


  • USA See
Trailer 1
USA, (2019–2022), 21 h 23 min (Minutáž: 42–62 min)


Steven Knight


Bear McCreary


Jason Momoa, Sylvia Hoeks, Hera Hilmar, Christian Camargo, Christian Sloan, Mojean Aria, Kenneth Mitchell, Sharon Taylor, Nesta Cooper, Archie Madekwe (více)
(další profese)

Série(3) / Epizody(24)

Postapokalyptické sci-fi predstavuje budúcnosť vzdialenú 600 rokov, kde sa ľudia kvôli globálnej epidémii slepoty a s ňou spojeným vojnám a vymieraniu vrátilo späť do jaskýň. V jednom zo samostatne žijúcich kmeňov sa narodia dve deti, ktoré vidia, čo sa naposledy stalo veľmi dávno. O "mýtické deti" sa onedlho začnú viesť rozsiahle boje. (dixx)


Recenze uživatele vodkasesemte k tomuto seriálu (10)

See (2019) odpad!

Following the ourbreak of a deadly virus in the 21st century, the Earths human population was reduced to less than two million. The humans who survived all emerged blind. Now, centuries later, the idea of vision exists only as a myth. To even speak about it is considered heresy. ()

Božský plamen (2019) (S01E01) 

Following the ourbreak of a deadly virus in the 21st century, the Earths human population was reduced to less than two million. The humans who survived all emerged blind. Now, centuries later, the idea of vision exists only as a myth. To even speak about it is considered heresy. Hereze snad znamená něco popírat. No, je to píčovina. Zvlášt to, jak tam vesele fungujou dál a ještě si vyvinulu další smysly - evoluce! By je sežrali zvířata. Boy in need of education. Time is short. Prepare. Kill dancer. 100 heartbeats away. I wish to pray… Father, hidden from us, whose power we feel but cannot touch. Give us this day your power given by God Flame and taken from inside the holy river water. Condemn those that trespass against us. Give to us flame and smoke. For thine is the darkness, the power and the glory. Forever and ever. Mrchu hraje dokonale. You are forgetting the evil of light once almost destroyed the world. Used it  to control and twist and alter Gods intentions. Firests burned, the air filled with poison. Celý mi to připomíná nvm proč Tyranny. Kdo by neměl. To je fakt. Waterfall 20 men high. Mají zajímavý míry. A place we can rebuild again in peace and safety (až budou říkat mír a bezpečí, stihne je náhlá smrt). Tam se to teda bude bránit. We must be vigilant (bdělý). ()

Vzkaz v láhvi (2019) (S01E02) 

Chudák méda. Nevadí negrovi, že jsou bílí? God is the law. Perhaps we are far away from God here too. They burned her bcs they feared she spoke the truth. God doesnt lose sight of those things. I would always choose a man who can care of me over a man who understands me. A nechtěla bys oba? What are books? Books are in the holy shape. They are silent, and yet they speak directly into the imagination. You can burn them, but they are more powerful than fire. All the knowledge of the ancient ones are put into them. Secrets of the age of vision. If you hear nothing, than your ears are no use to me. Správně! I have very sensitive fingers. You may have missed something. For hatred and vengeance are the two wild horses pulling his carriage. Others who wish to make you see reason. The holy power is fading. Water is coming through cracks in the eternal wall and the level is rising. Proč píšeš před ano čárku, ty americkej kriple! Přesně to jsem si řikal, když jsem tu přehradu - a město pod ní - viděl. The gods now only sing with two voices. Ppl are questioning your power. You need your army here. Choke on your own lies. Kde ten nuž měla? Proč jej chovávat, když stejně nikdo nevidí? I wish to pray. I will renounce the gods. For our children will be the gods. And I will be the god you once denied. Forever and ever. I found them guilty of treason and forgery. We only spoke the truth. Zrovna jsem chtěl napsat, že je to uplně stejný jako v našem světě. Akorát tady nevládne jedna, ale stádo sviní. Demokracie! The truth you all know. She is not a god. As god instructs me, I am a god as much as He allows (velký G, malý H). so as His hands on Earth, I hold back destruction, warm the winter, cool the summer, put magic in our fences against lions and bears who would otherwise destroy your children even on full bellies (už jsme si myslel, ale šelmy neloví kriply). Proč je tak nastrojená, když ji stejně nikdo nevidí? Jen my… Our armies are out in the field, fighting these devils of light. You should honor them, not whisper treason behind their back. Tak. To speak against me is to speed a return of light and destruction. With regret, old friends. We are Payan, we are holy. We are chosen. Nádhera! Kde to natáčeli? Some say sight was taken from them by God to save the planet from destruction (aha, to je to světlo - ted jsem za blbce). But after so many yrs, the gift of light is being restored, given only to chosen ppl with an instruction to build the world again. Learn from the books I have left. I have chosen the books with care. I have also left instructions where you should go when you feel you are strong enough to leave your village. Together we will begin the world anew. Let them learn. Let them discover the truth. Let them be chosen. Think of the deeds you have done. Přesně. Nvm, nad čím přemejšlí. Snad mu nepřirostli k srdci! Pay the world back. Ta negroška mluví docela rozumně. Já vlastně nejsem rasista. Ale vadí mi jinej názor. Orwell 1984. To Kill A Mockinbird. ()

