

VOD (1)


Nedůvěřivá agentka CIA vyslýchá charismatického muže, který založil duchovní hnutí a vyvolal politické nepokoje. Co je přesně zač? A o co mu jde? (Netflix)

Recenze uživatele vodkasesemte k tomuto seriálu (10)

Kdo má uši, slyš (2020) (E01) 

Nothing shall befall us, except what God has ordained. God loved him so much, He took him sooner than we wanted. God has a different plan for you. He will reveal to you when you will be rady. Větrák sere dokonale. Už nechrčí, jako celej den, dokonce se vypne a jakoby se znovu rozchrčí. Ale zatím mi to nijak výrazně nevadí. To bude asi tím, že jsem až ted zapnul pc, respektive vypnul DEMD, respektive mi ta sračka spadla, a nepřekrývá to žádný soundtrack v pozadí. Vím, že si protiřečím, a sere mě i to, že to nedokážu zapsat. Přišli oba o rodiny, a pořád jich je jak much. I have looked the Devil in the eye. He cannot swallow me. It is written… It is forbidden to misquote the scriptures! Kde? Matka kecala? 666 (Tak je to Dajjál) You are surrounded by enemies who want to eradicate you (mluví jako já). Believe me when I say God will defeat your enemies. Gods han will turn them away. This is their last gasp. Their dying breath. The scale has tipped. History has ended. Hned jsem si ten seriál zamiloval. Hele, Mona. Je to ona? Jasně, že jo! Trochu starší, ale pořád bych ji píchal. Truth has many differen tversions, so its hard to say. Debílek vypatlanej. Safe country, prej. Trochu pozdě s takovým nastevením žádat o nějakej duležitej post. Nelíbil se mi už to jeho držení těla. The truth has many different versions? The truth is pretty gray. I will not redomending you. The CIA is like a holy order. Its a doctrine that you live by. When you are in the trenches, you need to know who your enemies are. A víš, kdo je nepřítelem Boha, ty malá svině? Dělat si monopol na pravdu, chránit západní svině, byla asi ta největší chyba. Ale tydle pyče si budou mlít svou, dokud jim někdo prostě neuřeže ty palice. Samozřejmě, že prasata sama nevidí, že jsou špinavý. Jak si tydle kurvy mislí, že řídí svět. Že jsou součástí nějakého vyššího řádu. Tenjste opustily, když jste se zřekli Boha - a místo něj dosadily psa z množírny (ve většině případech). If you look for truth, you may find comfort. If you look for comfort, you will never find truth. How do you quote infidel? Who yre you to judge whos an infidel? Theres no deity but God. Mě by svedl hned, nebo taky… ale časem začne dělat chyby. You expect a shoemakers son to know the scriptures? A hele, jak je to v jiné kultuře duležitý. Znak společenského postavení. Did you serve God? Than He works through you. He works through everyone. Why arent there any woman? Surely you are not serious. Stop clinging to what you think you know. Už se odkopal… In this hour, mankind (divided mám právě rozehraný) is a rudderless boat. You become what you believe. The Clash of Civilization (Samuel P. Huntington, často sklonovaný Wilkersonem) How you finding it (jak se ti to líbí)? Dry. Poli sci? Yeah, senior year. The only thing you have to remember is that he was right. Huntington predicted that the primaty axis of world conflict after the Cold War would be along cultural and religious lines. Its exactly what happening in world politics today. Ms. Night Owl International relationships. Thats what my dad used to say. He worked for CIA. Its pointless to question these things. You have light in you, but God is going to ask some hard things of you (proč ale). ISIL use this type of apocalyptic propaganda all the time. This guy just taken it to the next level. Jak je mimo, pýča. Takhle snadný to nebude. Válka se přesune do vašich ulic. Hlavně by se ten čurák měl objevit v době hladomoru, kdy bude sytit hladové. Takže až poté, co propukne válka a zavládne chaos. Což je druhý jezdec apokalypsy. Ale tak všechno nám film neprozradí. Už tak zašel příliš daleko… Then how do we fight? Wait for it… Refugees? Český prasata by je v záchvatu svý malosti nejradši postříleli. Ano, dovrší vaší zkázu, ale nemužete s tím nic dělat. Be strong. God is with you. Další vycukaná pyče u ozbrojrných sboru? Female soldier, aha. Fuck the rules. Kurvička mu chce vyhrožovat soudním nařízením. Aspon je vidět, v jakém světě to žijeme. Vraž jí už jednu. Ta je hodně na pěst, asi jako každá samoživitelka. Aspon, že je peknách, což se o českejch a slovenskejch kurvách říct moc nedá. Vlastně to byl duvod k rozvodu. Delivering a message from my father. That will be revealed in time. No one needed to tell me your name. You are in my fathers book (což předpokládám nebude nic dobrého). Your anger is misplaced. You dont want to know about my anger. You hold onto hatred like its a prize, when its the weight around your neck. Přestal věřit, proto je v jeho knize. () (méně) (více)

