


Trailer 3
Irsko / Kanada, (2013–2020), 66 h 51 min (Minutáž: 44–51 min)


Michael Hirst


Michael Hirst


Trevor Morris


Travis Fimmel, Katheryn Winnick, Gustaf Skarsgård, Clive Standen, Alexander Ludwig, Linus Roache, Moe Dunford, Jessalyn Gilsig, Jefferson Hall (více)
(další profese)

VOD (1)

Série(6) / Epizody(89)

Drsné drama vikingského hrdiny Ragnara Lothbroka, který ve snaze o rozšíření vlivu seveřanů zpochybňuje kvality neschopného vůdce, kterému chybí vize. (Netflix)

Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (96)

Zisk a ztráta (2016) (S04E07) 

"I can't understand it. I don't know who you are, but when you look at me, I feel happy and good. Full of hope for the future. I know you are truly a holy man. A man close to the gods." ()

Portáž (2016) (S04E08) 

"I will always be with you, little one. Always. But do not try to possess me, hmm? Because possession is the opposite of love." ()

Smrt všude kolem (2016) (S04E09) 

"It may be true that things have changed. Life is all about change, is it not, King Aelle? If we don't change, we fall behind. What was once true, and real, is suddenly no longer true, no longer real. And sometimes, we have to accept that." ()

Poslední loď (2016) (S04E10) 

Bjorn Lothbrok - I learned from my father. The only way to tell if something is real... is to sail there. I hope you'll come with me, Floki. Floki - Are you joking? The lure of an imaginary land. Traveling somewhere that doesn't exist? Of course, I'm coming. ()


Outsider (2016) (S04E11) 

"He had no choice... Your father's return brings calamity, disorder, chaos, tragedy and death. For all their glories, the gods will be filled with despair... Not one calamity, but calamities too many to number. Now that your father has come back, you are happy to see him, I am sure. But, in truth, you should curse the day." ()

Vidění (2016) (S04E12) 

"What do you mean, just a cripple? He's the strongest, most violent man I have ever known." ()

Dvě cesty (2016) (S04E13) 

"I thought your legs were a weakness and you wouldn't survive. I was wrong. Your legs have given you a strength, a strength that even your brothers don't have. You are like a deaf man whose eyesight is sharper than anyone else. You are special, not in spite of your legs, but because of them." ()

V nejisté hodině nad ránem (2016) (S04E14) 

"Must we talk of death? You Vikings are incorrigible. You emerge from the womb with only one thing on your mind: How to die! What of all the things in between?" ()

Všichni jeho andělé (2016) (S04E15) 

"I do not believe in the god's existence. Man is master of his own faith, not gods. The gods are man's creation, to give answers that they are too afraid to give themselves." ()

Křižovatky (2017) (S04E16) 

"All right. Don't fight me, then. I don't care. Just as long as you know that one day, I will kill you, Lagertha. Your fate is fixed." ()

Velká armáda (2017) (S04E17) 

"There is no need to pray for me. If I am to hell, at least I will enjoy the company of my degenerate monarch. As for you, Father, you may enjoy the aridities of heaven without my discomforting presence, and that of every other woman whose only crime was a desire to be free." ()

Pomsta (2017) (S04E18) 

Bishop Unwan: God help us! King Aelle: I don't think He can. ()

V předvečer (2017) (S04E19) 

"They will expect us to fight in a certain way. Why should we do that? Why don't we plan to fight in a different way, and surprise them?" ()

Zúčtování (2017) (S04E20) 

"I think I know what it is that is left for me to do. I cannot run away from it now." ()

Série 5 (2017) (S05) 

"You sound as if you think it might all be over soon. But that is not you. Lagertha doesn't look back. She faces what is to come. And I know you will do that now. For war is coming, and it will be like Ragnarok. Ivar will be like the wolf Fenrir, and flames will dance in his eyes. And he will try to tear the sky apart! No. You wouldn't want to miss that, now, would you?" ()

Král Rybář (2017) (S05E01) 

"If a fool persists in his folly, he can become wise." ()

Země bohů (2017) (S05E02) 

"Oh, you Gods. Not like this. I don't want to die like this. Why have you abandoned me? Heimdall, watchman, you can vouch for me! Tell the other Gods how often I think of them, and how my heart belongs to them." ()

Otčina (2017) (S05E03) 

"I know you're a cripple, Boneless. But let me tell you something. Your deformity means that the gods favor you especially. I've always known that. I always look for people who are born different. Because that's the true sign. You are a very special person. Nobody else here is like you. You are destined for great things." ()

Plán (2017) (S05E04) 

"Yes, you will see him again. But in terrible circumstances. The consequences of Ragnar's death are not yet played out. You have only seen the beginning of the end. So now prepare yourself for what is to come." ()

Zajatec (2017) (S05E05) 

"So, is this an interruption of your journey or is it a part of it?" ()

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