Čerstvá krev (2019) (S01E03) 

You could have ordered him to live. Přesně! TJ understands the nature of his failure better than you. Zbavila se jedinýho schopnýho muže! With the right machines and enough power we could make weapons much more powerful than what I just used, to kill a hundred in one hour. Or they had these bombs that could blow up whole cities. Our father left us with the knowledge and wisdom from all ages of humanity. Já mám internet. Boring is making bow and arrows. Boring is reding and not doing. The baby was not formed human. Bcs you witches cursed me! You should burn them! When so few are together for so long, the blood of the tribe thickens. We have known through the generations that without new blood, the mosters would come. Todle hodně vysvětluje. Simple genetics. DNA clusters. This baby is a warning to us. You should heed that warning. Its not over. Bcs I love you I ignore certain voices in my head. By accident of birth, you were given the ability to see. Do not think you are superior bcs others cannot. And keep your book words to yourself, bcs sometimes those words are wicked. Si taky myslel, že jsem výjimečnej. Vysvětlovalo to, proč se nepeleším se zvířaty. We are going to see the world. Festival! We turn the witches of light into heat. A bit of spirit. This one will get a good price. I knew I had the power to kill him and not be cauhgt. Its time for the truth for all of us. But sometimes power can consume goodness. ()


Řeka (2019) (S01E04) 

If I were a devil for real, I would take great pleasure. Měl vzkázat, že jsou na stopě. Do you blame God or yourself? I blame my maid for not shading me. You have chased witches for generation. They say we are a nation governed by a broken heart. To neměl říkat. Tak ted, když je už mají v hrsti, se na to vykašle? Všechna ta snaha by vyšla v niveč. Those with ees to see must follow me. The longer the journey, the more profound its challenges, the more it changes all who endure it. I fear would emerge on the other end of it unrecognizable to each other (a o to snad jde, než se pelešit se zvířaty). We have a choice to live as we are (ne, to nemáte). We can gain some distance on the Witchfinder and live our lives simply and quietly and together, or ? I dont meant to be someone who hides from the world, who ignores the truth, bcs I m afraid of what it might mean. We have sacrificed too much to stop now. To kill a god, one must enlist a god. Her death must involve no struggle, no blood, no weapon. No evidence of human hand whatsoever. Struck down by divine intervention. They will say, this is justice. To je nádherný na těch 1080p! Dál mi to připomíná prvního Tomb Raidera. I want to be alone now (tak to máš blbý). The smell of sex and the sound of songbirds. Fucking divine combination. I have special pleasure in store for you. A new song. A new bird. I have decided I wont die for this city. This city will die for me (moje řeč). I accept my fate. ()

Plast (2019) (S01E05) 

Jéé, vono to má jen osm dílu! Tak to mi spadl kámen ze srdce. Není to špatný, ale time is short! The beast has slept for too long and now it is awake. Everything is ahead of us. Everything that matters. I m hungry. Sežer psa. To bude pravý nový začátek! Did they like you? They yell at you. They question you, make you feel small. That is how my ppl always treated me. Why did they make you wear the mask? They said I was not like them. Mě poslali do polepšovny. Maybe I find it amusing that you can see and still observe so little. City of Worms. Delicate hands unused to being worked. An impudent mouth unused to being struck. A woman of wealth accustomed to wielding authority or the authority of a husband, perhaps. Everything must be learned from beginning. Consequences will be unpleasant. Pýčovina! Ty bdělí je mohli vést. Nikdy aby je nedohnali, kdyby nepustili psy. I hear the voice of dead woman. Hail Princess Maghra of the House of Kane. ()