Povstání (2020) (E02) 

I had a dream last night, somebody blew this place up. Nothing left standing. Everything was gone. Everybody dead. Felt real. It was so strange. Kinda beautiful. I was relieved (Impulse). Better shithole you know (to říkám taky). 666 This soil we stand on is supposed to represent unity. History has ended. The scriptures say that on judgment day, a set of scales will be hung from these arches, to weight all souls. A day where is no more bargaining with God, when no soul will suffice () for another soul. Just you and your God, and your deeds. Who of you has done what God has truly asked? He gives a voice  to our struggle. He misquotes Muhammad. This man is a haretic, not a prophet. But hes appeared in Damascus in a yellow robe, as the scriptures said. If he really is Isa returned (ano, muslimové věří v Ježíše jako proroka, který jen tak mimochodem zabije falešného krista při svém návratu - otázka je, proč nezmíní jeho). To toast with no alcohol is bad luck. You are charming. Yes, so ppl tell me. Is there a reason you dont drink? We all have something to hide, havent we? How did you get so fucked up? To je uplně přesný. Kam nemuže dábel, pošle ženskou. This is all a charade, they are in on it (stejně jako to dělaj sami). To je Favorit? Sem nevěděl, že todle aouto ještě někde jezdí. The citys cut off the power (dneska vypadlo). An old trick to subdue the masses. Two thousands Syrian Palestinian asylum seekers. Div, že tam nejakej uprchlík zustal. Já myslel, že jsou všichni už v Evropě. ()

Boží prst (2020) (E03) 

Tornado alert. Scrub it.  Freeze her accounts. And any other videos like it. Last thing we need is this going viral. Bury it for as long as you can. I go where God takes me. He si coming with the clouds. And every eye will see him, even those who pierced him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn bcs of him. So shall it be. I am the Alpha and the Omega says the Lord who is and was and is to come. Whats he being charged with? Title 8, US Code, Section 1325. Improper entry by an alien. It was meant to happen. Miracle Man spotted in Texas. These old things, thay can become a nuisance (). You are not old, but you are a nuisance. Why cant daddy come inside? Daddy doesnt live here anymore. ()

Proces (2020) (E04) 

