


  • USA Banshee
Trailer 9
USA, (2013–2016), 32 h 32 min (Minutáž: 44–60 min)


Antony Starr, Ivana Milicevic, Ulrich Thomsen, Frankie Faison, Hoon Lee, Rus Blackwell, Lili Simmons, Matt Servitto, Trieste Kelly Dunn, Steve Coulter (více)
(další profese)

VOD (1)

Série(4) / Epizody(38)

Alan Ball, proslulý tvůrce seriálů True Blood - Pravá krev a Odpočívej v pokoji, přináší nové strhující akční drama, které vypráví o bývalém trestanci Lucasi Hoodovi (Antony Starr), jenž se neuvěřitelnou shodou okolností stane šerifem venkovského amišského městečka, když pátrá po ženě, kterou viděl naposledy před patnácti lety. Tehdy se po vyloupení klenotnictví Lucas dobrovolně vzdal policii, aby ona mohla uprchnout. Tato žena nyní žije v Banshee, říká si Carrie Hopewellová (Ivana Milicevicová), je vdaná za místního okresního prokurátora, má s ním dvě děti (z nichž jedno může být Lucasovo) a snaží se žít co nejnenápadněji... Dokud se neobjeví Lucas, jenž otřese celým jejím světěm a oživí staré vášně. Situaci komplikuje skutečnost, že Banshee je prolezlé korupcí a vládne mu amišský suverén Kai Proctor (Ulrich Thomsen), budující zde brutálně impérium postavené na drogách, hazardu a výpalném. Lucas s pomocí bývalého boxera, nyní barmana Sugara Batese (Frankie Faison) dokáže být Kaiovi a jeho gangsterům rovnoceným soupeřem a dokonce se mu podaří nastolit v Banshee jistou míru přísné spravedlnosti. Ovšem Lucasovi stále zůstává chuť loupit a to jeho i Carrie svádí na nebezpečnou cestu pokrytectví, kterou zkříží pomstychtivý Mr. Rabbit (Ben Cross), newyorský gangster, jehož kdysi obrali. (HBO Europe)


Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (43)

Odplata (2014) (S02E08) 

"There's a saying in the restaurant business. Don't buy your meat where you buy your bread and butter." ()

Návrat domů (2014) (S02E09) 

"Look, there is a point at which any one of us will do exactly what Emmett did. It's just a question of what puts us in that situation where the circumstances outweigh the consequences. We go to the station every day and we're supposed to be dealing in justice, but all we're really doing is enforcing a set of rules. But justice, real justice, is personal. Sometimes the only way to get it is with your own two hands." ()

Kulky a slzy (2014) (S02E10) 

"You look at me and remember. Somewhere in the future, there is a bench just like this waiting for you." ()

Season 3 (2015) (S03) 

"Some people... you can know them, before you know about them." ()


Zkouška ohněm (2015) (S03E01) 

"I know, I know, you probably have some Bible verse about leaving revenge to God, but, you see, Emmett, sometimes you cannot wait for God to put the world to right because while you're waiting, the world just keeps going to !@#$%^&*. And when you have a guy like Hood leading the charge, well, God's just gonna have to move a lot faster if He wants to keep up and you can tell Him I said that." ()

Hadi a ti druzí (2015) (S03E02) 

"Adolf Hitler's favorite game was cowboys and Indians. He called the Russians redskins and found inspiration in the white man's ethnic cleansing of our Navajo kin." ()

Kam zmizel Hood? (2015) (S03E03) 

"Well, you could try eating a salad now and then." ()

Život jako noční můra (2015) (S03E04) 

SUGAR - It's the small victories that keep you in the fight. JOB - I know you the Dalai Lama of Mayberry and all that, but that don't mean everything coming out your mouth is wisdom. ()

Kmenová záležitost (2015) (S03E05) 

"I don't know if anyone ever changes, really, but we can evolve, right? I mean, that's what we're trying to do, isn't it? Just become better versions of ourselves." ()

Včera jsme všichni byli někdo jiný (2015) (S03E06) 

"Baby, I ain't talked you out of doing something since nineteen-ninety-never, so I'm going to ask you again. What do you need?" ()

Před mrtvými se neschováš (2015) (S03E07) 

"Look, the man is 6'4" and covered in tribal tats. I can't believe no one has seen him." ()

Nakonec zaplatíme všichni (2015) (S03E10) 

"In order to learn, you have to accept the fact that you don't know anything. Not yet." ()

Season 4 (2016) (S04) 

"Just like old times, huh? Except no one's bleeding. Yet." ()

Úkaz z Bible (2016) (S04E01) 

"You don't want me to come back here." ()

Tíha krásy (2016) (S04E02) 

"The problem with being a pretty girl is that over time you get the idea that you can do or say whatever the fuck you want." ()

Kšeft (2016) (S04E03) 

"You know, I spent nearly two years up in those hills blaming myself for everything that happened. Now, that would have been a big waste of time if this was all your fault." ()

Může být nevinný (2016) (S04E04) 

"We all know the drill. You're going to deny my parole, then go home congratulating yourselves on making the world a safer place. But what you minimum wage pencil dicks can't possibly understand is that however repulsive you seem to think I am, that the darkness swallowing this country whole and coming for you and your half-breed families is a million fucking times worse." ()

Trochu pozdě (2016) (S04E05) 

"My son-in-law's epic fuckup may have given you the unfortunate and grossly inaccurate idea that the Brotherhood might not be able to deliver the muscle you need. But I'm here now and I wanted to show you firsthand I'll be running a much tighter ship." ()

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