course American spirit must be first in the line, but the togetherness of the group is more than that. It shows, one would say indirectly, the style of fighting the german enemy line back. Stoppage might be shorter and scenes not so opulent, because they have no meaning.


Taková je Anglie (2006) 

Unfortunately This is England is not consistent as the time goes by, because first third is very promising, second third is getting worse and the last third sadly proves, that even tragic ending can't save the day. Outstanding acting performances from some of the leading actors, but with wasted potential. Significance of national thinking is set on the secondary rail and focus on psychological insight has won, which is main benefit of this film.


Policajt ze sámošky 2 (2015) 

Sequel isn't as good as first movie. Anyway some scenes are entertaining and keeps the mind occupied, but it is all on the verge between silliness and stupidness. Anyway, if you are looking for something to watch, when your brain is turned off, this is the good enough choice and it will do justice.


Jimmy Carr: Funny Business (2016) (TV film) 

You don't know what is coming next in this show and that is the best weapon of Jimmy Carr. His ability to surprise the audience with naughty jokes makes the show very funny through the whole time. He is standing steadily in his shoes, as the running time of stand up performance progresses, with confidence and ability to answer back instantly.


The Fundamentals of Caring (2016) 

Straight forward plot with signs of road movie. Lots of references on mutual understanding and unusual sense of humor keeps this movie above the avarage. Lack of content puts The Fundamentals of Caring little bit behind, but it's a good movie with the meaning.

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