Endometrin. Fertility program. He banked his sperm before his chemo treatments. Jasně, ty kurvičko. Div, že jí k tomu dal svolení a nevybrala siho z nějaký databáze, protože o ni normální chlap nezavadil, a vlastně ta pýča ani nechtěla, aby ji někdo zbouchnul. God willing. New Age debiové na scéně. Its not up to me. To the contrary. Its a great responsibility. He doesnt ask easy things. No one can question Gods will. You have made yourself a lot of enemies. Speaking the truth often has that effect. I dont need your help. God provides. Maybe I am a part of Gods plan. You are. Enlighten me. I wish it were that simple (mi povídej). Its always an idea thats just out of reach. They become the embodiment of that idea and it makes them feel special. For a while. But they feel they have no choice but to continue what they started, isolatin themselves cutting off from friends and family, and getting further and further away from what they know till theres no choice but to go over the cliff. And thats what makes ppl like you dangerous. To everyone. My job is to catch you before the cliff. Catchers in the Rye. We are both Catchers in the Rye. Trying to stop the children from falling. You are a woman who has fought hard for everything she has. Fought hard to be recognized, to be the best, to stan out, to be better than the men around her. Thats every working woman. But you are prepared to go the extra mile. Ignore your personal problems and drag yourself here on a Sunday. Its what you worship (idoltary). Everybody worships. The only choice is what we worship. Some ppl kneel to money. Some to power, some to intellect. You are an acolyte of the CIA. You have sacrificed all for that idea. And the more you have pursued that idea, the more isolated you have become. No ještě, že žádný děti nemá… They that seek the Lord shall not want for good. Eva, its okay to cry… Miss Garcia a ta druhá kurva, jak je tituluje jako slečny, takový starý zmatený krávy, který daly přednost svým kariérám před rodinou a jejich přirozenou rolí matek… Zašil jsem si znovu oplet na rukavici (nejdřív ho ustřihnul). I thought I lost everything. I thought I lost my faith.but I do know that if we have faith God will guide us. Židé budou mezi prvními, kdo ho budou následovat, protože nerozpoznali ani Ježíše. I would like to say something. Ještě aby ty pyče nechal mluvit za sebe, co sledují jen jedno v tomdle soudním řízení - další urvanej skalp. Aspon že te, protože tady ty kurvy vidí jen peníze bez ohledu na potřeby klienta. Obhajoba je součástí obžaloby. Ted nemá pravdu když mluví o štěstí, že se narodil v Iránu a oni v Americe. Tu kulturu si tam vybudovali jejich předci, a do ní přivedli své děti. Že v Americe zdegenerovali spolu s rostoucí životní urovní, je jejich vlastní chyba. Já ostatně nechápu, proč se tam snaží všichni dostat. Let mi die in peace, woman. Love is coming to us all. ()


Aby hledíce hleděli a neuviděli (2020) (E05) 

Temple Mount (Let no one deceive you in any way) 2021-10-11 I just want to be here around him. Bcs I have seen Gods eye. Seš dobře zmatená pýča. Následovat jej budou bastardi/parchanti, nečistí a odpadlíci. Nicméně takhle to probíhat nebude. Svět bude hořet v plamenech, po devastující válce… Problémy se nebudou zužovat na problémky jedný pyče a její zdegenerovaný mrtky, když si zaprcala vzadu za kulturákem na popelnicích. In consequence, there were good seeds from good plants, and bad seeds from bad plants. But seeds are invisible. They sleep deep in the heart of the earths darkness. Until someone among them is seized with the desire to awaken. Zasraní Izraelci, co spoléhají více na techniku než na Slovo Boží. I knew something was coming. Sometimes I see things in my head. I have epilepsy. Are they believers? They think they are. What do you think they are? Lost. They dont have a clue. Todle je strašně podrobný popis příchodu Antikrista, aby to napsal někdo z Hollywoodu - po těch new age sračkách. Ani nás připravují na jeho příchod. Oscar Wallet. Guy who hacked the stock exchange. He wrote a book, Cultural Terrorist. He became a magnet for radicals and extremists. Everybody worships. And then he goes on to question the society that we live in, and the society that is driven by the world of greed and money and power. He does go on to say that the only way to combat this is to create a healthy confusion that sparks the need to question. Confusion, causing fear, making us question everything in search of some sense. You think you are special? You think you are the chosen one? You cant see it bcs you are mad. You cant see it bcs you love him. Pejsánek v baráčku, velkej šéf policie, a má uctu u týdle kurvy. Vytečete všichni. Jacob dreamed there was a ladder set up on the earth and the top of it reached to Heaven, and behold, the angels od God were ascending and descending on it. The situation is changed. Not necessarily for the better. He doesnt seem very interested in ppl. Sometimes no answer is the best answer. Proč nikdo nenavrhne, že Druhému příchodu musí předcházet příchod Antikrista? Through the darkest night, Below the eye of sinful men… Its not his fault. Jsně, že je… tvoje. Musíš se naučít žít s následky svých rozhodnutí. Ho chce sejmout, jo? Dyt nemuže za jeho problémy. Měl posranej život už předtím. Ted zachrání čokla a bude z něho mediální hvězda. I chose God. But what happens when God chooses you? Then you have no control. Then hes not a part of your story. You are part of His. We didnt decide all this. God did. Only He knows what happens next. Ten si ted pod sebou pěkně podřízl větev. Zabil psa. Ty ho normálně ukřižujou. Hes got under your skin. All men have the stars but they are not the same things for different ppl. For some, who are travelers, the stars are guides (zdravím). For others, they are no more than little lights in the sky. But you alone will have the stars as no one else has them. Ano, nezáleží, kam jdou, že s jejich pomocí pácháte genocidu, když jim poskytnete azyl. Ale nejsou to lidi jako my. Vy jste prasata a trocha vody a přikrývek na tom nic nezmění. Vidíš, jak seš ubohá, ty malá česká svině, když nikdo o tvoje dobro nestojí, a dosáhneš tím leda vlastní zkázy. Nepotřebujou vaši pomoc, neumíte si udělat pořádek ani ve vlastních řadách a chcete pomáhat ostatním. Všeho, čeho jste dosáhli, byl rozklad křestanských hodnot. Ted je načase, abyste se sami podívali do zrcadla. Co to je, lítající koberec? Beretta fulsize. Krásnej dárek. Má ho fakt rád. Todle je dukaz. () (méně) (více)

