


Na Rocklandskej univerzite vypukne požiar, Melinda má obavy o život profesora Paynea, ale on vyviazne bez zranenia. Jim vynesie z horiacej budovy Eliho Jamesa, ktorý bol niekoľko minút bez akýchkoľvek známok života. Po resuscitácii sa Eli preberie. Melinda sa s Eliom spriatelí a čoskoro odhalí, že Eli má podobné skúsenosti ako ona. V porovnaní s ňou však Eli duchov nevidí, ale len počuje. A je to predovšetkým hlas študentky Fiony, ktorá bola v čase požiaru spolu s ním... (TV JOJ)


Recenze (1)


všechny recenze uživatele (k tomuto seriálu)

"N.D.E. (near death experience) literature is chock full of stories like his. Uh, here's how it usually works: You die, you come back to life, and in some very rare cases, there's a, uh, a thread that connects you to where you were, a tether, if you will. Some N.D.E.s can see the ghosts, some can hear them, some can even smell them, and that's the worst because everything on the other side smells like stinky, rotten eggs. It varies, it varies. Sometimes your senses got strong as your brain processes the new input, other times the thread snaps, and you're just a poor, sightless mole like me." ()

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