


Jedna z nejoblíbenějších postav americké dětské literatury Eloise se stala též hrdinkou stejnojmenné filmové verze příběhu. Julie Andrews v ní hraje britskou guvernantku, která má šestiletou obyvatelku slavného newyorského hotelu La Plaza na starosti. Uhlídat Eloise ovšem není jen tak. Dívenka chvilku neposedí a spolu se zvířecími kamarády, psem Weeniem a želvou Skipperdee, neustále vyhledává nějaké dobrodružství. (oficiální text distributora)



Eloise at the Plaza

Eloise at the Plaza

Original Film Soundtrack

Vydal: Handmade Music

Rok: 2020

Země: USA

Formát: digital

Stopáž: 42:48

1. The Plaza Bruce Broughton 02:07
2. I'm Eloise Bruce Broughton 01:33
3. Sir Wilkes Bruce Broughton 01:00
4. Breaking The Boredom Bruce Broughton 01:24
5. Morning Exercise Bruce Broughton 01:30
6. A Prince Bruce Broughton 00:52
7. Sir Wilkes Again Bruce Broughton 00:24
8. Large Thoughts Bruce Broughton 00:28
9. The Prince's Armor; The Little Prince Bruce Broughton 01:51
10. The Long Way Bruce Broughton 01:35
11. Eloise's Stuff Bruce Broughton 01:25
12. I'm Very Good At This Bruce Broughton 00:53
13. Super Flambe Bruce Broughton 01:16
14. Philip And Molly Bruce Broughton 01:04
15. Tour Of The City Bruce Broughton 01:39
16. Missing His Mom Bruce Broughton 01:47
17. An Idea - Temper Fit Bruce Broughton 01:24
18. Nanny's Invitation Bruce Broughton 00:52
19. Leon Finds The Stars Bruce Broughton 00:49
20. I Know What I Want Bruce Broughton 00:22
21. Is That A Pock? Bruce Broughton 00:36
22. Turtle Attack Bruce Broughton 01:07
23. Leon's The Prince Bruce Broughton 01:17
24. The Stars Bruce Broughton 00:40
25. Leon Werth? Bruce Broughton 00:34
26. Mom's Star Bruce Broughton 03:26
27. Filling The Glass Bruce Broughton 02:33
28. Mom Listens Bruce Broughton 01:07
29. I Have Failed Bruce Broughton 00:26
30. The Eloise Waltz Bruce Broughton 05:03
31. Special Delivery; The End Bruce Broughton 01:44
Eloise at the Plaza / Eloise at the Christmastime

Eloise at the Plaza / Eloise at the Christmastime

Original Television Soundtrack

Vydal: Intrada Records

Rok: 2006

Země: USA

Formát: CD

Stopáž: 01:39:49

Poznámky: Limited edition.

Tracklist CD 1 Stopáž: 42:47
1. Main Title; The Plaza Bruce Broughton 02:07
2. I'm Eloise Bruce Broughton 01:33
3. Sir Wilkes Bruce Broughton 01:00
4. Breaking The Boredom Bruce Broughton 01:24
5. Morning Exercise Bruce Broughton 01:30
6. A Prince? Bruce Broughton 00:51
7. Sir Wilkes Again Bruce Broughton 00:24
8. Large Thoughts Bruce Broughton 00:28
9. The Prince's Armor; The Little Prince Bruce Broughton 01:51
10. The Long Way Bruce Broughton 01:35
11. Eloise's Stuff Bruce Broughton 01:25
12. I'm Very Good At This Bruce Broughton 00:53
13. Super Flambe Bruce Broughton 01:16
14. Philip And Molly Bruce Broughton 01:04
15. Tour Of The City Bruce Broughton 01:39
16. Missing His Mom Bruce Broughton 01:47
17. An Idea; Temper Fit Bruce Broughton 01:24
18. Nanny's Invitation Bruce Broughton 00:52
19. Leon Finds The Stars Bruce Broughton 00:49
20. I Know What I Want Bruce Broughton 00:22
21. Is That A Pock? Bruce Broughton 00:36
22. Turtle Attack Bruce Broughton 01:07
23. Leon's The Prince Bruce Broughton 01:17
24. The Stars Bruce Broughton 00:40
25. Leon Werth? Bruce Broughton 00:34
26. Mom's Star Bruce Broughton 03:26
27. Filling The Glass Bruce Broughton 02:33
28. Mom Listens Bruce Broughton 01:07
29. I Have Failed Bruce Broughton 00:26
30. The Eloise Waltz Bruce Broughton 05:03
31. Special Delivery; End Title Bruce Broughton 01:44
Tracklist CD 2 Stopáž: 57:02
1. Main Title - Overture Bruce Broughton 02:34
2. Very Suspicious Bruce Broughton 01:09
3. Eloise Meets Brooks; Max & Mrs. Thornton Bruce Broughton 02:11
4. Waking Nanny; My Very Own Room Bruce Broughton 00:43
5. Deck the Halls; Candycane Pirates Bruce Broughton 02:48
6. Cornelia's Package Bruce Broughton 01:38
7. Rachel Peabody Bruce Broughton 00:39
8. Eloise's Offer Bruce Broughton 00:54
9. Elevators & Kitchens Bruce Broughton 00:26
10. Still In Love Bruce Broughton 01:02
11. Housekeeping Bruce Broughton 00:26
12. She's Dead Bruce Broughton 02:53
13. Shopping Day Morning; Messages, Spies & Sprees Bruce Broughton 02:33
14. Shopping Day Montage Bruce Broughton 03:18
15. Mr. Thornton's Ghost Bruce Broughton 00:13
16. Haunted Bruce Broughton 00:36
17. Mrs. Thornton's Story; Troubled Bruce Broughton 02:19
18. Doggie In A Tutu (Trepak) Bruce Broughton 00:35
19. On True Love; My Job; Small Favor Bruce Broughton 02:08
20. Thwarted; Stay Out Of It Bruce Broughton 00:43
21. Eloise Figures It Out; Woo Pitching Bruce Broughton 02:02
22. Bills G. F.? Bruce Broughton 00:51
23. Playing With Prunella Bruce Broughton 00:49
24. Bavarian Chocolate Cake; Spy Gear Bruce Broughton 01:24
25. Brooks Stays Bruce Broughton 00:51
26. Right Off Schedule Bruce Broughton 00:15
27. Prunella's Apology; Cakes, Turtles & Hysteria; Spies Bruce Broughton 02:53
28. Pearls, Pickups And Phones; You Look So Happy Bruce Broughton 03:50
29. Chistmas Eve Bruce Broughton 00:52
30. Eloise Gets Caught Bruce Broughton 00:51
31. Eloise Gets Put Away Bruce Broughton 00:30
32. Come In, Nanny; Nanny Rescues Eloise Bruce Broughton 02:18
33. The Wedding; That's Why; A Lot Of Things Happen; Der Ersatze Prinz Bruce Broughton 07:23
34. Hark! The End Of the Show Bruce Broughton 02:25