Hedvábí (2019) (S01E06) 

There will be another time. Time of our choosing. Too many of you to trust all of you. This cant be happening. I knew this would happen.  You never wanted to listen. You are so fucking certain you are in the right. Tak aspon vědí, že je to čurák. Buh je vyvede ven. There are much more worse ways to live your life, I assure you. You are making me so very angry right now. You are new. You will learn. My sister was ill-suited for rule. Wanting to kill us is different from wanting us dead. I was the eldest. But he wanted to give away my birthright to my younger sister, the one I cared for and protected any way I could. I learned one must take the lide one wants. So I took everything from them both. Mělas na to se o ni starat, ne an to vládnout, a příliš slabá, abys to pochopila. Why would anyone follow you? No one has any idea who you are. If they have any reason to think that I m coming apart, if they sense it, even for a moment, this is all over. You have done nothing but love them. You will regret every fucking malice bone in your fucking body. Delia. None who enter may ever leave. The urge to return is too strong. It cannot be willed away. The boy grew quiter as he got older, and angrier until one day he couldnt suffer it anymore. He started with the ones who had been most violent with him. Killed some in their sleep. Some he chased as they ran in panic and terror. Hráz se protrhla. When that was done, he moved on to the ones who simply spoke ill toward him. By the time the bloodshed was over, the only Opayol left were him and me. The child is my fault. Therefore your presence here is my fault as well. Swear you will find my boy and you will kill him. Jéé, to je swině! Pět let byla potrestána za svojí chybu, kterou si přiznala, ale trest ne. Navíc, co je s ním špatně? Právě se vysvětlilo, proč lidem tolik nevěří, a místo toho, aby je dál jednodušel zabíjel, tak jim jen trhá křídla - jesli to jde říct o slepejch kriplech. Je prostě jinej, a to se neodpouští. Pak ale nechápu, proč nemá pochopení ani ta mladá negroška, která ho nejdřív do kmene přivedla. Asi zranil i její city. Vymrdat s váma se všema! Měli jste vyvízt jen ženy, vy čuráci! Zabodni mu ten krompáč do hlavy! No, vidíš, to. Přetím složili celou skupinu, a ted si neporadí s jedním chlapem. To be important you need to be strong. I can make you strong. Promise you not to be mean to me. ()

Levandulová cesta (2019) (S01E07) 

The most unsettling sounding the human experience is silence. Ne, je to otravný psí štěkání. When nature begs for wailing. Silence in a birth, silence in a moment of devastating heartbreak. Silence during the infliction of such extreme pain. You have done yourself proud. Your defiance is powerful. Some men in my position might find themselvees affected by it suddenly fighting the onset of pity, their resolve weakened. Just to be clear, those men are cowards. Theres a reason why I am in this position, and they arent (ano, tady čárka má bejt). To bylo fakt hloupý vznést požadavek na výkupné královny osobně. Prej my scouts have found no signs of them. Oni mají skauty! I have forgotten about killing more you will ever know. The bell rings and you will suffer for it. Dobře si ji dědek natírá na chleba. Taky má spoustu pochopení. Hes not gripped by the same darkness. You remember when I first came to you? The rage and how destrictive I was?  Bcs I was afraid to trust you. Afraid to believe that I actually escaped and that it was true. You stayed so that I would know I was not alone. Levander, I taste death. A new world lies beyond. A new god resides within. Enter and be seen. Enter and be judged. Enter and find death. He lost his fucking mind. Napadlo mě to. Nestačilo by tam dát ceduli s nápisem soukromý pozemek? I m asking for your eyes which is not your opinion. Prej plan. Otázka spíš je, proč byl ten dědek tak blbej, a požádal o výkupný, když se dozvěděl, kdo mu tam leží. Mohl ji zrovna tak zabít, aby se nikdo nedozvěděl, že zbil královnu. Fakt neměl žádnej motiv, vykopal si sám hrob. I dont want to be queen bcs the machines work. The gods took the dam, destroyed it with a rage. And took it with true heretics. The weak, the selfish, the backward. Dneska takový hodnoty oslavujeme! Go now before its to dark for you to see. ()