Ne všichni zemřeme (2020) (E06) 

The Messiah fired a gun (jasně, no, tím přitáhl pozornost - ačkoli v Texasu). Despite increased police presence, tension continue to rise. Phenomenon continues to grow. The influx of ppl into the township has reached a critical level. We are asking ppl to go home, we are asking ppl not to drive here. False God. Its going to hell. To je svině, tvl. Na to se nedá dívat. Ale dobře ty kurvy vystihli. Crazy crusade, to follow him where? Vesnice zbořená, v životě nemusela hejbnout zadkem, a ted tam chce zustat - možná právě proto, že začal rozhodovat on. He ask me to decide. He trust me. I know how it sounds. I dont think you do. Jak ji přesvědčuje, kurvu. Ta má držet hubu a následovat. You are not well. You are exhausted (plnej energie). You are not making good decisions. You almost burned our lives down (měl odvahu vykročit novým směrem, převzal odpovědnost). What if I m right? You are not right, to je ta komedie největší (lost ppl). I havent said you can go. I m going. What do you imagine is gonna happen on this trip? I dont know, but its outta here. You hate this place. You have wanted to get out of here since forever, and now you wanna stay? Baptistic Church. Follow us. A připoutejte se. Pojedeme z kopce. Maybe you were right, Larry. Maybe we are the rats. Krysy následují tu první no matter what. Catholic? Its complicated. Buzerant v řadách CIA. No proč ne. Všechno v pořádku. Nemuže to bejt lepší. She needs her treatment! She lost 20 pounds. Shes so tiny to begin with. Udělejte si jiný, ne? We promised each other that we would do this together. Well, I changed my mind. Další svině, která vzala svuj osud do vlastních rukou. Respektive mrtky. On road with Al-Masih (al je člen jako the). Ted si ji bude chtít omotat kolem prstu, protože to je jeho smyslem. Testovat věřící a svést bezvěrce. Doufám, že má sama dost lepidla, když je tak chitrá. Pochválí jí fotečku a bude mu zobat z ruky jako poslušná čubička. Svině utápí svuj žal v alkoholu. Tak tý už nemá co říct. Israel border crisis. 42K lajku (Satanovo číslo) I need a shover. Room 442. 646K v TV vs 468K na jejím mobilu potom. Budeš vykládat o islámu, ty svině? Možná na americký univerzitě. Is your world good, is it evil? Ask yourself wgo is guilty? Česká svině. Now look at your neighbor. Be brave enough to see yourself. Brzy se podíváte do zrcadla. Your own reflection cast back at you. Ale česká svině s tím nemá problém. Prase totiž neví, že je špinavý. Each reflected in each. Look where you stand. In a shinning city on a hill. In the land of the free and the brave, standing for liberty and justice (smích). How true do those words ring for you? When dod you bring liberty? Where did you cause justice? Proč toho blázna vubec poslouchaj? Protože nemaj na výběr… I stand at the gate of a nation a nation where power is not invited. All I can do is reflect what I see. If you have come to receive, you will go away poor. If you have come here to understand, you will leave here lost. To jsou přesně slova, který chtěli slyšet. For those, who have understood, for those who have received, it is time. Returning to your scripture will not save you. Bending to your knees will not please anyone. That time has passed. This time is now. You are the judged. You are the chosen. Poprvý přišel Ježíš jako spasitel, podruhé přijde jako soudce. I m here to break the mirror, so you shall see on what side you stand. What you see will be your choosing. () (méně) (více)

