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Keď lenivec a darebák Samson John Tollet (DANIEL ROEBUCK) nechtiac zabije svoju priateľku Jamie (DANYI DEATSOVÁ) a ukáže jej mŕtvolu spolužiakom, skupina stredoškolákov sa musí vyrovnať s faktom, že ich kamarát je vrahom. Ich vzťahy sa prudko menia, rovnako ako názory každého z nich na ohavný čin a na to, čo by mali urobiť. Väčšina z nich si myslí, že najlepším riešením by bolo ísť na políciu a povedať pravdu. Layne (CRISPIN GLOVER) však nechce vraždu ohlásiť. Rozhodne sa Samsona brániť a chce mu pomôcť. Potajomky ho odvezie kamsi za hranice štátu a ukryje na neznámom mieste. Tim (JOSHUA MILLER), malý brat Matta (KEANU REEVES) však mŕtvolu objaví. Čo sa stane? Nikto netuší, či sa polícia o zločine dozvie a koho obvinia z vraždy. Priťaží všetkým ich mlčanie? Neobvinia ich s napomáhania zločincovi? (oficiální text distributora)



Rob Roy

Rob Roy (hodnocení, recenze)

z IMDB: I just watched this again, It's one of my favorite movies. Funny thing is i never saw it until about 10 years ago, by accident, on cable, in the middle of the night. I had never even heard of it.

I was absolutely blown away. I was a Junior/Senior in 1986. This movie is an exact snapshot of my crowd in High School(minus the dead bodies of course). We looked like that, we acted like that, same dress too. We all listened to Slayer(still my favorite band). I grew up in a lower middle class suburb that even had a creek that we hung out at and got high. I also knew a couple evil little brothers just like Tim trying to be cool with the older crowd. There was an older hippie that we used to hang out in his garage and get stoned. He was about twice our age, and still lived with his mom. Before we started getting our licenses, he used to drive us into Brooklyn and Queens to buy pot and coke where it was cheap.

As far as Crispin Glover's acting, he totally nailed it. I knew people that were just like him when they were high.

By recommendations from this forum I've seen Bully, Gummo, Kids and a couple others. I don't think any of those movies really capture the scene that I remember. I think a lot of the people on this forum are considerably younger, and bash the movie because they just didn't live through it, or experience it. Or maybe they were just part of a different scene.



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