

American Crime Story

Trailer 1
USA, (2016–2021), 24 h 48 min (Minutáž: 42–66 min)


Jeffrey Toobin (kniha)


Mac Quayle


Cuba Gooding Jr., Sarah Paulson, Darren Criss, John Travolta, Courtney B. Vance, Penélope Cruz, Selma Blair, David Schwimmer, Édgar Ramírez (více)
(další profese)

Série(3) / Epizody(29)


Režisér Ryan Murphy přináší na televizní obrazovky seriálovou adaptaci bestselleru The Run of His Life: The People v. O.J. Simpson od Jeffreyho Toobina o jednom z největších amerických soudních procesů 20. století. Ten byl veden s americkým fotbalistou, hercem a miláčkem široké americké veřejnosti O.J. Simpsonem ve věci vraždy jeho manželky. Seriál podrobně vykresluje právnický proces i vše, co s ním bylo spojené. Tlak veřejnosti a médií i dlouholeté napjaté vztahy mezi policí a afroamerickou komunitou v Los Angeles. (geklon)


Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (21)

Lid versus O. J. Simpson (2016) (S01) 

"I have no idea what that means, but you know what? It shouldn't matter. He got away with beating her, he's not gonna get away with killing her!" ()

Z popela tragédie (2016) (S01E01) 

"You know, it's remarkable to me how many black folks get shot in the backside while they're attacking. Like they're going backwards and forwards at the same time." ()

Na útěku (2016) (S01E02) 

"Who the hell signs a suicide note with a happy face?" ()

Tým snů (2016) (S01E03) 

"This move may be sleazy and cynical, but it could work. They're trying to take down the LAPD. We have to stop looking at this case as a slam dunk. This article... it's a declaration of war." ()


100% nevinný (2016) (S01E04) 

"You're a man who loves people, who people love right back. You're a man who loves people, who people love right back. That's you. You're a fighter. You're a runner. And when you get knocked down, I need you to pop right back up like you know you can and keep going, because this right here, this right here, O.J. Simpson, is the run of your life." ()

Rasová karta (2016) (S01E05) 

"But when they say "Mayor of Brentwood," I know what they mean when they're saying that. I want you to know I never left anybody behind, Johnnie. I did what I had the right to do. I manifested myself out of a messed up situation. And don't think there weren't people back from where I came from hanging onto the back of my shirts the whole time with their hand out, trying to get me to drag them up, too. But it don't work like that. You got to get it on your own. Nobody can do it for you. And I ain't never apologizing for buying a beautiful house in a beautiful neighborhood. A neighborhood where you don't have people coming over the wall, trying to get at me, take what I earned. I ain't never apologizing for that. Do you hear me?" ()

Konspirační teorie (2016) (S01E07) 

"Here's O.J.'s house. Okay. Furhman made up his mind at Bundy that Simpson did it. Even though he had no idea if O.J. had an iron-clad alibi that would then ruin Furhman's career and land him in jail. Furhman takes the glove at Bundy, makes sure it has Goldman and Nicole's DNA on it, jumps in the car with the other detectives, heads to Rockingham with it, where he gets into the Bronco - *somehow* - getting all that evidence in it, including Simpson's blood. Even though the police didn't *have* Simpson's blood until the next day. Then he goes over the wall, plants the glove behind Kato's room. Then, with the help of the rest of his super-secret cabal of O.J.-hating racist cops, he starts getting everything just so, just where it needs to be. Nicole and Ron and O.J.'s blood into O.J.'s bedroom. O.J's blood back to Bundy. Oh, and O.J's Bronco's fibres back to Bundy, too. Oh, and they don't forget to get rid of the *real* killer's blood from the back gate, no, no, no, and replace it with O.J.'s blood. Then O.J's sock, they get that back to Bundy to pick up all the blood, and then get that sucker right back to Rockingham, too. These guys are a well-oiled conspiracy machine after all. All this during a time when everyone involved is under the most relentless media scrutiny in American history." ()

Uvězněná porota (2016) (S01E08) 

"Actually, it wasn't legally rape in '88. I mean between a husband and wife." ()

Dar z nebes (2016) (S01E09) 

"It's hard to be hated by both sides. It takes a man of certain character." ()

Verdikt (2016) (S01E10) 

"My God, they've discussed this case less than anybody in America." ()

Versace (2018) (S02) 

"It's not about persuading people that you're going to do something great. It's about doing it." ()

Muž, který žil módou (2018) (S02E01) 

"I learned that from my mother. She was a dressmaker. She had a little store in Calabria. My mother, she would stand with her clients who she considered her friends in front of the mirror and study their expressions. Not the fabric, not the dress. Their faces and only when they were happy, only when they smile, when they relax, her work was complete. My clothes serve you, darling. I work for you. I'm not important. It's you, it's all about you." ()

Pátrání (2018) (S02E02) 

"I am not a villain. And he's not a saint." ()

Třetí oběť (2018) (S02E03) 

"Tell me something, Lee, what terrifies you more, death or being disgraced?" ()

Dům u jezera (2018) (S02E04) 

"I promise you no one else will get hurt, as long as you're by my side." ()

Neptej se, nic neříkej (2018) (S02E05) 

"I was sick. And I didn't die. I have a second chance. It's a miracle that I'm alive. And yet I ask myself every day, what have I done to deserve this? Why am I still here? To be afraid? No. I'm alive and I must use it." ()

Na dně (2018) (S02E06) 

"Not the only difference, sir. I'm loved." ()

Vzestup (2018) (S02E07) 

"This dress is not my legacy. You are." ()

Sladká minulost (2018) (S02E08) 

"I see you watching me work. There is no need to hide. Let me see. I wanted to be a doctor when I was your age. My father told me, "That's no job for a woman. " So I became a dressmaker. At the same time, I vowed I would never tell my children what job they should do. You must do what you love, Gianni. What you feel inside here. But it takes hard work and practice. You must learn how to sew, how to understand the fabrics. I'll teach you, if you want." ()

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