Stalo se tak, jak bylo řečeno (2020) (E07) 

Ppl have walkeed on water before. Only difference is a magician is honest. Pope Alexander. Looting and vandalism in surrounding DC and Baltimore areas. Cause for Palestinian independence has rached critical mass, but also here in Washington. The question becomes, how far will this new movement (Messiah Revival) spread? We witnessed a miracle. It did look like a miracle. I know its a lot, but the world just changed and we are all a part of it now. Build his church. What better agent of chaos than a new messiah? Antikrist se z chaosu zrodí, nepřivede ho s sebou. Naopak jej využije ve svuj prospěch. Every time we crack down on one from of terrorism, another threat pops up in its place. Al-Queda, ISIL, it evolves. What we are facing now is state-sponsored social disruption. This is a new world. This is a war if ideas. President doesnt care about your conspiracies. Get us a smoking gun! I m afraid hes real. If hes real, what are we supposed to do? Just give up everything and then start worshiping him? In islam the arrival of the messiah means a civilization-ending war (hurá). So, if this guy is legit, we are in for a major bloodbath. Krásná ukázka západní kultury. Příchod mesiáše pro ně znamená konec jejich snu, místo toho aby se na jeho příchod, potažmo Boží království, připravovali. A mesiáš, ten pravej, nastolí mír. Měli byste se radovat, protože toho se přece marně snažíte dosátnout a vytváříte jen samé utopie. V islámu mesiáš, Mahdi, nepřijde bojovat s křestanstvím. Mahdi není Antikrist, kterého si někteří západní teologové spojují s protikladem Ježíše, ale jen další prorok, který se objeví v posledních dnech. Antikrista, jak v Bibli, tak v Koránu, zabije Ježíš dechem svých ust. Maybe thats why our town was touched by God (faith). Aha. Jak mu tam na začátku nikdo nepřišel. Tadle díra je nejateističtější stát v Evropě, a asi i na celém světě. Národ milovníku zvěře. Taky si budou myslet, že jsou vyvoleným etnikem. We are the generation God has chosen. And we need to think about why. Why he chose us. We need to heed his call. Let us pray. Hele, už se tam rýsuje Church of Unity. Z reverenda je ted mediální hvězda. I can help you amplify the message. Where do you see all this going? I m gonna leave that up to God. It was not easy to resist that cursed man, that deceiver. He could be the false messiah. God protect us. His followers are doomed in this life and the next. The Holy Quaran. Peace be upon you (salam alejkum). If he was God, he wouldnt need these parol tricks. Walk around and perform tricks. Gets you an audience. Just a populist politician with an ax to grind against the Roman Empire (prej Jesus, ale už jsem podobnej názor slyšel, jen s tím, že nebyl). Spoken like a true Jew (přemejšlím, jesli to byla ironie, když ho ukřižovali). Am I a good guy or a bad guy? I think you are just afraid of being the bad guy. Arent we all? Řekl bych, že se spolu vyspíte. Pýča bude podle biblických zákonu určitě vzorná abrahamova dcera, když se chce nechat oplodnit zmraženejma spermiema svého dávno zesnulého manžela, na kterého neměla dost času předtím. I m very sick. I felt you touch me. Whole room is dilled with you. Ted mu ho vykouří. I want you to heal me. How? Its up to you. Je posedlá sexem. Já bych tě vyléčil. And how is that going to heal you? Ted mi došlo, že nebude mít ženy v lásce. You dont know how to be close. There is so much shame in you. What I do with my body is my business. How can you be the person God intended, if you are not honest about who you are (Magdaléna/Eliana­)? He has returned. Rejoice (tam hoří baráky). Why are you folloving me? We are going in the same direction. Feels like we are on the edge of something. Like nothings gonna be the same again. Thats not a bad thing. Sometimes I have thoughts about all this coming to an end. Sometimes? But they are more than just thoughts. They feel real. They are. Keon, in Arabic. (False Prophet) Leave it all behind, strip it all away. Only then you can speak your truth. Oni si to upravili. Použil by výraz Dajjál. Schválně si to vyhledám. Nechtěli se k tomu vyjadřovat. Každopádně tendle námět má obrovskej potenciál. The real trick is making you believe. Ty zvířata trpí za humanitu. Aby zmírnily dopady dáblova řádění na zemi. () (méně) (více)