Dům osvícení (2019) (S01E08) 

And she accept reality of her situation and do sensible things. Abdicate the throne. Only the gods decide whos king or queen. And when they do, death must be a witness, or there is no succession, no majesty, no ligitimacy. Just a petty lie agreed upon by petty ppl. Its amazing how they all just align with whatever it is that you want at any given moment. Its fitting then that you will meet your end in a place like this, declaring Gods will to be on your side as misfortune strips you of everything and anything that you once laid claim to bit by bit. The offer to abdicate stands. Do it, or dont do it. Its entirely up to you. The blessing can be often feel like a curse. You have us alone whole our life. Co to meleš, měls toho nejlepšího otce a tvuj život teprve začal! Being chosen doesnt make me perfect. A sighted baby born to blind parents. Měl bys bejt vděčnej! I was born to be a bridge between this dark world and a better one to come. We have been given a divine mission. And we will be remembered for the rest of human history. I would rather be feared than burned as a witch. Make no mistake. In the natural order of things, the blind are the aberration, not us. God, nature, whatever you wish to call it, has elected to restore vision to humanity. And that responsibility has been given to us. Not gods, but the first of a new breed. A returning race of human that can help realize our true potential after living like frightened animals in the darkness for 500 yrs. I hope that you meet my real father one day. What you dont realize is that even though you can see, you have been living out there in the darkness your whole life. Bring the light back into the world. Thank you for your service. Once a dog bites, no matter how loyal you remember him once being, no matter your fondness for him, he must be put down. Dyt je to jen pes. His guilt over injuries I sustained was simply too great to go on. If you and I were to tell conflicting stories, it would only cloud that truth. Confusion would set in, chaos and then we probably both lose our heads. Or we walk out of here together and deliver the message, in which I will explain that in this time of crisis I will lead y soldiers with my sister at my side. We will no longer by hunted like dogs, but seen as gods. But it will take a sacrifice. Možná o tom měla rozhodnout sama. I m not your son, you crazy fuck! You dont deserve the blessing you have been given. Vypíchni mu voči! Dal mu bouchačku a nechce, aby to ostatní slyšeli. Není tak chytrej. Se zase zjevil jak přízrak! Jo to je ta armáda slepejch. Už vím, koho mi připomíná. Ragnara! Hiding in your filth like a fucking rat. Your vision and all your knowledge is a disease that wiped out your kind. Come out and fight me like a fucking man, you coward. What kind of man waits 17 yrs to meet his children only to betray them? I am fighting for the entire human race! Sacrifices must be made. They were made to fulfill a destiny you couldnt possibly understand. Nezáleží, kam se chceme dostat, ale jak se tam dostaneme, jinak všechno naše snažení ztrácí smysl. Its a weapon of the ancients. Much more efficient than your arrows and swords. I know what a gun is. Its a weapon of choice for men with no balls. Cowards death. Slow and wet. A world with no witchfinders would mean a world with no witches. () (méně) (více)

Série 2 (2021) (S02) 

No to je lahudka. Remember, your eyes betray you. Mužeš mi říct, proč si maže ksicht, když ho tam nikdo nemuže vidět? What you believe doestn actually matter. General is not like the most men. Trivantes eastern gate. Does he know you can see? Jak by to mohla vidět, když má helmu? Víc to nekomentuju. Our government isnt superstitious, but they are practical. Vision destroyed the world once. They will not allow it to happen again. Tak si ten svět užijte. Žijete v temnotě. Tvl, tudle pyču nesnáším. Stačí, jak promluví. To se nedá. Radši si tu helmu zpátky nasad. To sou tak nesympatický držky, že bych si radši sám vypíchl voči, než abych se na to dál díval. If you breathe in that heat, you will burn to death from the inside. Man wont last more than 30 heartbeats in that heat (1.10 + 1.20). Something funny? Dead men thinking they are getting paid. So strange hearing compassion in your voice. ()

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