

Star Trek: Enterprise

USA, (2001–2005), 68 h 44 min (Minutáž: 42–92 min)


Scott Bakula, John Billingsley, Jolene Blalock, Dominic Keating, Anthony Montgomery, Linda Park, Connor Trinneer, Vaughn Armstrong, Gary Graham (více)
(další profese)

VOD (1)

Série(4) / Epizody(97)

Píše se 22. století, což je skoro sto let před tím, než James T. Kirk zaujme své místo v pionýrských dobách prozkoumávání vesmíru. Lidé ještě nemají k dispozici štíty, Federace dosud neexistuje, mezihvězdné transportéry se používají pouze pro přepravu nákladu. Za těchto podmínek se do vesmíru vydává posádka první lodi, jíž velí kapitán Jonathan Archer, prototyp kapitánů hvězdné flotily, kteří teprve přijdou; je statečný, zvídavý, dychtivý a odváží se tam, kam člověk dosud nevkročil. Na rozdíl od ostřílených důstojníků 24. století, které hned tak něco nepřekvapí, posádka ENTERPRISE dává najevo údiv, vzrušení i obavy z podivných věcí, s nimiž se setkává. Hvězdné mapy jsou prozatím většinou prázdné a oni musí prokázat, že jsou připraveni na život v hlubinách vesmíru. (oficiální text distributora)


Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (102)

V exilu (2003) (S03E06) 

"These are the locations where we've encountered spatial anomalies. I analysed the sensor logs from the Xindi database. These are the co-ordinates where that vessel was affected... I ran a vector analysis of the gravimetric waves coming from the sphere we discovered. The interference patterns implied another wave source." ()

Zásilka (2003) (S03E07) 

"There was a sixth species, the avians. They've been gone since the war. Extinct. As far as I'm told, none of them fled before our homeworld was destroyed. The war went on for nearly a hundred years. The sides changed, alliances were forged and then broken. By the time it ended I doubt any of the six species remembered what started it, but everyone remembered what ended it. As well as being unstable politically, our planet was even more unstable geologically. In a final desperate act, the insectoids and reptilians detonated massive explosions beneath the eight largest seismic fissures. I'd like to think they didn't realise how devastating the result would be. My grandfather lived there. He told me of places where the sky was sometimes filled with avians. Now they're gone." ()

Soumrak (2003) (S03E08) 

"This will be difficult for you to accept, but that was twelve years ago." ()

Severka (2003) (S03E09) 

"The progress on Earth, it didn't happen overnight." ()


Symbiont (2003) (S03E10) 

"Lucky for me Denobulans require little sleep. I'm at a loss as to how human adults endure the REM cycle interruptions that accompany the teething stage." ()

Laboratoř v Carpenter Street (2003) (S03E11) 

"In one individual we've managed to find the worst qualities of this era: greed, violence, moral corruption." ()

Říše vyvolených (2003) (S03E12) 

"Scientific progress has led many people to stray." ()

Zkušební oblast (2004) (S03E13) 

"Captain Archer. Look at the trouble you've gotten your pink skin into this time." ()

Válečná lest (2004) (S03E14) 

It's been a while since you referred to those overgrown grasshoppers as "your own people". ()

Předzvěst (2004) (S03E15) 

"A canary. On Earth, miners used to take canaries into the tunnels with them. If the canary didn't die, the miners knew the air would be safe to breathe, and they could proceed." ()

Na radu lékaře (2004) (S03E16) 

"I should never've let Mr. Tucker talk me into watching 'The Exorcist' last week." ()

Líheň (2004) (S03E17) 

"I think it's time we threw the rule book out the window." ()

Azati Jedna (2004) (S03E18) 

"Patience is for the dead." ()

Nevratné škody (2004) (S03E19) 

"We've run out of moons to hide behind." ()

Zapomenuté (2004) (S03E20) 

"The Reptilians are correct about one thing, Captain: you have an impressive facility for deception." ()

(2004) (S03E21) 

"Starfleet will be glad to hear Enterprise was built to last." ()

Rada (2004) (S03E22) 

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." ()

Odpočet (2004) (S03E23) 

"Before your primate brain is too badly damaged to understand, I want to thank you for helping us destroy your world." ()

Hodina H (2004) (S03E24) 

"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst." ()

Série 4 (2004) (S04) 

"Whenever a group of people start believing they're better than everyone else, the results are always the same." ()

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