

Agenti S.H.I.E.L.D.

  • USA Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (více)
USA, (2013–2020), 97 h 8 min (Minutáž: 41–45 min)


Stan Lee (komiks), Jack Kirby (komiks)


Clark Gregg, Ming-Na Wen, Chloe Bennet, Elizabeth Henstridge, Iain De Caestecker, Brett Dalton, Nick Blood, Henry Simmons, Adrianne Palicki, Luke Mitchell (více)
(další profese)

VOD (1)

Série(7) / Epizody(136)

Existence superhrdinů a mimozemšťanů se stala veřejně známou a svět se snaží vyrovnat s touto novou realitou. Pod vedením agenta Phila Coulsona tak vzniká nový tým specializovaných mužů tajné organizace S.H.I.E.L.D, kteří se s touto realitou musí utkat. (TV Nova)

Recenze uživatele Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (144)

Vlastenec (2017) (S04E10) 

"And you... hey!... with the hair. Get me a coffee." ()

Probuzení (2017) (S04E11) 

"What? No! No! No, there'll be no planting, no eyeing, no Yo-Yo-ing!" ()

Horká bramboračka (2017) (S04E12) 

"I picked on them. It was fun. The laundry was disgusting. Enough DNA to make a clone army." ()

BOOM (2017) (S04E13) 

"I know. If felt the same way when I started working with the Avengers. It's not easy to find your place when you're working with heroes and gods. I did my best to protect the team. Turns out I had a role to play. You'll make the right decision at the right time. Or... you'll get an Asgardian staff through the chest. I'd try to avoid that part." ()


Muž za štítem (2017) (S04E14) 

"As far as I'm concerned, you're just another red shirt like so many others who tried unsuccessfully to stop me from saving the world . 'Cause that's what I do. So... cool origin story, bro, but this means nothing to me." ()

Sebeovládání (2017) (S04E15) 

"I still have my mind but know exactly what I am. And more importantly, I understand a basic truth that you don't realize yet. That our bodies don't matter." ()

Co když... (2017) (S04E16) 

"And this is who you woke up with? You two were together? Oh, this isn't the Framework. This is Hell." ()

Identita a změna (2017) (S04E17) 

"That blue soap everyone uses? Hydra loads it up with chemicals. It seeps into our bloodstream. Implants false memories into our brains. They want us to believe this is a magical place. But don't worry, I'm clear. I make my own soap now." ()

Bez výčitek (2017) (S04E18) 

"Okay, I gotta ask. What is it about that guy? Every time I see him, I get this weird itch, like hives. Did we get along?" ()

Všichni madamini muži (2017) (S04E19) 

"Don't you snap at me, boy. If I wanted you hysterical at every setback, I would have left you with your mother." ()

Návrat (2017) (S04E21) 

"We call him the Russian because, you know, he's Russian." ()

Konec světa (2017) (S04E22) 

"I have a cybernetic hand, I've been to another planet. This stuff happens in S.H.I.E.L.D." ()

Série 5 (2017) (S05) 

"Wake up! Me obeying you, that is weakness! You with your blind faith, with this stupid tradition, that's weakness!" ()

Orientace (2. část) (2017) (S05E02) 

"What about all the dangers - earthquakes, floods, sharknados? Feels safer inside, no?" ()

Život vynaložený (2017) (S05E03) 

GRILL: "I knew someone was stealing, squirreling things away." MACK: "Like you know what a squirrel is." ()

Život získaný (2017) (S05E04) 

"No. This is the part where May breaks your face. You explaining - kind of secondary." ()

Přetočení (2017) (S05E05) 

"Chasing a beer truck. I like this plan." ()

Hry a zábava (2018) (S05E06) 

"No, he's just cool." ()

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