


Trailer 10
USA, (2014–2019), 72 h 58 min (Minutáž: 42–50 min)


Bruno Heller


Bob Kane (komiks), Bill Finger (komiks)


Ben McKenzie, Donal Logue, Jada Pinkett Smith, Camren Bicondova, Robin Lord Taylor, Andrew Stewart-Jones, John Doman, Cory Michael Smith, Sean Pertwee (více)
(další profese)

Série(5) / Epizody(100)

Dlouho předtím, než se stane komisařem, se policejní zelenáč James Gordon postaví zločinu a korupci v Gotham City a chce pomstít vraždu rodičů Bruce Wayna. (Netflix)

Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (60)

Souzeni budou všichni (2017) (S03E19) 

"How come no one never hides something in a place I actually like to search, like a brewery or a strip club." ()

Půvabný automat na nenávist (2017) (S03E20) 

"Well, let's see. I was alive and then I was dead. And then I was alive. Things are looking up. My, my, my. Now, this is quite a gathering. You have to love Gotham, people always pointing guns at each other." ()

Volání osudu (2017) (S03E21) 

"No. No, that's not real. What's real is that every time that you were sick when you were a kid your mum used to sit up with you all night and read till you fell asleep, that's real. Or when you were 7 and you took your silly rowing boat and you got lost in that storm, and me and your dad were out shouting, screaming, losing our minds. And when your dad found you, how he cried. That's real. Yes, your parents died in that alley three years ago, and maybe that man took away the pain of that night, but there is no life, there is no love, without pain! He could not touch the love your mum and dad gave you; that you still have in you." ()

Těžkášpinaváduše (2017) (S03E22) 

"Penguin, Nygma, Tetch on the same place for high stakes hostage swap? What could possibly go wrong?" ()


A Dark Knight (2017) (S04) 

"I can show the people of Gotham that standing up to terror is the only way to take its power away." ()

Pax Penguina (2017) (S04E01) 

"There is a time for masks, and there is a time for Bruce Wayne." ()

Žnec děsu (2017) (S04E02) 

"Jonathan Crane is no more. Call me by my true name.The scarecrow!" ()

Ti s maskami (2017) (S04E03) 

"You came looking for a gangster, that's exactly what you found." ()

Démonova hlava (2017) (S04E04) 

"Can we please just torture them now?" ()

Cesta meče (2017) (S04E05) 

"Rest in peace, Butch Gilzean.Cyrus Gold. Whoever the hell you are." ()

Den v úžině (2017) (S04E07) 

"Second one's my signature." ()

Přestaň se mlátit (2017) (S04E08) 

"You cannot do things like that. Your enemies will know it was you." ()

Jen ať si dají (2017) (S04E09) 

"You have it coming, you have it coming. You only have yourself to blame. If you'd have been fair, if you'd have been keen, I bet ya these pies wouldn't taste the same." ()

Věci, které dělají bum (2017) (S04E10) 

"You were wise to use the boy. As you know my heart is my greatest weakness. But I will not allow him to be used as a pawn in your game anymore." ()

Královna bere jezdce (2017) (S04E11) 

"From the first day I put on the badge, I was told things can never change. Gotham was corrupt. GCPD was corrupt. Criminals and lowlives ran things. You just showed me different. Penguin will be coming. It's time we show Gotham who we are. Suit up!" ()

Střepy zrcadla (2018) (S04E12) 

"I liked you better when you were making tea." ()

Krásná temnota (2018) (S04E13) 

"Wow, what a boring story. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's someone boring. The last person who bored me was Dietrich. I had to sneak into his shock therapy session and goose the juice. Now he pees himself ten times a day, and sometimes, uh poos himself." ()

Shledání (2018) (S04E14) 

"What has two eyes but can't see?" ()

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