

Série(2) / Epizody(12)

Jonathan Pine (Tom Hiddleston) je hotelový recepční, který dříve sloužil v armádě. Důstojnice britské tajné služby, agentka Burrová (Olivia Colman) ho přiměje ke spolupráci. Má za úkol zjistit, co má anglická a americká tajná služba společného s ilegálním obchodem se zbraněmi. Jako krytý agent se musí dostat do co nejtěsnější blízkosti mocného obchodníka se zbraněmi Richarda Onslowa Ropera (Hugh Laurie), jeho přítelkyně Jed (Elizabeth Debicki) a jeho společníka Corcorana (Tom Hollander). (AMC Czech)


Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (8)

Noční recepční (2016) 

"He sells destruction, pain and death. And he laughs." ()

Série 1 (2016) (S01) 

"There is half a psychopath lurking in you, Jonathan. I want you to find him and stick to him. Once you get down to Devon, you are the second worst man, first place, already taken. There is no right or wrong for you down there. Down there it's all me, me, me. Don't give anyone an inch. Anyone pisses you off, you smack em. Anyone who crosses you, God help them. I want you to scare the shit out of everyone, and that includes me. Richard Roper must know that you're in the same league as him. Laws don't apply to him and they don't apply to you, either. He sees that, we get him, he comes to the table, we get him over a barrel and we skewer him! Are you comfortable with that?" ()

Epizoda 1 (2016) (S01E01) 

"You have many different voices, Mr Pine. You say one thing and that person touches me. Then that person is called away and somebody quite different takes his place. We have a changing of the guards." ()

Epizoda 2 (2016) (S01E02) 

"There is half a psychopath lurking in you, Jonathan. I want you to find him and stick to him. Once you get down to Devon, you are the second worst man, first place, already taken. There is no right or wrong for you down there. Down there it's all me, me, me. Don't give anyone an inch. Anyone pisses you off, you smack em. Anyone who crosses you, God help them. I want you to scare the shit out of everyone, and that includes me. Richard Roper must know that you're in the same league as him. Laws don't apply to him and they don't apply to you, either. He sees that, we get him, he comes to the table, we get him over a barrel and we skewer him! Are you comfortable with that?" ()

Epizoda 3 (2016) (S01E03) 

"See, children grow up thinking the adult world is ordered, rational, fit for purpose. It's crap. Becoming a man is realising, that it's all rotten. Realising how to celebrate that rottenness, that's freedom." ()

Epizoda 4 (2016) (S01E04) 

"He had nothing to do with it. No, that's not the point at all. He started selling sarin... after that event. Because of it. He saw what I saw. He saw a hundred and twelve children and fifty-eight adults and he thought: "business". That's the Richard Roper I know." ()

Epizoda 5 (2016) (S01E05) 

"War is a spectator's sport. We are emperors of Rome, Andrew. Blood and steel, the only elements that ever meant anything." ()

Epizoda 6 (2016) (S01E06) 

"You have to commit. You have to make a decision." ()

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