Vyšší moc (2020) (E08) 

This is our destiny. Why? We are sitting here, arent we? What do you want? Your consideration. You were once a warrior. And you know the cycle of history. Blood brings blood, on and on, for generations, until it is ocean. Prepared speech (prej). How far would you go to bring about a thousand yrs of peace? Its impossible. Not only possible, but simple. Withdraw all American troops. From where? Everyehere. If you do this, you will be remembered as the president of peace (poslední americkej president). You are very naive. Our troops abroad are a peacekeeping meassures. To withdraw them would be disastrous. It would only encourage rogue states and marauding groups to strike (jako byste si to nezasloužili, Amerika lehne popelem). Those are all deeply regrettable and isolaed incidents. Our presence on the world stage has always been a stabilizing influence. History tells me. There is no more history. History has ended. There is only now. I have only one master. Whatever you know doesnt change a thing. The world is about to begin again and you need to do your part. You cannot see what is to come, you have to act on faith. If you dont, a heavy price will be paid. Is that supposed to be some sort of threat? A warning. Přesně takhle k nim přišel Satan a dal jim zadání. Bylo by komický si myslet, aby lídři nejsilnějšího státu světa o ničem dosud nevěděli. Akorát že ve skutečnosti Antikristu připravují pudu. Did you call yourself a Latter-day Saint? Do you believe in God? So these are the latter days? Do you believe God would go silent? That He would abandon you? Or do you believe He still speaks to humanity? I believe He still speaks. Hes speaking to you now (svým zpusobem má pravdu). Theres only one book. Hezky! Its time to put away childish things. Ale když už máš něco nastudováno, tak se mužeš ponořit do nebezpečnejch vod. Filmy jsou jen novými knihami! Are you the Messiah? I am a message. I am here to bring about the world to come. Nemuže lhát, nebo co? You said you stand at the gate of a new nation. Was that a metaphor or a call to arms? I didnt bring them. They followed. Thats semantics. The are here now. I have been known by that name. Has the angel not visited you? Has he not told you of the one mighty and strong? Here for another shower? Are you married? I dont know anymore. You should probably figure that out. You are just as fucked up as me (přesně). You dont know who I am? Actually I dont. And thats really starting to feel like a problem. What are you afraid of? My faith? Maybe we have you fooled too. Faith can be found in the most unlikely places. Rebecca is at the beginning of a long path. Až ted při druhým zhlédnutí mi došlo, že je to biblický jméno (žena Izáka). I only want what God wants. And what is it? He wants the flood. ()

Bůh je veliký (2020) (E09) 

