


Nedovu spolužiačku Serenu začne prenasledovať duch. Dievča pochádza z bohatej, ale rozvrátenej rodiny, čím veľmi trpí. Rodičia jej neprejavujú takmer žiadnu lásku. Melinde sa podarí odhaliť, prečo sa na ňu duch Andrewa „zavesil“. Bola jeho veľkou láskou, a keď zistil, aká je nešťastná, chce ju vziať so sebou za večným svetlom, aby sa už necítila taká osamotená... (TV JOJ)


Recenze (1)


všechny recenze uživatele (k tomuto seriálu)

"You listed 5 distinct aspects of vampire myths - sleepwalking, moths, flying dust... Eastern European tradition says vampires sleep in soil of their home country, hence your red Clay. And in Malaysia, they believe that the plumeria flower attracts creatures of the night. Lots of cultures believe vampires transform themselves into airborne entities like bats and moths, but also, lighter things like dust and smoke. I don't know what you're dealing with, but what you're describing is basically elements from a classic vampire seduction scenario. Seduction, when somebody uses someone's vulnerabilities to lure them into a relationship that only brings them pain." ()

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