

Agenti S.H.I.E.L.D.

  • USA Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (více)
USA, (2013–2020), 97 h 8 min (Minutáž: 41–45 min)


Stan Lee (komiks), Jack Kirby (komiks)


Clark Gregg, Ming-Na Wen, Chloe Bennet, Elizabeth Henstridge, Iain De Caestecker, Brett Dalton, Nick Blood, Henry Simmons, Adrianne Palicki, Luke Mitchell (více)
(další profese)

VOD (1)

Série(7) / Epizody(136)

Existence superhrdinů a mimozemšťanů se stala veřejně známou a svět se snaží vyrovnat s touto novou realitou. Pod vedením agenta Phila Coulsona tak vzniká nový tým specializovaných mužů tajné organizace S.H.I.E.L.D, kteří se s touto realitou musí utkat. (TV Nova)

Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (144)

Watchdogs (2016) (S03E14) 

"Have you been working out? 'Cause it weighs, like, 100,000 tons. It's a building." ()

Časoprostor (2016) (S03E15) 

"I refuse to believe anything is completely inevitable." ()

Ztracený ráj (2016) (S03E16) 

"So Hydra's in the oil business now? It's like they're not even trying to avoid the bad guy clichés." ()


Tým (2016) (S03E17) 

"I mean, all the ancient Satanic creation myths, they were based on him, which you knew." ()

Singularita (2016) (S03E18) 

"Most parasites have one goal ... attack and weaken its host. But Hive does the opposite. Its parasites swarm the brain's pleasure center, releasing so much dopamine that infected Inhumans not only feel bulletproof, they actually are." ()

Nezdařené experimenty (2016) (S03E19) 

"The world fears our kind of power because not everyone has it. Only billionaires can build iron suits. Only the military can make super soldiers, which can only lead to a war of its own. Whereas I plan to apply a more... collectivist philosophy." ()

Osvobození (2016) (S03E20) 

That's how evil wins. When good people begin to, uh... doubt, and run the other way instead of stand up and fight. You see it everywhere. In Colombia we have a saying: "El mal presas los débiles porque miedos fuertes." (Evil preys on the weak because it fears the strong) ()

Rozhřešení (2016) (S03E21) 

"Memory is the scribe of the soul." Aristotle ()

Nanebevstoupení (2016) (S03E22) 

"I have a weapon in place on this plane that's designed to kill you. So if you shoot me, I can't tell you what that is. But you won't see it coming." ()

Série 4 (2016) (S04) 

"Smart people are stupid." ()

Duch (2016) (S04E01) 

"You want tech like this, you should've cut off your own hand." ()

Povstání (2016) (S04E03) 

"You know what's a good light source? A guy with a flaming head." ()

Vězení (2016) (S04E05) 

"Ghost busted." ()

Dobrý samaritán (2016) (S04E06) 

"Geese? I have zero geese. We are goose-free." ()

Podej ruku ďáblu (2016) (S04E07) 

MACE: "First we sharpen the ax, and then we chop the tree." MACK: "My ax is plenty sharp... . and a shotgun." ()

Zákony pekelné dynamiky (2016) (S04E08) 

"I mean, forget about the fact that I was mildly attracted to her." ()

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