Its a way to get your life back. Zelman. No more free rides. Ráda se ho zbavila. Sticking head in the sand isnt the solution. Theres no solution. Family, thats rich. I just wonder what else you dont tell me. Am I your partner? Am I the husband you wanted, or am I just a disappointment. Clearly I m not someone you turn to. I love you. I just couldnt now how to tell you (jo, tak s tím mám taky trochu problém). We have beliefs! And they dont include abortions for young girls. I dont believe Rebecca stuck in Texas as a teen mom for the rest of her life was an option. And I wasnt gonna let that happen to her. That explains a lot. What is that supposed to mean? I m taking control. Už bylo načase! This can still all be a part of Gods plan. He looks for us to enact His will. Blatant provocation. If we dont move, they will feel emboldened (jistě, to si máme myslet). You call it provocation, but we increased our fleet in the Baltic first, didnt we? On your order, sir. You drew the line. You cant back away from that. It makes you look weak. This demands a response (asi si moc nevěří). Delusional disorder. A messiah complex. Tak ten má celej západní svět. Proto ho tak následujou. A todle období bezvládí je třeba před jeho příchodem také vytvořit. A zdiskreditovat tajné služby. Vládnou nám samí idioti (Babiš a spol.). The only other option is you are being taken advantege of, and if someone is running you, I will find out. Willfully communicating with a known terrorist is a federal offense (a když mu dám na fcb like). You are so strong in your convictions. I m coming to get you. Prosím, a mužeš opakovaně. I have always assumed that bcs I come from humble beginnings, I must be a humble man. I have learned that my lesson is in humility. I m Gods servant. And I want to serve you how the best way I can. And how is that? A message straight from you, directly to an audience of millions. Hned po těch výměnách manželek a dalších upadlých soutěžích. I look at the moon and I don see the moon anymore. I feel it. Things are happening. Its all connected (fish). Dont talk to me about goddamn hope (potratila). This was a mistake. Asi nebyl moc dobrej. Todle chlap dycky rád slyší po souloži. Are you satisfied with the life of this world rather thanthe Hereafter? Nature of self, the purpose of a life. Yo stumbled upon me. You dont know shit. Theres no plan between us. I will say it again. You dont know shit. I m gonna help you bcs you were enough to find me. You couldnt be more wrong. Believe me when I say this.  I m not the dangerous one. And thats the beautiful thing. I have been so happy to serve his cause. What cause? Just read my book. I need a Pentagon study on the consequences of a full US military withdrawal from Eastern Europe (stalo se letos poté, co nastoupil Biden do uřadu). My eyes only. Hes an avatar for Golshiri. Wallaces book is Golshiris thesis. Wallace is his disciple. Actionable intelligence. Humble adoration. Lord, we know theres a plan. We know all things are possible through you (zas malý). If you are with him, you will be delivered. If you are not, you will be taken by tornadoes, by floods and swept into the great wasteland. Heed his message. Embrace his warning, for he is the messenger. Sharing the Word of his great Father. The eye of the storm (epilepsy). I want to share a message of peace and unity (nasrat). If you look for truth (to je ten vzkaz). Ne, on to pustil. To ho nemohli odpálit na dálku? Proč to odpálil, až když všichni utekli? Dostal příležitost vejít do Valhally, kterou nevyužil. Nejsou tak drsný, jak se o nich tvrdí v mediích. Absolutně netuším, kam ten dement odjel? Kde se s nimi domluvil? Proč to auto řídí ten fízl? Jo jasně! On dostal novej úkol. Ale proč k nim nasedl? Pochopil jsem, že Fénixe nechal ve štichu, a zároven dal příležitost ty malý mrtce šířit jeho vzkaz. () (méně) (více)

Odměna hříchu (2020) (E10) 

I am prepared to go the extra mile. The sensible ones they talk right away. But the stupid ones they suffer for nothing. Are you going to be sensible or stupid? Americka, its like a silly schoolgirl. Do it. Yes, madam. Jste mrtvý. 11/17 (podává ruku) We will wait till he lands. And than what? You create an opportunity. I will scrumble a team. Sou tak drsný. God knows your secrets. And loves you anyway. Sin is just a failure to choose goodness. Goodness is a choice. Every moment is an opportunity to make a choice. The choice to think a good thought, to think a bad thought, to act on it, to let it pass (tak to není tak uplně pravda). That is Gods great blessing. That in every moment, we can create ourselves again. Isnt that convenient? Ppl have been hating and killing since we came down from the trees. If theres a God, he should be ashamed of himself. Made in the likeness of Him. You project our shame onto God. Our sins have a way of punishing us when we ignore them. You werent even born, but you have inherited his sin. You brought down a diplomatic plane. Thats a very serious accusation. I would watch what I was saying, if I were you (divný časy). Aha! Si řikal, že motory nehoří sami od sebe. On ho sejmul! Foggy Bottoms You become what you are believe (nd, nápis v restauraci) Kostelu za poslední léta hořelo dost, ale moc se o tom nemluví. Škoda, že nevhořel nějakej  psí utulek. Toho by byly plný noviny. Malik Budou ho následovat jen samý zkurvysyni. Třeba tendle fízl ještě není tak ztracenej. ()

Související novinky

Zemřel herec Philip Baker Hall

Zemřel herec Philip Baker Hall


Smutná zpráva z filmového světa. V úctyhodném věku 90 let zemřel herec Philip Baker Hall, známý z jeho mnoha vedlejších rolí i jako jedna z nejvýraznějších tváří své generace. Diváci si jej mohou… (více)

